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L.,1758) by using microencapsulated feed.

Yıl 2006, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 101 - 106, 01.03.2006



  • Alarcon, F.J., F.J. Moyano, M. Diaz, C. Fernandez-Diaz, M. Yufera. 1999. Optimization of the protein fraction of microcapsules used in feeding of marine fish larvae using in vitro digestibility techniques. Aquaculture Nutrition, Vol:5, pp:107-113.
  • Cahu, C.L., J. Zambonino Infante, P. Quazuguel, M.M. Le Gall. 1999. Protein hydrolysate vs. fish meal in compound diets for 10-day old sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax larvae. Aquaculture 171, 109– 119.
  • Cahu,C.L., J. Zambonino Infante. 2001. Substitution of live food by formulated diets in marine fish larvae. Aquaculture, Vol:200, pp:161-180.
  • Cahu,C.L., J. Zambonino Infante.1995. Effect of molecular form of dietary nitrogen supply in sea bass larvae: Response of pancreatic enzymes and intestinal peptidases. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. Vol:14, No:3, pp: 209-214
  • Cahu,C.L., J. Zambonino Infante. 1997. Is the digestive capacity of marine fish larvae sufficient for compound diet feeding? Aquaculture Interbational, Vol:5,pp:151
  • Candreva, P. P. Dhert, A. Novelli, D. Brissi. 1996. Potential gains through alimentation/nutrition improvements in the hatchery. In: Seabass and Seabream Culture: Problems and Prospects. An International Workshop, Verona, Italy, October 16-18, 1996. B. Chatain, M.Sargolia, J.Sweetman, P. Lavens (Eds). European Aquaculture Society, Oosende, Belgium, 388 pp:149-159
  • Coves,D., G. Dewavrin, G. Brevil, N. Devauchelle. 1991. Culture Of Seabass (Dicentrarchus Labrax). Pp:289-303, in Mcvey Editor.CRC Handbook Of Mariculture.
  • Fernandez-Diaz, C., M. Yufera. 1997. Detecting growth in gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata L., larvae fed microcapsules. Aquaculture, Vol:153, pp:93- 102.
  • Fontagne´, S., J., Robin, G., Corraze, P., Bergot. 2000. Growth and survival of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae fed from first feeding on compound diets containing medium-chain triacylglycerols. Aquaculture 190, 261–271.
  • Han, K., I., Geurden, P., Sorgeloos. 2000. Enrichment strategies for Artemia using emulsions providing different levels of n_3 highly unsaturated fatty acids. Aquaculture 183, 335– 347.
  • Hoşsu,B., A.Y. Korkut, A. Fırat. 2001. Fish Nutrition and Fish Feed Technology I.. Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Yayınları No:50, Ders Kitabı Dizini No:19, İzmir.
  • Jones,D.A., S.M. Kamarudin, L. Le Vay.1993. The Potential For Replacement Of Live Feeds in Larval Culture. Journal Of The World Aquaculture Society. Sayı:24, Sayfa:199-211
  • Kissil,G.Wm.1984. Overview: Rearing Larval Stages Of Marine Fish On Artificial Diets. Israel Journal Of Zoology. Vol.33, pp:154-160.
  • Kolkovski, S., A. Tandler G.W.M., Kissil A., Gertler. 1993. The Effect Of Dietary Exogenous Digestive Enzymes On Ingestion, Assimilation, Growth And Survival Of Gilthead Seabream (Sparus Aurata, Sparidae, L.) Larvae. Fish Phsiology And Biochemistry,12:203-209.
  • Kolkovski,S., W. Koven, A. Tandler .1997. The mode of action of artemia enhancing utilization of microdiet by gilthead seabream Sparus aurata larvae. Aquaculture, Vol:155, pp:193-205.
