The aim of this
study is to determine the effects of red mullet gillnets that commonly used in
Turkish waters on sustainability of non target fish species. For these purpose,
surveys were realized with 18 - 20 - 22 mm nominal bar length red mullet gillnets between
December 2008 and May 2010 along the north Aegean Sea coasts (5-30 m). SELECT
method was used with five different model (Normal location, normal scale,
log-normal, gamma and bi-modal) for evaluating selectivity parameters of non
target fish species. Selectivity models were determined as bi-modal for Serranus scriba and Symphodus tinca, log normal for Scorpaena
porcus and Spicara maena and
gamma for Pagellus acarne. Optimum
catch lengths and spread values and selectivity curves were given for 5 species.
Results showed that use of a larger
mesh size over the 22 mm mesh is important for ensuring stock sustainability of
the non target fish species.
Ayaz, A., İşmen, A., Özekinci, U., Altınağaç, U., Özen, Ö., Yığın, C.Ç., Cengiz, Ö., Ayyıldız, H. & Öztekin, A. (2010a). Studies on Determining By-catch Ratio and Bottom Gill Net Selectivity in north Aegean Sea. Project Report. TÜBİTAK 106Y021. (in Turkish).
Ayaz, A., Ünal, V., Acarli, D. & Altınağaç, U. (2010b). Fishing Gear Losses in the Gökova Special Environmental Protection Area (SEPA), eastern Mediterranean, Turkey. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 26, 416-419. DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0426.2009.01386.x
Aydın, İ., Gökçe, G. & Metin, C. (2008). The Effects of Netting Twine on Discard Rates of Commercial Red Mullet Gillnets in Izmir Bay. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 8, 373-376.
Aydın, I., Gökçe, G. & Metin, C. (2013). Using Guarding Net to Reduce Regularly Discarded Invertebrates in Trammel Net Fisheries Operating on Seagrass Meadows (Posidonia oceanica) in İzmir Bay (Eastern Aegean Sea). Mediterranean Marine Science, 14(2), 282-291.
Bilgin, S. & Çelik, E.S. (2009). Age, Growth and Reproduction of the Black Scorpionfish, Scorpaena porcus (Pisces, Scorpaenidae), on the Black Sea coast of Turkey. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 25, 55-60. DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0426.2008.01157.x
Ghorbel, A.O., Bradai, M.N. & Bouain, A. (2002). Spawning Period and Sexual Maturity of Symphodus (Crenilabrus) tinca (Labridae) in Sfax Coasts (Tunisia). Cybium, 26(2), 89-92 (in French).
Guland, J.A. (1983). Fish Stock Assessment. A Manual of Basic Methods. 225p.
Hamley, J.M. (1975). Review of Gillnet Selectivity. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 32(11), 1943-1969. DOI: 10.1139/f75-233
Holt, S.J. (1963). A Method for Determining Gear Selectivity and Its Application. Convention for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Special Publication, 5: 106-115.
Hovgard, H. & Lassen, H. (2000). Manual on Estimation of Selectivity for Gillnet and Longline Gears in Abundance Surveys. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No:397, Rome, FAO, p. 84.
İlkyaz, A.T. (2005). Determining Selectivity Parameters of Gillnets with Direct Estimation Method. pHd Thesis: İzmir: Ege University. 131p. (in Turkish).
İşmen, A., Özekinci, U., Özen, Ö., Ayaz, A., Altınağaç, U., Yığın, C.Ç., Ayyıldız, H., Cengiz, Ö., Arslan, M., Ormancı, H.B., Çakır, F. & Öz, M.İ. (2010). Determining Bio-ecology and Population Dynamics of of Demersal Fishes in Saros Bay. Project Report. TÜBİTAK 106Y035. (in Turkish).
JICA. (1993). Report of Demersal Fisheries Resources Survey in the Republic of Turkey.
Karakulak, F.S. & Erk, H. (2008). Gillnet and Trammel net Selectivity in the northern Aegean Sea, Turkey. Scienta Marina, 72: 527-540. DOI: 10.3989/scimar.2008.72n3527
Kelleher, K. (2005). Discards in the World’s Marine Fisheries. An update. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. Roma. ISBN: 92-5-105289-1.
Kınacıgil, H.T., İlkyaz, A.T., Ayaz, A., Akyol, O. & Altınağaç, U. (2000). Research on Effects of Gillnets on Fish Populations in Central Aegean Sea. Project Report, TÜBİTAK 198Y023. (in Turkish).
