Buzdolabında 3,2±1,08 °C’da depolanan kızartılmış ve haşlanmış kurbağa etinin raf ömrünün tespiti
Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 26 Sayı: 2, 115 - 119, 01.06.2009
Şükran Çaklı
Duygu Kışla
Aslı Cadun
Tolga Dinçer
Emre Cağlak
Bu kıyaslama çalışması farklı pişirme metotlarının bütün kurbağa eti üzerindeki etkileri üzerine yapılmıştır. Haşlama ve kızartma pişirme metotları kullanılmış örnekler raf ömrünün tespit edilmesi için buzdolabı şartlarında (3,2± 1,08 oC) depolanmıştır. Haşlanmış olan örnekler kimyasal ve duyusal analizler açısından kızarmış örneklere göre daha iyi sonuçlar vermiştir. Kızartılmış ürünlerin TBA değerleri 10.60± 0.12 (mg malonaldehit/kg) bulunur iken haşlanmış örneklerde 8.16±0.57 (mg malonaldehit/kg) olduğu görülmüştür. Depolamanın 9. gününde, duyusal olarak da ransidite tespit edilmiştir. Tüm örnekler parlaklıklarını renk analiz sonucuna göre yitirmişlerdir. Doku profil analizi sonuçları göstermiştir ki sertlik, çiğnenebilirlik, elastiklik ve dış yapışkanlık parametreleri açısından kızartılmış ve haşlanmış ürünler arasında istatistiksel farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir. Kimyasal analizlere göre, kurbağa eti gerek kızartılarak gerek ise haşlanarak buzdolabında dokuz güne kadar raf ömrüne sahiptir.
- Andrews, W. H., C. R. Wilson, P. L. Poelma, A. Romero 1977. Comparison of methods for the isolation of salmonella from imported frog legs. Appl Envıron Microb, 33:65-68.
- AOAC 1984. Official methods of analysis. (14th ed.). Washington, DC, USA: Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
- Ariyani, F., N. Hak, S. Putro, 1984. Utilisation frog waste for feed. Lap. Pen. Teknol. Perik. Rep. Fish. Technol. 36: 1–7.
- Ariyapitun, T., A. Mustafa and A. D. Clarke 1999. Microbial shelf life determination of vacuum-packaged fresh beef treated with polylactic acid, lactic acid and nisin solutions. J Food Protect, 62,:913–920.
- Baygar T and N. Ozgür 21010. Sensory and chemical changes in smoked frog (Rana esculanta) leg during cold storage (4oC±1). Journal of Animal and Advances 9 (3):588-593.
- Bligh, E. G. and W.J. Dyer 1959. A rapid method of total lipid extraction and purification. Can J Biochem Phys, 37: 911–917.
- Brasil, 1997. Ministe´rio da Agricultura (MA). Secretaria da Defesa Agropecua´ria (SDA). Departamento de Inspec¸a˜o de Produtos de Origem Animal (DIPOA). Divisa˜o de Normas Te´cnicas. Regulamento da Inspec¸a˜o Industrial e Sanita´ria de Produtos de Origem Animal (RIISPOA). Aprovado pelo Decreto no. 30. 691, de 29-03-52, alterado pelos Decretos nos. 1. 255 de 25-06-62, 1. 236 de 02-09-94, no. 1. 812 de 08-02-96 e no. 2. 244 de 04-06-97. Brasılia.
- FAO 1986. FAO Food and Nutrition paper manuals of food quality control food analysis: quality, adulteration, and tests of identity. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome, Italy.
- Halver, J.E., 1986. Research plans for nutrition and feed technology. Assistance to the Second Agricultural Research Project, No.4, Report No.2. Five year master Plan . Pt.1:Research plan. Bangladesh, pp:76. htpp://www.fao.org/docrep/field/003/AC357E00.htm
- Hauschild, A.H.W. (1990) Clostridium botulinum toxins. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 10, 113-124.
- Leroi, F., N. Arbey, J.J. Joffraud, and F. Chevailier. 1996. Effect of inoculation with lactic acid bacteria on extending the shelf-life of vacuum-packed cold smoked salmon. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 31:497-504.
- Lima, S. L., T.A. Cruz and O. N. Moura 1999. Ranicultura: analise da cadeia produtiva.
- Vicçosa: Folha de Viçosa.
- Ludorff, W. and V. Meyer 1973. Fische und fischerzeugnisse. Hamburg- Berlin: Paul Parey Verlag.
- Lutz, C. G., J. L. Avery 1999. Bullfrog culture. southern regional aquaculture center. 436.
- Nishimoto, J., I.K. Suwetja and H. Miki 1985. Estimation of keeping freshness period and practical storage life of mackerel muscle during storage at low temperatures. Memoirs of the Faculty of Fisheries, Kagoshima Univ. 34: 89-96.
- Nóbregaa, I.C.C., C.S., Ataídea, O. M. Moura, A.V. Livera and P. H. Menezes, 2007.Volatile constituents of cooked bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) legs. Food Chemistry Volume 102, Issue 1, 2007, Pages 186-191.