  • Koven,W., Y. Barr, E. Hadas, I. Ben-Atia, Y. Chen, R. Weiss, A. Tandler. 1999. The potential of liposomes as a nutrient supplement in first-feeding marine fish larvae. Aquaculture Nutrition, Vo:5, pp:251-256
  • Langdon,C. 2000. Artificial microparticles for delivery of nutrients to marine suspension – feeders. The Advocate, February 2000, pp:40-41
  • Langdon,C. 2003 Microparticle types for delivering nutrients tomarine fish larvae. Aquaculture 227, 259–275
  • Lazo, J.P., M.T. Dinis, G.J. Holt, C. Faulk, C.R. Arnold, 2000. Co-feeding microparticulate diets with algae: towards eliminating the need of zooplankton at first feeding in larval red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Aquaculture188, 339–351.
  • Lee,C. 2003. Biotechnical advances in finfish hatchery production: a review. Aquaculture, 227,439-458
  • Monroig,O., J.C. Navarro, F. Amat, P. Gonzalez, A.. Bermejo, F. Hontoria. 2006. Enrichment of Artemia nauplii in essential fatty acids with different types of liposomes and their use in the rearing of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) larvae. Aquaculture 251 (2006) 491– 508
  • Moyano, F.J., M. Diaz, F.J. Alarcon, M.C. Sarasquete. 1996. Characterization of digestive enzyme activity during larval development of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata). Fish Phsiology And Biochemistry,Vol:15, No:2, pp:121-130.
  • Perez,A., C.L., Cahu, J.L., Zambonino Infante, M.M. Le Gall, P. Quazuguel. 1996. Amylase and trypsin responses to intake of dieatary carbonhydrate and protein depend on the developmental stage in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae. Fish Physiology And Biochemistry. Vol:15 No:3, pp:237-242.
  • Person-Le Ruyet, J., J.C. Alexandre, L. Thpbaud, C. Mugnier, 1993. Marine fish larvae feeding. Formulated diets or live prey? Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 24, 211 –224.
  • Person-Le Ruyet,J., 1989. Early weaning of marine fish larvae onto microdiets: constraints and perspectives. Aquacop Ifremer, Actes de Collague, 9, pp:625-642.
  • Planas,M., M.J. Fernandez-Reiriz, M.J. Ferreiro, U. Labarta. 1990. Effect Of Selected Variables On The Preparation Of Gelatine-Acaia microcapsules For Aquaculture. Aquaculture Engineering. Vol.9, Pp:329-341.
  • Pousao-Ferreira,P., P. Santos, A.. Carvalho, S. Morais, L.. Narciso. 2003. Effect of an experimental microparticulate diet on the growth, survival and fatty acid profile of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.) larvae. Aquaculture International 11: 491–504.
  • Segner,H., R. Roland, V. Johan, W.Ulrich. 1993. Larval Nutritionally Phsiology: Studies Vith Clarias Gariepinus, Coregonus Lavaretus and Scopthalmus Maximus. Journal Of The World Aquaculture Society., Sayı:24, Sayfa: 121-134
  • Sweetman, J. 2001. Optimisation Of Marine Fin Fish Hatchery Production Costs. Larview 2001. Belgium.
  • Takeuchi,T., O. Wang, H. Furuita, T. Hirota, S. Ishida, H. Hayasawa. 2003. Development of microparticle diets for Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus larvae. Fisheries Science ;69: 547–554
  • Tandler, A., S. Kolkovski. 1991. Rates Of Ingestion And Digestibility As Limiting Factors in The Successful Use Of Microdiets in Sparus aurata Larval Rearing. Larvi ’91. EAS Special Publication No:15, Ghent, Belgium, Pp.169-171.
  • Walford,J., T.M.Lim, T.J. Lam. 1991. Replacing live foods with microencapsulated diets in the rearing of seabass (Lates calcarifer) larvae: Do the larvae ingest and digest protein-membran microcapsules. Aquaculture, Vol:92, pp:225-235.
  • Yufera, M., S.Kolkovski, C. Ferna´ndez-Di´az, J. Rinchard, K.J. Lee, K. Dabrowski. 2003. Delivering bioactive compounds to fish larvae using microencapsulated diets. Aquaculture 227, 277– 291.
