Çardak Lagünü (Türk Boğazlar Sistemi)’nde bulunan Portunid yengeç, Carcinus aestuarii Nardo,1847’nin beslenme ekolojisi
Yıl 2021,
Cilt: 38 Sayı: 2, 155 - 159, 15.06.2021
Seçil Acar
A. Suat Ateş
Bu çalışmanın amacı Çardak Lagünü’ndeki portunid yengeç Carcinus aestuarii’nin beslenme ekolojisini belirlemektir. Bu amaçla toplam 533 yengeç midesi analiz edilmiştir. Mide içerikleri binoküler mikroskop altında incelenmiş ve 240 (%45) mide örneği dolu (en az bir besin maddesi içeren) ve 293’ü (%55) boş olarak kaydedilmiştir. Doluluk oranları 127 midede %25, 69’unda %50 ve 44’ünde %100’dür. Yengeç bireylerinin ana besin maddesini balık türlerinin parçaları oluşturmuştur. Diatomlar yengeçler tarafından en az tüketilen besindir. Midede toplamda 8494 besin parçası bulunmuştur. Balık omurları en yüksek ağırlığa (3.58 g) sahip olarak toplam mide içeriği 26.39 g’dır.
Destekleyen Kurum
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi
Bu çalışma Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi tarafından 2015/406 nolu proje ile desteklenmiştir.
- Abelló, P., Aagaard, A., Warman, C.G. & Depledge, M.H. (1997). Spatial variability in the population structure of the shore crab Carcinus maenas (Crustacea, Brachyura) in shallow water tidal fjord. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 147, 97-103 DOI:10.3354/meps147097.
- Aydin, M. (2013). Length-Weight relationship and reproductive features of the Mediterranean Green Crab, Carcinus aestuarii Nardo, 1847 (Decapoda: Brachyura) in the Eastern Black Sea, Turkey. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 45(6), 1615-1622. DOI: 0030-9923/2013/0006-1615.
- Baeta, A., Cabral, H.N., Marques, J.C. & Pardal, M.A. (2006). Feeding ecology of the Green Crab, Carcinus maenas (l., 1758) in a Temperate Estuary, Portugal. Crustaceana, 79(10), 1181-1193 DOI:10.1163/156854006778859506.
- Baklouti S., Derbali A., Dhieb K., Jarboui O. (2013). Reproductive biology of the Mediterranean green crab, Carcinus aestuarii Nardo, 1847 (Crustacea: Portunidae), in the Gulf of Gabes (Tunisia, Central Mediterranean). Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 54, 411–417 DOI:10.21411/CBM.A.2E5C5488.
- Can E., Tıraşın E. M., Cihangir B. (2004). Çakalburnu Dalyanı’nda Carcinus aestuarii, (Nardo, 1847) Türü Üzerine Gözlemler. Türk Sucul Yaşam Dergisi, 2(3), 77-84.
- Chande, A.I. & Mgaya, Y.D. (2003). The fishery of Portunus pelagicus and the species diversity of portunid crabs along the coast of Dar es Salaam. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, 2, 75-84 DOI:10.4314/wiojms.v2i1.28431.
- Chande, A.I. & Mgaya, Y.D. (2004). Food Habits of the Blue Swimming Crab Portunus pelagicus along the Coast of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, 3,37-42.
- Chaves M.L., Horta M.S., Chainho P., Costa M.J., Costa J.L. (2010). New additions to the feeding ecology of Carcinus maenas (L., 1758) in a South-western Europe estuary (Portugal). Cahiers de Biology Marine, 51, 229-238 DOI:10.21411/CBM.A.86A0CE1C.
- Chen, R.B., Watanabe, S. & Yokota, M. (2004). Feeding habits of an exotic species, the Mediterranean green crab Carcinus aestuarii, in Tokyo Bay. Fisheries Science, 70, 430–435 DOI: 10.1111/j.1444-2906.2004.00822.x.
