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An investigation on bycatch issue in fishery.

Year 2006, Volume: 23 Issue: 3, 457 - 462, 01.09.2006



  • Akyol, O., 2003. Retained and trash fish catches of beach-seining in the Aegean coast of Turkey. Turk J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 27: 1111-1117.
  • Alverson, D.L., Freeber, M.H., Murawski, S., and Pope, J.P., 1994. A global assessment of fisheries bycatch and discards. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. No. 339. FAO, Rome, 233 p.
  • Alverson, D.L., Hughes, S.E., 1996. Bycatch: From emotion to effective natural resource management. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 6: 443-462.
  • Andrew, N.L., Pepperell, J.P., 1992. The bycatch of shrimp trawl fisheries. Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Annu. Rev. 30: 527–565.
  • Atabey, Ş., Taşkavak, E., 2001. A preliminary study on the prawn trawls excluding sea turtles, (inTurkish). E.U. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences Vol. 18, Issue (1-2): 71-79
  • Averill, P.H., Carr., H.A., 1987. Use of square mesh in New England’s groundfishery. (Eds) In: Proceedinngs of Oceans 87:T he Ocean, an International Workplace. Vol. 2: 649-651.
  • Aydın, C., 1998, Development of Species Selectivity in Trawl Fisheries MSc. Thesis, (in Turkish). Ege Uni. Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences 77 pp.
  • Aydın, C., Tosunoğlu, T. and Tokaç, A., 2001, Improvement of size selectivity of bottom trawl nets by using grid systems, (inTurkish). E.U. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences, Vol. 18, Issiue (1-2): 91-101.
  • Aydın, C., 2004. Aplicatıon of sorting grid systems to exclude bycatch and discard species in trawl fisheries, (in Turkish). Ph.D. Thesis Ege Uni. Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences 181 pp.
  • Blaber, S.J.M., Milton, D.A., Smith, G.C. and Farmer, M.J., 1995. Trawl discards in the diets of tropical seabirds of the northern Great Barrier Reef. Australia. Marine Ecology Progress Series 127: 1-13.
  • Broadhurst, M.K., Kennelly, S.J. and O’doherty, G., 1996. Effects of square- mesh panels in codends and of haulback delay on bycatch reduction in the oceanic prawn-trawl fishery of New South Wales, Australia. Fisheries Bulletin 94: 412-422.
  • Campos, A., Fonseca, P., 2003. Selectivity of diamond and square mesh cod ends for horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus), European hake (Merluccius merluccius) and axillary sea bream (Pagellus acarne) in the shallow groundfish assemblage off the south-west coast of Portugal. Sci. Mar. 67: 249-260.
  • Carr, H.A., Mckiernan, D., Haris, J. and Mccarron, D., 1995. The fall whiting fishery of Cape Cod Bay and Massachusetts Bay. Proceedings of the East Coast bycatch conference, Rhode Island Sea Grant, Dec 1996, pp. 69-76.
  • Clucas, I., James, D.G. 1997. Papers presented at the Technical Consultant on Reduction of Waste in Fisheries. Tokyo, Japan, 28 October-1 November 1996. FAO Fisheries Report. No: 547, suppl. FAO, Rome, Italy. 388 p.
  • Clucas, I.J., Teutsher, F., 1999. Report and Proceedings of FAO/DFID Expert Consultation on Bycatch Utilization in Tropical Fisheries. Beijing, China, 21-23 September 1998. Chatham, UK: Natural Resources Institute.
  • Crowder, L.B., Murawski, A., 1998. Fisheries bycatch: Implications for management. Fisheries 23: 8-17.
  • Delgado-Estrella, A., 1997. Interaction of bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, and spotted dolphin, Stenella frontalis, with shrimp fishery in the Campeche Sound, Mexico. An. Inst. Biol. Univ. Nac. Auton. Mex. (Zool.) 68: pp. 317-338.
  • Demirci, A., 2003. Non-target demersal species inhabiting Iskaendeun Bay and their biomass estimation, (in Turkish). MSc Thesis. Mustafa Kemal Uni., Inst. of Applied Natural Science. 40 pp.
  • Erzini, K., Monteiro, P., Araujo, A. and Castro, M., 2003. Limited mid-water scavenging of trawl discards. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 83: 731-734.
