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Kalamar örneklerinde tekstürel bozulmanın tespiti: üç farklı aracın mikrobiyolojik, görsel ve fiziko-kimyasal analizlerle desteklenmesi

Year 2021, Volume: 38 Issue: 3, 263 - 268, 15.09.2021


Bu çalışmanın amacı, 4 ºC'de depolanan kalamar örneklerinde toplam mezofilik aerobik bakteri sayısı (TMABc), pH ve bazı görsel duyusal özelliklerin desteklediği sertlik, kohezyon, yaylanma ve yapışma gibi dokusal profil değişikliklerini ortaya çıkarmaktır. Tekstürel değişiklikleri daha net gözlemlemek için Brookfield Tekstür Analiz cihazının TA7, TA9 ve TA18 kodlu üç farklı aracı kullanılmıştır. Depolama günleri arasındaki TMABc 4,32 log KOB/g'dan 6,32 log KOB/g’a ulaşmıştır. TA18 ve TA9 araçlarıyla tespit edilen kalamar numunelerinin sertlik değeri artarken TA7'den elde edilen sertlik değeri daha yüksek olmuştur. Kalamar örneklerinde kohezif yapışkanlık değerindeki en yüksek değişiklik TA9 aracı ile ~%63 olarak tanımlanmıştır. TA9 tarafından tespit edilen elastikiyet değerleri, 4,9 mm'den 2,1 mm'ye keskin bir şekilde düşerken, TA7 ve TA18'in değerleri daha yumuşak bir azalış göstermiştir. Adezif yapışkanlık değerinde en fazla artış (0.08 mJ'den 0.21 mJ'ye) TA7 aracıyla elde edilmiştir. Tekstürel değişimlerle birlikte, pH değeri artmış, üründe bölgesel kararma veya sarı lekeler gözlemlenmiştir. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları, kalamar örneklerinin kalite değişikliklerini belirlemede, özellikle TA18 aracının mikrobiyolojik ve fiziko-kimyasal analizlerle, daha ileri kalamar doku çalışmalarına rehberlik edebileceğini ortaya koymuştur.


