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The Designs of Photobioreactors for Microalgae Production.

Year 2006, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 327 - 332, 01.06.2006



  • Acien Fernandez, F. G., Garcia Camacho, F., Sanchez Perez, J. A., Fernandez Sevilla, J. M., & Molina Grima, 1998. Modelling of biomass productivity in tubular photobioreactors for microalgal cultures: Effects of dilution rate, tube diameter and solar irradiance. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 58; 605–616.
  • Baynes, S. M., Emerson, L., Scott, A. P., (1979). Production of algae for use in the rearing of larval fish. Fisheries Re search Technical Report 53; 13– 18.
  • Beijerink, M. W., 1890. Kulturversuche mit Zoochloren, Lichenengonidien und anderen niederen Algen. Bot. Ztg. 48; 725–785.
  • Belay, A., 1997. Mass culture of Spirulina outdoors. The Earthrise Farms experience. In: Vonshak, A. (eds.), Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira): Physiology, cell-biology and biotechnology. Taylor and Francis, London; 131–158.
  • Borowitzka M.A., 1992. Algal biotechnology products and processes: matching science and economics. J Appl Phycol 4; 267–279
  • Burlew, J. S. (eds.), 1953. Algae Culture. From Laboratory to Pilot Plant. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, DCBorowitzka MA, Borowitzka LJ (eds) (1988) Micro-algal biotechnology. Cambridge University Pres, Cambridge
  • Chrismadha, T., Borowitzka, M. A., 1994. Effectof cell density and irradiance on growth, proximate composition and eicosapentaenoic acid production of Phaeodactylum tricornutum grown in a tubular photobioreactor. J. Appl. Phycol. 6; 67–74.
  • Cohen, E., Arad, S., 1989. A closed system for outdoor cultivation of Porphyridium. Biomass 18; 59–67.
  • Durand Chastel, H., 1980. Production and use of Spirulina in Mexico. In: Shelef, G., Soeder, C. J. (Eds.), Algae Biomass. Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Pres, Amsterdam;51–64.
  • Fulks, W., Main, K. L., 1991. The design and operation of commercial-scale live feeds production systems. In: Fulks, W., Main, K. L. (eds.), Rotifer and Microalgae Culture Systems. The Oceanic Institute, Honolulu, H. I.; 3-52.
  • Gudin, C., Chaumont, D. 1983. Solar biotechnology study and development of tubular solar receptors for controlled production of photosynthetic cellular biomass. In W. Palz, & D. Pirrwitz (eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop and E. C. Contractor’s meeting in Capri (pp. 184–193). Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Company.
  • Kargın, H., 2002. Mikroalg- Rotifer Kültür Sistemleri ve Tasarımları, Yardımcı ders kitabı, ME. Ü. Yayınları No. 5, Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Yayınları No. 3; ISBN 975–6900–08–3; 15–16.
  • Kargın, H., 2004. Tübüler Sistemde Tetraselmis suecica Alg Türünün Büyüme Hızı ve Ürün Verimliliği. ME.Ü. BAP SÜF TBB (HK) 2001-3 no’lu proje.
  • Kawaguchi, K., 1980. Microalgae production systems in Asia. In: Shelef, G., Soeder, C. J. (Eds.), Algae Biomass Production and Use. Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Pres, Amsterdam; 25–33.
  • Kennedy, C. A., 1998. In Home Photosynthetic Bioreactor. Advanced Biology Home Page Webmaster.
  • Lee, Y. K., 1997. Commercial production of microalgae in the Asia-Pacific rim. J. Appl. Phycol. 9; 403–411.
  • Molina Grima, E. 1999. Microalgae, mass culture methods. In M. C. Flickinger, & S. W. Drew (eds.), Encyclopedia of bioprocess technology: Fermentation, biocatalysis and bioseparation, New York: Wiley,.vol. 3; 1753–1769.
  • Park, K.-H. and C.-G. Lee, 2000. Optimization of algal photobioreactors using flashing lights. Biotechnol. Bioproc- ess Eng. 5; 186–190.
  • Pulz, O., 1994. Open-air and semi-closed cultivation systems for the mass cultivation of microalgae. In: Phang, S. M., Lee, K., Borowitzka, M. A., Whitton, B. (eds.), Algal Biotechnology in the Asia- Pasific Region. Institute of Advenced Studies, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur; 113– 117.
  • Pulz, O., 2001. Photobioreactors: production systems for phototrophic microorganisms. IGV Institute for Cereal Processing, Arthur- Scheunert- Allee 40/41, 14558 Bergholz-Rehbrücke, Germany.
  • Robinson and Marrison, 1992. Alga Clorella Vulgaris coltivazione, estrazione e purificazione di una glicoproteina ad azione antitumorale , Anno Accademico 2001- 02, pp 7-15.
  • Soong, P., 1980. Productrion and development of Chlorella and Spirulina in Taiwan. In: Shelef, G., Soeder, C. J. (Eds.), Algae Biomass. Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Pres, Amsterdam; 97–113.
  • Tredici, M. R., Zitelli, G. C., 1997. Cultivation of Spirulina (Arthrospira) platensis in flat plate reactors. In: Vonshak, A. (ed.), Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira): Physiology, cell-biology and biotechnology. Taylor and Francis, London; 117–130.
  • Tredici, M.r., 1999. Bioreactors, photo. In: Flickinger M. C., Drew S.w., (Eds) Encyclopedia of bioprocess technology: fermentation, biocatalysis and bioseparation, vol 1. Wiley, New York; 395-419.
  • Tsukada, O., Kawahara, T., Miyachi, S.,1977. Mass culture of Chlorella in Asian countries. In: Mitsui, A., Miyachi, S., San Pietro, A., Tamura, S. (Eds.), Biological Solar Energy Conversion. Academic Pres, New York; 363–365.
  • Tsoglin and Gabel 2000. The technology of production of biomass labeled with stable isotopes. Abstracts of the 4th European workshop on biotechnology of microalgae. Bergholz-Rehbrücke, Germany.
  • Torzillo, G., Pushparaj, B., Boci, F., Balloni, W., Materassi, R., & Florenzano, G. 1986. Production of Spirulina biomass in closed photobioreactors. Biomass, 11; 61-64.
  • Tomaselli, L, Giovannetti, L., Torzillo, G., 1993. Physiology of stres response in Spirulina, Spirulina, Algae of Life. In: Doumenge, F.; Durand- Chastel, H. & Toulemont, A. (eds). Spiruline Algue de Vie. Bulletin de L'Institut Océanographique, Monaco, n.12, p. 65–75, 1993.
  • Venkatamaran, L. V., 1986. Blue-green algae as biofertilizer. In: Richmond, A. (Ed.), CRC Handbook of Microalgal Mass Culture. CRC Pres, Boca Raton, FL; 455–471.
  • Warburg, O., 1919. Über die Geschwindigkeit der Kohlensäurezusammensetzung in lebenden Zellen. Biochemische Zeitschrift 100; 230–270.
  • Watson, A. S., 1979. Aquaculture and Algae Culture. Process and Production. Noyes Data Corporation, N. J.
  • http://www. biosynthesis. couk/products.htm, 2.Agus.2004

