Sebze sosu ile kaplanmış alabalık (Oncorhynchus mykiss W., 1792)'ın dondurarak depolama (-18°C) boyunca kalitesindeki değişimler.
Yıl 2006,
Cilt: 23 Sayı: 3, 345 - 350, 01.09.2006
Bahar Tokur
Şükran Çaklı
Abdurrahman Polat
- A.O.A.C. 1984. Official Methods of Analysis 14 th Ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Washington. DC. USA.
- Andersen, H.J., G. Bertelsen, A.G. Christophersen, A.Ohlen, and L.H. Skibsted. 1990. Development of rancidity in salmonid steaks during retail display. Z. Lebensm. Unters. Forsch, 191:119-122.
- Antonocopoulus, N. 1973. Bestmmung des flüchtigen basenstickstoofs, pp. 224- 225. In W Ludorf. and V. Meyer (eds.), Fische und Fischerzeugnisse. AulageVerlag Paul Parey.
- Awad, A., W.D. Powrie, and O.R. Fennema. 1969. Deterioration of fresh-water whitefish muscle during frozen storage at –10 oC. J. Food Sci., 34:1.
- Beklevik, G., A. Polat, and F. Ozoğul. 2005. Nutritional value of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) fillets during frozen (-18 oC) storage. Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, 29:891-895.
- Ben-gigirey, B., J.M.V.B. Sousa, T.G. Villa, J. Barros-velazquez. 1999. Chemical changes and visual appearance of albacore tuna as related to frozen storage. J. Food Sci., 64(1):20-24.
- Benjakul, S., and F. Bauer. 2000. Physicochemical and enzymatic changes of cod muscle proteins subjected to different freeze-thaw cycles. J. Sci. Food Agric., 80:1143-1150.
- Bjerkeng, B., and G. Johnsen. 1995. Frozen storage quality of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) as affected by oxygen, illumination, and fillet pigment. J. Food Sci., 60(2): 284-288.
- Bligh, E.G., and W.J. Dyer. 1959. A rapid method of total lipid extraction and purification. Can.J. Bochem. Physiol., 37: 911-917
- Burton, G.W., and K.U. Ingold. 1984. β-carotene: an unusual type of lipid antioxidant. Science, 224: 569-573.
- Careche, M., A.M. Herrero, A. Rodriguez-Casado, M.L.D. Del Mazo, and P. Carmona. 1999. Structural changes of hake (Merluccius merluccius L..) fillets: Effect of freezing and frozen storage. J. Agric. Food Chem. 47:952- 959
- Careche, M., and E.C.Y. Li-Chan. 1997. Structural changes in cod myosin after modification with formaldehyde or frozen storage. J. Food Sci., 62: 717- 723.
- Castrillón, A.M., E. Alvarez-Pontes, M.T. Garcia Arias, and P. Navarro. 1995. Influence of frozen storage and defrosting on the chemical and nutritional quality of sardine (Clupea pilchardus). J. Sci Food and Agric., 70(1):29-34.
- Chang, C.C., and J.M. Regenstein. 1997. Textural changes and functional properties of cod mince proteins as affected by kidney tissue and cryoprotectants. J Food Sci 62:299-304.
- Clark, T. H., C. Faustman, W.K.M. Chan, H.C. Furr, and J.W. Reisen. 1999. Canthaxanthin as an antioxidant in a liposome model system and in minced patties from rainbow trout. J. Food Sci., 64 (6): 982-986.
- De Koning, A.J., and T.H. Mol. 1991. Quantitative quality test for frozen fish : soluble protein and free fatty acid content as quality criteria for hake (Merluccius capensis) stored at - 18 0C. J. Sci. Food Agric., 54: 440-58.
- Del Mazo, M., P. Torrejon, M. Careche, M. Tejeda. 1997. Characteristics of the salt soluble fraction of hake fillets stored at –20 and –30 oC. Presented at the 27th Western European Fish Technologists’ Association (WEFTA) Meeting, Madrid, Spain.
- Dubois, M., K.A. Gilles, J.K. Hamilton, P.A. Rebers, and F. Smith. 1956. Colorimetric method for determination of sugars and selected substances. Anal. Chem., 28: 350-356.
- Dyer, W.J., H.V. Fench, and J.M. Snow. 1950. Proteins in fish muscle. 1. Extraction of protein fraction in fresh fish. J. Fish Res. Bd. Can. 7:585
- Farmanfarmaian, A., and L.Z. Sun. 1999. Growth hormone effects on the essential amino acid absorption, muscle amino acid profile, n-retention and nutritional requirements of striped bass hybrids. Genetic Analyses: Bimolecular Engineering, 15, 107-113.