Kınacıgil, T.H., İlkyaz, T.A, Metin, G., Ulaş, A., Soykan, O., Akyol, O. & Gurbet, R. (2008). Determining the first reproduction length, age and growth parameters of Aegean Sea demersal fish for the regulation of fisheries management, (in Turkish). The Scientific and Technological Research Counci l of Turkey (TUBITAK) 103Y132, Final Report, İzmir, 327 pp.
Koca, H.U. (2002). A Study on the Determination of Some Parameters of the Scorpion Fish (Scorpaena porcus Linne, 1758) Caught by Bottom Nets in the Area of Sinop in Terms of Fishery Biology. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 26: 65-69. (in Turkish).
Kolding, J. & Skålevik, Å. (2011). PasGear 2. A Database Package for Experimental or Artisanal Fishery Data. Version 2.5.
Martin, P., Sartor, P. & Garcia-Rodriguez, M. (1999). Exploitation patterns of the European hake Merluccius merluccius, red mullet Mullus barbatus and striped red mullet Mullus surmuletus in the western Mediterranean. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 15: 24-28. DOI: 10.1046/j.1439-0426.1999.00125.x
Metin, C., Lök, A. & İlkyaz, T.A. (1998). The Selectivity of Gillnet in Different Mesh Size for Diplodus annularis (Linn.,1758) and Spicara flexuosa (Rafinesque, 1810). Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 15, 293-303. (in Turkish).
Millar, R.B. (1992). Estimating the Size-Selectivity of Fishing Gear by Conditioning on the Total Catch. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 87(420): 962-968. DOI: 10.1080/01621459.1992.10476250
Millar, R.B. & Fryer, R.J. (1999). Estimating the Size-selection Curves of Towed Gears, Traps, Nets and Hooks. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 9: 89-116. DOI: 10.1023/A:1008838220001
Millar, R.B. & Holst, R. (1997). Estimation of Gillnet and Hook Selectivity Using Log-linear Models. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 54, 471-477. DOI: 10.1006/jmsc.1996.0196
Papaconstantinou, C. & Farrugio, H. (2000). Fisheries in the Mediterranean. Mediterranean Marine Science, 1(1), 5-18. DOI: 10.12681/mms.2
Reis, E.G. & Pawson, M.G. (1992). Determination of Gill-net Selectivity for Bass (Dicentrarchus-labrax L) Using Commercial Catch Data. Fisheries Research, 13, 173-187. DOI: 10.1016/0165-7836(92)90025-O
Sbrana, M., Belcari, P., De Ranieri, S., Sartor, P. & Viva, C. (2007). Comparison of the Catches of European hake (Merluccius merluccius, L. 1758) Taken with Experimental Gillnets of Different Mesh Sizes in the northern Tyrrhenian Sea (western Mediterranean). Scienta Marina, 71, 47-56. DOI: 10.3989/scimar.2007.71n147
Stergiou, K.I. & Erzini, K. (2002). Comparative Fixed Gear Studies in the Cyclades (Aegean Sea): Size Selectivity of Small-hook Longlines and Monofilament Gill nets. Fisheries Research, 58, 25-40. DOI: 10.1016/S0165-7836(01)00363-0
Tuset, V.M., García-Díaza, M.M., Gonzáleza, J.A., Lorenteb, M.J. & Lozanoc, I.J. (2005). Reproduction and Growth of the Painted Comber Serranus scriba (Serranidae) of the Marine Reserve of Lanzarote Island (Central-Eastern Atlantic), Estuarine. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 64, 335-346. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2005.02.026
Whitehead, P.J.P., Bauchot, M., Hureau, J.C., Nielsen, J. & Tortonese, E. (1986). Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean, Volume I, II and III, UNESCO, Paris, Paris.
