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Assessment of Hg, Cd, Pb and Cr accumulations in razor clam (Solen marginatus) from the Homa Lagoon

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 36 Sayı: 1, 31 - 39, 15.03.2019


In this study; the accumulation of Hg, Cd, Pb, and Cr were investigated seasonally in razor clams (Solen marginatus) from the Homa Lagoon. The highest heavy metal concentrations were found in summer which is spawning period. When detected Hg, Cd and Pb levels were compared with provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI), Turkish Food Codex and European Regulations values, no potential health risk was found. However, heavy metal pollution in razor clam from the Homa Lagoon should be monitored due to excessive Cr concentrations in respect to PTWI value.


  • Anthony, A., J. Atwood, P. August, C. Byron, S. Cobb, C. Foster, C. Fry, A. Gold, K. Hagos, L. Heffner, D. Q. Kellogg, K. Lellis-Dibble, J. J. Opaluch, C. Oviatt, A. Pfeiffer-Herbert, N. Rohr, L. Smith, T. Smythe, J. Swift, and N. Vinhateiro. (2009). Coastal lagoons and climate change: ecological and social ramifications in U.S. Atlantic and Gulf coast ecosystems. Ecology and Society,14(1):8.
  • Atabeyoğlu, K.&Atamanalp, M. (2010). Yumuşakçalarda(Molluska) yapılan ağır metal çalışmaları. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(1):35-42.
  • Atılgan, İ. & Egemen Ö., (2001). Güllük ve Homa Lagünü sedimentlerinde karbon, yanabilen madde ve bazı ağır metal(Cu, Zn) düzeylerinin karşılaştırmalı olarak araştırılması. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 18(1-2):225-232.
  • ATSDR, 2016. Minimal risk levels (MRLs), March 2016. http://www. (accessed 25th April 2016)
  • Barón PJ, Real LE, Ciocco NF, Re ME. (2004). Morphometry, growth and reproduction of an Atlantic population of the razor clam Ensis macha (Molina, 1782). Scientia Marina, 68:211–217.
  • Bernhard, M., 1976. Manual methods in the aquatic environment (Part 3). Sampling and analyses of biological material. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 158.
  • Bilgin, M.,& Uluturhan, E.S., 2015. Assessment of heavy metal accumulation in Mytilus galloprovincialis and Tapes decussatus (Bivalvia) distributed in the Homa Lagoon (Izmir Bay). Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 32(1):1-8. doi: 10.12714/egejfas.2015.32.1.01
  • Bilgin, M., & Uluturhan-Suzer, E. (2017). Assessment of trace metal concentrations and human health risk in clam (Tapes decussatus) and mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from the Homa Lagoon (Eastern Aegean Sea). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(4): 4174-4184. DOI 10.1007/s11356-016-8163-2
  • Bonada N., Prat N. Resh V. H., and Statzner B., (2006). Developments in aquatic insect biomonitoring: a comparative analysis of recent approaches. Annual review of entomology, 51:495-523. doi: 10.1146/annurev.ento.51.110104.151124.
  • Breen M., Howell T., Copland P., (2011) A report on electrical fishing for razor clams (Ensıs Sp.) and its likely effects on the marine environment. Marine Scotland Science Report, 3(11).
  • Carvalho CEV, Ovalle ARC, Rezende CE, Salomão MSMB, Molisani MM, Lacerda LD. (1999). Seasonal variation of particulate heavy metals in the Lower Paraíba do Sul River Drainage Basin, R.J. Brazil. Environmental Geology, 37(4):297–302.
  • Christopher, B. N., Ekaluo, U.B., and Asuquo, F.E. 2010. Comparative Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd & Cr) by Some Edible Aquatic Mollusc from the Atlantic Coastline of South Eastern Nigeria. World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences, 2:317-321.
  • Dora, E.Ç., Sunlu, U., Ergen, Z., (2007). Heavy metal concentrations in Hediste diversicolor (Polychaeta) and sediments from Homa Lagoon (Izmir Bay-Turkey). 38. CIESM kongresi, 38: 253.
