Growth attributes of turbot (Psetta maxima Linnaeus, 1758) were reared in the Black Sea condition.
Yıl 2006,
Cilt: 23 Sayı: 3, 321 - 326, 01.09.2006
Nilgün Aksungur
Muharrem Aksungur
Bilal Akbulut
Cennet Üstündağ
Yılmaz Çiftçi
- Alvial, A., J. Manriquez, 1999. Diversification of Flatfish Culture in Chile. Aquaculture, 176: 65-73.
- APHA, AWWA, WPCF, 1985. Standart Methods For the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 16. Edition, New York.
- Arnaiz, R., 1994. Diversesification in the Turbot Endustry. Turbot Culture: Problems and Prospects. In: P. Lavens and R.A.M. Remmerswaal (Eds.) European Aquaculture Society, Special Publication No:22, Gent, Belgium. 166-181
- Arthur, G., 1999. .The Atlantic Halibut: A Potential Species for Fish Farming in Shetland Fisheries Information Note No. 2
- Burel C., J. Person-Le Ruyet, F. Gaumet, A. Le Roux, A. Severe, G. Boeuf, 1996. Effects of Temperature on Growth and Metabolisim in Juvenile Turbot, Journal of Fish Biology, 49: 678-692.
- Çelikkale, M.S., E. Düzgüneş, İ. Okumuş, 1999. Türkiye Su Ürünleri Sektörü: Potansiyeli, Mevcut Durumu, Sorunları ve Çözüm Önerileri, (in Turkish) İstanbul Ticaret Odası, yayın no: 1999-2, İstanbul. 414 s.
- Devesa, S., 1994. Nutrition and Feeding of Cultured Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.). Turbot Culture: Problems and Prospects. In: P. Lavens and R.A.M. Remmerswaal (Eds.), European Aquaculture Society, Special Publication No:22, Gent, Belgium. 81-192
- FAO, 2005. Cultured Aquatic Species Information Programme, Turbot (Psetta maxima) Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Service (FIRI), figis/servlet/static?dom=culturespecies&xml=Psetta_maxima.xml
- Girin, M., 1979. Méthodes de Production des Juvéniler Chez Trois Poissons Marins, Le bar, La Sole et Le Turbot, Repports Scientifiques et Techniques, Publications 39, CNEXO, France. pp: 202.
- Gültekin, N., O. Torul, S. Serin, 1987. Endüstriyel Kimya-1 Laboratuarı, (in Turkish) K.T.Ü. Basımevi, Trabzon.
- Hara, S. 2002. Present Status of Fish Culture Development Project in the Black Sea under JICA Program. Turkish J. of Fish. and Aquatic Sci., 2(1): 1-3,
- Hara, S., M. Özongun, E. Güneş, B. Ceylan, 2002. Broodstock Rearing and Spawning of Black Sea Turbot Psetta maxima. Turkish J. of Fish. and Aquatic Sci., 2: 9-12.
- Iglesias, J. 1994. Research Activities on Turbot Industrial Procedures in Spain. Turbot Culture: Problems and Prospects. In: P. Lavens and R.A.M. Remmerswaal (Eds.) European Aquaculture Society, Special Publication No:22, Gent, Belgium, 127-136,
- Imsland, A.K., A. Foss, S.O. Stefansson, G. Naevdal, 2000. Haemoglobin Genotypes of Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus): Consequences for Growth and Variations in Optimal Temperature for Growth. Fish Physiol. Biochem., 23: 75-81.
- Imsland, A.K., A. Foss, G. Naevdal, T. Cross, S.W. Bonja, E.V. Ham, S.O. Stefansson, 2001. Counter Gradient Variation in Growth and Food Conversion Efficiency of Juvenile Turbot. J. Fish Biol., 57: 1213-1226,
- Irwin, S., J.O. Halloran, R.O. FitzGerald, 1999. Stocking density, growth and growth variation in juvenile turbot, (Scophthalmus maximus). Aquaculture, 178: 77-88
- Jones A. 1974. The Growth of Turbot Farming in Europe, Ferme Marine de Douhet – BP 4, 17840 La Bree Les Bains-France.