- Fik, M., and K. Surówka. 2004. Autoproteolysis rate of rainbow trout muscle proteins. Nahrung, 48(2): 104-109.
- Frankel, E.N. 1991. Recent advances in lipid oxidation. J. Sci. Food Agric., 54:495-511.
- García-Arias, M.T., E. Alvarez-Pontes, M.C. García-Fernández, F.J Sánchez- Muniz. 2003. Freezing/defrosting/frying of sardine fillets. Influence of slow and quick defrosting on protein quality. J. Sci. Food Agric., 83(6):602-608.
- Girard, B., and T. Durance. 2000. Headspace volatiles of sockeye and pink salmon as affected by retort process. J. of Food Sci. 65(1):34-39.
- Girard, B., and S. Nakai. 1991. Static headspace gas chromatographic method for volatiles in canned salmon. J. of Food Sci., 56(5):1271-1274
- Gobantes, I. I, G. Choubert, J.C. Milicua, and R. Gomez. 1998. Serum carotenoid concentration changes during sexual maturation in farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). J Agric Food Chem., 46(2):383-387
- Gökmen, V., K.S. Bahçeci, A. Serpen, and J. Acar. 2005. Study of lipoxygenase and peroxidase as blanching indicator enzymes in peas: change of enzyme activity, ascorbic acid and chlorophylls during frozen storage. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 66(2): 187-192.
- Gokoglu N., P.Yerlikaya, and E. Cengiz. 2004. Effects of cooking methods on the proximate composition and mineral content of rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss), Food Chemistry, 84, 19-22.
- Groeschel,E.C., A.I. Nelson, and M.P. Steinberg. 1966. Changes in color and other characteristics of green beans stored in controlled refrigerated atmospheres. J. Food Sci., 31:488.
- Haard, N.F. 1990. Biochemical reactions in fish muscle during frozen storage, pp 176-209. In: E. G. Bligh (Eds.), Seafood Science and Technology. Fishing News Books.
- Haard, N.F. 1995. Composition and nutritive value of fish proteins and other nitrogen compounds, pp 77-116. In: E. Ruiter, Fish and Fishery Products. CAB International.
- Cab Int., T.J. Han, and J.Liston. 1989. Lipid peroxidation protection factors in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdnerii) muscle cytosol. J. Food Sci., 54(4):809- 813.
- Hashimoto, K., S.Watabe, M. Kono, and K. Shiro. 1979. Muscle protein composition of sardine and mackerel. Bulletin of the Japanese Soci. of Sci. Fisheries, 45(11): 1435-1441.
- Ingemansson, T., A. Petterson, P. Kaufmann. 1993. Lipid hydrolysis and oxidation related to astaxanthin content in light and dark muscle of frozen stored rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). J. Food Sci., 58:513-518.
- Ingolfsdottir, S., G. Stefansson, and K. Kristbergsson. 1996. Seasonal variations in physicochemical and textural properties of north Atlantic cod Gadus morhua mince.J. of Aquatic Food Technology, 7(3):39-61.
- Iwasaki, M, and R. Harada. 1985. Proximate and amino acid composition of the roe and muscle of selected marine species. J. of Food Sci., 50: 1585-1587.
- Jensen, C., E. Birk, A. Jokumsen, L.H. Skibsted, and G. Bertelsen. 1998. Effect of dietary levels of fat, α-tocopherol and astaxanthin on colour and lipid oxidation during storage of frozen rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and during chill storage of smoked trout. Z. Lebensm Unters Forsch A, 207:189-196.
- Jhaveri,S.N., P.A. Karakoltsidis, J. Montecalvo, and S.M Constantinides. 1984. Chemical composition and protein quality of some southern New England marine species. J. of Food Sci., 49:110-113.
- Jiang, S., and T. Lee. 1985. Changes in free amino acids and protein denaturation of fish muscle during frozen storage. J. Agric. Food Chem., 33:839-844.
- Jo, C., and D.U. Ahn. 1999. Fat reduces volatiles production in oil emulsion system analyzed by purge-and-trap dynamic headspace/ gas chromatography. J. of Food Sci. 64(4):641-643
- Kishi, H., H. Nozawa, and N. Seki. 1991. Reactivity of muscle transglutaminase on carp myofibrils and myosin B. Bulletin of Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries, 57: 1203-1210.