  • Elbek G.,Emiroğlu D. İ., Saygı H. (2003). Ege Bölgesi Dalyanlarının Genel Bir Durum Değerlendirilmesi, Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 20(1-2):173–183.
  • Egemen, Ö., Sunlu, U., Kaymakçı, A. (1998). “Heavy metal concentrations in some molluscs and in surficial sediments from İzmir Bay/Türkiye”, XXXV. Congress CIESM, Dubrovnik, 35(1):250-251.
  • FAO/WHO, 2004. Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. 63rd Meeting Geneva, Italy, 8–17 June 2004.
  • FAO/WHO, 2010. FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. 73rd Meeting Geneva, Italy, 8-17 June 2010.
  • Farrington JW, Goldberg ED, Risebrough RW, Martin JH, Bowen VT. (1983). US ‘‘Mussel Watch’’ 1976–1978: an overview of the trace metal, DDT, PCB, hydrocarbon and artifical radio- nuclide date. Environmental Science and Technology,17:490–496
  • Gönenç, I. E., & Wolflin J. P.(2005). Coastal lagoons: ecosystem processes and modeling for sustainable use and development. Florida: CRC Press, Boca RatonHassan R. & Kanakaraju D. (2013). Razor clams (Class Bivalvia) of Kuala Selangor, Malaysia: morphology, genetic diversity and heavy metal concentration. Borneo Journal of Resource Science and Technology,2(2):19-27
  • Hu H. (2000). Exposure to metals. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 27:983-996.
  • Hu H. (2002). Life Support The Enviroment and Heavy Metals, 64-70 London: The MIT Pres.
  • Huang, H; Wu, J Y; Wu, J H. (2007). Heavy metal monitoring using Bivalved shellfish from Zhejiang Coastal Waters, East China Sea. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment; Dordrecht, 129(1-3):315-20. doi: 10.1007/s10661-006-9364-9.
  • Kamaruzzaman B.Y., Zahir M.S., John B. A., Waznah S. A., Jalal K.C.A, Shahbudin S., Al-Barwani S.M. and Goddard, J. S. (2010). Determination of some heavy metal concentrations in razor clam (Solen brevis) from Tanjung Lumpur Coastal waters, Pahang, Malaysia. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 13(24):1208-1213.
  • Kanakaraju D., Ibrahim F., Berseli M.N. (2008)a. Comparative study of heavy metal concentrations in razor clam (Solen regularis) in Moyan and Serpan, Sarawak. Global journal of Environmental Research, 2(2):87-91.
  • Kanakaraju D., Jios A.C., Long S.M (2008)b. Heavy metal cconcentrations in the Razor clams (Solen spp) from Muara Tebas, Sarawak. The Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences, 12(1):53-58.
  • Kayhan F.E., Muşlu M.N., Koç N.D. (2009). Bazı ağır metallerin sucul organizmalar üzerinde yarattığı stres ve biyolojik yanıtlar. Journal of Fisheries Science, 3(2):153-162. doi: 10.3153/jfscom.2009019.
  • Li, Y., Z. Yu, X. Song and Q. Mu. (2006). Trace metal concentrations in suspended particles, sediments and clams (Ruditapes philippinarum) from Jiaozhou bay of China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 121:491-501. doi: 10.1007/s10661-005-9149-6.
  • Mordoğan, H., Yaramaz, Ö., Alpbaz, A. (1990). Homa Dalyanı sedimentlerinde bazı ağır metallerin (Fe, Ni, Co, Mn, Sb) derişimlerinin araştırılması. Ege Journal of Fisheries Aquatic Sciences, 8(29-30):44-50.
  • Mubiana, V.K., Qadah, D., Meys, J., Blust, R.. (2005). Temporal and spatial trends in heavy metal concetrations in the marine mussel Mytilus edulis from Western Schelt estuary (The Netherlands). Hydrobiologia, 540:169-180. doi: 10.1007/s10750-004-7134-7.
  • Parlak, H., Çakır, A., Boyacıoğlu, M., Çakal Arslan, Ö. (2006). Heavy metal deposition in sediments from the delta of the Gediz River (Western Turkey): a preliminary study. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 23(3–4):445-448.