- Cilenti L., D’Errico G., Scirocco T., Manzo C. & Fabbrocini A. (2014). Spatial variability in the population structure of the Carcinus aestuarii in Varano lagoon. Transitional Waters Bulletin, 8 (1), 24-31. DOI: 10.1285/i1825229Xv8n1p24
- Dall, W. & Moriarty, D.J.W. (1983). Functional aspects of nutrition and digestion. In: Bliss D.E. & Mantel L.H. (eds.), The biology of Crustacea, 5, Internal anatomy and physiological regulation: 255-261. (Academic Press, New York). ). DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-106405-1.50015-1
- Feder, H.M. & Keiser G.E. (1980). Intertidal biology, Chapter 8. Occ. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci. Univ. Alaska College, 5, 1–373.
- Jewett, S.C. & Feder, H.M. (1982). Food and feeding habits of the King Crab Paralithodes camtschatica near Kodiak Island. Alaska Marine Biology, 66, 243–250. DOI: 10.1007/BF00397029
- Josileen, J. (2011). Food and feeding of the blue swimmer crab, Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Decapoda, Brachyura) along the coast of mandapam, Tamil Nadu, India. Crustaceana, 84(10), 1169-1180. DOI:10.1163/001121611X590111.
- Koçak, C., Acarlı D., Katağan T., Özbek M. (2011). Morphometric characters of the Mediterranean green crab (Carcinus aestuarii Nardo, 1847) (Decapoda, Brachyura), in Homa Lagoon, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 35 (4), 551-557 DOI:10.3906/zoo-0903-5.
- Leignel, V., Stilmann, J.H., Baringou, S., Thabet, R. & Metais, I. (2014). Overview on the European green crab Carcinus spp. (Portunidae, Decapoda), one of the most famous marine invaders and ecotoxicological models. Environmental Science Pollution Research, 21, 4929-9144. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-014-2979-4
- Le Roux, P.J., Branch G.M. & Joska M.A.P. (1990). On the distribution, diet and possible impact of the invasive European shore crab Carcinus maenas (L.) along the South African Coast. South African Journal of Marine Science, 9, 85–93 DOI:10.2989/025776190784378835.
- Lumare, L., Lumare, D., Florio, M., Scirocco, T. & Lumare F. (2009). I Crostacei Decapodi del Lago di Acquatina: Struttura delle Popolazioni e Ciclo Riproduttivo. Thalassia Salentina, 31, 83- 102 DOI:10.1285/i15910725v31supp83.
- Lyons, L.J., O’riordan, R.M., Cross, T.F. & Culloty, S.C. (2012). Reproductive biology of the shore crab Carcinus maenas (Decapoda, Portunidae): a macroscopic and histological view. Invertebrate Reproduction & Development, 56 (2), 144-156. DOI:10.1080/07924259.2011.582693.
- Mantelatto, F.L.M. & Fransozo, A. (1999). Reproductive biology and moulting cycle of the crab Callinectes ornatus (Decapoda, Portunidae) from the Ubatuba region, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Crustaceana, 72, 63–76. DOI: 10.1163/156854099502871.
- Matozzo, V., Gallo, C. & Marin, M.G. (2011). Can starvation influence cellular and biochemical parameters to the crab Carcinus aestuarii? Marine Environmental Research, 71, 207–212 DOI:10.1016/j.marenvres.2011.01.004
- Mori, M., Mancon, R. & Fanciulli, G. (1990). Notes on the reproductive biology of Carcinus aestuarii Nardo (Crustacea, Decapoda) from the lagoon of San Teodoro (Island of Sardinia, Italy). Rivista di Idrobiologia, 29, 763–774.
- Özbek M., Koçak C. & Acarlı D. (2012). Reproductive Biology of the Mediterranean Green Crab Carcinus aestuarii Nardo, 1847 (Crustacea, Brachyura, Portunidae) in Homa Lagoon, Aegean Sea, Turkey. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 41(4), 77-80 DOI:10.2478/s13545-012-0041-z.