- Khanaichenko, A.N., Y.E. Bitoka, N.K. Tkachenko, 1994. Experiences in rearing endemic Black Sea turbot larvae. Turbot Culture: Problems and Prospects. In: P. Lavens and R.A.M. Remmerswaal (Eds.) European Aquaculture Society, Special Publication No:22, Gent, Belgium, 349-358
- Lei, J.L., Q. Men, J. Ma Ai, 2003. The comprehensive effects and development prospect of turbot introduction engineering. Engineering Science, 5(8): 30-34]
- Lygren, E., 1994. Culture in Recirculation Systems Turbot Culture: Problems and Prospects. In: P. Lavens and R.A.M. Remmerswaal (Eds.) European Aquaculture Society, Special Publication No:22, Gent, Belgium, 93-104
- Mallekh, R., J.P. Lagardere, M.L. Begout Anras, J.Y. Lafaye, 1998. Variability in Appetite of Turbot, Scophthalmus maximus under Intensive Rearing Conditions; the Role of Environmental Factors. Aquaculture, 165: 123- 138
- Mancy, K.H., 1977. Instrumental Analysis for Water Pollution Control, Ann Arbor Science, Michigan.
- Maslova, O.N., 2002. Problems and Achievements in Seed Production of Black Sea Turbot in Russia. Turkish J. of Fish. and Aquatic Sci., 2: 23-27
- Nijhof M., 1994. Research on Nutrition and Growth in the Culture of Post Larval Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.), Turbot Culture: Problems and Prospects. In: P. Lavens and R.A.M. Remmerswaal (Eds.) European Aquaculture Society, Special Publication No: 22, Gent, Belgium, 137-165
- Person-Le Ruyet, J., 2000. Capacités Adaptatives des Jjuvéniles de Turbot à la Température, la Salinité et la Photopériode. G. Nonnotte, P. Sébert, N. Devauchelle, (coord.). Le Milieu Aquatique: Interactions des Facteurs Environnementaux et Impact Sur les Organismes Vivants. Anaximandre, Lesneven, France, 90-107.
- Person-Le Ruyet, J., F. Baudin-Laurencin, N. Devauchelle, R. Métailler, J.L. Nicolas, J. Robin, J. Guillaume, 1991. Culture of Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus), In: J.P. McVey (Ed.) Handbook of Mariculture and Finfish Aquaculture, 2: 21-41.
- Person-Le Ruyet, J., G. Bœuf, 1998. L’azote Ammoniacal, un Toxique Potentiel en élevage de Poissons : le cas du Turbot. Bull. Français Pêche Pisc., 393-412.
- Person-Le Ruyet, J., C. Delbard, H. Chartois, and H. Le Delliou, 1997. Toxicity of Ammonia to Turbot Juveniles: I-Effects on Survival, Growth and Food Utilisation. Aquat. Living Res., 10: 307-314.
- Person-Le Ruyet, J., 2002. Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) Grow-out in Europe: Practices, Results and Prospects. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2(1): 29-39.
- Pichavant, K., J. Person-Le Ruyet, N. Le Bayon, A. Sévère, A. Le Roux, L. Quéméner, V. Maxime, G. Nonnotte, G. Bœuf, 2000. Effects of hypoxia on growth and metabolism of juvenile turbot. Aquaculture, 188: 103-114
- Pichavant, K., J. Person-Le Ruyet, N. Le Bayon, A. Sévère, A. Le Roux, G. Bœuf, 2001. Comparative effects of long-term hypoxia on growth, feeding and oxygen consumption in juvenile turbot and European Sea- bass. J. Fish Biol, 59: 875-883
- Pichavant, K., J. Person-Le Ruyet, A. Le Roux, A. Sevère, G. Bœuf, 1998. Capacités adaptatives du turbot (Psetta maxima) juvénile à la photopériode. Bull. Français Pêche Pisciculture, 265-277
- Piferrer, F., R.M. Cal, B. Alvarez-Blazquez, L. Sanchez, P. Martinez, 2000. Induction of triploidy in the turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) I. ploidy determination and the effects of cold shocks. Aquaculture, 188: 79-90
- Regost, C.J., M. Arzel, M. Cardinal, J. Robin, M. Laroche, S.J. Kaushik, 2001. Dietary lipid level, hepatic lipogenesis and flesh quality in turbot (Psetta maxima). Aquaculture, 193: 291-309.