- LeBlanc, E.L., and R. J. LeBlanc. 1989. Separation of cod (Gadus morhua) fillet proteins by electrophoresis and HPLC after various frozen storage treatments. J. Food Sci., 54: 827-834.
- Love, R.M. 1979. The Post-mortem pH of cod and haddock and its seasonal variation. J. Sci. Food Agric., 30:433-438
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- Medina, I., S. Saeed, and N. Howell. 1999. Enzymatic oxidative activity in sardine (Sardine pilchardus) and herring (Clupea harengus) during chilling and correlation with quality. European Food Research and Technology. 210(1):34-38.
- Nakawaka, T., S. Watabe, and K. Hashimoto. 1988. Electrophoretic analysis of sarcplasmic proteins from fish muscle on polyacrylamide gels. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 54(6): 993-998.
- Namulema, A., J.H. Muyonga, and A.N. Kaaya. 1999. Quality deteriotion in frozen Nile perch (Lates niloticus) stored at –13 0C and – 27 oC. Food Research Int., 32:151-156
- Nilsson, K., and B. Ekstrand. 1995. Frozen storage and thawing methods affect biochemical and sensory attributes of rainbow trout. J. Food Sci., 60(3): 627-630.
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The Quality Changes of Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss W., 1792) with a Vegetable Topping During Frozen Storage (-18°C).
Yıl 2006,
Cilt: 23 Sayı: 3, 345 - 350, 01.09.2006
Bahar Tokur
Şükran Çaklı
Abdurrahman Polat
Sebze sosu ile kaplanmış alabalık (Oncorhynchus mykiss W., 1792)’ın dondurarak depolama (-18°C) boyunca kalitesindeki değişimler. Sebze püresi ile kaplanmış alabalık filetoları (TFVT)’ nın besinsel, kimyasal ve duyusal kalitesi üzerine 18 oC’ de dondurarak depolamanın etkisi belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Ayrıca kontrol grubu olarak sebze püresi ile kaplanmamış alabalık filetosu (TF)’ da değerlendirilmiştir. Depolama sonucunda, TFVT’ de methionin ve TF’ de histidin amino asidi hariç diğer tüm amino asitler yavaşça azalmıştır. Tiyobarbiturik asit (TBA) değeri (mg malonaldehit/kg) taze iken 0.20 mg malonaldeyhit/kg iken, depolama sonucunda SPAF’ de 0.50 mg malonaldeyhit/kg’ a TF’ de ise 1.30 mg malonaldeyhit/kg’ a önemli bir şekilde artmıştır (p0.05). TF’ de ise, TVB-N değeri (p
- A.O.A.C. 1984. Official Methods of Analysis 14 th Ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Washington. DC. USA.
- Andersen, H.J., G. Bertelsen, A.G. Christophersen, A.Ohlen, and L.H. Skibsted. 1990. Development of rancidity in salmonid steaks during retail display. Z. Lebensm. Unters. Forsch, 191:119-122.
- Antonocopoulus, N. 1973. Bestmmung des flüchtigen basenstickstoofs, pp. 224- 225. In W Ludorf. and V. Meyer (eds.), Fische und Fischerzeugnisse. AulageVerlag Paul Parey.
- Awad, A., W.D. Powrie, and O.R. Fennema. 1969. Deterioration of fresh-water whitefish muscle during frozen storage at –10 oC. J. Food Sci., 34:1.
- Beklevik, G., A. Polat, and F. Ozoğul. 2005. Nutritional value of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) fillets during frozen (-18 oC) storage. Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, 29:891-895.
- Ben-gigirey, B., J.M.V.B. Sousa, T.G. Villa, J. Barros-velazquez. 1999. Chemical changes and visual appearance of albacore tuna as related to frozen storage. J. Food Sci., 64(1):20-24.
- Benjakul, S., and F. Bauer. 2000. Physicochemical and enzymatic changes of cod muscle proteins subjected to different freeze-thaw cycles. J. Sci. Food Agric., 80:1143-1150.
- Bjerkeng, B., and G. Johnsen. 1995. Frozen storage quality of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) as affected by oxygen, illumination, and fillet pigment. J. Food Sci., 60(2): 284-288.
- Bligh, E.G., and W.J. Dyer. 1959. A rapid method of total lipid extraction and purification. Can.J. Bochem. Physiol., 37: 911-917
- Burton, G.W., and K.U. Ingold. 1984. β-carotene: an unusual type of lipid antioxidant. Science, 224: 569-573.
