Determinants of economic efficiency: A case study of Rapa whelk (Rapana venosa) fisheries in the South Black Sea
Yıl 2022,
Cilt: 39 Sayı: 1, 1 - 10, 15.03.2022
Murat Dağtekin
Serhan Candemir
Gökhan Erik
Gülsüm Balçık Mısır
The inevitable increase in the numerical and technological capacity of fishing fleets in developed and developing countries has major implications for the management and distribution of limited natural resource capacity, as well as the ecological and socio-economic sustainability of fisheries. It is important to determine these effects to make the right decisions in fisheries management. This study aims to assess the fishing capacity, technical efficiency, scale efficiency, and capacity use in a specific subset of Rapa whelk fishers, those in Turkey's Black Sea. Economically efficient and inefficient boats were also compared in the study. The data obtained through face-to-face interviews with 452 boat owners constitute the main data of the study. Data were collected about the economic efficiency of the boats for one year. While economic efficiency ranged between 0.27 and 1, the average value was found to be 0.60. It was concluded that the age of the owner, the education period, and the length of the fishing boat positively affected economic efficiency (p<0.05). In the boats studied, technical efficiency scores were greater than economic efficiency scores. This suggests that rather than technical information, fishers require information on selecting the optimum input combination at the data cost level.
Destekleyen Kurum
This study was supported by General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies
Proje Numarası
We would like to thank Kocaeli University Academic Writing Unit and Assoc. Dr. Arzu Akkoyunlu Yüce, Dr. M. Selçuk Uzmanoğlu for their contribution to the English editing.
- Banker, R. D., Charnes, A., & Cooper, W. W. (1984). Some models for estimating technical and scale inefficiencies in data envelopment analysis. Management science, 30(9), 1078-1092.
- Bravo-Ureta B, Solı´s D, Moreira V, Maripani J, Thiam A, Rivas T. (2007). Technical efficiency in farming: A Meta-regression analysis, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 27, 57–72.
- Ceyhan, V, Gene, H. (2014). Productive efficiency of commercial fishing: evidence from the Samsun Province of Black Sea, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 14(2), 309-320.
- Charnes A, Cooper WW, Rhodes E. (1978). Measuring the efficiency of decision making units. European Journal of Operations Research, 2:429-444.
- Chung, E. Y., Kim, S. H., & Seong, C. N. (2002). First Sexual Maturity, Spawning Frequency and Deposition of the Egg Capsules of the Female Purple Shell Rapana venosa in the Slag Deposit Area, Gwangyang Bay, Korea. Development and Reproduction, 6(1), 37-44.
- Chung, E. Y., Kim, S. Y., & Park, K. H. (2001). Changes in Biochemical Composition of the Digestive Gland of the Female Purple Shell, Rapana venosa, in Relation to the Ovarian Developmental Phases. The Korean Journal of Malacology, 17(1), 27-33.
- Cinemre HA, Ceyhan V, Bozoğlu M, Demiryürek K, Kılıç O. (2006). The cost efficiency of trout farms in the Black Sea Region, Turkey. Aquaculture, 251(2006): 324-332.
Coelli T.,(1996). A Guide To DEAP Version 2.1: A Data Envelopment Analysis (Computer) Program CEPA Working Paper 96/08, Department of Econometrics, University of New England, Armidale.
- Coelli, TJ. Rao, DSP, Battese, G.E. (2003). An Introduction to Efficiency and Productivity Analysis. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Pp:115-134.
- Çelik, O., Samsun, O. (1996). Farklı dizayn özelliklerine sahip algarnaların av veriminin ve av komposizyonun araştırılması. Su Ürünleri Dergisi, 13(3-4): 259-272.
- Dağtekin M, Mısır D.S, Altuntaş C, Erik, G. (2017). Rapa whelk stocks status and assessment. Fifth meeting of the Subregional Group on Stock Assessment in the Black Sea (SGSABS) 2017. (04 December-09 December) Batumi, Georgia.
- Düzgüneş, E., (2001). Doğu Karadeniz’de direçle salyangoz avcılığı (Rapa whelk fisheries by dredging in the Eastern Black Sea). Balıkçılıkta Teknolojik Gelişmeler Çalıştayı, 19-21 June 2001, İzmir.