  • Yufera,M., C. Fernandez-Diaz, E. Pascual, M.C. Sarasquete, F.J. Moyano, M. Diaz, F.J. Alarcom, M. Garcia-Gallego, G. Parra. 2000. Towards an inert diet for first-feeding gilthead seabream Sparus aurata L. Larvae. Aquaculture Nutrition, Vol:6, pp:143-152.
  • Yufera,M., S. Kolkovski, C. Ferna´ndez-Dı´az, K. Dabrowski. 2002.Free amino acid leaching from a protein-walled microencapsulated diet for fish larvae . Aquaculture Vol:214, 273–287
  • Zambonino Infante,J.L., C. Cahu.1994 a. Development And Response To Diet Change Of Some Digestive Enzymes in Seabass (Dicentararchus Labrax) Larvae. Fish Physiology And Biochemistry. Sayı:12, Sayfa:399- 408.
  • Zambonino Infante,J.L.,C. Cahu. 1994b. Influence of diet on pepsin and some pancreatic enzymes in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae. Comp.Biochem. Physiol. Vol.109A.No:2, pp:209-212.

Reducing artemia (Artemia salina L., 1758) use in the rearing of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata

Yıl 2006, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 101 - 106, 01.03.2006


Bu çalışmada, çipura larvaları 21-35. günler arasında farklı oranda artemia ve mikrokapsül yemler kullanılarak beslenmiş, larvaların bu günler arasındaki gelişme ve yaşama oranları tespit edilerek, artemia kullanım oranlarının azaltılmasına çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada deneme grupları %100 artemia, %25 Mikrokapsül + %75 artemia, %50 mikrokapsül + %50 artemia, %100 mikrokapsül olacak şekilde beslenmişlerdir. Artemia kullanım oranlarının azaltılması üzerine yapılan çalışmada, %25 mikrokapsül + %75 artemia besleme rejimi uygulanan gruptaki yaşama ve gelişme oranlarının kontrol grubu olan artemia grubu ile istatistiki olarak farklılık göstermediği tespit edilmiştir. Bu sonuca göre 21-35. günler arasında mikrokapsül yem kullanılarak, çipura larvası yetiştiriciliğinde yem giderleri içinde büyük bir pay tutan artemia kullanım oranlarının %25 azaltılabileceği, bunun larvaların gelişme ve yaşama oranı üzerinde olumsuz bir etkisi olmadığı tespit edilmiştir


  • Alarcon, F.J., F.J. Moyano, M. Diaz, C. Fernandez-Diaz, M. Yufera. 1999. Optimization of the protein fraction of microcapsules used in feeding of marine fish larvae using in vitro digestibility techniques. Aquaculture Nutrition, Vol:5, pp:107-113.
  • Cahu, C.L., J. Zambonino Infante, P. Quazuguel, M.M. Le Gall. 1999. Protein hydrolysate vs. fish meal in compound diets for 10-day old sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax larvae. Aquaculture 171, 109– 119.
  • Cahu,C.L., J. Zambonino Infante. 2001. Substitution of live food by formulated diets in marine fish larvae. Aquaculture, Vol:200, pp:161-180.
  • Cahu,C.L., J. Zambonino Infante.1995. Effect of molecular form of dietary nitrogen supply in sea bass larvae: Response of pancreatic enzymes and intestinal peptidases. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. Vol:14, No:3, pp: 209-214
  • Cahu,C.L., J. Zambonino Infante. 1997. Is the digestive capacity of marine fish larvae sufficient for compound diet feeding? Aquaculture Interbational, Vol:5,pp:151
  • Candreva, P. P. Dhert, A. Novelli, D. Brissi. 1996. Potential gains through alimentation/nutrition improvements in the hatchery. In: Seabass and Seabream Culture: Problems and Prospects. An International Workshop, Verona, Italy, October 16-18, 1996. B. Chatain, M.Sargolia, J.Sweetman, P. Lavens (Eds). European Aquaculture Society, Oosende, Belgium, 388 pp:149-159
  • Coves,D., G. Dewavrin, G. Brevil, N. Devauchelle. 1991. Culture Of Seabass (Dicentrarchus Labrax). Pp:289-303, in Mcvey Editor.CRC Handbook Of Mariculture.