  • Evans, S. M., Hunter, J.E., Elizal and Wahju, R.I., 1994. Composition and fate of the catch and bycatch in the Farne Deep (North Sea) Nephrops fishery. ICES Journal of Marine Science 51: pp. 155-168.
  • Diamond, S.L., 2003. Estimation of bycatch in shrimp trawl fisheries: a comparison of estimation of estimation methods using field and simulated data.Fish. Bull.101:484-500.
  • Garthe, S., Campuysen, C.J. and Furness, R.W., 1996. Amounts discarded by commercial fisheries and their significance as food for seabirds in the North Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 136: 1-11.
  • Gislason, H., 1994. Ecosystem effects of fishing activities in the North Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 29: 6-12.
  • Godİy, H., Furevik, D. and Lİkkeborg, S. 2003. Reduced bycatch of red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) in the gillnet fishery for cod (Gadus morhua) in northern Norway. Fish. Res.62: 377–384
  • Hall, M.A., 1994. A classification of bycatch problems and some approaches to their solutions. In Workshop on bycatches in fisheries and their impact on the ecosystem (eds T. J. Pritcher and R. Chuenpagdee). University of British Columbia, Fisheries Centre Research Reports 2: 65-74.
  • Hall, S.J., 1999. The Effects of Fishing on Marine Ecosystems and Communities. Fish Biology and Aquatic Resources Series 1, Blackwell Science UK. 274 p.
  • Harrington, D., 1992. A Sea Grant perspective on reducing bycatch. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Shrimp Bycatch, May 24–27, 1992, Lake Buena Vista, Florida. Sponsored by the Southeastern Fisheries Association, Tallahassee, Florida. NOAA/NMFS, Tallahassee, Florida. pp. 65–82.
  • Horstein, M.B., Kirkegaard, E., 2002. Bycatch from a perspective of sustainable use. IUCN SSC European Sustainable Use Specialist Group: Fisheries Working Group Comment on the European Commission Gren Paper on the Common Fisheries Policy 2002. p. 16.
  • Isaksen, B., Valdemarsen J.W., 1986. Selectivity experiments with square mesh codends in bottom trawl, ICES C.M. B:28, 18p.
  • Isaksen, B., Valdemarsen, J.W., Larsen, R.B. and Karlsen, L., 1992. Reduction of fish by catch in shrimp trawl using a rigid separator grid in the aft belly. Fish. Res.13: 335-352.
  • Isaksen, B., Larsen, R.B., 1993. Size selectivity for shallow water shrimps by using a rigid metal grid in the aft and top section of the trawl. Experiments performed along the Mozambiquan coast, 9-24 Feb 1993, on board the commercial shrimp trawler Arpem IV. Report, Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway, and Norwegian College of Fisheries Science, Tromso, Norway.
  • Kelleher, K., 2005. Discards in the world’s marine fisheries. FAO Fisheries Technical Papers 470.
  • Kennelly, S.J., 1995. The issue of bycatch in Australia’s demersal trawl fisheries. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 5: 213-234.
  • Kendall, D., 1990. Shrimp retention characteristics of the Morison soft TED: a selective webbing exclusion panel inserted in a shrimp trawl net. Fish. Res. 9: 13-21.
  • Kınacıgil, H.T., Çıra, E., and İlkyaz, A., 1999a. A preliminary study on the shrimp trawling bycatch in Taşucu Bay (Northeastern Mediterranean).(in Turkish) E.U. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences Vol 16, Issue (1- 2): 99-105.
  • Kınacıgil, H.T., Çıra, E., İlkyaz, A., 1999b. By-catch problems in fisheries and a preliminary study. (in Turkish) E.U. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences Vol 16, Issue (3-4): 437-444.
  • Larsen, R.B. and Isaksen. B., 1993. Size selectivity of sorting grids in bottom trawls Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrommus aeglefinus) ICES Mar. Sci. Symp., 196:178-182.
  • Larsen, F. and Hansen, R. J., 2000. On the potential effects of widespread pinger use for the Danish North Sea gillnet fishery. IWC paper SC/52/SM27.
