Oocyte Development in the Zebrafish, Danio rerio (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)
Yıl 2007,
Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1, 137 - 141, 01.03.2007
Özlem Çakıcı
Sema İşisağ Üçüncü
Zebra balığında Danio rerio’da (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) oosit gelişimi. Zebra balığı ovaryumlarında oosit gelişimi ışık mikroskobu ile araştırılmış ve histolojik özelliklere göre ayırt edilen dört esas gelişim aşaması; primer oosit evresi, kortikal alveolar evre, vitellojenik evre ve olgunluk evresi olarak tanımlanmıştır
- Afonso, L. O. B., P. M. Campbell, G. K. Iwama, R. H. Devlin & E. M. Donaldson. 1997. The effect of the aromatase inhibitor fadrozole and two polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons on sex steroid secretion by ovarian follicles of coho salmon. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 106: 169-174.
- Al-Daham, N. K. & M. N. Bhatti. 1979. Annual changes in the ovarian activity of the freshwater teleost, Barbus luteus (Heckel) from Southern Iraq. J. Fish Biol., 14: 381-387.
- Anderson, E. 1968. Cortical alveoli formation and vitellogenesis during oocyte differentiation in the pipefish, Syngnathus fuscus, and killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus. J. Morphol., 125: 23-60.
- Arockiaraj, A. J., M. A. Haniffa, S. Seetharaman & S. Singh. 2004. Cyclic changes in gonadal maturation and histological observations of threatened freshwater catfish “narikeliru” Mystus montanus (Jerdon, 1849) Acta Ichthyol. Piscat., 34 (2): 253–266.
- Brandão, C. A. da S. (in memoriam), M. de F. M. Valentim & E. Pellegrini- Caramaschi. 2003. Ovary maturation stages and oocyte features in three species of the neotropical fish Hemiodus (Müller, 1842), Braz. Arch. Biol. Technol., 46 (3): 433-441.
- Carrason, M & M. Bau. 2003. Reproduction and gonad histology of Aidablennius sphynx (Pisces: Blenniidae) of the Catalan Sea (Northwestern Mediterranean). Sci. Mar., 67 (4): 461-469.
- Casadevall, M., G. Streisinger, F. Singer & C. Walker. 1993. Description of different stages of oogenesis in Ophidion barbatum (Pisces, Ophidiidae). Environ. Biol. Fish., 36: 109-123.
- Correiro, A., S. Desantis, O. Deflorio, F. Aceno, C. R. Bridges, J. M. Dela Sernas, P. Megalofonou & G. de Metrio. 2003. Histological investigation on the ovarian cycle of the bluefin tuna in the western and central Mediterranean. J. Fish Biol., 63: 108-119.
- Guraya, S. S. 1986. The cell and molecular biology of fish oogenesis. In: Monographs in Developmental Biology (S. S. Guraya & S. Karger, eds.), pp 1-262. Karger, Basel.
- İşisağ, S. 1996. Some histological investigations on the ovaries of Liza ramada Risso (1826) (Mugilidae, Teleostei), (in Turkish). Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Dergisi 13 (3-4): 339-353.
- Kayaba, T., N. Takeda & K. Yamauchi. 2001. Ultrastructure of the oocytes of the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica during artificially induced sexual maturation. Fish. Sci., 67 (5): 870–879.
- Kjesbu, O. S. & H. Kryvi. 1989. Oogenesis in cod, Gadus morhua L., studied by light and electron microscopy. J. Fish Biol., 34: 735-746.
- Leung F. C., S. E. Webb & A. L. Miller. 2000. On the mechanism of ooplasmic segragation in single-cell zebrafish embryos. Develop. Growth Differ., 42: 29-40.
- Micale, V., G. Maricchiolo & L. Genovese. 1999. The reproductive biology of the amberjack, Seriola dumerilii (Risso, 1810). I. Oocyte development in captivity. Aqua. Res., 30 (6): 554-563.
- Nagahama, Y. 1983. The functional morphology of teleost gonads. In: Fish Physiology, Vol IXA (Hoar, W. S., Randal, D. J. & Donaldson, E. M., eds), pp 223-275. Academic Pres, New York.
- Peixoto, S., R. O. Cavalli, F. D. Incao, A. M. Milach & W. Wasielesky. 2003. Ovarian maturation of wild Farfantepenaeus paulensis in relation to histological and visual changes. Aqua. Res., 34: 1255-1260.
- Selman, K. & R. A. Wallace. 1986. Gametogenesis in Fundulus heteroclitus. Amer. Zool., 26: 173-192.