Mikroalg Üretimi İçin Fotobiyoreaktör Tasarımları.

Year 2006, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 327 - 332, 01.06.2006


Ticari mikroalg üretimi, sağlam temellere dayanan bir endüstri dalıdır. Son yıllarda ticari mikroalglerin üretiminde yeni türler ve bu türlerin ticari üretimini temin edecek kapalı fotobiyoreaktörlerin farklı tasarımları önemli gelişme göstermiştir. Bu tasarımların yakın gelecekte ticari açıdan ön planda olacağı görülmektedir. Kapalı sistemler içerisinde bulunan tübüler fotobiyoreaktörler, değişik şekillerde, farklı büyüklük ve uzunluktaki şeffaf borulardan veya hortumlardan meydana gelmektedir. Bu tip biyoreaktörlerde, uygun tüp çapı 2 – 4 cm arasıdır. Spirulina ve Dunaliella gibi seçici bir büyüme ortamında kültür edilen mikroalg yığın kültürlerinde açık sistemlerin başarısına rağmen, Haemetococcus ve Phaeodactylum gibi ticari anlamda kullanılan fakat seçici ortam koşullarına sahip olmayan mikroalg türlerinin kapalı sistemlerde üretimi daha başarılı olmaktadır. Ancak bu sistemlerin yüksek üretim maliyeti son zamanlara kadar ticari uygulamasını engellemiştir. Düz panel reaktör ve tübüler fotobiyoreaktör tasarımlarının temel ilkesi; kültüre edilen hücreler tarafından ışıktan daha verimli yararlanılmasını sağlamaktır. Böylece, zararlı gazların birikimini kültür sistemlerinden uzaklaştıran uygun bir karıştırma ve hücrelerin ışıktan daha verimli yararlanmasını sağlayarak, daha yüksek biyomas yoğunluklarına ulaşmak mümkün olmaktadır. Sonuç olarak, bu sistemler sürekli üretimde çalışmaya uygundur. Sürekli maksimum yoğunlukta alg üretimi ve büyüme ortam koşullarının etkin kullanımına bağlı olarak, üretimi önceden tayin etme şansını sağlar. Böylece toplam maliyet düşer ve daha küçük alanlara ihtiyaç duyulur