  • Alasalvar, C., Taylor, K. D. A., Öksüz, A., Garthwaite, T., Alexis, M. N. & Grigorakis, K. (2001). Freshness assessment of cultured sea bream (Sparus aurata) by chemical, physical and sensory methods. Food Chemistry, 72(1), 33–40. DOI: 10.1016/S0308-8146(00)00196-5
  • Armani, M., Civettini, M., Conedera, G., Favretti, M., Lombardo, D., Lucchini, R., Paternolli S, Pezzuto A, Rabini M. & Arcangeli, G. (2016). Evaluation of hygienic quality and labelling of fish distributed in public canteens of Northeast Italy. Italian Journal of Food Safety, 5(4). DOI: 10.4081/ijfs.2016.5723
  • Ceylan, Z. (2014). The effect of nisin and irradiation combination on the shelf life of cold stored fish (Master Thesis). Istanbul University Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Department of Seafood Processing Technology.
  • Ceylan, Z. & Meral, R. (2018). Determination of textural and color parameters of fish fillets stored at refrigerated conditions. International Journal of Scientific and Technological Research, 4(10), 320–326.
  • Ceylan, Z., Meral, R., Alav, A., Karakas, C. Y. & Yilmaz, M. T. (2020a). Determination of textural deterioration in fish meat processed with electrospun nanofibers. Journal of Texture Studies, 15(6), 917-924. DOI: 10.1111/jtxs.12548
  • Ceylan, Z., Meral, R., Kose, S., Sengor, G., Akinay, Y., Durmus, M. & Ucar, Y. (2020b). Characterized nano-size curcumin and rosemary oil for the limitation microbial spoilage of rainbow trout fillets. LWT, 134, 109965. DOI: 10.1016/j.lwt.2020.109965
  • Ceylan, Z., Unal Sengor, G. F., Basahel, A. & Yilmaz, M. T. (2018). Determination of quality parameters of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) fillets coated with electrospun nanofibers. Journal of Food Safety, 38(6), 1–7. DOI: 10.1111/jfs.12518
  • Cheng, J. H., Sun, D. W., Han, Z. & Zeng, X. A. (2014). Texture and structure measurements and analyses for evaluation of fish and fillet freshness quality: A review. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 13(1), 52–61. DOI: 10.1111/1541-4337.12043
  • Chéret, R., Chapleau, N., Delbarre-Ladrat, C., Verrez-Bagnis, V. & de Lamballerie, M. (2005). Effects of high pressure on texture and microstructure of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) fillets. Journal of Food Science, 70(8), e477–e483. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2621.2005.tb11518.x
  • Dunnewind, B., Janssen, A. M., van Vliet, T. & Weehen, H. (2004). Relative importance of cohesion and adhesion for sensory stickiness of semisolid foods. Journal of Texture Studies, 35(6), 603–620. DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-4603.2004.35512.x
  • Ertaş, N. & Doğruer, Y. (2010). Besinlerde Tekstür. Journal of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Erciyes University, 7(1), 35–42. Retrieved from (14.08.2020).
  • Fazlara, A., Yavari, V., Abhari Segonbad, H. & Rajabzadeh Ghatromi, E. (2014). Predictive models for evaluation of mesophilic and psychrophilic bacterial loads in muscles of fresh ice-stored silver pomfret by impediometric technique. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 13(2), 303–318. DOI: 10.22092/IJFS.2018.114358
  • Gokoglu, N., Topuz, O. K., Gokoglu, M. & Tokay, F. G. (2017). Characterization of protein functionality and texture of tumbled squid, octopus and cuttlefish muscles. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 11(4), 1699–1705. DOI: 10.1007/s11694-017-9550-1
  • Jain, D., Pathare, P. B. & Manikantan, M. R. (2007). Evaluation of texture parameters of Rohu fish (Labeo rohita) during iced storage. Journal of Food Engineering, 81(2), 336–340. DOI: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2006.11.006
  • Kim, M. K., Mah, J. H. & Hwang, H. J. (2009). Biogenic amine formation and bacterial contribution in fish, squid and shellfish. Food Chemistry, 116(1), 87–95. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2009.02.010
  • Márquez-Ríos, E., Morán-Palacio, E. F., Lugo-Sánchez, M. E., Ocano-Higuera, V. M. & Pacheco-Aguilar, R. (2007). Postmortem Biochemical Behavior of Giant Squid (Dosidicus gigas) Mantle Muscle Stored in Ice and its Relation with Quality Parameters. Journal of Food Science, 72(7), C356–C362. DOI: 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2007.00468.x
  • Maturin, L. & Peeler, J.T. (2001). Aerobic plate count. In L. Maturin & J. T. Peeler. BAM: Bacteriological Analytical Manual (Chapter 3). Maryland: U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved from ucm063346.htm
  • Mousavi, M., Heshmati, A., Daraei Garmakhany, A., Vahidinia, A. & Taheri, M. (2019). Texture and sensory characterization of functional yogurt supplemented with flaxseed during cold storage. Food Science & Nutrition, 7(3), 907–917. DOI: 10.1002/fsn3.805
  • Narasimha Murthy, L., Phadke, G. G., Jeyakumari, A., Parvathy, U. & Visnuvinayagam, S. (2018). Biochemical, textural and microbiological quality of squid stored under conventional and slurry ice during onboard fishing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 88(4), 1647–1653. DOI: 10.1007/s40011-017-0916-2
  • Rodrigues, B. L., da Costa, M. P., da Silva Frasão, B., da Silva, F. A., Mársico, E. T., da Silveira Alvares, T. & Conte-Junior, C. A. (2017). Instrumental texture parameters as freshness indicators in five farmed Brazilian freshwater fish species. Food Analytical Methods, 10(11), 3589–3599. DOI: 10.1007/s12161-017-0926-y
  • Shalini, R., Shakila, R. J., Jeyasekaran, G. & Jeevithan, E. (2015). Sensory, biochemical and bacteriological properties of octopus (Cistopus indicus) stored in ice. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52(10), 6763–6769. DOI: 10.1007/s13197-015-1751-1
  • Sungsri-in, R., Benjakul, S. & Kijroongrojana, K. (2011). Pink discoloration and quality changes of squid (Loligo formosana) during iced storage. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 44(1), 206–213. DOI: 10.1016/j.lwt.2010.06.022
  • Sutikno, L. A., Bashir, K. M. I., Kim, H., Park, Y., Won, N. E., An, J. H. & Kim, J. S. (2019). Improvement in physicochemical, microbial, and sensory properties of common squid (Todarodes pacificus Steenstrup) by superheated steam roasting in combination with smoking treatment. Journal of Food Quality, 1-5. DOI: 10.1155/2019/8721725
  • Oberg, C. (2020). Types of Microorganisms in Food and Food Spoilage. Retrieved from: (14.08.2020).
  • Ünal Şengör, G. F., Balaban, M. O., Topaloğlu, B., Ayvaz, Z., Ceylan, Z. & Doğruyol, H. (2019). Color assessment by different techniques of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) during cold storage. Food Science and Technology, 39(3), 696–703. DOI: 10.1590/fst.02018
  • Watters, C. A., Sloss, K., Leung, P., Edmonds, C. M., Rosner, L. S. & Sloss, K. P. (2012). A Cost Analysis of EPA and DHA in Fish, Supplements, and Foods. Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences, 2(8), 1-5. DOI:10.4172/2155-9600.1000159
  • Yu, D., Xu, Y., Jiang, Q., Yang, F. & Xia, W. (2017). Freshness assessment of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) fillets during stroage at 4 °C by physicochemical, microbiological and sensorial evaluations. Journal of Food Safety, 37(2), e12305. DOI: 10.1111/jfs.12305