- Selman, K., R. A. Wallace & QI. X. Sarka. 1993. Stages of oocyte development in the zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio. J. Morphol., 218: 203- 224.
- Shackley, S. E. & P. E. King. 1977. Oogenesis in a marine teleost, Blennius pholis L. Cell Tiss. Res., 181: 105-128.
- Simonsen, C. S. & A. C. Gundersen. 2005. Ovary development in Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in west Greenland waters. J. Fish Biol., 67: 1299-1317
- Suzuki, H. I., Agostinho, A. A. & Winemiller, K. O. 2000. Relationship between oocyte morphology and reproductive strategy in loricariid catfishes of the Paraná River, Brazil. J. Fish Biol., 57 (3): 791-807.
- Tyler, C. R., J. P. Sumpter & P. R. Whittames. 1990. The dynamics of oocyte growth during vitellogenesis in the rainbow trout, Oncorhyncus myksiss. Biol. Reprod., 43: 202-209.
- Utoh, T., N. Mikawa , A. Okamura, Y. Yamada, S. Tanaka, N. Horie, A. Akazawa & H. P. Oka. 2004. Ovarian morphology of the Japanese eel in Mikawa Bay. J. Fish Biol., 64: 502-513.
- van Aerle, R., T. J. Runnals & C. R. Tyler. 2004. Ontogeny of gonadal sex development relative to growth in fathead minnow. J. Fish Biol., 64: 355- 369.
- van der Merwe , W., J. H .J. van Vuren & J. F. Vermaak. 1988. Cyclic histomorphological changes in the ovary of mudfish, Labeo capensis. Aquaculture 63: 27-41.
- Wallace, R. A. & K. Selman. 1981. Cellular and dynamic aspects of oocyte growth in teleosts. Amer. Zool., 21: 325-343.
- Wallace, R. A. 1985. Vitellogenesis and oocyte growth in nonmammalian vertebrates. In: Developmental Biology (Browder, L.W., ed.) Vol 1, pp 127-177. Plenum, New York.
- Wourms, J. P. & H. Sheldon. 1976. Annual fish oogenesis. II. Formation of the secondary egg envelope. Develop. Biol., 50: 355-366.
- Young, G., H. Kagawa & Y. Nagahama. 1983. Evidence for a decrease in aromatase activity in the ovarian granulosa cells of Amago Salmon (Oncorhynchus rhodurus) associated with final oocyte maturation. Biol. Reprod., 29: 310-315.
Zebra balığında Danio rerio'da (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) oosit gelişimi.
Yıl 2007,
Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1, 137 - 141, 01.03.2007
Özlem Çakıcı
Sema İşisağ Üçüncü
- Afonso, L. O. B., P. M. Campbell, G. K. Iwama, R. H. Devlin & E. M. Donaldson. 1997. The effect of the aromatase inhibitor fadrozole and two polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons on sex steroid secretion by ovarian follicles of coho salmon. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 106: 169-174.
- Al-Daham, N. K. & M. N. Bhatti. 1979. Annual changes in the ovarian activity of the freshwater teleost, Barbus luteus (Heckel) from Southern Iraq. J. Fish Biol., 14: 381-387.
- Anderson, E. 1968. Cortical alveoli formation and vitellogenesis during oocyte differentiation in the pipefish, Syngnathus fuscus, and killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus. J. Morphol., 125: 23-60.
- Arockiaraj, A. J., M. A. Haniffa, S. Seetharaman & S. Singh. 2004. Cyclic changes in gonadal maturation and histological observations of threatened freshwater catfish “narikeliru” Mystus montanus (Jerdon, 1849) Acta Ichthyol. Piscat., 34 (2): 253–266.
- Brandão, C. A. da S. (in memoriam), M. de F. M. Valentim & E. Pellegrini- Caramaschi. 2003. Ovary maturation stages and oocyte features in three species of the neotropical fish Hemiodus (Müller, 1842), Braz. Arch. Biol. Technol., 46 (3): 433-441.
- Carrason, M & M. Bau. 2003. Reproduction and gonad histology of Aidablennius sphynx (Pisces: Blenniidae) of the Catalan Sea (Northwestern Mediterranean). Sci. Mar., 67 (4): 461-469.
- Casadevall, M., G. Streisinger, F. Singer & C. Walker. 1993. Description of different stages of oogenesis in Ophidion barbatum (Pisces, Ophidiidae). Environ. Biol. Fish., 36: 109-123.