  • Acien Fernandez, F. G., Garcia Camacho, F., Sanchez Perez, J. A., Fernandez Sevilla, J. M., & Molina Grima, 1998. Modelling of biomass productivity in tubular photobioreactors for microalgal cultures: Effects of dilution rate, tube diameter and solar irradiance. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 58; 605–616.
  • Baynes, S. M., Emerson, L., Scott, A. P., (1979). Production of algae for use in the rearing of larval fish. Fisheries Re search Technical Report 53; 13– 18.
  • Beijerink, M. W., 1890. Kulturversuche mit Zoochloren, Lichenengonidien und anderen niederen Algen. Bot. Ztg. 48; 725–785.
  • Belay, A., 1997. Mass culture of Spirulina outdoors. The Earthrise Farms experience. In: Vonshak, A. (eds.), Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira): Physiology, cell-biology and biotechnology. Taylor and Francis, London; 131–158.
  • Borowitzka M.A., 1992. Algal biotechnology products and processes: matching science and economics. J Appl Phycol 4; 267–279
  • Burlew, J. S. (eds.), 1953. Algae Culture. From Laboratory to Pilot Plant. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, DCBorowitzka MA, Borowitzka LJ (eds) (1988) Micro-algal biotechnology. Cambridge University Pres, Cambridge
  • Chrismadha, T., Borowitzka, M. A., 1994. Effectof cell density and irradiance on growth, proximate composition and eicosapentaenoic acid production of Phaeodactylum tricornutum grown in a tubular photobioreactor. J. Appl. Phycol. 6; 67–74.
  • Cohen, E., Arad, S., 1989. A closed system for outdoor cultivation of Porphyridium. Biomass 18; 59–67.
  • Durand Chastel, H., 1980. Production and use of Spirulina in Mexico. In: Shelef, G., Soeder, C. J. (Eds.), Algae Biomass. Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Pres, Amsterdam;51–64.
  • Fulks, W., Main, K. L., 1991. The design and operation of commercial-scale live feeds production systems. In: Fulks, W., Main, K. L. (eds.), Rotifer and Microalgae Culture Systems. The Oceanic Institute, Honolulu, H. I.; 3-52.
  • Gudin, C., Chaumont, D. 1983. Solar biotechnology study and development of tubular solar receptors for controlled production of photosynthetic cellular biomass. In W. Palz, & D. Pirrwitz (eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop and E. C. Contractor’s meeting in Capri (pp. 184–193). Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Company.
  • Kargın, H., 2002. Mikroalg- Rotifer Kültür Sistemleri ve Tasarımları, Yardımcı ders kitabı, ME. Ü. Yayınları No. 5, Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Yayınları No. 3; ISBN 975–6900–08–3; 15–16.
  • Kargın, H., 2004. Tübüler Sistemde Tetraselmis suecica Alg Türünün Büyüme Hızı ve Ürün Verimliliği. ME.Ü. BAP SÜF TBB (HK) 2001-3 no’lu proje.
  • Kawaguchi, K., 1980. Microalgae production systems in Asia. In: Shelef, G., Soeder, C. J. (Eds.), Algae Biomass Production and Use. Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Pres, Amsterdam; 25–33.
  • Kennedy, C. A., 1998. In Home Photosynthetic Bioreactor. Advanced Biology Home Page Webmaster.
  • Lee, Y. K., 1997. Commercial production of microalgae in the Asia-Pacific rim. J. Appl. Phycol. 9; 403–411.
  • Molina Grima, E. 1999. Microalgae, mass culture methods. In M. C. Flickinger, & S. W. Drew (eds.), Encyclopedia of bioprocess technology: Fermentation, biocatalysis and bioseparation, New York: Wiley,.vol. 3; 1753–1769.