  • Pechenik, J.A. (2000). Biology of the invertebrates. USA: McGraw-Hill High Education Publication.
  • Phillips, D.J.H., 1995. The chemistries and environmental fates of trace metals and organochlorines in aquatic ecosystems. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 31:193–200. doi: 10.1016/0025-326X(95)00194-R
  • Regoli, F. (1998). Trace metals and antioxidant enzymes in gills and digestive gland of the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 34:48-63.
  • Remacha A. & Anadon N. (2006). Reproductive cycle of the razor clam Solen marginatus in Spain: a comparative study in three different locations. Shellfish Research, 25:896–876. doi: 10.2983/035.035.0213.
  • Roesijiadi, G. & W. E. Robinson. (1994). Metal regulation in aquatic animals: mechanism of uptake, accumulation and release. Aquatic Toxicology (Molecular, Biochemical and Cellular Perspectives), Lewis Publishers, London p. 539.
  • Saeedi H., Raad S.P., Ardalan A. A., Kamrani E. and Kiabi B. H. (2009). Growth and reproduction of Solen dactylus (Bivalvia: Solenidae) on northern coast of the Persian Gulf (Iran). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 89(8):1635–1642. doi:10.1017/S0025315409000964.
  • Saeedi H., Ashja Ardalan A., Hassanzadeh Kiabi B., Zibaseresht R. (2012). Metal concentrations in razor clam Solen dactylus (Von Cosel, 1989) (Bivalvia: Solenidae), sediments and water in Golshahr coast of Bandar Abbas, Persian Gulf. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 11(1):165-183
  • Sunlu, U. & Egemen, Ö. (1998) . Homa Dalyanı ve Izmir Körfezinin (Ege Denizi) farklı bölgelerindeki kirlenme durumu ile bazı ekonomik balık türlerinde ağır metal düzeylerinin araştırılması. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 15(3-4):241-261.
  • Taylan, Z.S. & Özkoç, H.B. (2007). Potansiyel ağır metal kirliliğinin belirlenmesinde akuatik organizmaların biokullanılabilirliliği. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 9(2):17-33.
  • Uluocak, B. H. & Egemen, Ö. (2005) . İzmir ve Aliağa Körfezi’nde mevsimsel olarak avlanan bazı ekonomik balık türlerinde organik klorlu pestisit kalıntılarının araştırılması, Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 22(1-2):149-160.
  • Uluturhan, E., Kontaş A., Can, E. (2011). Sediment concentrations of heavy metals in the Homa Lagoon (Eastern Aegean Sea): Assessment of contamination and ecological risks. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62:1989–1997. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2011.06.019.
  • UNEP, 1982. Reference methods for marine pollution studies, 14.
  • Viarengo, A.,& Canesi, L. 1991. Mussels as biological indicators of pollution. Aquaculture, 94:225-243. doi: 10.1016/0044-8486(91)90120-V.
  • Viarengoa A. , D. Loweb, C. Bolognesic, E. Fabbrid, A. Koehlere (2007). The use of biomarkers in biomonitoring: A 2-tier approach assessing the level of pollutant-induced stress syndrome in sentinel organisms. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology 146:281-300. doi: 10.1016/j.cbpc.2007.04.011.
  • Yap, C.K., Razeef, S.M.R., Edward, F.B., and Tan, S.G. 2009. Heavy metal concentrations (Cu, Fe, Ni, Zn) in the clam Glauconome virens, collected from the northern intertidal areas of peninsular Malaysia. Malaysia Application Biology, 38:29-35.
  • Yusoff N. A. M. & Long S.M. (2011). Comparative bioaccumulation of heavy metals (Fe, Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr, Pb) in different edible mollusk collected from the estuary area of Sarawak River. Empowering Science, Technology and Innovation Towards a Better Tomorrow: 806-811.