- Saether, B.S., M. Jobling, 1999. The effects of ration level on feed intake and growth, and compensatory growth after restricted feeding, in turbot Scophthalmus maximus L. Aquacult. Res., 30: 647-653
- Saether, B.S. M. Jobling, 2001. Fat content in turbot feed: influence on feed intake, growth and body composition. Aquaculture Res., 32: 451-458,
- Scherrer, P., 1984. Influence de la temperature et de la salinite sur la croissance et la consonmation d’oxygene du juvenile de turbot Scophthalmus maximus L. (phase nurserie). These de 3 eme Cycle, Universite de Bretagne Occidentale. 151 pp.
- Şahin, T., 2001. Effect of water temperature on growth of hatchery reared black sea turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (Linnaeus, 1758). TÜBİTAK, Turk J. Zool., 25: 183-186
- Waller, U., 1992. Factors influencing routine oxygen consumption in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). J. Appl. Ichthyol., 8: 62-71.
Kalkan Balığı (Psetta maxima Linnaeus, 1758)'nın Doğu Karadeniz Koşullarında Büyüme Özellikleri.
Yıl 2006,
Cilt: 23 Sayı: 3, 321 - 326, 01.09.2006
Nilgün Aksungur
Muharrem Aksungur
Bilal Akbulut
Cennet Üstündağ
Yılmaz Çiftçi
Bu çalışma, Su Ürünleri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü deniz balıkları kuluçkahanesinde üretilen kalkan (Psetta maxima Linnaeus, 1758) yavrularının Doğu Karadeniz şartlarında (8-31°C deniz suyu sıcaklığı; ‰16–18 tuzluluk) pazar boyuna (yaklaşık 1 kg) kadar büyüme, yaşama ve yem değerlendirme oranları araştırılmıştır. Kafes denemesinde balıklar 15 ayda ortalama 33.6±0.31 cm boy ve 547.6±14.18 g ağırlığa; tanklarda ise 22 ay boyunca sürdürülen denemelerde balıklar ortalama 37.1±0.24 cm boy ve 836.5±17.33 g ağırlığa ulaşmıştır. Kafes denemelerinde yüzeydeki deniz suyu sıcaklığının kalkan balığının letal (28-30°C) sınırının üzerine çıkması sonucu; toplu balık ölümleri görülmesine rağmen, tank denemesinde 27 m derinlikten alınan deniz suyu (
- Alvial, A., J. Manriquez, 1999. Diversification of Flatfish Culture in Chile. Aquaculture, 176: 65-73.
- APHA, AWWA, WPCF, 1985. Standart Methods For the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 16. Edition, New York.
- Arnaiz, R., 1994. Diversesification in the Turbot Endustry. Turbot Culture: Problems and Prospects. In: P. Lavens and R.A.M. Remmerswaal (Eds.) European Aquaculture Society, Special Publication No:22, Gent, Belgium. 166-181
- Arthur, G., 1999. .The Atlantic Halibut: A Potential Species for Fish Farming in Shetland Fisheries Information Note No. 2
- Burel C., J. Person-Le Ruyet, F. Gaumet, A. Le Roux, A. Severe, G. Boeuf, 1996. Effects of Temperature on Growth and Metabolisim in Juvenile Turbot, Journal of Fish Biology, 49: 678-692.
- Çelikkale, M.S., E. Düzgüneş, İ. Okumuş, 1999. Türkiye Su Ürünleri Sektörü: Potansiyeli, Mevcut Durumu, Sorunları ve Çözüm Önerileri, (in Turkish) İstanbul Ticaret Odası, yayın no: 1999-2, İstanbul. 414 s.