- Özcan T., Bakır K. & Katağan T. (2009). Length/width-weight relationships of the Mediterranean Green Crab Carcinus aestuarii Nardo, 1847 in the Homa Lagoon, Aegean Sea Turkey. Journal of Fisheries Science.com, 3, 1-4. DOI: 10.3153/jfscom.2009001
- Patel, N.M., Chhaya, N.D. & Bhaskaran, M. (1979). Stomach contents of Portunus pelagicus (Linn.) from AD net catches. Indian Journal of Marine Science, 8, 48-49.
- Ropes, J.W. (1968). The feeding habits of the green crab Carcinus maenas. Fisheries Bulletin, U.S. 67, 183-203.
- Rosas, C., Lazaro-Chaves, E. & Buckle-Ramirez, F. (1994). Feeding habits and food niche segregation of Callinectes sapidus, C. rathbunae, and C. similis in a subtropical coastal lagoon of the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 14, 371–382 DOI:10.2307/1548915.
- Sukumaran, K.K. & Neelakantan, B. (1997). Food and feeding of Portunus (Portunus) sanguinolentus (Herbst) and Portunus (Portunus) pelagicus (Linnaeus) (Brachyura: Portunidae) along the Karnataka coast. Indian Journal of Marine Science, 26(1), 35-38.
- Tepolt C.K. & Somero G.N. (2014). Master of all trades: thermal acclimation and adaptation of cardiac function in a broadly distributed marine invasive species, the European green crab, Carcinus maenas. Journal of Experimental Biology, 217,1129–1138 DOI:10.1242/jeb.093849.
- Williams, M.J. (1981). Methods for analysis of natural diet in portunid crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda: Portunidae). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 52, 103-113.
- Williams, M.J. (1982). Natural food and feeding in the commercial sand crab Portunus pelagicus Linnaeus, 1766 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Portunidae) in the Moreton Bay, Queensland. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 59, 165-176. DOI: 10.1016/0022-0981(81)90174-X
- Yamada, S.B. & Hauck, L. (2001). Field identification of the European green crab species. Carcinus maenas and Carcinus aestuarii. Journal of Shellfish Research, 20, 905-912.
Feeding ecology of Portunid crab, Carcinus aestuarii Nardo, 1847 in Çardak Lagoon (The Turkish Straits System)
Yıl 2021,
Cilt: 38 Sayı: 2, 155 - 159, 15.06.2021
Seçil Acar
A. Suat Ateş
The aim of the present study was to determine the feeding ecology of portunid crab, Carcinus aestuarii in Çardak Lagoon. For this purpose, a total of 533 crab stomachs were analyzed. Stomach contents were examined under a binocular stereomicroscope and 240 (45%) of the stomach samples were recorded as full (containing at least one food item) and 293 (55%) were recorded as empty. The occupancy rates were 25% in 127 stomachs, 50% in 69, and 100% of 44. The main diet of crab individuals was composed of fragments of fish species. Diatoms were the least consumed food by crabs. A total of 8494 diet fragments were found in the stomachs. Total stomach content was 26.39 g of fish vertebrates having the highest weight (3.58 g).
- Abelló, P., Aagaard, A., Warman, C.G. & Depledge, M.H. (1997). Spatial variability in the population structure of the shore crab Carcinus maenas (Crustacea, Brachyura) in shallow water tidal fjord. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 147, 97-103 DOI:10.3354/meps147097.
- Aydin, M. (2013). Length-Weight relationship and reproductive features of the Mediterranean Green Crab, Carcinus aestuarii Nardo, 1847 (Decapoda: Brachyura) in the Eastern Black Sea, Turkey. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 45(6), 1615-1622. DOI: 0030-9923/2013/0006-1615.
- Baeta, A., Cabral, H.N., Marques, J.C. & Pardal, M.A. (2006). Feeding ecology of the Green Crab, Carcinus maenas (l., 1758) in a Temperate Estuary, Portugal. Crustaceana, 79(10), 1181-1193 DOI:10.1163/156854006778859506.
