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Rekreasyonel balıkçılığın faydalarının değerlemesi: Ordu örneği.

Year 2013, Volume: 30 Issue: 4, 147 - 154, 01.12.2013



  • Anonymous, 2012. No: 3/2 Notification of regulations on marine and inland recreational fisheries in Turkey (in Turkish). Notification Number: 2012/66. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, Ankara.
  • Bateman, I., Willis, K.G., 2002. Valuing Environmental Preferences: Theory and Practice of Contingent Valuation Method in the US, EU and Developing Countries. Oxford University Press, USA. ISBN-10: 0199248915, 692 p.
  • Bilgic, A., Florkowski, W.J., 2007. Application of a hurdle negative binomial count data model to demand for bass fishing in the southeastern United States. Journal of Environmental Management, 83: 478-490. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2006.10.009
  • Cantrell, R.N., Garcia, M., Leung, P., Ziemann, D., 2004. Recreational anglers’ willingness to pay for increased catch rates of PaciŞc threadŞn (Polydactylus sexŞlis) in Hawaii. Fisheries Research. 68: 149–158. doi: 10.1016/j.fishres.2004.01.003
  • Creel, M.D., Loomis, J.B., 1990.
  • Theoretical and empirical advantages of
  • truncated count data estimators for analysis of deer hunting in California.
  • American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 72(2): 434-441.
  • doi: 10.2307/1242345
  • Demir, N., 2007. Ordu İlinin Eski Adı "kotyora" ve Tarihî Alt Yapısı, Turkish Studies, Volume 2/2.
  • EU, 2004. Mediterranean: guaranteeing sustainable fisheries. Fishing in Europe, 21, 12 pp.
  • FIS, 2011. Fisheries Information System, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, General Directorate of Fisheries, Ankara. Turkey.
  • Gaudin, C., De Young, C., 2007. Recreational fisheries in the Mediterranean countries: a review of existing legal frameworks. Studies and Reviews. General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean. No.81. Rome, FAO. 85 pp.
  • Gillig, D., Ozuna, Jr.T., Griffin, W.L., 2000. The Value of the Gulf of Mexico Recreational Red Snapper Fishery. Marine Resource Economics, 15: 127–139.
  • Greene, W.H., 2000. Econometric Analysis, Prentice Hall, USA, 1004 p.
  • Grogger, J.T., Carson, R.T., 1991. Models for truncated counts. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 6: 225-238. doi: 10.1002/jae.3950060302
  • Gujarati, N.D., 2004. Basic Econometrics. McGraw-Hill, 4th Edition, USA. 1002 p.
  • Haab, T.C., 2002. Valuing Environmental and Natural Resources, Econometrics of Non-Market Valuation, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. 352 p. doi: 10.4337/9781843765431
  • Hickley, P., Tompkins, H., 1998. Recreational Fisheries: Social, Economic and Management Aspects. Wiley-Blackwell, 1st Edition, 328 pp.
  • Loomis, J.B., Rosenberger, R., Shrestha, R.K., 1999. Updated Estimates of Recreation Values for the RPA Program by Assessment Region and Use of Meta-Analysis for Recreation BeneŞt Transfer. Final Report for the USDA Forest Service, Colorado State University, Fort Collins. 143 p.
  • Markovic, M., Satta, A., Skaricic, Z., Trumbic, I., 2009. Sustainable Coastal Tourism, An integrated planning and management approach, the Priority Actions Programme Regional Activity Centre (PAP/RAC). United Nations Environment Programme, Division of Technology, Industry and Economics (UNEP-DTIE) “Practical Manuals on Sustainable Tourism” publication series. 68 p.
  • Milon, J.W., 1988. Travel Cost Methods For Estimating The Recreational Use Benefits of Artificial Marine Habitat. Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, 15 p.
  • Miran B., 2003. Basic Statistics. Ege University Press, ISBN 975-9308800, Bornova, İzmir, Turkey. 297 p.
  • Morales-Nin, B., Moranta, J., Garcia, C., Tugores, M.P., Grau, A.M., Riera, F., Cerda, M., 2005. The recreational fishery off Majorca Island (western Mediterranean): some implications for coastal resource management. ICES doi: 10.1016/j.icesjms.2005.01.022 Science, 62: 727-739.
  • Morales-Nin, B., Grau, A.M., Palmer, M., 2008. Managing coastal zone fisheries: interactions between small-scale and recreational activities, ICES CM2008/K:01, Theme Session K: Small scale and recreational fisheries surveys, assessment, and management. pp. 179.
  • NOAA. 2013. National Oceanic. Atmospheric Administration. Fisheries Economics nomics_2011>. Mart 7, 2013. the United States.
  • Park, T., Bowker, J.M., Leeworthy, V.R., 2002. Valuing snorkeling visits to the Florida Keys with stated and revealed preference models. Journal of Environmental Management, 65: 301-312. doi: 10.1006/jema.2002.0552
  • Parkkila, K., Arlinghaus, R., Artell, J., Gentner, B., Haider, W., Aas, Ø., Barton, D., Roth, E., Sipponen, M., 2010. Methodologies for assessing socio-economic benefits of European inland recreational fisheries. EIFAC Occasional Paper. 46. Ankara. FAO. 112 pp.
  • Ramanathan, R., 1998. Introductory Econometrics with Applications. The Dryden Press, USA, 664 pp.
  • Shrestha, R.K., Seidl, A.F., Moraes, A.S., 2002. Value of recreational fishing in the Brazilian Pantanal: a travel cost analysis using count data models. Ecological Economics, 42: 289-299.
  • Steijn, S., Czerniak, P., Volckaert, A., Ferreira, M., Devilee, E., Huizer, T., Hofstede, R., 2012. Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Ourcoasts: Outcomes and Lessons Learned, Directorate-General Environment of the European Commission. 35 p.
  • TSI, 2011. Year Book of Turkish Fisheries Statistics. Turkish Statistics Association. Prime Ministry. Ankara.
  • Tunca, S., Ünal, V., Miran, B., 2012. A preliminary study on economic value of recreational fishing in Izmir Inner Bay, Aegean Sea (Turkey). Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 29(2): 55-62.
  • Ünal, V., Acarlı, D., Gordoa, A., 2010. Characteristics of Marine Recreational Fishing in Çanakkale Strait (Turkey). Mediterranean Marine Science, 11(2), 315-330. doi: 10.12681/mms.79
  • Wedgwood, A., Sansom, K., 2003. Willingness-to-pay surveys - a streamlined approach: Guidance notes for small town water services. WEDC, Loughborough University, UK, ISBN 1 84380 014 4, 234 pp.
  • Winkelmann, R., 2000. Econometric Analysis of Count Data. 5th Edition. Springer, Heidelberg. 876 p. doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-04149-9