- Erik G, Dağtekin M, Çankaya A, Genç Y, Mısır S, Kutlu S. (2020). Karadeniz’de Deniz Salyangozu (Rapana venosa, Valenciennes 1846) Balıkçılığının İzlenmesi (Proje Sonuç Raporu), TAGEM/HAYSÜD/2016/A11/P-02/04. Trabzon, 75pp (In Turkish)
- Erik, G., (2011). Orta Karadeniz'de deniz salyangozunun (Rapana venosa Valenciennes., 1846) bidonla avcılığı, yavru yetiştiriciliği ve bazı biyolojik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi (Doktora Tezi), Sinop Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Su Ürünleri Yetiştiriciliği Anabilim Dalı. Sinop, 121 s.
- Esmaili A. (2006). Technical efficiency analysis for the Iranian fishery in the Persian Gulf. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 63: 1759-1764.
- Farrell MJ. (1957). The measurement of productive efficiency. Journal of Royal Statistical Society Association, 120:253-281.
- Harding JM, Mann R. (2005). Veined rapa whelk (Rapana venosa) range extensions in the Virginia waters of Chesapeake Bay, USA. Journal of Shellfish Research, 24(2), 381-385.
- Harding, J. M. (2006). Growth and development of veined rapa whelk Rapana venosa veligers. Journal of Shellfish Research, 25(3), 941-946.
- Harding, J.M. (2003). Rapa whelks (Rapana venosa) as prey items for Chesapeake Bay Fauna: Natural controls for an invasive species?. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions, La Jolla, California, March 16-19, 53 s
- ICES, (2004). WKSCMFD. Report of the Workshop on Sampling and Calculation Methodology for Fisheries Data. 26–30 January 2004, Nantes, France. ICES CM 2004/ACFM:12.
- Kaygısız F, Evren A. (2014). Veri zarflama yöntemi ile 2014 yılında Türkiye'deki ticari balıkçıların etkinliklerinin belirlenmesi. Eurasian J. Vet. Sci, 35(1): 6-10 (in Turkish).
- Kumbhakar, S., Lovell, K.C.A. (2000). “Stochastic Frontier Analysis”, Cambridge University Press, New York.
- Liao TF. (1994). Interpreting probability models: Logit, probit, and other generalized linear models (No. 101). Sage.
- Mann, R., Harding, J. M., & Westcott, E. (2006). Occurrence of imposex and seasonal patterns of gametogenesis in the invading veined rapa whelk Rapana venosa from Chesapeake Bay, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 310, 129-138.
- Mann, R., Harding, J.M. (2000). Invasion Of The North American Atlantic Coast by a Large Predatory Asian Mollusc Biological Invasions. Biological Invasions, 2(1): 7-22.
- Oliveira MM, Camanho AS, Gaspar MB. (2010). Technical and economic efficiency analysis of the Portuguese artisanal dredge fleet. Journal of Marine Sciences, 67(8): 1811–1821.
- Saglam, H., & Duzgunes, E. (2007). Deposition of egg capsule and larval development of Rapana venosa (Gastropoda: Muricidae) from the south-eastern Black Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 87(4), 953-957.
- Saglam, H., Dagtekin, M., Kutlu, S., Bascinar, S., Sahin, A., & Duzgunes, E. (2017). Rapa whelk pot fishery in the Black Sea of Turkey: pot type, soak time, depth and season. CAHIERS DE BIOLOGIE MARINE, 58(1), 75-81.
- Sağlam, E.H. (2003). Doğu Karadeniz’deki deniz salyangozunun, Rapana thomasiana Crosse, 1861 biyoekolojisi. Doktora Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Balıkçılık Teknolojisi Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Trabzon, 101 s.
- Sağlam, H., Düzgüneş, E., Kutlu, S., Dağtekin, M., Başçınar, N.S., Selen, H., Şahin, A. (2008). Deniz salyangozu avcılığında direce alternatif farklı tuzak modellerinin geliştirilmesi. Su Ürünleri Merkez Araştırma Ens. Müd., 2008, Trabzon, 94 s.
- Sağlam, H., Kutlu, S., Dağtekin, M., Başçınar, S., Şahin, A., Selen, H., Düzgüneş, E. (2015). Population biology of Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846) (Gastropoda: Neogastropoda) in the south-eastern Black Sea of Turkey. Cah. Biol. Mar, 56(4), 363-368.
