Thalestridae and Laophontidae (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) species identified from mediolittoral rocky biotops in Gümüldür Coast (Aegean Sea).
Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 26 Sayı: 1, 55 - 58, 01.03.2009
İlker Pulat
İsmet Özel
Vedat Aker
- Apostolov A. 1973a. Sur divers Harpacticoïdes (Copépodes) de la mer Noire. Zool. Anz., 190 (1-2): 88-110.
- Apostolov, A. 1973b. Apport vers l'étude d'Harpacticoïdes pontiques habitant les algues marines. Zool. Anz., 191 (3-4): 263-281.
- Apostolov, A., T. Marinov. 1988. Copepoda, Harpacticoida, « Fauna Bulgarica », 18. In Aedibus Acad. Scient. Bulgaricae, Sofia: 384s.
- Apostolov, A. 2008. Harpacticoïdes (Crustacea, Copepoda) de la mer égée (plages de Kavala, Grèce du nord). Hist. Nat. Bulgarica, 19: 5-33.
- Bodin, P. 1964. Recherches sur la systématique et la distribution des Copépodes Harpacticoïdes des substrats meubles des environs de Marseille. Rec. Trav. St. Mar. End., 51 (=Bull. 35): 107-183.
- Bodin, P. 1997. Catalogue of the new marine harpacticoid copepods. (1997 Edition). Studiedocumenten van het K.B.I.N./Documents de Travail de l’I.R.Sc.N.B., Paris, 89: 1-304.
- Brian, A. 1917. Descrizione di una nuove specie di Laophonte (L. quaterspinata n. sp. mihi) proveniente dai materiali del laboratorio marino di Quarto. Mon. Zool. Ital., 28: 174-178.
- Gündüz, E., 1989. A new record of Mesochra aestuarii Gurney, 1921 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) for Turkey. Doga Turk. J. Zool., 13 (3): 228- 232Hamond, R. 1973. Some Laophontidae (Crustacea: Harpacticoida) from off North Carolina. Trans. Amer. Micros. Soc., 92 (1): 44-59.
- Hicks, G.R.F. 1977. Species associations and seasonal population densities of marine phytal harpacticoid copepods from Cook Strait. New Zeal. J. Of Zool., 11 (4): 621-643.
- Huys, R., J.M. Gee, C.G. Moore, R. Hamond. 1996. Marine and brackish water harpacticoid copepods. Part 1. In: Synopses of the British Fauna (New series), D.M. Kermack, R.S.K. Barnes & J.H. Crothers edit., London: 352s.
- Huys, R., S. Karaytuğ,V. Cottarelli 2005. On the synonymy of Delamarella Chappuis and Latiremus Bozic (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Latiremidae), including the description of D. obscura sp. nov. from the Black Sea. Zool. J. Linn. Soc., 145: 263-281.
- Huys, R., W. Lee. 2009. Proposal of Marbefi a, gen. n. and Inermiphonte, gen. n., including updated keys to the species of Pseudonychocamptus Lang, 1944 and Paralaophonte Lang, 1948 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Laophontidae). ZooKeys, 23: 1-38.
- Itô, T. 1968. Descriptions and records of marine harpacticoid copepods from Hokkaido. I. Jour. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. Ser. 6, Zool. 16 (3): 369-381.
- Karaytuğ, S., R. Huys 2004. Taxonomic position of and generic distinction between Parepactophanes Kunz, 1935 and Taurocletodes Kunz, 1975 (Copepoda, Canthocamptidae incertae sedis), with description of a new species from the Black Sea. Zool. J. Linn. Soc., 140: 469-486.
- Karaytuğ, S., S. Sak. 2006. A contribution to the marine harpacticoid (Crustacea, Copepoda) fauna of Turkey. E. Ü, Su Ür. Der., 23 (3–4): 403-405.
- Lang, K. 1948. Monographie der harpacticiden. Håkan Ohlssons Boktryckeri, Lund (Sweden): 1682s.
- Lang, K. 1965. Copepoda Harpacticoidea from the Californian Pacific Coast. K. svenska vetensk. Akad. Handl., 10 (2): 1-566.
- Noodt, W. 1955a. Copepoda Harpacticoidea von Teneriffa (Kanarische Inseln). Zool. Anz., 154 (9-10): 200-222.
- Noodt, W. 1955b. Marine harpacticoiden (Crust. Cop.) aus dem Marmara Meer. Rev. Fac. Sci. Univ. Istanbul, 20 (1-2): 49-94.
- Pesta, O. 1959. Harpacticoiden (Crust. Copepoda) aus submarinen Hohlen und der benachbarten Littoralbezirken am Kap von Sorrent (Neapel). Publ. Staz. zool. Napoli, 30 (supp.): 95-177.
- Por, F.D. 1960. Littorale Harpacticoiden der Nordwest-Kusten des Schwarzen Meeres. Trav. Mus. His. Nat. 'Gr. Antipa', 2: 97-143.
- Por, F.D. 1964. A study of the Levantine and Pontic Harpacticoida (Crustacea, Copepoda). Zool. Verhand., 64: 1-128.