- Careche, M., A.M. Herrero, A. Rodriguez-Casado, M.L.D. Del Mazo, and P. Carmona. 1999. Structural changes of hake (Merluccius merluccius L..) fillets: Effect of freezing and frozen storage. J. Agric. Food Chem. 47:952- 959
- Careche, M., and E.C.Y. Li-Chan. 1997. Structural changes in cod myosin after modification with formaldehyde or frozen storage. J. Food Sci., 62: 717- 723.
- Castrillón, A.M., E. Alvarez-Pontes, M.T. Garcia Arias, and P. Navarro. 1995. Influence of frozen storage and defrosting on the chemical and nutritional quality of sardine (Clupea pilchardus). J. Sci Food and Agric., 70(1):29-34.
- Chang, C.C., and J.M. Regenstein. 1997. Textural changes and functional properties of cod mince proteins as affected by kidney tissue and cryoprotectants. J Food Sci 62:299-304.
- Clark, T. H., C. Faustman, W.K.M. Chan, H.C. Furr, and J.W. Reisen. 1999. Canthaxanthin as an antioxidant in a liposome model system and in minced patties from rainbow trout. J. Food Sci., 64 (6): 982-986.
- De Koning, A.J., and T.H. Mol. 1991. Quantitative quality test for frozen fish : soluble protein and free fatty acid content as quality criteria for hake (Merluccius capensis) stored at - 18 0C. J. Sci. Food Agric., 54: 440-58.
- Del Mazo, M., P. Torrejon, M. Careche, M. Tejeda. 1997. Characteristics of the salt soluble fraction of hake fillets stored at –20 and –30 oC. Presented at the 27th Western European Fish Technologists’ Association (WEFTA) Meeting, Madrid, Spain.
- Dubois, M., K.A. Gilles, J.K. Hamilton, P.A. Rebers, and F. Smith. 1956. Colorimetric method for determination of sugars and selected substances. Anal. Chem., 28: 350-356.
- Dyer, W.J., H.V. Fench, and J.M. Snow. 1950. Proteins in fish muscle. 1. Extraction of protein fraction in fresh fish. J. Fish Res. Bd. Can. 7:585
- Farmanfarmaian, A., and L.Z. Sun. 1999. Growth hormone effects on the essential amino acid absorption, muscle amino acid profile, n-retention and nutritional requirements of striped bass hybrids. Genetic Analyses: Bimolecular Engineering, 15, 107-113.
- Fik, M., and K. Surówka. 2004. Autoproteolysis rate of rainbow trout muscle proteins. Nahrung, 48(2): 104-109.
- Frankel, E.N. 1991. Recent advances in lipid oxidation. J. Sci. Food Agric., 54:495-511.
- García-Arias, M.T., E. Alvarez-Pontes, M.C. García-Fernández, F.J Sánchez- Muniz. 2003. Freezing/defrosting/frying of sardine fillets. Influence of slow and quick defrosting on protein quality. J. Sci. Food Agric., 83(6):602-608.
- Girard, B., and T. Durance. 2000. Headspace volatiles of sockeye and pink salmon as affected by retort process. J. of Food Sci. 65(1):34-39.
- Girard, B., and S. Nakai. 1991. Static headspace gas chromatographic method for volatiles in canned salmon. J. of Food Sci., 56(5):1271-1274
- Gobantes, I. I, G. Choubert, J.C. Milicua, and R. Gomez. 1998. Serum carotenoid concentration changes during sexual maturation in farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). J Agric Food Chem., 46(2):383-387
- Gökmen, V., K.S. Bahçeci, A. Serpen, and J. Acar. 2005. Study of lipoxygenase and peroxidase as blanching indicator enzymes in peas: change of enzyme activity, ascorbic acid and chlorophylls during frozen storage. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 66(2): 187-192.
- Gokoglu N., P.Yerlikaya, and E. Cengiz. 2004. Effects of cooking methods on the proximate composition and mineral content of rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss), Food Chemistry, 84, 19-22.
- Groeschel,E.C., A.I. Nelson, and M.P. Steinberg. 1966. Changes in color and other characteristics of green beans stored in controlled refrigerated atmospheres. J. Food Sci., 31:488.
- Haard, N.F. 1990. Biochemical reactions in fish muscle during frozen storage, pp 176-209. In: E. G. Bligh (Eds.), Seafood Science and Technology. Fishing News Books.
- Haard, N.F. 1995. Composition and nutritive value of fish proteins and other nitrogen compounds, pp 77-116. In: E. Ruiter, Fish and Fishery Products. CAB International.