Homa Dalyanı’nda sülüneslerde (Solen marginatus) Hg, Cd, Pb ve Cr birikimlerinin incelenmesi

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 36 Sayı: 1, 31 - 39, 15.03.2019


 Bu çalışmada, Homa Dalyanı’ndaki sülüneslerde (Solen marginatus) mevsimsel olarak Hg, Cd, Pb ve Cr birikimleri araştırılmıştır. En yüksek ağır metal konsantrasyonları, üreme dönemi olan yazın saptanmıştır. Bulunan Hg, Cd, ve Pb seviyeleri tolere edilebilir haftalık miktar (PTWI), Türk Gıda Kodeksi ve Avrupa Yönetmeliği (EC) seviyeleri ile karşılaştırıldığında potansiyel sağlık riski taşımamaktadır. Bunun yanında, Cr konsantrasyonları PTWI değerinin üstünde olduğu için sülüneslerde ağır metal kirliliğinin izlenmesi gerekir.


  • Anthony, A., J. Atwood, P. August, C. Byron, S. Cobb, C. Foster, C. Fry, A. Gold, K. Hagos, L. Heffner, D. Q. Kellogg, K. Lellis-Dibble, J. J. Opaluch, C. Oviatt, A. Pfeiffer-Herbert, N. Rohr, L. Smith, T. Smythe, J. Swift, and N. Vinhateiro. (2009). Coastal lagoons and climate change: ecological and social ramifications in U.S. Atlantic and Gulf coast ecosystems. Ecology and Society,14(1):8.
  • Atabeyoğlu, K.&Atamanalp, M. (2010). Yumuşakçalarda(Molluska) yapılan ağır metal çalışmaları. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(1):35-42.
  • Atılgan, İ. & Egemen Ö., (2001). Güllük ve Homa Lagünü sedimentlerinde karbon, yanabilen madde ve bazı ağır metal(Cu, Zn) düzeylerinin karşılaştırmalı olarak araştırılması. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 18(1-2):225-232.
  • ATSDR, 2016. Minimal risk levels (MRLs), March 2016. http://www. (accessed 25th April 2016)
  • Barón PJ, Real LE, Ciocco NF, Re ME. (2004). Morphometry, growth and reproduction of an Atlantic population of the razor clam Ensis macha (Molina, 1782). Scientia Marina, 68:211–217.
  • Bernhard, M., 1976. Manual methods in the aquatic environment (Part 3). Sampling and analyses of biological material. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 158.
  • Bilgin, M.,& Uluturhan, E.S., 2015. Assessment of heavy metal accumulation in Mytilus galloprovincialis and Tapes decussatus (Bivalvia) distributed in the Homa Lagoon (Izmir Bay). Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 32(1):1-8. doi: 10.12714/egejfas.2015.32.1.01
  • Bilgin, M., & Uluturhan-Suzer, E. (2017). Assessment of trace metal concentrations and human health risk in clam (Tapes decussatus) and mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from the Homa Lagoon (Eastern Aegean Sea). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(4): 4174-4184. DOI 10.1007/s11356-016-8163-2
  • Bonada N., Prat N. Resh V. H., and Statzner B., (2006). Developments in aquatic insect biomonitoring: a comparative analysis of recent approaches. Annual review of entomology, 51:495-523. doi: 10.1146/annurev.ento.51.110104.151124.
  • Breen M., Howell T., Copland P., (2011) A report on electrical fishing for razor clams (Ensıs Sp.) and its likely effects on the marine environment. Marine Scotland Science Report, 3(11).
  • Carvalho CEV, Ovalle ARC, Rezende CE, Salomão MSMB, Molisani MM, Lacerda LD. (1999). Seasonal variation of particulate heavy metals in the Lower Paraíba do Sul River Drainage Basin, R.J. Brazil. Environmental Geology, 37(4):297–302.
  • Christopher, B. N., Ekaluo, U.B., and Asuquo, F.E. 2010. Comparative Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd & Cr) by Some Edible Aquatic Mollusc from the Atlantic Coastline of South Eastern Nigeria. World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences, 2:317-321.
  • Dora, E.Ç., Sunlu, U., Ergen, Z., (2007). Heavy metal concentrations in Hediste diversicolor (Polychaeta) and sediments from Homa Lagoon (Izmir Bay-Turkey). 38. CIESM kongresi, 38: 253.
  • Elbek G.,Emiroğlu D. İ., Saygı H. (2003). Ege Bölgesi Dalyanlarının Genel Bir Durum Değerlendirilmesi, Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 20(1-2):173–183.