- Devesa, S., 1994. Nutrition and Feeding of Cultured Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.). Turbot Culture: Problems and Prospects. In: P. Lavens and R.A.M. Remmerswaal (Eds.), European Aquaculture Society, Special Publication No:22, Gent, Belgium. 81-192
- FAO, 2005. Cultured Aquatic Species Information Programme, Turbot (Psetta maxima) Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Service (FIRI), figis/servlet/static?dom=culturespecies&xml=Psetta_maxima.xml
- Girin, M., 1979. Méthodes de Production des Juvéniler Chez Trois Poissons Marins, Le bar, La Sole et Le Turbot, Repports Scientifiques et Techniques, Publications 39, CNEXO, France. pp: 202.
- Gültekin, N., O. Torul, S. Serin, 1987. Endüstriyel Kimya-1 Laboratuarı, (in Turkish) K.T.Ü. Basımevi, Trabzon.
- Hara, S. 2002. Present Status of Fish Culture Development Project in the Black Sea under JICA Program. Turkish J. of Fish. and Aquatic Sci., 2(1): 1-3,
- Hara, S., M. Özongun, E. Güneş, B. Ceylan, 2002. Broodstock Rearing and Spawning of Black Sea Turbot Psetta maxima. Turkish J. of Fish. and Aquatic Sci., 2: 9-12.
- Iglesias, J. 1994. Research Activities on Turbot Industrial Procedures in Spain. Turbot Culture: Problems and Prospects. In: P. Lavens and R.A.M. Remmerswaal (Eds.) European Aquaculture Society, Special Publication No:22, Gent, Belgium, 127-136,
- Imsland, A.K., A. Foss, S.O. Stefansson, G. Naevdal, 2000. Haemoglobin Genotypes of Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus): Consequences for Growth and Variations in Optimal Temperature for Growth. Fish Physiol. Biochem., 23: 75-81.
- Imsland, A.K., A. Foss, G. Naevdal, T. Cross, S.W. Bonja, E.V. Ham, S.O. Stefansson, 2001. Counter Gradient Variation in Growth and Food Conversion Efficiency of Juvenile Turbot. J. Fish Biol., 57: 1213-1226,
- Irwin, S., J.O. Halloran, R.O. FitzGerald, 1999. Stocking density, growth and growth variation in juvenile turbot, (Scophthalmus maximus). Aquaculture, 178: 77-88
- Jones A. 1974. The Growth of Turbot Farming in Europe, Ferme Marine de Douhet – BP 4, 17840 La Bree Les Bains-France.
- Khanaichenko, A.N., Y.E. Bitoka, N.K. Tkachenko, 1994. Experiences in rearing endemic Black Sea turbot larvae. Turbot Culture: Problems and Prospects. In: P. Lavens and R.A.M. Remmerswaal (Eds.) European Aquaculture Society, Special Publication No:22, Gent, Belgium, 349-358
- Lei, J.L., Q. Men, J. Ma Ai, 2003. The comprehensive effects and development prospect of turbot introduction engineering. Engineering Science, 5(8): 30-34]
- Lygren, E., 1994. Culture in Recirculation Systems Turbot Culture: Problems and Prospects. In: P. Lavens and R.A.M. Remmerswaal (Eds.) European Aquaculture Society, Special Publication No:22, Gent, Belgium, 93-104
- Mallekh, R., J.P. Lagardere, M.L. Begout Anras, J.Y. Lafaye, 1998. Variability in Appetite of Turbot, Scophthalmus maximus under Intensive Rearing Conditions; the Role of Environmental Factors. Aquaculture, 165: 123- 138
- Mancy, K.H., 1977. Instrumental Analysis for Water Pollution Control, Ann Arbor Science, Michigan.