- Cab Int., T.J. Han, and J.Liston. 1989. Lipid peroxidation protection factors in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdnerii) muscle cytosol. J. Food Sci., 54(4):809- 813.
- Hashimoto, K., S.Watabe, M. Kono, and K. Shiro. 1979. Muscle protein composition of sardine and mackerel. Bulletin of the Japanese Soci. of Sci. Fisheries, 45(11): 1435-1441.
- Ingemansson, T., A. Petterson, P. Kaufmann. 1993. Lipid hydrolysis and oxidation related to astaxanthin content in light and dark muscle of frozen stored rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). J. Food Sci., 58:513-518.
- Ingolfsdottir, S., G. Stefansson, and K. Kristbergsson. 1996. Seasonal variations in physicochemical and textural properties of north Atlantic cod Gadus morhua mince.J. of Aquatic Food Technology, 7(3):39-61.
- Iwasaki, M, and R. Harada. 1985. Proximate and amino acid composition of the roe and muscle of selected marine species. J. of Food Sci., 50: 1585-1587.
- Jensen, C., E. Birk, A. Jokumsen, L.H. Skibsted, and G. Bertelsen. 1998. Effect of dietary levels of fat, α-tocopherol and astaxanthin on colour and lipid oxidation during storage of frozen rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and during chill storage of smoked trout. Z. Lebensm Unters Forsch A, 207:189-196.
- Jhaveri,S.N., P.A. Karakoltsidis, J. Montecalvo, and S.M Constantinides. 1984. Chemical composition and protein quality of some southern New England marine species. J. of Food Sci., 49:110-113.
- Jiang, S., and T. Lee. 1985. Changes in free amino acids and protein denaturation of fish muscle during frozen storage. J. Agric. Food Chem., 33:839-844.
- Jo, C., and D.U. Ahn. 1999. Fat reduces volatiles production in oil emulsion system analyzed by purge-and-trap dynamic headspace/ gas chromatography. J. of Food Sci. 64(4):641-643
- Kishi, H., H. Nozawa, and N. Seki. 1991. Reactivity of muscle transglutaminase on carp myofibrils and myosin B. Bulletin of Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries, 57: 1203-1210.
- LeBlanc, E.L., and R. J. LeBlanc. 1989. Separation of cod (Gadus morhua) fillet proteins by electrophoresis and HPLC after various frozen storage treatments. J. Food Sci., 54: 827-834.
- Love, R.M. 1979. The Post-mortem pH of cod and haddock and its seasonal variation. J. Sci. Food Agric., 30:433-438
- Ludorf, W., V. Meyer, 1973. Fische und Fischerzeugnisse. Paul Parey Verlag.
- Mackie, I.M. 1993. The effects of freezing on flesh proteins. Food Rev. Int., 9:575-610.
- Mclarney, M., P.L. Pellett, and V.R. Young. 1996. Pattern of amino acid requirements in human: An interspecies comparison using published amino acid requiremt recommendation. The Journal of Nutrition, Bethesda, 1871- 1883.
- Medina, I., S. Saeed, and N. Howell. 1999. Enzymatic oxidative activity in sardine (Sardine pilchardus) and herring (Clupea harengus) during chilling and correlation with quality. European Food Research and Technology. 210(1):34-38.
- Nakawaka, T., S. Watabe, and K. Hashimoto. 1988. Electrophoretic analysis of sarcplasmic proteins from fish muscle on polyacrylamide gels. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 54(6): 993-998.
- Namulema, A., J.H. Muyonga, and A.N. Kaaya. 1999. Quality deteriotion in frozen Nile perch (Lates niloticus) stored at –13 0C and – 27 oC. Food Research Int., 32:151-156
- Nilsson, K., and B. Ekstrand. 1995. Frozen storage and thawing methods affect biochemical and sensory attributes of rainbow trout. J. Food Sci., 60(3): 627-630.
- Paulus, K., R. Zacharias, L. Robinson, and H. Geidel. 1979. Kritische betrachtungen zur “Bewetenden prüfung mit skale” als Einem Wesentlichen Verfahren der Sensorichen Analyse. LWT, 12(1): 52-61.
- Rasmussen, R.S. 2001. Quality of farmed salmonids with emphasis on proximate composition, yield and sensory characteristics. Aquaculture Research, 32:767-786.
- Refsgaard, H.H.F., P.B. Brockhoff, and B. Jensen. 1998. Sensory and chemical changes in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) during frozen storage. J. Agric. Food Chem. , 46:3473-3479
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