  • Lök, A., Tokaç, A., Tosunoğlu, Z., Metin, C., Ferro, R.S.T.1997. The effects of different cod-end design on bottom trawl selectivity in Turkish fisheries of the Aegean Sea. Fish. Res. 32: 149-156.
  • MacLennan, D.N. and Ferro, R.S.T., 1994. Selectivity of Square and Diamond Cod-ends in Hellenic Waters, Final Report (Contract number MED92/020) to the Commission of the European Union, Directoreta General for Fisheries, Unit XIV-1, Stergiou & Co., Athens, Hellas, 54p.
  • McCaughran, D.A., 1992. Standartdized nomenclature and methods of defining bycatch levels and implications. Prooceedings of the National Industry Bycatch Workshop (Schoning R.W., Jacopsen, R.W., Alverson, D.L., Gentle, T.G. and Auyong, J., eds.), Natural Sesourse Consultant, Seatle, Washington. pp. 200-201.
  • Melvin, E.F., Parrish, J.K. and Conquest, L.L., 1999. Novel tools to reduce seabird bycatch in coastal gillnet fisheries. Conservation Biology. 13: 1386-1397.
  • Metin, C., Ulaş, A., 2001. Shrimp fishery with trammel net, (in Turkish). Technological Development in Fishery, 19-21 June 2001 Workshop 157- 164.
  • Metin, C., Özbilgin, H., Tosunoğlu, Z., Gökçe, G., Aydın, C., Metin, G.,Ulaş, A., Kaykaç, H., Lök, A., Düzbastılar, F.O. and Tokaç, A., 2005. Effect of square mesh escape window on codend selectivity for three fish species in the aegean sea, Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 29: 461-468
  • Min, T.S., Fujiwara, T., Chng, N.M and Ean, T.C., 1981. Processing of by- catch into frozen minced blocks (Surimi) and jelly products. In Fish By- Catch-Bonus from the sea: Report of a Technical Consultation on Shrimp Bycatch Utilization held in Georgetown, Guyana, 27-30 October 1981, IDRC, Ottowa, (IDRC-198-e), pp. 89-92.
  • Moore, G. and Jennings, S., 2000. Commercial Fishing: the Wider Ecological Impacts. British Ecological Society. Blackwell Science. 66 p.
  • Özbilgin, H., Tosunoğlu, Z., Aydın, C., Kaykaç, H., Tokaç, A., 2005. Selectivity of Standard, Narrow and Square Mesh Panel Trawl Codends for Hake (Merluccius merluccius) and Poor Cod (Trisopterus minutus capelanus). Turk.J.Vet.Anim.Sci.,29,967-973.
  • Özbilgin, Y.D., Tosunoğlu, Z., Özbilgin, H., 2006. By-catch in a 40 mm PE Demersal Trawl Codend. Turk J Vet Anim Sci 30, 179-185.
  • Pascoe, S., 1997. Bycatch management and the economics of discarding. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 370. FAO, Rome.
  • Petersen, E.E, 1981. The Guyana Project: Industrial use of by-catch. In Fish By-Catch-Bonus from the sea: Report of a Technical Consultation on Shrimp Bycatch Utilization held in Georgetown, Guyana, 27-30 October 1981, IDRC, Ottowa, (IDRC-198-e), pp. 69-76.
  • Pikitch, E.E., Perez-Comas, J.A., Suuronen, P. 1996. Codend size-selection: Good concept, but does it really work? pp. 107-114 in: Solving bycatch: consideration for today and tomorrow. Sea Grant College Program Report. University of Washington.
  • Saila, S.B., 1983. Importance and assessment of discards in commercial fisheries. FAO Fisheries Circular 765. FAO, Rome.
  • Stergiou, K.L., Petrakis, G., Politou, C.-Y., Christou, E.D., Karkani, M., MacLennan, D.N. and Ferro, R.S.T., 1994. Selectivity of Square and Diamond Cod-ends in Hellenic Waters, Final Report (Contract number MED92/020) to the Commission of the European Union, Directoreta General for Fisheries, Unit XIV-1, Stergiou & Co., Athens, Hellas, 54p.
  • Stratoudakis, Y., Fryer, R.J., Cook, R.M, Pierce, G.J. 1999. Fish discarded from Scottish demersal vessels: Estimators of total discards and annual estimates for targeted gadoids. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 56: 592-605.