  • Fernandez-Diaz, C., M. Yufera. 1997. Detecting growth in gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata L., larvae fed microcapsules. Aquaculture, Vol:153, pp:93- 102.
  • Fontagne´, S., J., Robin, G., Corraze, P., Bergot. 2000. Growth and survival of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae fed from first feeding on compound diets containing medium-chain triacylglycerols. Aquaculture 190, 261–271.
  • Han, K., I., Geurden, P., Sorgeloos. 2000. Enrichment strategies for Artemia using emulsions providing different levels of n_3 highly unsaturated fatty acids. Aquaculture 183, 335– 347.
  • Hoşsu,B., A.Y. Korkut, A. Fırat. 2001. Fish Nutrition and Fish Feed Technology I.. Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Yayınları No:50, Ders Kitabı Dizini No:19, İzmir.
  • Jones,D.A., S.M. Kamarudin, L. Le Vay.1993. The Potential For Replacement Of Live Feeds in Larval Culture. Journal Of The World Aquaculture Society. Sayı:24, Sayfa:199-211
  • Kissil,G.Wm.1984. Overview: Rearing Larval Stages Of Marine Fish On Artificial Diets. Israel Journal Of Zoology. Vol.33, pp:154-160.
  • Kolkovski, S., A. Tandler G.W.M., Kissil A., Gertler. 1993. The Effect Of Dietary Exogenous Digestive Enzymes On Ingestion, Assimilation, Growth And Survival Of Gilthead Seabream (Sparus Aurata, Sparidae, L.) Larvae. Fish Phsiology And Biochemistry,12:203-209.
  • Kolkovski,S., W. Koven, A. Tandler .1997. The mode of action of artemia enhancing utilization of microdiet by gilthead seabream Sparus aurata larvae. Aquaculture, Vol:155, pp:193-205.
  • Koven,W., Y. Barr, E. Hadas, I. Ben-Atia, Y. Chen, R. Weiss, A. Tandler. 1999. The potential of liposomes as a nutrient supplement in first-feeding marine fish larvae. Aquaculture Nutrition, Vo:5, pp:251-256
  • Langdon,C. 2000. Artificial microparticles for delivery of nutrients to marine suspension – feeders. The Advocate, February 2000, pp:40-41
  • Langdon,C. 2003 Microparticle types for delivering nutrients tomarine fish larvae. Aquaculture 227, 259–275
  • Lazo, J.P., M.T. Dinis, G.J. Holt, C. Faulk, C.R. Arnold, 2000. Co-feeding microparticulate diets with algae: towards eliminating the need of zooplankton at first feeding in larval red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Aquaculture188, 339–351.
  • Lee,C. 2003. Biotechnical advances in finfish hatchery production: a review. Aquaculture, 227,439-458
  • Monroig,O., J.C. Navarro, F. Amat, P. Gonzalez, A.. Bermejo, F. Hontoria. 2006. Enrichment of Artemia nauplii in essential fatty acids with different types of liposomes and their use in the rearing of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) larvae. Aquaculture 251 (2006) 491– 508
  • Moyano, F.J., M. Diaz, F.J. Alarcon, M.C. Sarasquete. 1996. Characterization of digestive enzyme activity during larval development of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata). Fish Phsiology And Biochemistry,Vol:15, No:2, pp:121-130.
  • Perez,A., C.L., Cahu, J.L., Zambonino Infante, M.M. Le Gall, P. Quazuguel. 1996. Amylase and trypsin responses to intake of dieatary carbonhydrate and protein depend on the developmental stage in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae. Fish Physiology And Biochemistry. Vol:15 No:3, pp:237-242.