Definition of textural deterioration in squid samples: three different tools supported by microbial, visual and physico-chemical analysis

Year 2021, Volume: 38 Issue: 3, 263 - 268, 15.09.2021


The aim of the present study was to reveal the textural profile changes like hardness, cohesiveness, springiness, and adhesion supported by total mesophilic aerobic bacteria count (TMABc), pH, and some visual sensory characteristics in squid samples stored at 4 ºC. Three different Brookfield Texture Analyzer tools, named TA7, TA9, and TA18 were used to observe the textural changes more clearly. The difference of TMABc between the storage days reached from 4.32 log CFU/g to 6.32 log CFU/g. The hardness value of the squid samples, detected by TA18 and TA9 tools, increased while the hardness value obtained from TA7 was higher. The highest change in cohesiveness value in the squid samples was defined by the TA9 tool as ~63%. Once springiness values detected by TA9 were sharply decreased from 4.9 mm to 2.1 mm, those of TA7 and TA18 were slowly decreased. The most increase in adhesion value (0.08 mJ to 0.21 mJ) was obtained in the TA7 tool. Depending on the textural quality changes, the pH value was increased, and as visual and sensory, dark, or yellow spots were observed. The present study results revealed that especially the TA18 tool could be effectively used to determine the quality changes of the squid samples. 