- Savini, D., Castellazzi, M., Favruzza, M., Occhipinti-Ambrogi, A. (2004). The alien mollusc Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846; Gastropoda, Muricidae) in the Northern Adriatic Sea: Population structure and shell morphology. Chemistry and Ecology 20(1): 411-424.
- Savini, D., Occhipinti-Ambrogi, A. (2006). Consumption rates and prey preference of the invasive gastropod Rapana venosa in the Northern Adriatic Sea. Biomedical And Life Sciences, Helgoland Marine Research.60(2): 153-159.
- Seyhan, K., Mazlum, E.R., Emiral, H., Engin, S., Demirhan, S. (2003). Diel feeding periodicity, gastric emptying and estimated daily food consumption of whelk (Rapana venosa) in the South eastern Black Sea (Turkey) marine ecosystem. Indian Journal of Marine Sci, 32(3): 1-3.
- STECF, (2015). Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) – Black Sea assessments (STECF-15-16). 2015. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, EUR 27517 EN, JRC 98095, 284 pp.
- Thean LG, Latif IA, Hussein AMD. (2011). Technical efficiency analysis for Penang trawl fishery, Malaysia: applying DEA approach. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(12): 1518-1523.
- Tingley D, Pascoe S, Coglan L. (2005). Factors affecting technical efficiency in fisheries: stochastic production frontier versus data envelopment analysis approaches. Fisheries Research, 73(3): 363-376.
- TURKSTAT, (2020). (Date accessed. 07 January 2020).
- Uyan, O., Aral, O. (2003). The larval development of the Japanese snail, Rapana thomasiana, Crosse, 1861, in the egg capsule. Turkish Journal Zoology, 27:331-337.
- Zhaoqun S, Rong W, Yugui Z. (2016). Analysis on technical efficiency and influencing factors of fishing vessels: a case study of Haizhou Bay, China. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 17(3): 516-532.
Ekonomik etkinliğin belirlenmesi: Güney Karadeniz’deki deniz salyangozu (Rapana venosa) avcılığına (balıkçılığına) ilişkin bir çalışma
Yıl 2022,
Cilt: 39 Sayı: 1, 1 - 10, 15.03.2022
Murat Dağtekin
Serhan Candemir
Gökhan Erik
Gülsüm Balçık Mısır
Gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerde balıkçı filolarının sayısal ve teknolojik kapasitesindeki kaçınılmaz artış, sınırlı doğal kaynak kapasitesinin yönetimi ve dağıtımı ile balıkçılığın ekolojik ve sosyo-ekonomik sürdürülebilirliği üzerinde önemli etkilere sahiptir. Balıkçılık yönetiminde doğru kararların verilebilmesi için bu etkilerin belirlenmesi önemlidir. Bu çalışma, Türkiye'nin Karadeniz kıyılarında bulunan deniz salyangozu avlayan balıkçıların teknik etkinliği, ölçek etkinliğini ve kapasite kullanımını değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmada ekonomik olarak verimli ve verimsiz tekneler de karşılaştırılmıştır. 452 tekne sahibi ile yüz yüze görüşülerek elde edilen veriler çalışmanın ana verilerini oluşturmaktadır. Teknelerin bir yıllık ekonomik etkinliğini belirlemeye ilişkin veriler toplandı. Ekonomik etkinlik 0,27 ile 1 arasında değişirken, ortalama değer 0,60 olarak bulunmuştur. Tekne sahibinin yaşı, eğitim düzeyi ve balıkçı teknesinin boyunun ekonomik verimliliği olumlu yönde etkilediği sonucuna varılmıştır. Teknelerde teknik etkinlik puanları ekonomik etkinlik puanlarından daha yüksek çıkmıştır. Bu, balıkçıların teknik bilgiden ziyade, veri maliyeti düzeyinde optimum girdi kombinasyonunu seçme konusunda bilgiye ihtiyaç duyduğunu göstermektedir.
Proje Numarası
- Banker, R. D., Charnes, A., & Cooper, W. W. (1984). Some models for estimating technical and scale inefficiencies in data envelopment analysis. Management science, 30(9), 1078-1092.
- Bravo-Ureta B, Solı´s D, Moreira V, Maripani J, Thiam A, Rivas T. (2007). Technical efficiency in farming: A Meta-regression analysis, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 27, 57–72.