  • Tillman, M.F., 1992. Bycatch: the issue of 90’s. pages 13-18 in Proceeding of the international conference on shrimp bycatch, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, 24-27 May 1992. NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, Tallahassee, Florida.
  • Tokaç, A., Lök, A., Tosunoğlu, Z., Metin, C., Ferro, R.S.T. 1998. Cod-end selectivities of a modified bottom trawl for three fish species in the Aegean Sea. Fish. Res. 39: 17-31.
  • Valdemarsen, J.W., 1986. Radial escape section (RES) as sorting device in a shrimp trawl. FAO Expert Consultation, Mazatlan, Mexico, November pp. 24–28.
  • Valdemarsen, J.W., Lehmann, K., Riget, F. and Boye, J., 1993. Grid dives to select shrimp size in trawls. ICES CM/B:29.
  • Watson, J.W., Jr. and Taylor, C.W., 1986. (Draft Report for UN/FAO). Research on selective shrimp trawl designs for penaeid shrimp in the United States: a review of selective shrimp trawl research in the United States since 1973. NOAA/NMFS/SEFSC, Mississippi Laboratories, Pascagoula, Mississippi. 20 p.
  • West, C.W., Valdemarsen, J.W. and Isaksen, B., 1984. Preliminary tests of a shrimp-fish separator section for use in shrimp trawls. ICES CM/B:12.
  • Ye, Y., 2002. Bias in estimation bycatch-to-shrimp ratios. Aquat. Living Resour. 15:149-154.

Balıkçılıkta Hedef Dışı Av Sorunu Üzerine Bir İnceleme.

Year 2006, Volume: 23 Issue: 3, 457 - 462, 01.09.2006


Denizel ortamdan yakalanan türlerin hedef dışı avı ve ıskarta edilmesi balıkçılığın doğasında var olan yüzlerce yıllık bir problemdir. Ancak, Bu konular balıkçılık yönetimi için nispeten yeni bir kavramdır. Hedef dışı av konusu ilk olarak 1970’li yıllarda tanımlanmıştır. Daha sonra, hedef dışı avın anlaşılması ve ölçülmesi 1990’lı yıllarda olmuştur. Dünyanın çeşitli bölgelerinde, hedef dışı av ve ıskarta olgusunu araştıran birçok güncel çalışma yapılmıştır. Hedef dışı av konusunda yapılmış tanımlamalar, sınıflandırmalar ve hedef dışı avın etkileri, global olarak ıskarta tahminleri, hedef dışı avın azaltılma yolları, hedef dışı avın hesaplama yöntemleri ve Türkiye’deki durumu incelenmiştir


  • Akyol, O., 2003. Retained and trash fish catches of beach-seining in the Aegean coast of Turkey. Turk J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 27: 1111-1117.
  • Alverson, D.L., Freeber, M.H., Murawski, S., and Pope, J.P., 1994. A global assessment of fisheries bycatch and discards. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. No. 339. FAO, Rome, 233 p.
  • Alverson, D.L., Hughes, S.E., 1996. Bycatch: From emotion to effective natural resource management. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 6: 443-462.
  • Andrew, N.L., Pepperell, J.P., 1992. The bycatch of shrimp trawl fisheries. Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Annu. Rev. 30: 527–565.
  • Atabey, Ş., Taşkavak, E., 2001. A preliminary study on the prawn trawls excluding sea turtles, (inTurkish). E.U. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences Vol. 18, Issue (1-2): 71-79
  • Averill, P.H., Carr., H.A., 1987. Use of square mesh in New England’s groundfishery. (Eds) In: Proceedinngs of Oceans 87:T he Ocean, an International Workplace. Vol. 2: 649-651.
  • Aydın, C., 1998, Development of Species Selectivity in Trawl Fisheries MSc. Thesis, (in Turkish). Ege Uni. Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences 77 pp.
  • Aydın, C., Tosunoğlu, T. and Tokaç, A., 2001, Improvement of size selectivity of bottom trawl nets by using grid systems, (inTurkish). E.U. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences, Vol. 18, Issiue (1-2): 91-101.
  • Aydın, C., 2004. Aplicatıon of sorting grid systems to exclude bycatch and discard species in trawl fisheries, (in Turkish). Ph.D. Thesis Ege Uni. Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences 181 pp.