  • Egemen, Ö., Sunlu, U., Kaymakçı, A. (1998). “Heavy metal concentrations in some molluscs and in surficial sediments from İzmir Bay/Türkiye”, XXXV. Congress CIESM, Dubrovnik, 35(1):250-251.
  • FAO/WHO, 2004. Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. 63rd Meeting Geneva, Italy, 8–17 June 2004.
  • FAO/WHO, 2010. FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. 73rd Meeting Geneva, Italy, 8-17 June 2010.
  • Farrington JW, Goldberg ED, Risebrough RW, Martin JH, Bowen VT. (1983). US ‘‘Mussel Watch’’ 1976–1978: an overview of the trace metal, DDT, PCB, hydrocarbon and artifical radio- nuclide date. Environmental Science and Technology,17:490–496
  • Gönenç, I. E., & Wolflin J. P.(2005). Coastal lagoons: ecosystem processes and modeling for sustainable use and development. Florida: CRC Press, Boca RatonHassan R. & Kanakaraju D. (2013). Razor clams (Class Bivalvia) of Kuala Selangor, Malaysia: morphology, genetic diversity and heavy metal concentration. Borneo Journal of Resource Science and Technology,2(2):19-27
  • Hu H. (2000). Exposure to metals. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 27:983-996.
  • Hu H. (2002). Life Support The Enviroment and Heavy Metals, 64-70 London: The MIT Pres.
  • Huang, H; Wu, J Y; Wu, J H. (2007). Heavy metal monitoring using Bivalved shellfish from Zhejiang Coastal Waters, East China Sea. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment; Dordrecht, 129(1-3):315-20. doi: 10.1007/s10661-006-9364-9.
  • Kamaruzzaman B.Y., Zahir M.S., John B. A., Waznah S. A., Jalal K.C.A, Shahbudin S., Al-Barwani S.M. and Goddard, J. S. (2010). Determination of some heavy metal concentrations in razor clam (Solen brevis) from Tanjung Lumpur Coastal waters, Pahang, Malaysia. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 13(24):1208-1213.
  • Kanakaraju D., Ibrahim F., Berseli M.N. (2008)a. Comparative study of heavy metal concentrations in razor clam (Solen regularis) in Moyan and Serpan, Sarawak. Global journal of Environmental Research, 2(2):87-91.
  • Kanakaraju D., Jios A.C., Long S.M (2008)b. Heavy metal cconcentrations in the Razor clams (Solen spp) from Muara Tebas, Sarawak. The Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences, 12(1):53-58.
  • Kayhan F.E., Muşlu M.N., Koç N.D. (2009). Bazı ağır metallerin sucul organizmalar üzerinde yarattığı stres ve biyolojik yanıtlar. Journal of Fisheries Science, 3(2):153-162. doi: 10.3153/jfscom.2009019.
  • Li, Y., Z. Yu, X. Song and Q. Mu. (2006). Trace metal concentrations in suspended particles, sediments and clams (Ruditapes philippinarum) from Jiaozhou bay of China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 121:491-501. doi: 10.1007/s10661-005-9149-6.
  • Mordoğan, H., Yaramaz, Ö., Alpbaz, A. (1990). Homa Dalyanı sedimentlerinde bazı ağır metallerin (Fe, Ni, Co, Mn, Sb) derişimlerinin araştırılması. Ege Journal of Fisheries Aquatic Sciences, 8(29-30):44-50.
  • Mubiana, V.K., Qadah, D., Meys, J., Blust, R.. (2005). Temporal and spatial trends in heavy metal concetrations in the marine mussel Mytilus edulis from Western Schelt estuary (The Netherlands). Hydrobiologia, 540:169-180. doi: 10.1007/s10750-004-7134-7.
  • Parlak, H., Çakır, A., Boyacıoğlu, M., Çakal Arslan, Ö. (2006). Heavy metal deposition in sediments from the delta of the Gediz River (Western Turkey): a preliminary study. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 23(3–4):445-448.
  • Pechenik, J.A. (2000). Biology of the invertebrates. USA: McGraw-Hill High Education Publication.