Zorica, B., Sinovčić, G., Pallaoro, A. & Čikeš, Keč V. (2006). Reproductive Biology and Length–Weight Relationship of Painted Comber, Serranus scriba (Linnaeus, 1758), in the Trogir Bay Area (Middle-eastern Adriatic). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 22, 260-263. DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0426.2006.00632.x
Kuzey Ege Denizi’nde barbun uzatma ağlarında yakalanılan hedef dışı türlerin seçiciliği
Bu çalışmada yaygın
olarak kullanılan barbun uzatma ağlarının hedef dışı balık türlerinin
sürdürülebilirliğine olan etkisinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla,
kuzey Ege Denizi kıyılarında (5-30 m.) Aralık 2008 – Mayıs 2010 tarihleri
arasında 18 – 20 – 22 mm göz genişliğine sahip barbun uzatma ağları ile
denemeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Hedef dışı türlerin seçicilik parametrelerinin
tespitinde 5 farklı model ile (normal location, normal scale, gamma, log-normal
ve bi-modal) SELECT tahmin metodu kullanılmıştır. Yakalanan çizgili hani ve
çırçır için bi-modal, iskorpit ve izmarit için log-normal, yabani mercan için
ise gamma en uygun seçicilik modeli olarak belirlenmiştir. 5 tür için optimum
yakalama boyları ve yayılım değerleri ile seçicilik eğrileri verilmiştir.
Çalışma sonucunda barbun avcılığında kullanılan uzatma ağlarında ağ göz
genişliğinin 22 mm’nin üzerine çıkarılmasının ilgili türlerin stok
sürdürülebilirliği bakımından önemli olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
Ayaz, A., İşmen, A., Özekinci, U., Altınağaç, U., Özen, Ö., Yığın, C.Ç., Cengiz, Ö., Ayyıldız, H. & Öztekin, A. (2010a). Studies on Determining By-catch Ratio and Bottom Gill Net Selectivity in north Aegean Sea. Project Report. TÜBİTAK 106Y021. (in Turkish).
Ayaz, A., Ünal, V., Acarli, D. & Altınağaç, U. (2010b). Fishing Gear Losses in the Gökova Special Environmental Protection Area (SEPA), eastern Mediterranean, Turkey. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 26, 416-419. DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0426.2009.01386.x
Aydın, İ., Gökçe, G. & Metin, C. (2008). The Effects of Netting Twine on Discard Rates of Commercial Red Mullet Gillnets in Izmir Bay. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 8, 373-376.
Aydın, I., Gökçe, G. & Metin, C. (2013). Using Guarding Net to Reduce Regularly Discarded Invertebrates in Trammel Net Fisheries Operating on Seagrass Meadows (Posidonia oceanica) in İzmir Bay (Eastern Aegean Sea). Mediterranean Marine Science, 14(2), 282-291.
Bilgin, S. & Çelik, E.S. (2009). Age, Growth and Reproduction of the Black Scorpionfish, Scorpaena porcus (Pisces, Scorpaenidae), on the Black Sea coast of Turkey. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 25, 55-60. DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0426.2008.01157.x
Ghorbel, A.O., Bradai, M.N. & Bouain, A. (2002). Spawning Period and Sexual Maturity of Symphodus (Crenilabrus) tinca (Labridae) in Sfax Coasts (Tunisia). Cybium, 26(2), 89-92 (in French).
Guland, J.A. (1983). Fish Stock Assessment. A Manual of Basic Methods. 225p.
Hamley, J.M. (1975). Review of Gillnet Selectivity. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 32(11), 1943-1969. DOI: 10.1139/f75-233
Holt, S.J. (1963). A Method for Determining Gear Selectivity and Its Application. Convention for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Special Publication, 5: 106-115.
Hovgard, H. & Lassen, H. (2000). Manual on Estimation of Selectivity for Gillnet and Longline Gears in Abundance Surveys. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No:397, Rome, FAO, p. 84.
İlkyaz, A.T. (2005). Determining Selectivity Parameters of Gillnets with Direct Estimation Method. pHd Thesis: İzmir: Ege University. 131p. (in Turkish).
İşmen, A., Özekinci, U., Özen, Ö., Ayaz, A., Altınağaç, U., Yığın, C.Ç., Ayyıldız, H., Cengiz, Ö., Arslan, M., Ormancı, H.B., Çakır, F. & Öz, M.İ. (2010). Determining Bio-ecology and Population Dynamics of of Demersal Fishes in Saros Bay. Project Report. TÜBİTAK 106Y035. (in Turkish).
JICA. (1993). Report of Demersal Fisheries Resources Survey in the Republic of Turkey.
Karakulak, F.S. & Erk, H. (2008). Gillnet and Trammel net Selectivity in the northern Aegean Sea, Turkey. Scienta Marina, 72: 527-540. DOI: 10.3989/scimar.2008.72n3527
Kelleher, K. (2005). Discards in the World’s Marine Fisheries. An update. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. Roma. ISBN: 92-5-105289-1.
