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The phytoplanktonic species diversity variations in the Bay of Izmir between the years 1998-2001.

Yıl 2005, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 3, 273 - 280, 01.09.2005



  • Bargu, S., T. Koray, N. Lundholm (2002), First report of Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha lundholm, Moestrup & Hasle 2003, a new potentially toxic species from Turkish coasts. E.U. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences, 19(3-4): 479-483
  • Başoğlu, Ş., (1975), Hydrobiology and sedimentology of İzmir Bay (PhD thesis). E.Ü. Fen Fakültesi,104 s. Bornova
  • Cupp, E.E., (1977), Marine Plankton Diatoms of the West Coast of North America, Otto Koeltz Science Publishers, Koenigstein, 237 s.
  • Çolak Sabancı, F., T. Koray (2001): The impact of pollution on the vertical and horizontal distribution of microplankton in İzmir Bay (Aegean Sea) (in turkish). Ege University J. Fish . Aquat. Sci., 18(1-2);187-202
  • Gökpınar, Ş., T. Koray, (1983), Observations on Rhizosolenia (Ehrenberg) Brightwell species living in Izmir Bay. (in turkish). E.U.F.F. Journal, Ser. B, Suppl., 201-219.
  • Koray, T., Ş. Gökpınar, (1983), The qualitative and quantitative features of the Genus Ceratium Schrank found in Izmir. (in turkish). E.Ü.F.F. Journal, Ser. B, Suppl., 201-219.
  • Koray, T., (1987a), Comparison of diversity indices for determination of variations in phytoplankton communities. (in turkish). Doğa, TU Müh. ve Çev. D., 11(2):242-253.
  • Koray, T., (1987b), One-celled microplankton species in Izmir Bay (Aegean Sea): A species list and a comparison with the records of adjacent regions. Doğa, TU J. Biol., 11(3):130-146.
  • Koray, T., (1987c), The importance of diversity indices in terms of phytoplankton community changes depending on pollution. (in turkish). VIII. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Izmir, 3-5 Eylül 1986, Bildiriler, Cilt 2, 520- 527.
  • Koray, T., (2001), A check-list for phytoplankton of Turkish seas. Ege University J. Fish . Aquat. Sci., 18(1-2);1-23
  • Koray, T., F. Çolak Sabancı, (2001), Toxic planktonic micro-algae of Turkish Seas. Ege University J. Fish Aquat. .Sci., (18/1):293-298
  • Koray, T. (2002a), Toxic and harmful phytoplanktonic species in the Aegean (including dardanelles) and northeastern mediterranean coastline. Workshop on Lessepsian Migration Proceedings, Öztürk, B.&Başusta, N. (Eds.) No: 9, P. 40-45, Publ. Turkish Marine Research Foundation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2002
  • Koray, T. (2002b), Toxic and harmful phytoplanktonic species in the Southern Black Sea, Sea of Marmara, Eastern Aegean Sea and Northeaestern Mediterranean Costline. 10 İnternational Conference on Harmful Algae, 21-25 October 2002, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA
  • Koray, T., F. Çolak Sabancı, (2004) Temporal and spatial changes of toxic micro-algae succession in Northeastern Aegean and Western Black Sea (in turkish). Türk Sucul Yaşam Dergisi, Ulusal Su Günleri, Yıl 2. Sayı 3, 354-360
  • Massuti, M., R. Margalef, (1950), Introduction Al Estudio Del Plancton Marino, Patronato Juan De La Cierva De inves Tigacion Tecnica, Seccion De Biologica Marina, Barcelona, 182 s.
  • Pielou, E.C., (1975), Ecological Diversity. John Wieley and Sons, 165s.
  • Pielou, E.C., (1977), Mathematical Ecology. John Wieley and Sons, 385 s.
  • Rampi, L., M. Bernhard, (1978), Key For The Determination of Mediterranean Pelagic Diatoms, C.N.E.N., ITALY, 71 s.
  • Rampi, L., M. Bernhard, (1980), Chrave per la Determinazione Delle Peridinee Pelagiche Mediterranea, C.N.E.N., RT/BİO, 193 s.
  • Semina, H.J., (1978), Treatment of an Aliquot Sample, Phytoplankton Manual, Editor; A. Sournıa, UNESCO, 181 s.
  • Shin P.K.S.;K.Y.S. Fong, (1999), Multiple Discriminant Analysis of Marine Sediment DataMarine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 39, Number 1, pp. 285- 294(10)
  • Tregouboff, G., M. Rose, (1957), Manuel de Planctonologie Mediterraneenne, Centre National De la Resherche Scientifique, I,II., 587 s., 207 pl. PARIS.
  • Tsirtsis, G. and M. Karydis, (1999), Application of discriminant analysis for water quality assessment in the Aegean. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 24: 238-243.
  • UNEP, (1994), Integrated management study for the area of İzmir. Map technical reports series, No. 84, Unep, Regional activity centre for priority actions programme, Split,130 p.
  • Rinehardt, J. Sonsino, R. L. Torrijos, and M. E. Zimmerman. (1999), Identification of sources of fecal pollution using discriminant analysis: supporting evidence from large datasets. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 65:3483-3486.
  • Wiggins, B. A., R. W. Andrews, R. A. Conway, C. L. Corr, E. J. Dobratz, D. P. Dougherty, J. R. Eppard, S. R. Knupp, M. C. Limjoco, J. M. Mettenburg, J. M., Rinehardt, J. Sonsino, R. L. Torrijos, and M. E. Zimmerman. (1999), Identification of sources of fecal pollution using discriminant analysis: supporting evidence from large datasets. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 65:3483-3486.
  • Venrick, E. L. (1978), How many cells to count? p. 167-180. In Sournia, A. (ed.), Phytoplankton manual, UNESCO Press, Paris.