  • Blaber, S.J.M., Milton, D.A., Smith, G.C. and Farmer, M.J., 1995. Trawl discards in the diets of tropical seabirds of the northern Great Barrier Reef. Australia. Marine Ecology Progress Series 127: 1-13.
  • Broadhurst, M.K., Kennelly, S.J. and O’doherty, G., 1996. Effects of square- mesh panels in codends and of haulback delay on bycatch reduction in the oceanic prawn-trawl fishery of New South Wales, Australia. Fisheries Bulletin 94: 412-422.
  • Campos, A., Fonseca, P., 2003. Selectivity of diamond and square mesh cod ends for horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus), European hake (Merluccius merluccius) and axillary sea bream (Pagellus acarne) in the shallow groundfish assemblage off the south-west coast of Portugal. Sci. Mar. 67: 249-260.
  • Carr, H.A., Mckiernan, D., Haris, J. and Mccarron, D., 1995. The fall whiting fishery of Cape Cod Bay and Massachusetts Bay. Proceedings of the East Coast bycatch conference, Rhode Island Sea Grant, Dec 1996, pp. 69-76.
  • Clucas, I., James, D.G. 1997. Papers presented at the Technical Consultant on Reduction of Waste in Fisheries. Tokyo, Japan, 28 October-1 November 1996. FAO Fisheries Report. No: 547, suppl. FAO, Rome, Italy. 388 p.
  • Clucas, I.J., Teutsher, F., 1999. Report and Proceedings of FAO/DFID Expert Consultation on Bycatch Utilization in Tropical Fisheries. Beijing, China, 21-23 September 1998. Chatham, UK: Natural Resources Institute.
  • Crowder, L.B., Murawski, A., 1998. Fisheries bycatch: Implications for management. Fisheries 23: 8-17.
  • Delgado-Estrella, A., 1997. Interaction of bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, and spotted dolphin, Stenella frontalis, with shrimp fishery in the Campeche Sound, Mexico. An. Inst. Biol. Univ. Nac. Auton. Mex. (Zool.) 68: pp. 317-338.
  • Demirci, A., 2003. Non-target demersal species inhabiting Iskaendeun Bay and their biomass estimation, (in Turkish). MSc Thesis. Mustafa Kemal Uni., Inst. of Applied Natural Science. 40 pp.
  • Erzini, K., Monteiro, P., Araujo, A. and Castro, M., 2003. Limited mid-water scavenging of trawl discards. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 83: 731-734.
  • Evans, S. M., Hunter, J.E., Elizal and Wahju, R.I., 1994. Composition and fate of the catch and bycatch in the Farne Deep (North Sea) Nephrops fishery. ICES Journal of Marine Science 51: pp. 155-168.
  • Diamond, S.L., 2003. Estimation of bycatch in shrimp trawl fisheries: a comparison of estimation of estimation methods using field and simulated data.Fish. Bull.101:484-500.
  • Garthe, S., Campuysen, C.J. and Furness, R.W., 1996. Amounts discarded by commercial fisheries and their significance as food for seabirds in the North Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 136: 1-11.
  • Gislason, H., 1994. Ecosystem effects of fishing activities in the North Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 29: 6-12.
  • Godİy, H., Furevik, D. and Lİkkeborg, S. 2003. Reduced bycatch of red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) in the gillnet fishery for cod (Gadus morhua) in northern Norway. Fish. Res.62: 377–384
  • Hall, M.A., 1994. A classification of bycatch problems and some approaches to their solutions. In Workshop on bycatches in fisheries and their impact on the ecosystem (eds T. J. Pritcher and R. Chuenpagdee). University of British Columbia, Fisheries Centre Research Reports 2: 65-74.
  • Hall, S.J., 1999. The Effects of Fishing on Marine Ecosystems and Communities. Fish Biology and Aquatic Resources Series 1, Blackwell Science UK. 274 p.
  • Harrington, D., 1992. A Sea Grant perspective on reducing bycatch. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Shrimp Bycatch, May 24–27, 1992, Lake Buena Vista, Florida. Sponsored by the Southeastern Fisheries Association, Tallahassee, Florida. NOAA/NMFS, Tallahassee, Florida. pp. 65–82.