  • Person-Le Ruyet, J., J.C. Alexandre, L. Thpbaud, C. Mugnier, 1993. Marine fish larvae feeding. Formulated diets or live prey? Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 24, 211 –224.
  • Person-Le Ruyet,J., 1989. Early weaning of marine fish larvae onto microdiets: constraints and perspectives. Aquacop Ifremer, Actes de Collague, 9, pp:625-642.
  • Planas,M., M.J. Fernandez-Reiriz, M.J. Ferreiro, U. Labarta. 1990. Effect Of Selected Variables On The Preparation Of Gelatine-Acaia microcapsules For Aquaculture. Aquaculture Engineering. Vol.9, Pp:329-341.
  • Pousao-Ferreira,P., P. Santos, A.. Carvalho, S. Morais, L.. Narciso. 2003. Effect of an experimental microparticulate diet on the growth, survival and fatty acid profile of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.) larvae. Aquaculture International 11: 491–504.
  • Segner,H., R. Roland, V. Johan, W.Ulrich. 1993. Larval Nutritionally Phsiology: Studies Vith Clarias Gariepinus, Coregonus Lavaretus and Scopthalmus Maximus. Journal Of The World Aquaculture Society., Sayı:24, Sayfa: 121-134
  • Sweetman, J. 2001. Optimisation Of Marine Fin Fish Hatchery Production Costs. Larview 2001. Belgium.
  • Takeuchi,T., O. Wang, H. Furuita, T. Hirota, S. Ishida, H. Hayasawa. 2003. Development of microparticle diets for Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus larvae. Fisheries Science ;69: 547–554
  • Tandler, A., S. Kolkovski. 1991. Rates Of Ingestion And Digestibility As Limiting Factors in The Successful Use Of Microdiets in Sparus aurata Larval Rearing. Larvi ’91. EAS Special Publication No:15, Ghent, Belgium, Pp.169-171.
  • Walford,J., T.M.Lim, T.J. Lam. 1991. Replacing live foods with microencapsulated diets in the rearing of seabass (Lates calcarifer) larvae: Do the larvae ingest and digest protein-membran microcapsules. Aquaculture, Vol:92, pp:225-235.
  • Yufera, M., S.Kolkovski, C. Ferna´ndez-Di´az, J. Rinchard, K.J. Lee, K. Dabrowski. 2003. Delivering bioactive compounds to fish larvae using microencapsulated diets. Aquaculture 227, 277– 291.
  • Yufera,M., C. Fernandez-Diaz, E. Pascual, M.C. Sarasquete, F.J. Moyano, M. Diaz, F.J. Alarcom, M. Garcia-Gallego, G. Parra. 2000. Towards an inert diet for first-feeding gilthead seabream Sparus aurata L. Larvae. Aquaculture Nutrition, Vol:6, pp:143-152.
  • Yufera,M., S. Kolkovski, C. Ferna´ndez-Dı´az, K. Dabrowski. 2002.Free amino acid leaching from a protein-walled microencapsulated diet for fish larvae . Aquaculture Vol:214, 273–287
  • Zambonino Infante,J.L., C. Cahu.1994 a. Development And Response To Diet Change Of Some Digestive Enzymes in Seabass (Dicentararchus Labrax) Larvae. Fish Physiology And Biochemistry. Sayı:12, Sayfa:399- 408.
  • Zambonino Infante,J.L.,C. Cahu. 1994b. Influence of diet on pepsin and some pancreatic enzymes in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae. Comp.Biochem. Physiol. Vol.109A.No:2, pp:209-212.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Kutsal Gamsız

Atilla G. Alpbaz

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2006
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Aralık 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2006Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Gamsız, K. ., & Alpbaz, A. G. . (2006). Reducing artemia (Artemia salina L., 1758) use in the rearing of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 23(1), 101-106.