İzmir Körfezi'nde 1998-2001 Yılları Arasında Fitoplanktonik Tür Çeşitliliği Değişimi.

Yıl 2005, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 3, 273 - 280, 01.09.2005


Bu çalışmada İzmir Körfezi’nin fitoplankton tür çeşitliliği (Shannon-Wiener) değişimleri iç, orta, dış körfezde yer alan üç istasyonda vertikal ve kantitatif olarak 1998-2000 ve 2001 yıllarında incelendi. Atık Su Arıtma Tesisinden sonra tür çeşitliliğinde, istatistiksel olarak önemli pozitif artışın meydana geldiği saptanmıştır. Student-t testleri ve diskriminant analizleri belirli istasyonlar ve yıllar arasında, istatistiksel olarak p


  • Bargu, S., T. Koray, N. Lundholm (2002), First report of Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha lundholm, Moestrup & Hasle 2003, a new potentially toxic species from Turkish coasts. E.U. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences, 19(3-4): 479-483
  • Başoğlu, Ş., (1975), Hydrobiology and sedimentology of İzmir Bay (PhD thesis). E.Ü. Fen Fakültesi,104 s. Bornova
  • Cupp, E.E., (1977), Marine Plankton Diatoms of the West Coast of North America, Otto Koeltz Science Publishers, Koenigstein, 237 s.
  • Çolak Sabancı, F., T. Koray (2001): The impact of pollution on the vertical and horizontal distribution of microplankton in İzmir Bay (Aegean Sea) (in turkish). Ege University J. Fish . Aquat. Sci., 18(1-2);187-202
  • Gökpınar, Ş., T. Koray, (1983), Observations on Rhizosolenia (Ehrenberg) Brightwell species living in Izmir Bay. (in turkish). E.U.F.F. Journal, Ser. B, Suppl., 201-219.
  • Koray, T., Ş. Gökpınar, (1983), The qualitative and quantitative features of the Genus Ceratium Schrank found in Izmir. (in turkish). E.Ü.F.F. Journal, Ser. B, Suppl., 201-219.
  • Koray, T., (1987a), Comparison of diversity indices for determination of variations in phytoplankton communities. (in turkish). Doğa, TU Müh. ve Çev. D., 11(2):242-253.
  • Koray, T., (1987b), One-celled microplankton species in Izmir Bay (Aegean Sea): A species list and a comparison with the records of adjacent regions. Doğa, TU J. Biol., 11(3):130-146.
  • Koray, T., (1987c), The importance of diversity indices in terms of phytoplankton community changes depending on pollution. (in turkish). VIII. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Izmir, 3-5 Eylül 1986, Bildiriler, Cilt 2, 520- 527.
  • Koray, T., (2001), A check-list for phytoplankton of Turkish seas. Ege University J. Fish . Aquat. Sci., 18(1-2);1-23
  • Koray, T., F. Çolak Sabancı, (2001), Toxic planktonic micro-algae of Turkish Seas. Ege University J. Fish Aquat. .Sci., (18/1):293-298
  • Koray, T. (2002a), Toxic and harmful phytoplanktonic species in the Aegean (including dardanelles) and northeastern mediterranean coastline. Workshop on Lessepsian Migration Proceedings, Öztürk, B.&Başusta, N. (Eds.) No: 9, P. 40-45, Publ. Turkish Marine Research Foundation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2002
  • Koray, T. (2002b), Toxic and harmful phytoplanktonic species in the Southern Black Sea, Sea of Marmara, Eastern Aegean Sea and Northeaestern Mediterranean Costline. 10 İnternational Conference on Harmful Algae, 21-25 October 2002, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA
  • Koray, T., F. Çolak Sabancı, (2004) Temporal and spatial changes of toxic micro-algae succession in Northeastern Aegean and Western Black Sea (in turkish). Türk Sucul Yaşam Dergisi, Ulusal Su Günleri, Yıl 2. Sayı 3, 354-360
  • Massuti, M., R. Margalef, (1950), Introduction Al Estudio Del Plancton Marino, Patronato Juan De La Cierva De inves Tigacion Tecnica, Seccion De Biologica Marina, Barcelona, 182 s.
  • Pielou, E.C., (1975), Ecological Diversity. John Wieley and Sons, 165s.
  • Pielou, E.C., (1977), Mathematical Ecology. John Wieley and Sons, 385 s.
  • Rampi, L., M. Bernhard, (1978), Key For The Determination of Mediterranean Pelagic Diatoms, C.N.E.N., ITALY, 71 s.
  • Rampi, L., M. Bernhard, (1980), Chrave per la Determinazione Delle Peridinee Pelagiche Mediterranea, C.N.E.N., RT/BİO, 193 s.
  • Semina, H.J., (1978), Treatment of an Aliquot Sample, Phytoplankton Manual, Editor; A. Sournıa, UNESCO, 181 s.
  • Shin P.K.S.;K.Y.S. Fong, (1999), Multiple Discriminant Analysis of Marine Sediment DataMarine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 39, Number 1, pp. 285- 294(10)
  • Tregouboff, G., M. Rose, (1957), Manuel de Planctonologie Mediterraneenne, Centre National De la Resherche Scientifique, I,II., 587 s., 207 pl. PARIS.
  • Tsirtsis, G. and M. Karydis, (1999), Application of discriminant analysis for water quality assessment in the Aegean. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 24: 238-243.
  • UNEP, (1994), Integrated management study for the area of İzmir. Map technical reports series, No. 84, Unep, Regional activity centre for priority actions programme, Split,130 p.
  • Rinehardt, J. Sonsino, R. L. Torrijos, and M. E. Zimmerman. (1999), Identification of sources of fecal pollution using discriminant analysis: supporting evidence from large datasets. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 65:3483-3486.
  • Wiggins, B. A., R. W. Andrews, R. A. Conway, C. L. Corr, E. J. Dobratz, D. P. Dougherty, J. R. Eppard, S. R. Knupp, M. C. Limjoco, J. M. Mettenburg, J. M., Rinehardt, J. Sonsino, R. L. Torrijos, and M. E. Zimmerman. (1999), Identification of sources of fecal pollution using discriminant analysis: supporting evidence from large datasets. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 65:3483-3486.
  • Venrick, E. L. (1978), How many cells to count? p. 167-180. In Sournia, A. (ed.), Phytoplankton manual, UNESCO Press, Paris.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Fatma Çolak Sabancı

Tufan Koray

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2005
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Aralık 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2005Cilt: 22 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Sabancı, F. Ç. ., & Koray, T. . (2005). İzmir Körfezi’nde 1998-2001 Yılları Arasında Fitoplanktonik Tür Çeşitliliği Değişimi. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 22(3), 273-280.