  • Horstein, M.B., Kirkegaard, E., 2002. Bycatch from a perspective of sustainable use. IUCN SSC European Sustainable Use Specialist Group: Fisheries Working Group Comment on the European Commission Gren Paper on the Common Fisheries Policy 2002. p. 16.
  • Isaksen, B., Valdemarsen J.W., 1986. Selectivity experiments with square mesh codends in bottom trawl, ICES C.M. B:28, 18p.
  • Isaksen, B., Valdemarsen, J.W., Larsen, R.B. and Karlsen, L., 1992. Reduction of fish by catch in shrimp trawl using a rigid separator grid in the aft belly. Fish. Res.13: 335-352.
  • Isaksen, B., Larsen, R.B., 1993. Size selectivity for shallow water shrimps by using a rigid metal grid in the aft and top section of the trawl. Experiments performed along the Mozambiquan coast, 9-24 Feb 1993, on board the commercial shrimp trawler Arpem IV. Report, Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway, and Norwegian College of Fisheries Science, Tromso, Norway.
  • Kelleher, K., 2005. Discards in the world’s marine fisheries. FAO Fisheries Technical Papers 470.
  • Kennelly, S.J., 1995. The issue of bycatch in Australia’s demersal trawl fisheries. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 5: 213-234.
  • Kendall, D., 1990. Shrimp retention characteristics of the Morison soft TED: a selective webbing exclusion panel inserted in a shrimp trawl net. Fish. Res. 9: 13-21.
  • Kınacıgil, H.T., Çıra, E., and İlkyaz, A., 1999a. A preliminary study on the shrimp trawling bycatch in Taşucu Bay (Northeastern Mediterranean).(in Turkish) E.U. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences Vol 16, Issue (1- 2): 99-105.
  • Kınacıgil, H.T., Çıra, E., İlkyaz, A., 1999b. By-catch problems in fisheries and a preliminary study. (in Turkish) E.U. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences Vol 16, Issue (3-4): 437-444.
  • Larsen, R.B. and Isaksen. B., 1993. Size selectivity of sorting grids in bottom trawls Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrommus aeglefinus) ICES Mar. Sci. Symp., 196:178-182.
  • Larsen, F. and Hansen, R. J., 2000. On the potential effects of widespread pinger use for the Danish North Sea gillnet fishery. IWC paper SC/52/SM27.
  • Lök, A., Tokaç, A., Tosunoğlu, Z., Metin, C., Ferro, R.S.T.1997. The effects of different cod-end design on bottom trawl selectivity in Turkish fisheries of the Aegean Sea. Fish. Res. 32: 149-156.
  • MacLennan, D.N. and Ferro, R.S.T., 1994. Selectivity of Square and Diamond Cod-ends in Hellenic Waters, Final Report (Contract number MED92/020) to the Commission of the European Union, Directoreta General for Fisheries, Unit XIV-1, Stergiou & Co., Athens, Hellas, 54p.
  • McCaughran, D.A., 1992. Standartdized nomenclature and methods of defining bycatch levels and implications. Prooceedings of the National Industry Bycatch Workshop (Schoning R.W., Jacopsen, R.W., Alverson, D.L., Gentle, T.G. and Auyong, J., eds.), Natural Sesourse Consultant, Seatle, Washington. pp. 200-201.
  • Melvin, E.F., Parrish, J.K. and Conquest, L.L., 1999. Novel tools to reduce seabird bycatch in coastal gillnet fisheries. Conservation Biology. 13: 1386-1397.
  • Metin, C., Ulaş, A., 2001. Shrimp fishery with trammel net, (in Turkish). Technological Development in Fishery, 19-21 June 2001 Workshop 157- 164.
  • Metin, C., Özbilgin, H., Tosunoğlu, Z., Gökçe, G., Aydın, C., Metin, G.,Ulaş, A., Kaykaç, H., Lök, A., Düzbastılar, F.O. and Tokaç, A., 2005. Effect of square mesh escape window on codend selectivity for three fish species in the aegean sea, Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 29: 461-468
  • Min, T.S., Fujiwara, T., Chng, N.M and Ean, T.C., 1981. Processing of by- catch into frozen minced blocks (Surimi) and jelly products. In Fish By- Catch-Bonus from the sea: Report of a Technical Consultation on Shrimp Bycatch Utilization held in Georgetown, Guyana, 27-30 October 1981, IDRC, Ottowa, (IDRC-198-e), pp. 89-92.