  • Park, K.-H. and C.-G. Lee, 2000. Optimization of algal photobioreactors using flashing lights. Biotechnol. Bioproc- ess Eng. 5; 186–190.
  • Pulz, O., 1994. Open-air and semi-closed cultivation systems for the mass cultivation of microalgae. In: Phang, S. M., Lee, K., Borowitzka, M. A., Whitton, B. (eds.), Algal Biotechnology in the Asia- Pasific Region. Institute of Advenced Studies, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur; 113– 117.
  • Pulz, O., 2001. Photobioreactors: production systems for phototrophic microorganisms. IGV Institute for Cereal Processing, Arthur- Scheunert- Allee 40/41, 14558 Bergholz-Rehbrücke, Germany.
  • Robinson and Marrison, 1992. Alga Clorella Vulgaris coltivazione, estrazione e purificazione di una glicoproteina ad azione antitumorale , Anno Accademico 2001- 02, pp 7-15.
  • Soong, P., 1980. Productrion and development of Chlorella and Spirulina in Taiwan. In: Shelef, G., Soeder, C. J. (Eds.), Algae Biomass. Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Pres, Amsterdam; 97–113.
  • Tredici, M. R., Zitelli, G. C., 1997. Cultivation of Spirulina (Arthrospira) platensis in flat plate reactors. In: Vonshak, A. (ed.), Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira): Physiology, cell-biology and biotechnology. Taylor and Francis, London; 117–130.
  • Tredici, M.r., 1999. Bioreactors, photo. In: Flickinger M. C., Drew S.w., (Eds) Encyclopedia of bioprocess technology: fermentation, biocatalysis and bioseparation, vol 1. Wiley, New York; 395-419.
  • Tsukada, O., Kawahara, T., Miyachi, S.,1977. Mass culture of Chlorella in Asian countries. In: Mitsui, A., Miyachi, S., San Pietro, A., Tamura, S. (Eds.), Biological Solar Energy Conversion. Academic Pres, New York; 363–365.
  • Tsoglin and Gabel 2000. The technology of production of biomass labeled with stable isotopes. Abstracts of the 4th European workshop on biotechnology of microalgae. Bergholz-Rehbrücke, Germany.
  • Torzillo, G., Pushparaj, B., Boci, F., Balloni, W., Materassi, R., & Florenzano, G. 1986. Production of Spirulina biomass in closed photobioreactors. Biomass, 11; 61-64.
  • Tomaselli, L, Giovannetti, L., Torzillo, G., 1993. Physiology of stres response in Spirulina, Spirulina, Algae of Life. In: Doumenge, F.; Durand- Chastel, H. & Toulemont, A. (eds). Spiruline Algue de Vie. Bulletin de L'Institut Océanographique, Monaco, n.12, p. 65–75, 1993.
  • Venkatamaran, L. V., 1986. Blue-green algae as biofertilizer. In: Richmond, A. (Ed.), CRC Handbook of Microalgal Mass Culture. CRC Pres, Boca Raton, FL; 455–471.
  • Warburg, O., 1919. Über die Geschwindigkeit der Kohlensäurezusammensetzung in lebenden Zellen. Biochemische Zeitschrift 100; 230–270.
  • Watson, A. S., 1979. Aquaculture and Algae Culture. Process and Production. Noyes Data Corporation, N. J.
  • http://www. biosynthesis. couk/products.htm, 2.Agus.2004
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Hilal Kargın Yılmaz

Publication Date June 1, 2006
Submission Date December 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2006Volume: 23 Issue: 2


APA Yılmaz, H. K. . (2006). Mikroalg Üretimi İçin Fotobiyoreaktör Tasarımları. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 23(2), 327-332.