  • Phillips, D.J.H., 1995. The chemistries and environmental fates of trace metals and organochlorines in aquatic ecosystems. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 31:193–200. doi: 10.1016/0025-326X(95)00194-R
  • Regoli, F. (1998). Trace metals and antioxidant enzymes in gills and digestive gland of the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 34:48-63.
  • Remacha A. & Anadon N. (2006). Reproductive cycle of the razor clam Solen marginatus in Spain: a comparative study in three different locations. Shellfish Research, 25:896–876. doi: 10.2983/035.035.0213.
  • Roesijiadi, G. & W. E. Robinson. (1994). Metal regulation in aquatic animals: mechanism of uptake, accumulation and release. Aquatic Toxicology (Molecular, Biochemical and Cellular Perspectives), Lewis Publishers, London p. 539.
  • Saeedi H., Raad S.P., Ardalan A. A., Kamrani E. and Kiabi B. H. (2009). Growth and reproduction of Solen dactylus (Bivalvia: Solenidae) on northern coast of the Persian Gulf (Iran). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 89(8):1635–1642. doi:10.1017/S0025315409000964.
  • Saeedi H., Ashja Ardalan A., Hassanzadeh Kiabi B., Zibaseresht R. (2012). Metal concentrations in razor clam Solen dactylus (Von Cosel, 1989) (Bivalvia: Solenidae), sediments and water in Golshahr coast of Bandar Abbas, Persian Gulf. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 11(1):165-183
  • Sunlu, U. & Egemen, Ö. (1998) . Homa Dalyanı ve Izmir Körfezinin (Ege Denizi) farklı bölgelerindeki kirlenme durumu ile bazı ekonomik balık türlerinde ağır metal düzeylerinin araştırılması. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 15(3-4):241-261.
  • Taylan, Z.S. & Özkoç, H.B. (2007). Potansiyel ağır metal kirliliğinin belirlenmesinde akuatik organizmaların biokullanılabilirliliği. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 9(2):17-33.
  • Uluocak, B. H. & Egemen, Ö. (2005) . İzmir ve Aliağa Körfezi’nde mevsimsel olarak avlanan bazı ekonomik balık türlerinde organik klorlu pestisit kalıntılarının araştırılması, Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 22(1-2):149-160.
  • Uluturhan, E., Kontaş A., Can, E. (2011). Sediment concentrations of heavy metals in the Homa Lagoon (Eastern Aegean Sea): Assessment of contamination and ecological risks. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62:1989–1997. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2011.06.019.
  • UNEP, 1982. Reference methods for marine pollution studies, 14.
  • Viarengo, A.,& Canesi, L. 1991. Mussels as biological indicators of pollution. Aquaculture, 94:225-243. doi: 10.1016/0044-8486(91)90120-V.
  • Viarengoa A. , D. Loweb, C. Bolognesic, E. Fabbrid, A. Koehlere (2007). The use of biomarkers in biomonitoring: A 2-tier approach assessing the level of pollutant-induced stress syndrome in sentinel organisms. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology 146:281-300. doi: 10.1016/j.cbpc.2007.04.011.
  • Yap, C.K., Razeef, S.M.R., Edward, F.B., and Tan, S.G. 2009. Heavy metal concentrations (Cu, Fe, Ni, Zn) in the clam Glauconome virens, collected from the northern intertidal areas of peninsular Malaysia. Malaysia Application Biology, 38:29-35.
  • Yusoff N. A. M. & Long S.M. (2011). Comparative bioaccumulation of heavy metals (Fe, Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr, Pb) in different edible mollusk collected from the estuary area of Sarawak River. Empowering Science, Technology and Innovation Towards a Better Tomorrow: 806-811.
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Selin Sevgi 0000-0001-6342-4247

Esin Uluturhan Suzer 0000-0002-7886-922X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Mart 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Mayıs 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019Cilt: 36 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Sevgi, S., & Uluturhan Suzer, E. (2019). Homa Dalyanı’nda sülüneslerde (Solen marginatus) Hg, Cd, Pb ve Cr birikimlerinin incelenmesi. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 36(1), 31-39.