- Ozogul F., Y. Ozogul, A.I.. Olgunoglu and E.K.Boga., 2008. Comparison of fatty acid, mineral and proximate composition of body and legs of edible frog (Rana esculenta) International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 59(7-8): 558-565
- Pavlov, A., G. D. Garcia de Fernando, J. A. Ordonez and L. Hoz 1994. B- hydroxyacyl- CoA-dehydrogenase (HADH) activity of unfrozen and frozen-thawed frog (Rana esculenta) legs. J Scı Food Agr, 64: 141–143.
- Ramos, E. M., L.A.M., Gomide, P.R Fontes, A.L.S., Ramos and L.A. Peternelli, 2005. Meat color evaluation and pigment levels in bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) slaughtered by different methods. Aquaculture. Volume 245, Issues 1(4):175-182
- Ruiz-Capillas, C., and A. Moral. 2001. Residual effect of CO2 on hake (Merluccius merluccius) stored in modified and controlled atmospheres. European Food Research and Technology 212:413-420.
- Schubring, R., 2002. Texture measurement on gutted cod during storage in ice using a hand-held instrument. Inf. Fischwirtsch. Fischereiforsch. 49:25–27.
- Schubring, R., 2003. Colour measurement for the determination of the freshness of fish. In: J.B. Luten, J. Oehlenschlager and G. Olafsdottir, Editors, Quality of fish from catch to consumer: Labelling, monitoring and traceability, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. pp. 251–263.
- Schormuller, J. 1968. Handbuch der Lebensmittel Chemie, Band 3/2 Teil, Trierische Lebensmittel Eier, Fleisch, Fisch, Buttermilch, Springer- Verlag: Berlin, Germany. pp, 872-878.
- Suparno, S., G. Narsan and Z. Yunizal, 1981. Utilisation of frog waste as meal. Fisheries Science Bulletin 1 (1): 463–470.
- Tarladgis, B. G., B. M. Watts, M. S. Younathan and L. J. Dugan 1960. A distillation method for the quantitative determination of malonaldehyde in rancid foods. J Am Oıl Chem Soc 37: 44-48.
- Thirumalai, S., K. Vedanayagam, G. Rajagopalan, R. Venkatakrishnan, 1977. Preliminary investigation on frog meal as an animal protein source for poultry. Cheiron, 6: 2–5.
- Tokur, B., R. D. Gürbüz, G. Özyurt, 2008. Nutritional composition of frog (rana esculanta) waste meal. Bioresource Tech. 99: 1332-1338.
- Vieira, M. I. 1993. Ra-touro gigante: caracterısticas e reproducçao (4th ed.). Sao Paulo: INFOTEC.
- Vyncke, W. 1996. Comparison of the official EC method for the determination of total volatile bases in fish with routine methods. Arch Lebensmittelhyg, 47: 110 -112.
Determination of Shelf Life in Fried and Boiled Frog Meat Stored in Refrigerator in 3.2± 1.08°C
Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 26 Sayı: 2, 115 - 119, 01.06.2009
Şükran Çaklı
Duygu Kışla
Aslı Cadun
Tolga Dinçer
Emre Cağlak
The comparative study was conducted on the effects of cooking methods in whole frog’s meat. Boiling and frying cooking methods were used and the samples were stored in the refrigerator (3.2± 1.08 °C) for determining the shelf-life. Boiling process gave the better results according to chemical and sensory analysis than fried product. TBA values of fried samples were achieved to 10.60 ± 0.12 (mg malonaldehyde/kg) when boiled samples were 8.16±0.57 (mg malonaldehyde/kg). The 9th day of the storage rancidity was also determined by panelists in sensory evaluation. Both samples lost their brightness according to the color measurements. Texture profile analyses results showed us the significant differences in hardness, chewiness, springiness and adhesiveness parameters between boiled and fried samples. According to the chemical analysis, frog meat cooked by either frying or boiling were found shelf-life stable until 9th day in refrigerator storage.
- Andrews, W. H., C. R. Wilson, P. L. Poelma, A. Romero 1977. Comparison of methods for the isolation of salmonella from imported frog legs. Appl Envıron Microb, 33:65-68.
- AOAC 1984. Official methods of analysis. (14th ed.). Washington, DC, USA: Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
- Ariyani, F., N. Hak, S. Putro, 1984. Utilisation frog waste for feed. Lap. Pen. Teknol. Perik. Rep. Fish. Technol. 36: 1–7.
- Ariyapitun, T., A. Mustafa and A. D. Clarke 1999. Microbial shelf life determination of vacuum-packaged fresh beef treated with polylactic acid, lactic acid and nisin solutions. J Food Protect, 62,:913–920.
- Baygar T and N. Ozgür 21010. Sensory and chemical changes in smoked frog (Rana esculanta) leg during cold storage (4oC±1). Journal of Animal and Advances 9 (3):588-593.
- Bligh, E. G. and W.J. Dyer 1959. A rapid method of total lipid extraction and purification. Can J Biochem Phys, 37: 911–917.