- Correiro, A., S. Desantis, O. Deflorio, F. Aceno, C. R. Bridges, J. M. Dela Sernas, P. Megalofonou & G. de Metrio. 2003. Histological investigation on the ovarian cycle of the bluefin tuna in the western and central Mediterranean. J. Fish Biol., 63: 108-119.
- Guraya, S. S. 1986. The cell and molecular biology of fish oogenesis. In: Monographs in Developmental Biology (S. S. Guraya & S. Karger, eds.), pp 1-262. Karger, Basel.
- İşisağ, S. 1996. Some histological investigations on the ovaries of Liza ramada Risso (1826) (Mugilidae, Teleostei), (in Turkish). Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Dergisi 13 (3-4): 339-353.
- Kayaba, T., N. Takeda & K. Yamauchi. 2001. Ultrastructure of the oocytes of the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica during artificially induced sexual maturation. Fish. Sci., 67 (5): 870–879.
- Kjesbu, O. S. & H. Kryvi. 1989. Oogenesis in cod, Gadus morhua L., studied by light and electron microscopy. J. Fish Biol., 34: 735-746.
- Leung F. C., S. E. Webb & A. L. Miller. 2000. On the mechanism of ooplasmic segragation in single-cell zebrafish embryos. Develop. Growth Differ., 42: 29-40.
- Micale, V., G. Maricchiolo & L. Genovese. 1999. The reproductive biology of the amberjack, Seriola dumerilii (Risso, 1810). I. Oocyte development in captivity. Aqua. Res., 30 (6): 554-563.
- Nagahama, Y. 1983. The functional morphology of teleost gonads. In: Fish Physiology, Vol IXA (Hoar, W. S., Randal, D. J. & Donaldson, E. M., eds), pp 223-275. Academic Pres, New York.
- Peixoto, S., R. O. Cavalli, F. D. Incao, A. M. Milach & W. Wasielesky. 2003. Ovarian maturation of wild Farfantepenaeus paulensis in relation to histological and visual changes. Aqua. Res., 34: 1255-1260.
- Selman, K. & R. A. Wallace. 1986. Gametogenesis in Fundulus heteroclitus. Amer. Zool., 26: 173-192.
- Selman, K., R. A. Wallace & QI. X. Sarka. 1993. Stages of oocyte development in the zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio. J. Morphol., 218: 203- 224.
- Shackley, S. E. & P. E. King. 1977. Oogenesis in a marine teleost, Blennius pholis L. Cell Tiss. Res., 181: 105-128.
- Simonsen, C. S. & A. C. Gundersen. 2005. Ovary development in Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in west Greenland waters. J. Fish Biol., 67: 1299-1317
- Suzuki, H. I., Agostinho, A. A. & Winemiller, K. O. 2000. Relationship between oocyte morphology and reproductive strategy in loricariid catfishes of the Paraná River, Brazil. J. Fish Biol., 57 (3): 791-807.
- Tyler, C. R., J. P. Sumpter & P. R. Whittames. 1990. The dynamics of oocyte growth during vitellogenesis in the rainbow trout, Oncorhyncus myksiss. Biol. Reprod., 43: 202-209.
- Utoh, T., N. Mikawa , A. Okamura, Y. Yamada, S. Tanaka, N. Horie, A. Akazawa & H. P. Oka. 2004. Ovarian morphology of the Japanese eel in Mikawa Bay. J. Fish Biol., 64: 502-513.
- van Aerle, R., T. J. Runnals & C. R. Tyler. 2004. Ontogeny of gonadal sex development relative to growth in fathead minnow. J. Fish Biol., 64: 355- 369.
- van der Merwe , W., J. H .J. van Vuren & J. F. Vermaak. 1988. Cyclic histomorphological changes in the ovary of mudfish, Labeo capensis. Aquaculture 63: 27-41.
- Wallace, R. A. & K. Selman. 1981. Cellular and dynamic aspects of oocyte growth in teleosts. Amer. Zool., 21: 325-343.
- Wallace, R. A. 1985. Vitellogenesis and oocyte growth in nonmammalian vertebrates. In: Developmental Biology (Browder, L.W., ed.) Vol 1, pp 127-177. Plenum, New York.
- Wourms, J. P. & H. Sheldon. 1976. Annual fish oogenesis. II. Formation of the secondary egg envelope. Develop. Biol., 50: 355-366.
- Young, G., H. Kagawa & Y. Nagahama. 1983. Evidence for a decrease in aromatase activity in the ovarian granulosa cells of Amago Salmon (Oncorhynchus rhodurus) associated with final oocyte maturation. Biol. Reprod., 29: 310-315.