- Maslova, O.N., 2002. Problems and Achievements in Seed Production of Black Sea Turbot in Russia. Turkish J. of Fish. and Aquatic Sci., 2: 23-27
- Nijhof M., 1994. Research on Nutrition and Growth in the Culture of Post Larval Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.), Turbot Culture: Problems and Prospects. In: P. Lavens and R.A.M. Remmerswaal (Eds.) European Aquaculture Society, Special Publication No: 22, Gent, Belgium, 137-165
- Person-Le Ruyet, J., 2000. Capacités Adaptatives des Jjuvéniles de Turbot à la Température, la Salinité et la Photopériode. G. Nonnotte, P. Sébert, N. Devauchelle, (coord.). Le Milieu Aquatique: Interactions des Facteurs Environnementaux et Impact Sur les Organismes Vivants. Anaximandre, Lesneven, France, 90-107.
- Person-Le Ruyet, J., F. Baudin-Laurencin, N. Devauchelle, R. Métailler, J.L. Nicolas, J. Robin, J. Guillaume, 1991. Culture of Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus), In: J.P. McVey (Ed.) Handbook of Mariculture and Finfish Aquaculture, 2: 21-41.
- Person-Le Ruyet, J., G. Bœuf, 1998. L’azote Ammoniacal, un Toxique Potentiel en élevage de Poissons : le cas du Turbot. Bull. Français Pêche Pisc., 393-412.
- Person-Le Ruyet, J., C. Delbard, H. Chartois, and H. Le Delliou, 1997. Toxicity of Ammonia to Turbot Juveniles: I-Effects on Survival, Growth and Food Utilisation. Aquat. Living Res., 10: 307-314.
- Person-Le Ruyet, J., 2002. Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) Grow-out in Europe: Practices, Results and Prospects. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2(1): 29-39.
- Pichavant, K., J. Person-Le Ruyet, N. Le Bayon, A. Sévère, A. Le Roux, L. Quéméner, V. Maxime, G. Nonnotte, G. Bœuf, 2000. Effects of hypoxia on growth and metabolism of juvenile turbot. Aquaculture, 188: 103-114
- Pichavant, K., J. Person-Le Ruyet, N. Le Bayon, A. Sévère, A. Le Roux, G. Bœuf, 2001. Comparative effects of long-term hypoxia on growth, feeding and oxygen consumption in juvenile turbot and European Sea- bass. J. Fish Biol, 59: 875-883
- Pichavant, K., J. Person-Le Ruyet, A. Le Roux, A. Sevère, G. Bœuf, 1998. Capacités adaptatives du turbot (Psetta maxima) juvénile à la photopériode. Bull. Français Pêche Pisciculture, 265-277
- Piferrer, F., R.M. Cal, B. Alvarez-Blazquez, L. Sanchez, P. Martinez, 2000. Induction of triploidy in the turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) I. ploidy determination and the effects of cold shocks. Aquaculture, 188: 79-90
- Regost, C.J., M. Arzel, M. Cardinal, J. Robin, M. Laroche, S.J. Kaushik, 2001. Dietary lipid level, hepatic lipogenesis and flesh quality in turbot (Psetta maxima). Aquaculture, 193: 291-309.
- Saether, B.S., M. Jobling, 1999. The effects of ration level on feed intake and growth, and compensatory growth after restricted feeding, in turbot Scophthalmus maximus L. Aquacult. Res., 30: 647-653
- Saether, B.S. M. Jobling, 2001. Fat content in turbot feed: influence on feed intake, growth and body composition. Aquaculture Res., 32: 451-458,
- Scherrer, P., 1984. Influence de la temperature et de la salinite sur la croissance et la consonmation d’oxygene du juvenile de turbot Scophthalmus maximus L. (phase nurserie). These de 3 eme Cycle, Universite de Bretagne Occidentale. 151 pp.
- Şahin, T., 2001. Effect of water temperature on growth of hatchery reared black sea turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (Linnaeus, 1758). TÜBİTAK, Turk J. Zool., 25: 183-186
- Waller, U., 1992. Factors influencing routine oxygen consumption in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). J. Appl. Ichthyol., 8: 62-71.