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Assessment of microplankton and ecological index around sea outfall in Antalya Bay.

Year 2012, Volume: 29 Issue: 3, 115 - 121, 01.09.2012



  • Bendoricchio, G., De Boni, G., 2005. A water quality model for the Lagoon of Venice, Italy. Ecological modeling, 184: 69-81. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2004.11.013
  • Cupp, E.E., 1977. Marine Plankton Diatoms of the West Coast of North America. Otto Koeltz Science Publishers, Koenigstein, 237 s.
  • Ediger, D., Tuğrul, S., Yılmaz, A., 2005. Vertical profiles of particulate organic matter and its relationship with chlorophyll-a in the upper layer of northeastern Mediterranean. Journal of Marine Systems, 55: 311-326. doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2004.09.003
  • Eker, E., Kıdeyş, E., 2000. Weekly variation in phytoplankton structure of harbour in Mersin Bay (Northeastern Mediterranean). Turkish Journal of. Botany, 24: 13-24.
  • Gençay, H.A., Büyükışık, B., 2004. Effects of Sewage Outfall on Phytoplankton Community Structure in Izmir Bay (Aegean Sea). Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 21(1-2):107–111.
  • Koray, T., 1992. Noxious blooms in the Bay of İzmir, Aegean Sea, UNESCO, IOC Newsletter on Toxic Algae and Algal Blooms, Suppl. to ims Newsltter No: 63,2, 1-2.
  • Koray T., 1994. The nuisance bloom algae in aquatic ecosystems and monitoring strategies (in Turkish). E.U. Fen Fakültesi Dergisi, Seri, B. Ek 16/1, 329-342.
  • Koray T., Gökpınar, Ş., 1983. The qualitative and quantitative features of the genus Ceratium Schrank found in İzmir Bay. (in Turkish with English abstract). Journal of Faculty of Science, Supplement, Series B, Vol I, 178-200.
  • Koray, T., S. Gokpinar, L.Yurga, M. Turkoglu, S. Polat (7th Apr. 1999): Microplankton <> (28.12/2010) of Turkish Seas.
  • Koray, T., 2001. A Check-list for Phytoplankton of Turkish Seas. (in Turkish with English abstract). Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 18(1-1): 1-23.
  • Margalef, R.M., 1978. Diversity. In Sournia A.(ed.) Phytoplankton Manuel, Paris, UNESCO.251-260 pp.
  • Muhammedoğlu, H., Topkaya, B., Muhammedoğlu (Bayar), A., 2001. Monitoring of Sea Water Quality around Antalya Sea Outfall. Final Report, Measurements in 2000, Technical Report No. RU. 00-03-10, January, 2001, Antalya.
  • Pielou, E.C., 1975. Ecological diversity. John Wiley and Sons, 165 p.
  • Polat, S., Sarıhan, E., Koray, T., 2000. Seasonal chances in the phytoplankton of the Northeastern Mediterranean (Bay of İskenderun). Turkish Journal of Botany, 24:1-12.
  • Rampi, L., Bernhard, M., 1978. Key For The Determination of Mediterranean Pelagic Diatoms, C.N.E.N., ITALY, 71 s.
  • Sabancı F.Ç., Koray, T., 2005. The Planktonic Species Diversity Variation in the Bay of İzmir Between Years 1998-2001. (in Turkish with English abstract). Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 22 (3-4):273– 280.
  • Tuğrul-İcemer, G., Levent, H., Özgün, K., Yılmaz, V., 2003. Microbiological Water Quality in Antalya Bay. 12th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region, October 4-8, Antalya, Turkey. Abract Book pp 101.
  • Tomas, C.R., 1997. Identifying Marine Phytoplankton. Academic Press, San Diego, USA. 835p.
  • Tuğrul-İçemer, G., Okudan, E.S., Kurt, P.B., 2000. A Study on Plankton Communities around Antalya Sea Outfall. XV. National Biology Congress, 5-9 September 2000, Ankara, Summary Program and Abstract Book, 38p.
  • Tregouboff, G., Rose, M., 1957. Manuel de Planctonologie Mediterraneenne. Centre National De la Resherche Scientifique, I.,II., 587 p., 207 pl. PARIS
  • Vollenweider, R.A., Giovanardi, F. Montanari, G., Rinaldi, A., 1998. Chracteriazion of the trophic conditions of marine coastal waters with special reference to the NW Adriatic Sea: proposal for a trophic scale, turbidity and generalized water quality index. Environmetrics,9, 329-357. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1099-095X(199805/06)9:3<329::AID- ENV308>3.0.CO;2-9
  • Washington, H.G., 1984. Diversity, biotic and similarity indices: a review with special relevance to aquatic ecosystems. Water Research, 18(6):653- 694. doi: 10.1016/0043-1354(84)90164-7
  • Yurga, L., Koray, T., Başaran-Baymakçı, A., Egemen, Ö., 2005. The variations in microplanktonic species diversity and TRIX indexes in a sea cage fish farming locality. (in Turkish with English abstract). Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 22(1-2):177-186.

Antalya Körfezi deniz deşarj sahasında mikroplankton ve ekolojik indeks değerlendirmesi.