- Baklouti S., Derbali A., Dhieb K., Jarboui O. (2013). Reproductive biology of the Mediterranean green crab, Carcinus aestuarii Nardo, 1847 (Crustacea: Portunidae), in the Gulf of Gabes (Tunisia, Central Mediterranean). Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 54, 411–417 DOI:10.21411/CBM.A.2E5C5488.
- Can E., Tıraşın E. M., Cihangir B. (2004). Çakalburnu Dalyanı’nda Carcinus aestuarii, (Nardo, 1847) Türü Üzerine Gözlemler. Türk Sucul Yaşam Dergisi, 2(3), 77-84.
- Chande, A.I. & Mgaya, Y.D. (2003). The fishery of Portunus pelagicus and the species diversity of portunid crabs along the coast of Dar es Salaam. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, 2, 75-84 DOI:10.4314/wiojms.v2i1.28431.
- Chande, A.I. & Mgaya, Y.D. (2004). Food Habits of the Blue Swimming Crab Portunus pelagicus along the Coast of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, 3,37-42.
- Chaves M.L., Horta M.S., Chainho P., Costa M.J., Costa J.L. (2010). New additions to the feeding ecology of Carcinus maenas (L., 1758) in a South-western Europe estuary (Portugal). Cahiers de Biology Marine, 51, 229-238 DOI:10.21411/CBM.A.86A0CE1C.
- Chen, R.B., Watanabe, S. & Yokota, M. (2004). Feeding habits of an exotic species, the Mediterranean green crab Carcinus aestuarii, in Tokyo Bay. Fisheries Science, 70, 430–435 DOI: 10.1111/j.1444-2906.2004.00822.x.
- Cilenti L., D’Errico G., Scirocco T., Manzo C. & Fabbrocini A. (2014). Spatial variability in the population structure of the Carcinus aestuarii in Varano lagoon. Transitional Waters Bulletin, 8 (1), 24-31. DOI: 10.1285/i1825229Xv8n1p24
- Dall, W. & Moriarty, D.J.W. (1983). Functional aspects of nutrition and digestion. In: Bliss D.E. & Mantel L.H. (eds.), The biology of Crustacea, 5, Internal anatomy and physiological regulation: 255-261. (Academic Press, New York). ). DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-106405-1.50015-1
- Feder, H.M. & Keiser G.E. (1980). Intertidal biology, Chapter 8. Occ. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci. Univ. Alaska College, 5, 1–373.
- Jewett, S.C. & Feder, H.M. (1982). Food and feeding habits of the King Crab Paralithodes camtschatica near Kodiak Island. Alaska Marine Biology, 66, 243–250. DOI: 10.1007/BF00397029
- Josileen, J. (2011). Food and feeding of the blue swimmer crab, Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Decapoda, Brachyura) along the coast of mandapam, Tamil Nadu, India. Crustaceana, 84(10), 1169-1180. DOI:10.1163/001121611X590111.
- Koçak, C., Acarlı D., Katağan T., Özbek M. (2011). Morphometric characters of the Mediterranean green crab (Carcinus aestuarii Nardo, 1847) (Decapoda, Brachyura), in Homa Lagoon, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 35 (4), 551-557 DOI:10.3906/zoo-0903-5.
- Leignel, V., Stilmann, J.H., Baringou, S., Thabet, R. & Metais, I. (2014). Overview on the European green crab Carcinus spp. (Portunidae, Decapoda), one of the most famous marine invaders and ecotoxicological models. Environmental Science Pollution Research, 21, 4929-9144. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-014-2979-4
- Le Roux, P.J., Branch G.M. & Joska M.A.P. (1990). On the distribution, diet and possible impact of the invasive European shore crab Carcinus maenas (L.) along the South African Coast. South African Journal of Marine Science, 9, 85–93 DOI:10.2989/025776190784378835.