- Ceyhan, V, Gene, H. (2014). Productive efficiency of commercial fishing: evidence from the Samsun Province of Black Sea, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 14(2), 309-320.
- Charnes A, Cooper WW, Rhodes E. (1978). Measuring the efficiency of decision making units. European Journal of Operations Research, 2:429-444.
- Chung, E. Y., Kim, S. H., & Seong, C. N. (2002). First Sexual Maturity, Spawning Frequency and Deposition of the Egg Capsules of the Female Purple Shell Rapana venosa in the Slag Deposit Area, Gwangyang Bay, Korea. Development and Reproduction, 6(1), 37-44.
- Chung, E. Y., Kim, S. Y., & Park, K. H. (2001). Changes in Biochemical Composition of the Digestive Gland of the Female Purple Shell, Rapana venosa, in Relation to the Ovarian Developmental Phases. The Korean Journal of Malacology, 17(1), 27-33.
- Cinemre HA, Ceyhan V, Bozoğlu M, Demiryürek K, Kılıç O. (2006). The cost efficiency of trout farms in the Black Sea Region, Turkey. Aquaculture, 251(2006): 324-332.
Coelli T.,(1996). A Guide To DEAP Version 2.1: A Data Envelopment Analysis (Computer) Program CEPA Working Paper 96/08, Department of Econometrics, University of New England, Armidale.
- Coelli, TJ. Rao, DSP, Battese, G.E. (2003). An Introduction to Efficiency and Productivity Analysis. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Pp:115-134.
- Çelik, O., Samsun, O. (1996). Farklı dizayn özelliklerine sahip algarnaların av veriminin ve av komposizyonun araştırılması. Su Ürünleri Dergisi, 13(3-4): 259-272.
- Dağtekin M, Mısır D.S, Altuntaş C, Erik, G. (2017). Rapa whelk stocks status and assessment. Fifth meeting of the Subregional Group on Stock Assessment in the Black Sea (SGSABS) 2017. (04 December-09 December) Batumi, Georgia.
- Düzgüneş, E., (2001). Doğu Karadeniz’de direçle salyangoz avcılığı (Rapa whelk fisheries by dredging in the Eastern Black Sea). Balıkçılıkta Teknolojik Gelişmeler Çalıştayı, 19-21 June 2001, İzmir.
- Erik G, Dağtekin M, Çankaya A, Genç Y, Mısır S, Kutlu S. (2020). Karadeniz’de Deniz Salyangozu (Rapana venosa, Valenciennes 1846) Balıkçılığının İzlenmesi (Proje Sonuç Raporu), TAGEM/HAYSÜD/2016/A11/P-02/04. Trabzon, 75pp (In Turkish)
- Erik, G., (2011). Orta Karadeniz'de deniz salyangozunun (Rapana venosa Valenciennes., 1846) bidonla avcılığı, yavru yetiştiriciliği ve bazı biyolojik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi (Doktora Tezi), Sinop Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Su Ürünleri Yetiştiriciliği Anabilim Dalı. Sinop, 121 s.
- Esmaili A. (2006). Technical efficiency analysis for the Iranian fishery in the Persian Gulf. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 63: 1759-1764.
- Farrell MJ. (1957). The measurement of productive efficiency. Journal of Royal Statistical Society Association, 120:253-281.
- Harding JM, Mann R. (2005). Veined rapa whelk (Rapana venosa) range extensions in the Virginia waters of Chesapeake Bay, USA. Journal of Shellfish Research, 24(2), 381-385.
- Harding, J. M. (2006). Growth and development of veined rapa whelk Rapana venosa veligers. Journal of Shellfish Research, 25(3), 941-946.
- Harding, J.M. (2003). Rapa whelks (Rapana venosa) as prey items for Chesapeake Bay Fauna: Natural controls for an invasive species?. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions, La Jolla, California, March 16-19, 53 s
- ICES, (2004). WKSCMFD. Report of the Workshop on Sampling and Calculation Methodology for Fisheries Data. 26–30 January 2004, Nantes, France. ICES CM 2004/ACFM:12.
- Kaygısız F, Evren A. (2014). Veri zarflama yöntemi ile 2014 yılında Türkiye'deki ticari balıkçıların etkinliklerinin belirlenmesi. Eurasian J. Vet. Sci, 35(1): 6-10 (in Turkish).