Year 2012, Volume: 29 Issue: 3, 115 - 121, 01.09.2012


Bu araştırma, arıtma tesisinin işletmeye alınmasından önce ve sonrasını kapsayan ve 1999–2001 yılları arasında yürütülen bölgesel kirlilik izleme programının bir bölümünü oluşturmaktadır. Arıtılmış atıksuların deşarj edildiği nokta ve çevresinde mikroplankton topluluklarının mevcut durumu ve ekolojik indeksler kullanılarak tür çeşitliliği değişimi açıklandı. Üç yıllık süreçte, örnekleme istasyonlarındaki tür sayısı 25 ile 6 arasında değişirken tür çeşitlilik indeksleri 5.23 ile 1.09 aralığındadır. Sonuçlar, deşarj sonrasında tür çeşitliliğinde azalma olduğunu ve tür baskınlığının hafifçe arttığını göstermiştir


  • Bendoricchio, G., De Boni, G., 2005. A water quality model for the Lagoon of Venice, Italy. Ecological modeling, 184: 69-81. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2004.11.013
  • Cupp, E.E., 1977. Marine Plankton Diatoms of the West Coast of North America. Otto Koeltz Science Publishers, Koenigstein, 237 s.
  • Ediger, D., Tuğrul, S., Yılmaz, A., 2005. Vertical profiles of particulate organic matter and its relationship with chlorophyll-a in the upper layer of northeastern Mediterranean. Journal of Marine Systems, 55: 311-326. doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2004.09.003
  • Eker, E., Kıdeyş, E., 2000. Weekly variation in phytoplankton structure of harbour in Mersin Bay (Northeastern Mediterranean). Turkish Journal of. Botany, 24: 13-24.
  • Gençay, H.A., Büyükışık, B., 2004. Effects of Sewage Outfall on Phytoplankton Community Structure in Izmir Bay (Aegean Sea). Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 21(1-2):107–111.
  • Koray, T., 1992. Noxious blooms in the Bay of İzmir, Aegean Sea, UNESCO, IOC Newsletter on Toxic Algae and Algal Blooms, Suppl. to ims Newsltter No: 63,2, 1-2.
  • Koray T., 1994. The nuisance bloom algae in aquatic ecosystems and monitoring strategies (in Turkish). E.U. Fen Fakültesi Dergisi, Seri, B. Ek 16/1, 329-342.
  • Koray T., Gökpınar, Ş., 1983. The qualitative and quantitative features of the genus Ceratium Schrank found in İzmir Bay. (in Turkish with English abstract). Journal of Faculty of Science, Supplement, Series B, Vol I, 178-200.
  • Koray, T., S. Gokpinar, L.Yurga, M. Turkoglu, S. Polat (7th Apr. 1999): Microplankton <> (28.12/2010) of Turkish Seas.
  • Koray, T., 2001. A Check-list for Phytoplankton of Turkish Seas. (in Turkish with English abstract). Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 18(1-1): 1-23.
  • Margalef, R.M., 1978. Diversity. In Sournia A.(ed.) Phytoplankton Manuel, Paris, UNESCO.251-260 pp.
  • Muhammedoğlu, H., Topkaya, B., Muhammedoğlu (Bayar), A., 2001. Monitoring of Sea Water Quality around Antalya Sea Outfall. Final Report, Measurements in 2000, Technical Report No. RU. 00-03-10, January, 2001, Antalya.
  • Pielou, E.C., 1975. Ecological diversity. John Wiley and Sons, 165 p.
  • Polat, S., Sarıhan, E., Koray, T., 2000. Seasonal chances in the phytoplankton of the Northeastern Mediterranean (Bay of İskenderun). Turkish Journal of Botany, 24:1-12.
  • Rampi, L., Bernhard, M., 1978. Key For The Determination of Mediterranean Pelagic Diatoms, C.N.E.N., ITALY, 71 s.
  • Sabancı F.Ç., Koray, T., 2005. The Planktonic Species Diversity Variation in the Bay of İzmir Between Years 1998-2001. (in Turkish with English abstract). Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 22 (3-4):273– 280.
  • Tuğrul-İcemer, G., Levent, H., Özgün, K., Yılmaz, V., 2003. Microbiological Water Quality in Antalya Bay. 12th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region, October 4-8, Antalya, Turkey. Abract Book pp 101.
  • Tomas, C.R., 1997. Identifying Marine Phytoplankton. Academic Press, San Diego, USA. 835p.
  • Tuğrul-İçemer, G., Okudan, E.S., Kurt, P.B., 2000. A Study on Plankton Communities around Antalya Sea Outfall. XV. National Biology Congress, 5-9 September 2000, Ankara, Summary Program and Abstract Book, 38p.
  • Tregouboff, G., Rose, M., 1957. Manuel de Planctonologie Mediterraneenne. Centre National De la Resherche Scientifique, I.,II., 587 p., 207 pl. PARIS
  • Vollenweider, R.A., Giovanardi, F. Montanari, G., Rinaldi, A., 1998. Chracteriazion of the trophic conditions of marine coastal waters with special reference to the NW Adriatic Sea: proposal for a trophic scale, turbidity and generalized water quality index. Environmetrics,9, 329-357. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1099-095X(199805/06)9:3<329::AID- ENV308>3.0.CO;2-9
  • Washington, H.G., 1984. Diversity, biotic and similarity indices: a review with special relevance to aquatic ecosystems. Water Research, 18(6):653- 694. doi: 10.1016/0043-1354(84)90164-7
  • Yurga, L., Koray, T., Başaran-Baymakçı, A., Egemen, Ö., 2005. The variations in microplanktonic species diversity and TRIX indexes in a sea cage fish farming locality. (in Turkish with English abstract). Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 22(1-2):177-186.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Gönül Tuğrul İçemer

Publication Date September 1, 2012
Submission Date December 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2012Volume: 29 Issue: 3


APA İçemer, G. T. . (2012). Antalya Körfezi deniz deşarj sahasında mikroplankton ve ekolojik indeks değerlendirmesi. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 29(3), 115-121.