  • Alasalvar, C., Taylor, K. D. A., Öksüz, A., Garthwaite, T., Alexis, M. N. & Grigorakis, K. (2001). Freshness assessment of cultured sea bream (Sparus aurata) by chemical, physical and sensory methods. Food Chemistry, 72(1), 33–40. DOI: 10.1016/S0308-8146(00)00196-5
  • Armani, M., Civettini, M., Conedera, G., Favretti, M., Lombardo, D., Lucchini, R., Paternolli S, Pezzuto A, Rabini M. & Arcangeli, G. (2016). Evaluation of hygienic quality and labelling of fish distributed in public canteens of Northeast Italy. Italian Journal of Food Safety, 5(4). DOI: 10.4081/ijfs.2016.5723
  • Ceylan, Z. (2014). The effect of nisin and irradiation combination on the shelf life of cold stored fish (Master Thesis). Istanbul University Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Department of Seafood Processing Technology.
  • Ceylan, Z. & Meral, R. (2018). Determination of textural and color parameters of fish fillets stored at refrigerated conditions. International Journal of Scientific and Technological Research, 4(10), 320–326.
  • Ceylan, Z., Meral, R., Alav, A., Karakas, C. Y. & Yilmaz, M. T. (2020a). Determination of textural deterioration in fish meat processed with electrospun nanofibers. Journal of Texture Studies, 15(6), 917-924. DOI: 10.1111/jtxs.12548
  • Ceylan, Z., Meral, R., Kose, S., Sengor, G., Akinay, Y., Durmus, M. & Ucar, Y. (2020b). Characterized nano-size curcumin and rosemary oil for the limitation microbial spoilage of rainbow trout fillets. LWT, 134, 109965. DOI: 10.1016/j.lwt.2020.109965
  • Ceylan, Z., Unal Sengor, G. F., Basahel, A. & Yilmaz, M. T. (2018). Determination of quality parameters of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) fillets coated with electrospun nanofibers. Journal of Food Safety, 38(6), 1–7. DOI: 10.1111/jfs.12518
  • Cheng, J. H., Sun, D. W., Han, Z. & Zeng, X. A. (2014). Texture and structure measurements and analyses for evaluation of fish and fillet freshness quality: A review. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 13(1), 52–61. DOI: 10.1111/1541-4337.12043
  • Chéret, R., Chapleau, N., Delbarre-Ladrat, C., Verrez-Bagnis, V. & de Lamballerie, M. (2005). Effects of high pressure on texture and microstructure of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) fillets. Journal of Food Science, 70(8), e477–e483. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2621.2005.tb11518.x
  • Dunnewind, B., Janssen, A. M., van Vliet, T. & Weehen, H. (2004). Relative importance of cohesion and adhesion for sensory stickiness of semisolid foods. Journal of Texture Studies, 35(6), 603–620. DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-4603.2004.35512.x
  • Ertaş, N. & Doğruer, Y. (2010). Besinlerde Tekstür. Journal of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Erciyes University, 7(1), 35–42. Retrieved from (14.08.2020).
  • Fazlara, A., Yavari, V., Abhari Segonbad, H. & Rajabzadeh Ghatromi, E. (2014). Predictive models for evaluation of mesophilic and psychrophilic bacterial loads in muscles of fresh ice-stored silver pomfret by impediometric technique. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 13(2), 303–318. DOI: 10.22092/IJFS.2018.114358
  • Gokoglu, N., Topuz, O. K., Gokoglu, M. & Tokay, F. G. (2017). Characterization of protein functionality and texture of tumbled squid, octopus and cuttlefish muscles. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 11(4), 1699–1705. DOI: 10.1007/s11694-017-9550-1
  • Jain, D., Pathare, P. B. & Manikantan, M. R. (2007). Evaluation of texture parameters of Rohu fish (Labeo rohita) during iced storage. Journal of Food Engineering, 81(2), 336–340. DOI: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2006.11.006
  • Kim, M. K., Mah, J. H. & Hwang, H. J. (2009). Biogenic amine formation and bacterial contribution in fish, squid and shellfish. Food Chemistry, 116(1), 87–95. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2009.02.010