Kınacıgil, H.T., İlkyaz, A.T., Ayaz, A., Akyol, O. & Altınağaç, U. (2000). Research on Effects of Gillnets on Fish Populations in Central Aegean Sea. Project Report, TÜBİTAK 198Y023. (in Turkish).
Kınacıgil, T.H., İlkyaz, T.A, Metin, G., Ulaş, A., Soykan, O., Akyol, O. & Gurbet, R. (2008). Determining the first reproduction length, age and growth parameters of Aegean Sea demersal fish for the regulation of fisheries management, (in Turkish). The Scientific and Technological Research Counci l of Turkey (TUBITAK) 103Y132, Final Report, İzmir, 327 pp.
Koca, H.U. (2002). A Study on the Determination of Some Parameters of the Scorpion Fish (Scorpaena porcus Linne, 1758) Caught by Bottom Nets in the Area of Sinop in Terms of Fishery Biology. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 26: 65-69. (in Turkish).
Kolding, J. & Skålevik, Å. (2011). PasGear 2. A Database Package for Experimental or Artisanal Fishery Data. Version 2.5.
Martin, P., Sartor, P. & Garcia-Rodriguez, M. (1999). Exploitation patterns of the European hake Merluccius merluccius, red mullet Mullus barbatus and striped red mullet Mullus surmuletus in the western Mediterranean. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 15: 24-28. DOI: 10.1046/j.1439-0426.1999.00125.x
Metin, C., Lök, A. & İlkyaz, T.A. (1998). The Selectivity of Gillnet in Different Mesh Size for Diplodus annularis (Linn.,1758) and Spicara flexuosa (Rafinesque, 1810). Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 15, 293-303. (in Turkish).
Millar, R.B. (1992). Estimating the Size-Selectivity of Fishing Gear by Conditioning on the Total Catch. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 87(420): 962-968. DOI: 10.1080/01621459.1992.10476250
Millar, R.B. & Fryer, R.J. (1999). Estimating the Size-selection Curves of Towed Gears, Traps, Nets and Hooks. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 9: 89-116. DOI: 10.1023/A:1008838220001
Millar, R.B. & Holst, R. (1997). Estimation of Gillnet and Hook Selectivity Using Log-linear Models. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 54, 471-477. DOI: 10.1006/jmsc.1996.0196
Papaconstantinou, C. & Farrugio, H. (2000). Fisheries in the Mediterranean. Mediterranean Marine Science, 1(1), 5-18. DOI: 10.12681/mms.2
Reis, E.G. & Pawson, M.G. (1992). Determination of Gill-net Selectivity for Bass (Dicentrarchus-labrax L) Using Commercial Catch Data. Fisheries Research, 13, 173-187. DOI: 10.1016/0165-7836(92)90025-O
Sbrana, M., Belcari, P., De Ranieri, S., Sartor, P. & Viva, C. (2007). Comparison of the Catches of European hake (Merluccius merluccius, L. 1758) Taken with Experimental Gillnets of Different Mesh Sizes in the northern Tyrrhenian Sea (western Mediterranean). Scienta Marina, 71, 47-56. DOI: 10.3989/scimar.2007.71n147
Stergiou, K.I. & Erzini, K. (2002). Comparative Fixed Gear Studies in the Cyclades (Aegean Sea): Size Selectivity of Small-hook Longlines and Monofilament Gill nets. Fisheries Research, 58, 25-40. DOI: 10.1016/S0165-7836(01)00363-0
Tuset, V.M., García-Díaza, M.M., Gonzáleza, J.A., Lorenteb, M.J. & Lozanoc, I.J. (2005). Reproduction and Growth of the Painted Comber Serranus scriba (Serranidae) of the Marine Reserve of Lanzarote Island (Central-Eastern Atlantic), Estuarine. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 64, 335-346. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2005.02.026
Whitehead, P.J.P., Bauchot, M., Hureau, J.C., Nielsen, J. & Tortonese, E. (1986). Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean, Volume I, II and III, UNESCO, Paris, Paris.
Zorica, B., Sinovčić, G., Pallaoro, A. & Čikeš, Keč V. (2006). Reproductive Biology and Length–Weight Relationship of Painted Comber, Serranus scriba (Linnaeus, 1758), in the Trogir Bay Area (Middle-eastern Adriatic). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 22, 260-263. DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0426.2006.00632.x
Kocabaş, E., Öztekin, A., Daban, İ. B., Ayaz, A. (2018). Gillnet selectivity for non target fish species caught by red mullet gillnets north Aegean Sea. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 35(3), 319-326.