- Brasil, 1997. Ministe´rio da Agricultura (MA). Secretaria da Defesa Agropecua´ria (SDA). Departamento de Inspec¸a˜o de Produtos de Origem Animal (DIPOA). Divisa˜o de Normas Te´cnicas. Regulamento da Inspec¸a˜o Industrial e Sanita´ria de Produtos de Origem Animal (RIISPOA). Aprovado pelo Decreto no. 30. 691, de 29-03-52, alterado pelos Decretos nos. 1. 255 de 25-06-62, 1. 236 de 02-09-94, no. 1. 812 de 08-02-96 e no. 2. 244 de 04-06-97. Brasılia.
- FAO 1986. FAO Food and Nutrition paper manuals of food quality control food analysis: quality, adulteration, and tests of identity. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome, Italy.
- Halver, J.E., 1986. Research plans for nutrition and feed technology. Assistance to the Second Agricultural Research Project, No.4, Report No.2. Five year master Plan . Pt.1:Research plan. Bangladesh, pp:76. htpp://www.fao.org/docrep/field/003/AC357E00.htm
- Hauschild, A.H.W. (1990) Clostridium botulinum toxins. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 10, 113-124.
- Leroi, F., N. Arbey, J.J. Joffraud, and F. Chevailier. 1996. Effect of inoculation with lactic acid bacteria on extending the shelf-life of vacuum-packed cold smoked salmon. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 31:497-504.
- Lima, S. L., T.A. Cruz and O. N. Moura 1999. Ranicultura: analise da cadeia produtiva.
- Vicçosa: Folha de Viçosa.
- Ludorff, W. and V. Meyer 1973. Fische und fischerzeugnisse. Hamburg- Berlin: Paul Parey Verlag.
- Lutz, C. G., J. L. Avery 1999. Bullfrog culture. southern regional aquaculture center. 436.
- Nishimoto, J., I.K. Suwetja and H. Miki 1985. Estimation of keeping freshness period and practical storage life of mackerel muscle during storage at low temperatures. Memoirs of the Faculty of Fisheries, Kagoshima Univ. 34: 89-96.
- Nóbregaa, I.C.C., C.S., Ataídea, O. M. Moura, A.V. Livera and P. H. Menezes, 2007.Volatile constituents of cooked bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) legs. Food Chemistry Volume 102, Issue 1, 2007, Pages 186-191.
- Ozogul F., Y. Ozogul, A.I.. Olgunoglu and E.K.Boga., 2008. Comparison of fatty acid, mineral and proximate composition of body and legs of edible frog (Rana esculenta) International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 59(7-8): 558-565
- Pavlov, A., G. D. Garcia de Fernando, J. A. Ordonez and L. Hoz 1994. B- hydroxyacyl- CoA-dehydrogenase (HADH) activity of unfrozen and frozen-thawed frog (Rana esculenta) legs. J Scı Food Agr, 64: 141–143.
- Ramos, E. M., L.A.M., Gomide, P.R Fontes, A.L.S., Ramos and L.A. Peternelli, 2005. Meat color evaluation and pigment levels in bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) slaughtered by different methods. Aquaculture. Volume 245, Issues 1(4):175-182
- Ruiz-Capillas, C., and A. Moral. 2001. Residual effect of CO2 on hake (Merluccius merluccius) stored in modified and controlled atmospheres. European Food Research and Technology 212:413-420.
- Schubring, R., 2002. Texture measurement on gutted cod during storage in ice using a hand-held instrument. Inf. Fischwirtsch. Fischereiforsch. 49:25–27.
- Schubring, R., 2003. Colour measurement for the determination of the freshness of fish. In: J.B. Luten, J. Oehlenschlager and G. Olafsdottir, Editors, Quality of fish from catch to consumer: Labelling, monitoring and traceability, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. pp. 251–263.
- Schormuller, J. 1968. Handbuch der Lebensmittel Chemie, Band 3/2 Teil, Trierische Lebensmittel Eier, Fleisch, Fisch, Buttermilch, Springer- Verlag: Berlin, Germany. pp, 872-878.
- Suparno, S., G. Narsan and Z. Yunizal, 1981. Utilisation of frog waste as meal. Fisheries Science Bulletin 1 (1): 463–470.
- Tarladgis, B. G., B. M. Watts, M. S. Younathan and L. J. Dugan 1960. A distillation method for the quantitative determination of malonaldehyde in rancid foods. J Am Oıl Chem Soc 37: 44-48.
- Thirumalai, S., K. Vedanayagam, G. Rajagopalan, R. Venkatakrishnan, 1977. Preliminary investigation on frog meal as an animal protein source for poultry. Cheiron, 6: 2–5.
- Tokur, B., R. D. Gürbüz, G. Özyurt, 2008. Nutritional composition of frog (rana esculanta) waste meal. Bioresource Tech. 99: 1332-1338.
- Vieira, M. I. 1993. Ra-touro gigante: caracterısticas e reproducçao (4th ed.). Sao Paulo: INFOTEC.
- Vyncke, W. 1996. Comparison of the official EC method for the determination of total volatile bases in fish with routine methods. Arch Lebensmittelhyg, 47: 110 -112.