- Lumare, L., Lumare, D., Florio, M., Scirocco, T. & Lumare F. (2009). I Crostacei Decapodi del Lago di Acquatina: Struttura delle Popolazioni e Ciclo Riproduttivo. Thalassia Salentina, 31, 83- 102 DOI:10.1285/i15910725v31supp83.
- Lyons, L.J., O’riordan, R.M., Cross, T.F. & Culloty, S.C. (2012). Reproductive biology of the shore crab Carcinus maenas (Decapoda, Portunidae): a macroscopic and histological view. Invertebrate Reproduction & Development, 56 (2), 144-156. DOI:10.1080/07924259.2011.582693.
- Mantelatto, F.L.M. & Fransozo, A. (1999). Reproductive biology and moulting cycle of the crab Callinectes ornatus (Decapoda, Portunidae) from the Ubatuba region, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Crustaceana, 72, 63–76. DOI: 10.1163/156854099502871.
- Matozzo, V., Gallo, C. & Marin, M.G. (2011). Can starvation influence cellular and biochemical parameters to the crab Carcinus aestuarii? Marine Environmental Research, 71, 207–212 DOI:10.1016/j.marenvres.2011.01.004
- Mori, M., Mancon, R. & Fanciulli, G. (1990). Notes on the reproductive biology of Carcinus aestuarii Nardo (Crustacea, Decapoda) from the lagoon of San Teodoro (Island of Sardinia, Italy). Rivista di Idrobiologia, 29, 763–774.
- Özbek M., Koçak C. & Acarlı D. (2012). Reproductive Biology of the Mediterranean Green Crab Carcinus aestuarii Nardo, 1847 (Crustacea, Brachyura, Portunidae) in Homa Lagoon, Aegean Sea, Turkey. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 41(4), 77-80 DOI:10.2478/s13545-012-0041-z.
- Özcan T., Bakır K. & Katağan T. (2009). Length/width-weight relationships of the Mediterranean Green Crab Carcinus aestuarii Nardo, 1847 in the Homa Lagoon, Aegean Sea Turkey. Journal of Fisheries Science.com, 3, 1-4. DOI: 10.3153/jfscom.2009001
- Patel, N.M., Chhaya, N.D. & Bhaskaran, M. (1979). Stomach contents of Portunus pelagicus (Linn.) from AD net catches. Indian Journal of Marine Science, 8, 48-49.
- Ropes, J.W. (1968). The feeding habits of the green crab Carcinus maenas. Fisheries Bulletin, U.S. 67, 183-203.
- Rosas, C., Lazaro-Chaves, E. & Buckle-Ramirez, F. (1994). Feeding habits and food niche segregation of Callinectes sapidus, C. rathbunae, and C. similis in a subtropical coastal lagoon of the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 14, 371–382 DOI:10.2307/1548915.
- Sukumaran, K.K. & Neelakantan, B. (1997). Food and feeding of Portunus (Portunus) sanguinolentus (Herbst) and Portunus (Portunus) pelagicus (Linnaeus) (Brachyura: Portunidae) along the Karnataka coast. Indian Journal of Marine Science, 26(1), 35-38.
- Tepolt C.K. & Somero G.N. (2014). Master of all trades: thermal acclimation and adaptation of cardiac function in a broadly distributed marine invasive species, the European green crab, Carcinus maenas. Journal of Experimental Biology, 217,1129–1138 DOI:10.1242/jeb.093849.
- Williams, M.J. (1981). Methods for analysis of natural diet in portunid crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda: Portunidae). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 52, 103-113.
- Williams, M.J. (1982). Natural food and feeding in the commercial sand crab Portunus pelagicus Linnaeus, 1766 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Portunidae) in the Moreton Bay, Queensland. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 59, 165-176. DOI: 10.1016/0022-0981(81)90174-X
- Yamada, S.B. & Hauck, L. (2001). Field identification of the European green crab species. Carcinus maenas and Carcinus aestuarii. Journal of Shellfish Research, 20, 905-912.