- Por, F.D., A. Marcus 1972. Copepoda Harpacticoida of the Suez Canal. Israel J. Zool., 21: 249-274.
- Sak, S., S. Karaytuğ, R. Huys 2008a. A review of Pseudoleptomesochrella Lang, 1965 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Ameiridae), including a redescription of P. halophila (Noodt, 1952) from the Black Sea and a key to species. Zootaxa, 1758: 45-60.
- Sak, S., S. Karaytug, R. Huys 2008b. Ciplakastacus gen. nov., a primitive genus of Leptastacidae (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) from the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. J. Nat. His., 42(37-38): 2443-2459.
- Sak, S., R. Huys, S. Karaytuğ, S. 2008c. Disentangling the subgeneric division of Arenopontia Kunz, 1937: resurrection of Psammoleptastacus Pennak, 1942, re-examination of Neoleptastacus spinicaudatus Nicholls, 1945, and proposal of two new genera and a new generic classification (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Arenopontiidae) Zool. J. Linn. Soc., 152: 409- 458.
- Sars, G.O. 1903-11. An Account of the Crustacea of Norway. Volume 5. Copepoda, Harpacticoida. Bergen. 449s.
- Sewell, R.B.S. 1940. Copepoda Harpacticoida. Scientific Reports of the John Murray Expedition, 7, 117–382.
- Wells, J.B.J. 1967.The littoral Copepoda (Crustacea) of Inhaca Island, Mozambique. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., 67 (7): 189-358.
- Wells, J.B.J., G.R.F. Hicks, B.C. Coull. 1982. Common harpacticoid copepods from New Zealand harbours and estuaries. New Zeal. J. Of Zool., 9 (2): 151-184.
- Wells, J.B.J., G.C. Rao, 1987. Littoral Harpacticoida (Crustacea: Copepoda) from Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Mem. Zool. Surv., India, 16 (4): 1- 385.
- Wells, J.B.J. 2007. An annotated checklist and keys to the species of Copepoda Harpacticoida (Crustacea). Zootaxa, 1568: 1-872.
- Yeatman, H.C. 1970. Copepods from Chesapeake Bay sponges including Asterocheres jeanyeatmanae n. sp. Trans. Amer. Micros. Soc., 89 (1): 27-38.
- Yeatman, H.C. 1976. Marine littoral copepods from Jamaica. Crustaceana, 30: 201-219.
Gümüldür Sahili (Ege Denizi) Mediolittoral Kayalık Biyotoplarından Tespit Edilen Thalestridae ve Laophontidae (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) Türleri.
Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 26 Sayı: 1, 55 - 58, 01.03.2009
İlker Pulat
İsmet Özel
Vedat Aker
Bu çalışmada Gümüldür sahilleri mediolittoral kayalık biyotoplarında, Cystoseira crinita ve Haliptilon virgatum türü algler arasından toplanan, Thalestridae ve Laophontidae familyalarına ait harpaktikoid kopepodlar incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak 5 cinse ait 6 tür tayin edilmiştir. Bunlar arasından Laophonte cornuta Phiippi, 1840 Türkiye denizlerinden ilk kez rapor edilmektedir
- Apostolov A. 1973a. Sur divers Harpacticoïdes (Copépodes) de la mer Noire. Zool. Anz., 190 (1-2): 88-110.
- Apostolov, A. 1973b. Apport vers l'étude d'Harpacticoïdes pontiques habitant les algues marines. Zool. Anz., 191 (3-4): 263-281.
- Apostolov, A., T. Marinov. 1988. Copepoda, Harpacticoida, « Fauna Bulgarica », 18. In Aedibus Acad. Scient. Bulgaricae, Sofia: 384s.
- Apostolov, A. 2008. Harpacticoïdes (Crustacea, Copepoda) de la mer égée (plages de Kavala, Grèce du nord). Hist. Nat. Bulgarica, 19: 5-33.
- Bodin, P. 1964. Recherches sur la systématique et la distribution des Copépodes Harpacticoïdes des substrats meubles des environs de Marseille. Rec. Trav. St. Mar. End., 51 (=Bull. 35): 107-183.
- Bodin, P. 1997. Catalogue of the new marine harpacticoid copepods. (1997 Edition). Studiedocumenten van het K.B.I.N./Documents de Travail de l’I.R.Sc.N.B., Paris, 89: 1-304.
- Brian, A. 1917. Descrizione di una nuove specie di Laophonte (L. quaterspinata n. sp. mihi) proveniente dai materiali del laboratorio marino di Quarto. Mon. Zool. Ital., 28: 174-178.
- Gündüz, E., 1989. A new record of Mesochra aestuarii Gurney, 1921 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) for Turkey. Doga Turk. J. Zool., 13 (3): 228- 232Hamond, R. 1973. Some Laophontidae (Crustacea: Harpacticoida) from off North Carolina. Trans. Amer. Micros. Soc., 92 (1): 44-59.
- Hicks, G.R.F. 1977. Species associations and seasonal population densities of marine phytal harpacticoid copepods from Cook Strait. New Zeal. J. Of Zool., 11 (4): 621-643.
