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An investigation on ghost fishing of circular fish traps used in Turkey.

Year 2006, Volume: 23 Issue: 3, 351 - 354, 01.09.2006



  • Al lost fish traps (ghost fishing) fromfishing grounds near Muscat, Sultane of Omman. Fisheries Research. Vol. 69: 407-414. traps. Proceedings of the Lousiana Academy of Science. Vol. 56: 1-7 Beeh, G. 1995. Retrieval of lost gillnets at Ilulissat Kangia. Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization SCR document; 9516. 5p. Fraser River estuary, British Columbia. N. Am. J. Fish. Manage. 7:429- 435
  • Breen, P.A., 1990. A review of ghost fishing by traps and gillnets. In: Shomura, R.S., Godfrey, M.L.s (Eds.), Proceeding of the Second International Conference on Marine Debris, 2-7 April 1989, Honolulu, Hawaii. US Department of Commerce, NOAA Tech Memo NMFS, NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-154, pp. 571-599.
  • Bullimore, B., A. Newman, M.J. Kaiser, S.E. Gilbert, and K.M. Lock. 2001. A study of catches in a fleet of”ghost fishing” pots. Fishery Bulletin. Vol. 99 (2): 247 – 253.
  • Guillory, V. 1993. Ghost fishing by blue crab traps. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. Vol. 13:459-466.
  • Hebert, M., G. Miron, M. Moriyasu, R. Vienneau, and P. DeGrage. 2001. Efficiency and ghost fishing of snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) traps in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Fisheries Research. Vol. 52(3): 143-153.
  • Laist, D.W. 1996. Marine debris entanglement and ghost fishing: a cryptic and significant type of bycatch? In Baxter B., S. Keller (eds) Solving bycatch: considerations for today and tomorrow. Proceedings of the Solving Bycatch Workshop, University of Alaska Sea Grant College Program. Report No: 96-03, p 33-39
  • Parrish, F.A, and T.K. Kazama. 1992. Evalution of ghost fishing in the Hawaiian lobster fishery. Fishery Bulletin. Vol. 90: 720-725.
  • Pecci. K.J., R.A. Cooper, C.D. Newell, R.A. Clifford, and R.J. Smolowitz. 1978. Ghost fishing of vented and unvented lobster, Homarus americanus, traps. Marine Fisheries Review. Paper 1307.
  • Smolowitz, R.J. 1978. Trap design and ghost fishing: Discussion and An overview. Mar.Fis. Rev. 40(5-6): 59-67.

Üstten Girişli Yuvarlak Tel Sepetlerin Hayalet Avcılık Açısından İncelenmesi.

Year 2006, Volume: 23 Issue: 3, 351 - 354, 01.09.2006


Hayalet avcılık, deniz ve iç sularda çeşitli nedenlerden dolayı kaybolan, uzatma ağları ve balık tuzakları gibi av araçlarının, avcılığa devam etmesi sonucunda ortaya çıkan istenmeyen balıkçılık durumudur. Bu çalışma, ticari yuvarlak balık sepetlerinin hayalet avcılık durumlarının incelenmesi için gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada, 4 adet üstten girişli yuvarlak tel sepet, Kasım 2002 – Mart 2003 tarihleri arasında, İzmir Körfezi Karantina adası mevkiinde, doğal bir resif alanına yerleştirilmiştir. Tuzakların avcılık durumu dalış gözlemleri ile izlenmiştir. Denemelerde, tuzağın içine giren balıkların, yoğunluğa bağlı olarak 10. günden sonra kaçmayı öğrendikleri bulunmuştur. Bir aylık dönemden sonra sepetler içinde herhangi bir avcılık gözlenmemiştir


  • Al lost fish traps (ghost fishing) fromfishing grounds near Muscat, Sultane of Omman. Fisheries Research. Vol. 69: 407-414. traps. Proceedings of the Lousiana Academy of Science. Vol. 56: 1-7 Beeh, G. 1995. Retrieval of lost gillnets at Ilulissat Kangia. Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization SCR document; 9516. 5p. Fraser River estuary, British Columbia. N. Am. J. Fish. Manage. 7:429- 435
  • Breen, P.A., 1990. A review of ghost fishing by traps and gillnets. In: Shomura, R.S., Godfrey, M.L.s (Eds.), Proceeding of the Second International Conference on Marine Debris, 2-7 April 1989, Honolulu, Hawaii. US Department of Commerce, NOAA Tech Memo NMFS, NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-154, pp. 571-599.
  • Bullimore, B., A. Newman, M.J. Kaiser, S.E. Gilbert, and K.M. Lock. 2001. A study of catches in a fleet of”ghost fishing” pots. Fishery Bulletin. Vol. 99 (2): 247 – 253.
  • Guillory, V. 1993. Ghost fishing by blue crab traps. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. Vol. 13:459-466.
  • Hebert, M., G. Miron, M. Moriyasu, R. Vienneau, and P. DeGrage. 2001. Efficiency and ghost fishing of snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) traps in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Fisheries Research. Vol. 52(3): 143-153.
  • Laist, D.W. 1996. Marine debris entanglement and ghost fishing: a cryptic and significant type of bycatch? In Baxter B., S. Keller (eds) Solving bycatch: considerations for today and tomorrow. Proceedings of the Solving Bycatch Workshop, University of Alaska Sea Grant College Program. Report No: 96-03, p 33-39
  • Parrish, F.A, and T.K. Kazama. 1992. Evalution of ghost fishing in the Hawaiian lobster fishery. Fishery Bulletin. Vol. 90: 720-725.
  • Pecci. K.J., R.A. Cooper, C.D. Newell, R.A. Clifford, and R.J. Smolowitz. 1978. Ghost fishing of vented and unvented lobster, Homarus americanus, traps. Marine Fisheries Review. Paper 1307.
  • Smolowitz, R.J. 1978. Trap design and ghost fishing: Discussion and An overview. Mar.Fis. Rev. 40(5-6): 59-67.
There are 9 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Adnan Ayaz

Uğur Özekinci

Uğur Altınağaç

Özcan Özen

Publication Date September 1, 2006
Submission Date December 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2006Volume: 23 Issue: 3


APA Ayaz, A. ., Özekinci, U. ., Altınağaç, U. ., Özen, Ö. . (2006). Üstten Girişli Yuvarlak Tel Sepetlerin Hayalet Avcılık Açısından İncelenmesi. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 23(3), 351-354.