  • Moore, G. and Jennings, S., 2000. Commercial Fishing: the Wider Ecological Impacts. British Ecological Society. Blackwell Science. 66 p.
  • Özbilgin, H., Tosunoğlu, Z., Aydın, C., Kaykaç, H., Tokaç, A., 2005. Selectivity of Standard, Narrow and Square Mesh Panel Trawl Codends for Hake (Merluccius merluccius) and Poor Cod (Trisopterus minutus capelanus). Turk.J.Vet.Anim.Sci.,29,967-973.
  • Özbilgin, Y.D., Tosunoğlu, Z., Özbilgin, H., 2006. By-catch in a 40 mm PE Demersal Trawl Codend. Turk J Vet Anim Sci 30, 179-185.
  • Pascoe, S., 1997. Bycatch management and the economics of discarding. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 370. FAO, Rome.
  • Petersen, E.E, 1981. The Guyana Project: Industrial use of by-catch. In Fish By-Catch-Bonus from the sea: Report of a Technical Consultation on Shrimp Bycatch Utilization held in Georgetown, Guyana, 27-30 October 1981, IDRC, Ottowa, (IDRC-198-e), pp. 69-76.
  • Pikitch, E.E., Perez-Comas, J.A., Suuronen, P. 1996. Codend size-selection: Good concept, but does it really work? pp. 107-114 in: Solving bycatch: consideration for today and tomorrow. Sea Grant College Program Report. University of Washington.
  • Saila, S.B., 1983. Importance and assessment of discards in commercial fisheries. FAO Fisheries Circular 765. FAO, Rome.
  • Stergiou, K.L., Petrakis, G., Politou, C.-Y., Christou, E.D., Karkani, M., MacLennan, D.N. and Ferro, R.S.T., 1994. Selectivity of Square and Diamond Cod-ends in Hellenic Waters, Final Report (Contract number MED92/020) to the Commission of the European Union, Directoreta General for Fisheries, Unit XIV-1, Stergiou & Co., Athens, Hellas, 54p.
  • Stratoudakis, Y., Fryer, R.J., Cook, R.M, Pierce, G.J. 1999. Fish discarded from Scottish demersal vessels: Estimators of total discards and annual estimates for targeted gadoids. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 56: 592-605.
  • Tillman, M.F., 1992. Bycatch: the issue of 90’s. pages 13-18 in Proceeding of the international conference on shrimp bycatch, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, 24-27 May 1992. NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, Tallahassee, Florida.
  • Tokaç, A., Lök, A., Tosunoğlu, Z., Metin, C., Ferro, R.S.T. 1998. Cod-end selectivities of a modified bottom trawl for three fish species in the Aegean Sea. Fish. Res. 39: 17-31.
  • Valdemarsen, J.W., 1986. Radial escape section (RES) as sorting device in a shrimp trawl. FAO Expert Consultation, Mazatlan, Mexico, November pp. 24–28.
  • Valdemarsen, J.W., Lehmann, K., Riget, F. and Boye, J., 1993. Grid dives to select shrimp size in trawls. ICES CM/B:29.
  • Watson, J.W., Jr. and Taylor, C.W., 1986. (Draft Report for UN/FAO). Research on selective shrimp trawl designs for penaeid shrimp in the United States: a review of selective shrimp trawl research in the United States since 1973. NOAA/NMFS/SEFSC, Mississippi Laboratories, Pascagoula, Mississippi. 20 p.
  • West, C.W., Valdemarsen, J.W. and Isaksen, B., 1984. Preliminary tests of a shrimp-fish separator section for use in shrimp trawls. ICES CM/B:12.
  • Ye, Y., 2002. Bias in estimation bycatch-to-shrimp ratios. Aquat. Living Resour. 15:149-154.
There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Gökhan Gökçe

Cengiz Metin

Publication Date September 1, 2006
Submission Date December 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2006Volume: 23 Issue: 3


APA Gökçe, G. ., & Metin, C. . (2006). Balıkçılıkta Hedef Dışı Av Sorunu Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 23(3), 457-462.