- Huys, R., J.M. Gee, C.G. Moore, R. Hamond. 1996. Marine and brackish water harpacticoid copepods. Part 1. In: Synopses of the British Fauna (New series), D.M. Kermack, R.S.K. Barnes & J.H. Crothers edit., London: 352s.
- Huys, R., S. Karaytuğ,V. Cottarelli 2005. On the synonymy of Delamarella Chappuis and Latiremus Bozic (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Latiremidae), including the description of D. obscura sp. nov. from the Black Sea. Zool. J. Linn. Soc., 145: 263-281.
- Huys, R., W. Lee. 2009. Proposal of Marbefi a, gen. n. and Inermiphonte, gen. n., including updated keys to the species of Pseudonychocamptus Lang, 1944 and Paralaophonte Lang, 1948 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Laophontidae). ZooKeys, 23: 1-38.
- Itô, T. 1968. Descriptions and records of marine harpacticoid copepods from Hokkaido. I. Jour. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. Ser. 6, Zool. 16 (3): 369-381.
- Karaytuğ, S., R. Huys 2004. Taxonomic position of and generic distinction between Parepactophanes Kunz, 1935 and Taurocletodes Kunz, 1975 (Copepoda, Canthocamptidae incertae sedis), with description of a new species from the Black Sea. Zool. J. Linn. Soc., 140: 469-486.
- Karaytuğ, S., S. Sak. 2006. A contribution to the marine harpacticoid (Crustacea, Copepoda) fauna of Turkey. E. Ü, Su Ür. Der., 23 (3–4): 403-405.
- Lang, K. 1948. Monographie der harpacticiden. Håkan Ohlssons Boktryckeri, Lund (Sweden): 1682s.
- Lang, K. 1965. Copepoda Harpacticoidea from the Californian Pacific Coast. K. svenska vetensk. Akad. Handl., 10 (2): 1-566.
- Noodt, W. 1955a. Copepoda Harpacticoidea von Teneriffa (Kanarische Inseln). Zool. Anz., 154 (9-10): 200-222.
- Noodt, W. 1955b. Marine harpacticoiden (Crust. Cop.) aus dem Marmara Meer. Rev. Fac. Sci. Univ. Istanbul, 20 (1-2): 49-94.
- Pesta, O. 1959. Harpacticoiden (Crust. Copepoda) aus submarinen Hohlen und der benachbarten Littoralbezirken am Kap von Sorrent (Neapel). Publ. Staz. zool. Napoli, 30 (supp.): 95-177.
- Por, F.D. 1960. Littorale Harpacticoiden der Nordwest-Kusten des Schwarzen Meeres. Trav. Mus. His. Nat. 'Gr. Antipa', 2: 97-143.
- Por, F.D. 1964. A study of the Levantine and Pontic Harpacticoida (Crustacea, Copepoda). Zool. Verhand., 64: 1-128.
- Por, F.D., A. Marcus 1972. Copepoda Harpacticoida of the Suez Canal. Israel J. Zool., 21: 249-274.
- Sak, S., S. Karaytuğ, R. Huys 2008a. A review of Pseudoleptomesochrella Lang, 1965 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Ameiridae), including a redescription of P. halophila (Noodt, 1952) from the Black Sea and a key to species. Zootaxa, 1758: 45-60.
- Sak, S., S. Karaytug, R. Huys 2008b. Ciplakastacus gen. nov., a primitive genus of Leptastacidae (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) from the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. J. Nat. His., 42(37-38): 2443-2459.
- Sak, S., R. Huys, S. Karaytuğ, S. 2008c. Disentangling the subgeneric division of Arenopontia Kunz, 1937: resurrection of Psammoleptastacus Pennak, 1942, re-examination of Neoleptastacus spinicaudatus Nicholls, 1945, and proposal of two new genera and a new generic classification (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Arenopontiidae) Zool. J. Linn. Soc., 152: 409- 458.
- Sars, G.O. 1903-11. An Account of the Crustacea of Norway. Volume 5. Copepoda, Harpacticoida. Bergen. 449s.
- Sewell, R.B.S. 1940. Copepoda Harpacticoida. Scientific Reports of the John Murray Expedition, 7, 117–382.
- Wells, J.B.J. 1967.The littoral Copepoda (Crustacea) of Inhaca Island, Mozambique. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., 67 (7): 189-358.
- Wells, J.B.J., G.R.F. Hicks, B.C. Coull. 1982. Common harpacticoid copepods from New Zealand harbours and estuaries. New Zeal. J. Of Zool., 9 (2): 151-184.
- Wells, J.B.J., G.C. Rao, 1987. Littoral Harpacticoida (Crustacea: Copepoda) from Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Mem. Zool. Surv., India, 16 (4): 1- 385.
- Wells, J.B.J. 2007. An annotated checklist and keys to the species of Copepoda Harpacticoida (Crustacea). Zootaxa, 1568: 1-872.
- Yeatman, H.C. 1970. Copepods from Chesapeake Bay sponges including Asterocheres jeanyeatmanae n. sp. Trans. Amer. Micros. Soc., 89 (1): 27-38.
- Yeatman, H.C. 1976. Marine littoral copepods from Jamaica. Crustaceana, 30: 201-219.