  • Márquez-Ríos, E., Morán-Palacio, E. F., Lugo-Sánchez, M. E., Ocano-Higuera, V. M. & Pacheco-Aguilar, R. (2007). Postmortem Biochemical Behavior of Giant Squid (Dosidicus gigas) Mantle Muscle Stored in Ice and its Relation with Quality Parameters. Journal of Food Science, 72(7), C356–C362. DOI: 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2007.00468.x
  • Maturin, L. & Peeler, J.T. (2001). Aerobic plate count. In L. Maturin & J. T. Peeler. BAM: Bacteriological Analytical Manual (Chapter 3). Maryland: U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved from ucm063346.htm
  • Mousavi, M., Heshmati, A., Daraei Garmakhany, A., Vahidinia, A. & Taheri, M. (2019). Texture and sensory characterization of functional yogurt supplemented with flaxseed during cold storage. Food Science & Nutrition, 7(3), 907–917. DOI: 10.1002/fsn3.805
  • Narasimha Murthy, L., Phadke, G. G., Jeyakumari, A., Parvathy, U. & Visnuvinayagam, S. (2018). Biochemical, textural and microbiological quality of squid stored under conventional and slurry ice during onboard fishing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 88(4), 1647–1653. DOI: 10.1007/s40011-017-0916-2
  • Rodrigues, B. L., da Costa, M. P., da Silva Frasão, B., da Silva, F. A., Mársico, E. T., da Silveira Alvares, T. & Conte-Junior, C. A. (2017). Instrumental texture parameters as freshness indicators in five farmed Brazilian freshwater fish species. Food Analytical Methods, 10(11), 3589–3599. DOI: 10.1007/s12161-017-0926-y
  • Shalini, R., Shakila, R. J., Jeyasekaran, G. & Jeevithan, E. (2015). Sensory, biochemical and bacteriological properties of octopus (Cistopus indicus) stored in ice. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52(10), 6763–6769. DOI: 10.1007/s13197-015-1751-1
  • Sungsri-in, R., Benjakul, S. & Kijroongrojana, K. (2011). Pink discoloration and quality changes of squid (Loligo formosana) during iced storage. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 44(1), 206–213. DOI: 10.1016/j.lwt.2010.06.022
  • Sutikno, L. A., Bashir, K. M. I., Kim, H., Park, Y., Won, N. E., An, J. H. & Kim, J. S. (2019). Improvement in physicochemical, microbial, and sensory properties of common squid (Todarodes pacificus Steenstrup) by superheated steam roasting in combination with smoking treatment. Journal of Food Quality, 1-5. DOI: 10.1155/2019/8721725
  • Oberg, C. (2020). Types of Microorganisms in Food and Food Spoilage. Retrieved from: (14.08.2020).
  • Ünal Şengör, G. F., Balaban, M. O., Topaloğlu, B., Ayvaz, Z., Ceylan, Z. & Doğruyol, H. (2019). Color assessment by different techniques of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) during cold storage. Food Science and Technology, 39(3), 696–703. DOI: 10.1590/fst.02018
  • Watters, C. A., Sloss, K., Leung, P., Edmonds, C. M., Rosner, L. S. & Sloss, K. P. (2012). A Cost Analysis of EPA and DHA in Fish, Supplements, and Foods. Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences, 2(8), 1-5. DOI:10.4172/2155-9600.1000159
  • Yu, D., Xu, Y., Jiang, Q., Yang, F. & Xia, W. (2017). Freshness assessment of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) fillets during stroage at 4 °C by physicochemical, microbiological and sensorial evaluations. Journal of Food Safety, 37(2), e12305. DOI: 10.1111/jfs.12305
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Zafer Ceylan 0000-0002-6527-4382

Turgay Çetinkaya 0000-0003-2962-1241

Publication Date September 15, 2021
Submission Date February 6, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021Volume: 38 Issue: 3


APA Ceylan, Z., & Çetinkaya, T. (2021). Definition of textural deterioration in squid samples: three different tools supported by microbial, visual and physico-chemical analysis. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 38(3), 263-268.