Valuation of recreational fishing benefits: A snapshot from Ordu, Turkey.

Year 2013, Volume: 30 Issue: 4, 147 - 154, 01.12.2013


Kıyısal alanlarda rekreasyonel balıkçılık Türkiye’nin ekonomik gelişiminde önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Ordu İli’nde rekreasyonel balıkçılığın pazardışı ekonomik değeri Koşullu Değerleme (31,500 Türk Lirası: TL) ve Seyahat Maliyeti (504,000 TL) Yöntemleri kullanılarak hesaplandı. Tobit Regresyon Model ile ödeme istekliliğine etki eden faktörler ve Negatif Binomiyal Regresyon Model ile bireysel seyahat maliyetine etki eden faktörler değerlendirilmiştir. Pazardışı faydaları belirlemenin yanında, rekreasyonel balıkçıların balıkçılık, demografik ve sosyoekonomik özellikleri rekreasyonel balıkçılığın yapısını daha iyi anlamak üzere sorgulanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, Ordu İli’nde rekreasyonel balıkçılığın büyük bir ekonomik etkisi bulunmaktadır


  • Anonymous, 2012. No: 3/2 Notification of regulations on marine and inland recreational fisheries in Turkey (in Turkish). Notification Number: 2012/66. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, Ankara.
  • Bateman, I., Willis, K.G., 2002. Valuing Environmental Preferences: Theory and Practice of Contingent Valuation Method in the US, EU and Developing Countries. Oxford University Press, USA. ISBN-10: 0199248915, 692 p.
  • Bilgic, A., Florkowski, W.J., 2007. Application of a hurdle negative binomial count data model to demand for bass fishing in the southeastern United States. Journal of Environmental Management, 83: 478-490. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2006.10.009
  • Cantrell, R.N., Garcia, M., Leung, P., Ziemann, D., 2004. Recreational anglers’ willingness to pay for increased catch rates of PaciŞc threadŞn (Polydactylus sexŞlis) in Hawaii. Fisheries Research. 68: 149–158. doi: 10.1016/j.fishres.2004.01.003
  • Creel, M.D., Loomis, J.B., 1990.
  • Theoretical and empirical advantages of
  • truncated count data estimators for analysis of deer hunting in California.
  • American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 72(2): 434-441.
  • doi: 10.2307/1242345
  • Demir, N., 2007. Ordu İlinin Eski Adı "kotyora" ve Tarihî Alt Yapısı, Turkish Studies, Volume 2/2.
  • EU, 2004. Mediterranean: guaranteeing sustainable fisheries. Fishing in Europe, 21, 12 pp.
  • FIS, 2011. Fisheries Information System, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, General Directorate of Fisheries, Ankara. Turkey.
  • Gaudin, C., De Young, C., 2007. Recreational fisheries in the Mediterranean countries: a review of existing legal frameworks. Studies and Reviews. General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean. No.81. Rome, FAO. 85 pp.
  • Gillig, D., Ozuna, Jr.T., Griffin, W.L., 2000. The Value of the Gulf of Mexico Recreational Red Snapper Fishery. Marine Resource Economics, 15: 127–139.
  • Greene, W.H., 2000. Econometric Analysis, Prentice Hall, USA, 1004 p.
  • Grogger, J.T., Carson, R.T., 1991. Models for truncated counts. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 6: 225-238. doi: 10.1002/jae.3950060302
  • Gujarati, N.D., 2004. Basic Econometrics. McGraw-Hill, 4th Edition, USA. 1002 p.
  • Haab, T.C., 2002. Valuing Environmental and Natural Resources, Econometrics of Non-Market Valuation, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. 352 p. doi: 10.4337/9781843765431
  • Hickley, P., Tompkins, H., 1998. Recreational Fisheries: Social, Economic and Management Aspects. Wiley-Blackwell, 1st Edition, 328 pp.
  • Loomis, J.B., Rosenberger, R., Shrestha, R.K., 1999. Updated Estimates of Recreation Values for the RPA Program by Assessment Region and Use of Meta-Analysis for Recreation BeneŞt Transfer. Final Report for the USDA Forest Service, Colorado State University, Fort Collins. 143 p.