- Kumbhakar, S., Lovell, K.C.A. (2000). “Stochastic Frontier Analysis”, Cambridge University Press, New York.
- Liao TF. (1994). Interpreting probability models: Logit, probit, and other generalized linear models (No. 101). Sage.
- Mann, R., Harding, J. M., & Westcott, E. (2006). Occurrence of imposex and seasonal patterns of gametogenesis in the invading veined rapa whelk Rapana venosa from Chesapeake Bay, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 310, 129-138.
- Mann, R., Harding, J.M. (2000). Invasion Of The North American Atlantic Coast by a Large Predatory Asian Mollusc Biological Invasions. Biological Invasions, 2(1): 7-22.
- Oliveira MM, Camanho AS, Gaspar MB. (2010). Technical and economic efficiency analysis of the Portuguese artisanal dredge fleet. Journal of Marine Sciences, 67(8): 1811–1821.
- Saglam, H., & Duzgunes, E. (2007). Deposition of egg capsule and larval development of Rapana venosa (Gastropoda: Muricidae) from the south-eastern Black Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 87(4), 953-957.
- Saglam, H., Dagtekin, M., Kutlu, S., Bascinar, S., Sahin, A., & Duzgunes, E. (2017). Rapa whelk pot fishery in the Black Sea of Turkey: pot type, soak time, depth and season. CAHIERS DE BIOLOGIE MARINE, 58(1), 75-81.
- Sağlam, E.H. (2003). Doğu Karadeniz’deki deniz salyangozunun, Rapana thomasiana Crosse, 1861 biyoekolojisi. Doktora Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Balıkçılık Teknolojisi Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Trabzon, 101 s.
- Sağlam, H., Düzgüneş, E., Kutlu, S., Dağtekin, M., Başçınar, N.S., Selen, H., Şahin, A. (2008). Deniz salyangozu avcılığında direce alternatif farklı tuzak modellerinin geliştirilmesi. Su Ürünleri Merkez Araştırma Ens. Müd., 2008, Trabzon, 94 s.
- Sağlam, H., Kutlu, S., Dağtekin, M., Başçınar, S., Şahin, A., Selen, H., Düzgüneş, E. (2015). Population biology of Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846) (Gastropoda: Neogastropoda) in the south-eastern Black Sea of Turkey. Cah. Biol. Mar, 56(4), 363-368.
- Savini, D., Castellazzi, M., Favruzza, M., Occhipinti-Ambrogi, A. (2004). The alien mollusc Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846; Gastropoda, Muricidae) in the Northern Adriatic Sea: Population structure and shell morphology. Chemistry and Ecology 20(1): 411-424.
- Savini, D., Occhipinti-Ambrogi, A. (2006). Consumption rates and prey preference of the invasive gastropod Rapana venosa in the Northern Adriatic Sea. Biomedical And Life Sciences, Helgoland Marine Research.60(2): 153-159.
- Seyhan, K., Mazlum, E.R., Emiral, H., Engin, S., Demirhan, S. (2003). Diel feeding periodicity, gastric emptying and estimated daily food consumption of whelk (Rapana venosa) in the South eastern Black Sea (Turkey) marine ecosystem. Indian Journal of Marine Sci, 32(3): 1-3.
- STECF, (2015). Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) – Black Sea assessments (STECF-15-16). 2015. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, EUR 27517 EN, JRC 98095, 284 pp.
- Thean LG, Latif IA, Hussein AMD. (2011). Technical efficiency analysis for Penang trawl fishery, Malaysia: applying DEA approach. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(12): 1518-1523.
- Tingley D, Pascoe S, Coglan L. (2005). Factors affecting technical efficiency in fisheries: stochastic production frontier versus data envelopment analysis approaches. Fisheries Research, 73(3): 363-376.
- TURKSTAT, (2020). (Date accessed. 07 January 2020).
- Uyan, O., Aral, O. (2003). The larval development of the Japanese snail, Rapana thomasiana, Crosse, 1861, in the egg capsule. Turkish Journal Zoology, 27:331-337.
- Zhaoqun S, Rong W, Yugui Z. (2016). Analysis on technical efficiency and influencing factors of fishing vessels: a case study of Haizhou Bay, China. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 17(3): 516-532.