  • Markovic, M., Satta, A., Skaricic, Z., Trumbic, I., 2009. Sustainable Coastal Tourism, An integrated planning and management approach, the Priority Actions Programme Regional Activity Centre (PAP/RAC). United Nations Environment Programme, Division of Technology, Industry and Economics (UNEP-DTIE) “Practical Manuals on Sustainable Tourism” publication series. 68 p.
  • Milon, J.W., 1988. Travel Cost Methods For Estimating The Recreational Use Benefits of Artificial Marine Habitat. Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, 15 p.
  • Miran B., 2003. Basic Statistics. Ege University Press, ISBN 975-9308800, Bornova, İzmir, Turkey. 297 p.
  • Morales-Nin, B., Moranta, J., Garcia, C., Tugores, M.P., Grau, A.M., Riera, F., Cerda, M., 2005. The recreational fishery off Majorca Island (western Mediterranean): some implications for coastal resource management. ICES doi: 10.1016/j.icesjms.2005.01.022 Science, 62: 727-739.
  • Morales-Nin, B., Grau, A.M., Palmer, M., 2008. Managing coastal zone fisheries: interactions between small-scale and recreational activities, ICES CM2008/K:01, Theme Session K: Small scale and recreational fisheries surveys, assessment, and management. pp. 179.
  • NOAA. 2013. National Oceanic. Atmospheric Administration. Fisheries Economics nomics_2011>. Mart 7, 2013. the United States.
  • Park, T., Bowker, J.M., Leeworthy, V.R., 2002. Valuing snorkeling visits to the Florida Keys with stated and revealed preference models. Journal of Environmental Management, 65: 301-312. doi: 10.1006/jema.2002.0552
  • Parkkila, K., Arlinghaus, R., Artell, J., Gentner, B., Haider, W., Aas, Ø., Barton, D., Roth, E., Sipponen, M., 2010. Methodologies for assessing socio-economic benefits of European inland recreational fisheries. EIFAC Occasional Paper. 46. Ankara. FAO. 112 pp.
  • Ramanathan, R., 1998. Introductory Econometrics with Applications. The Dryden Press, USA, 664 pp.
  • Shrestha, R.K., Seidl, A.F., Moraes, A.S., 2002. Value of recreational fishing in the Brazilian Pantanal: a travel cost analysis using count data models. Ecological Economics, 42: 289-299.
  • Steijn, S., Czerniak, P., Volckaert, A., Ferreira, M., Devilee, E., Huizer, T., Hofstede, R., 2012. Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Ourcoasts: Outcomes and Lessons Learned, Directorate-General Environment of the European Commission. 35 p.
  • TSI, 2011. Year Book of Turkish Fisheries Statistics. Turkish Statistics Association. Prime Ministry. Ankara.
  • Tunca, S., Ünal, V., Miran, B., 2012. A preliminary study on economic value of recreational fishing in Izmir Inner Bay, Aegean Sea (Turkey). Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 29(2): 55-62.
  • Ünal, V., Acarlı, D., Gordoa, A., 2010. Characteristics of Marine Recreational Fishing in Çanakkale Strait (Turkey). Mediterranean Marine Science, 11(2), 315-330. doi: 10.12681/mms.79
  • Wedgwood, A., Sansom, K., 2003. Willingness-to-pay surveys - a streamlined approach: Guidance notes for small town water services. WEDC, Loughborough University, UK, ISBN 1 84380 014 4, 234 pp.
  • Winkelmann, R., 2000. Econometric Analysis of Count Data. 5th Edition. Springer, Heidelberg. 876 p. doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-04149-9
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Mehmet Aydın

Sezgin Tunca

Uğur Karadurmuş

Denizcan Durgun

Publication Date December 1, 2013
Submission Date December 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2013Volume: 30 Issue: 4


APA Aydın, M. ., Tunca, S. ., Karadurmuş, U. ., Durgun, D. . (2013). Valuation of recreational fishing benefits: A snapshot from Ordu, Turkey. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 30(4), 147-154.