Türü tehlike altındaki tatlı su kedibalığı Mystus montanus fingerlinglerinde besindeki lipid seviyesinin gelişim ve yaşama oranı üzerine etkisi.
Yıl 2007,
Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1, 51 - 54, 01.03.2007
A. Jesu Arockia Raj
M.a. Haniffa
S. Seetharaman
S. Appelbaum
- Akand, A. M., M. R. Hasan and M. A. B. Habib. 1991. Utilization of carbohydrate and lipid as dietary energy sources by stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch). In: Fish Nutrition Research in Asia, De Silva, S. (Ed.). Proceedings of the Fourth Asian Fish Nutrition Workshop, Asian Fisheries Society Special Publication No: 5. Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines. pp. 93 - 100.
- Boonyaratpalin, M. 1991. Nutritional studies on sea bass (Lates calcarifer) pp. 33 - 44. In: S.S. De Silva (Ed.) Fish Nutrition Research in Asia, Proceedings of the Fourth Asian Fish Nutrition Workshop, Asian Fisheries Society Special Publication No: 5. Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines pp. 5 - 205.
- Bogut, I. and A. Opacak. 1996. The needs and importance of fatty acids in the nutrition of fish. Ribarstvo 54(2): 75 - 91.
- Bragdon, T. H. 1951. Calorimetric determinations of blood lipids. J. Biochem. 190: 513.
- Carrel, N. V. R., W. Hogley and J. M. Roe. 1956. The determination of glycogen in liver muscles by the use of anthrone reagent J. Biochem. 220: 583 - 598.
- Cowey, C. B. and J. R. Sargent. 1977. Lipid nutrition in Fish. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 457(B): 269 - 273.
- Cho, C. Y. C. B. Conoy and T. Watanake. 1985. Finfish Nutrition in Asia: Methodology to Research and Development. pp. 18 - 19.
- Dass, K. M. S. N. Mohanty and S. Sankar. 1991. Optimum dietary protein to energy ratio for Labeo rohita fingerlings. In: S. S. De Silva (Ed.). Fish Nutrition Research in Asia. Proceedings of Fourth Asian Fish Nutrition Workshop. Asian Fisheries Society Special Publication No: 5. Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines pp 63 – 79.
- Daniel. 1976. The biology, fishery and potential for aquaculture of Tilapia melanotheron in a small West African lagoon. Aquaculture 7: 33 – 49.
- De Silva, S. S., R. M. Gunasekara and K. F. Shim. 1991. Interactions of varying dietary protein and lipid levels in young red tilapia: evidence of protein sparing. Aquaculture 95: 305 – 318.
- De Silva, S. S., R. M. Gunesakara and D. Atapattu. 1989. Dietary protein requirement of young tilapia and evaluation of least cost dietary protein level. Aquaculture 80: 271 - 284.
- Dupree. H. K. 1969. Influence of corn oil and beef tallow on growth of channel catfish. Bull. Sport Fish Wild Tech. pp 13 - 27.
- Ellis, S. C. and R. C. Reigh. 1991. Effect of dietary lipid and carbohydrate levels on growth and body composition of juveniles red drum, Sciacnopes ocellatus. Aquaculture 97: 383 – 394.
- Fagerlund, U. H. M., D. A. Higgs, J. R. Mcbride, M. D. Plotnikoff. B. S. Dosanjh and J. R. Markert. 1983. Implications of varying dietary protein, lipid and 17α methyltestosterone content on growth and utilization of protein and energy in juvenile salmon (oncorhynchus kisutch). Aquaculture 30: 109 - 124.
- Garling, Jr., D. L., and R. P. Wilson. 1976. Effects of dietary carbohydrate-to- lipid ratios on growth and body composition of fingerling channel catfish Prog. Fish. Cult. 39: 43 - 47.
- Haniffa, M. A., A. Jesu 1999b. Utilization of dietary lipid requirement in the stripped murrel Channa striatus (Bloch). In: National Symposium on Sustainable Development of Fisheries Towards 2020 AD. Opertunities and Challenges. Abst. No. 29.
- Jafri, A. K., M. F. Anwar, N. Usmani, R. Sameed and A. S. Albi. 1995. J. Aqua. Trop. 10: 151.
- Khan, M. A. and A. K. Jafri. 1991. Dietary protein requirement of two size classes of the Indian major carp, Catla catla (Hamilton). J. Aqua. Trop. 6: 79 - 88.
- Lee, D. J. and G. B. Putnam. 1973. The response of rainbow trout to varying protein/energy ratios in a test diet. J. Nutr. 103: 916 - 922.
- Love, R. M. 1980. The chemical biology of fishes. Vol. II. Academic press, New York.
- Lowery, O. H., N. H. Rosenberg, A. Farr and K. S. L. Randell. 1951. Protein measurement with folin-phenol reagent. J. Biochem. 193: 263 - 275.
- Lee, D. J. and R. O. Sinnhuber 1972. Lipid requirements pp. 145 - 180. In: J. E. Halver (Ed.). Fish Nutrition, Academic Press Inc., New York.
- Mollah, M. F. A., and M. S. Alan. 1990. Effects of different levels of dietary carbohydrate on growth and feed utilization of catfish Clarias batrachus. Indian J. Fish. 37(3): 243 - 249.
- Page, J. W. and J. W. Andrews. 1973. Interactions of dietary levels of protein and energy on channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). J. Nutr. 103: 139 - 149.
- Petrusewicz, K and A. Macfadayen. 1970. Productivity of terrestrial animal, IBH Hand Book No: 13 Black Well Scientific Publications, Oxford.
- Sargent, J. R., T. Henderson and D. R. Techer. 1989. The lipids in Fish Nutrition. In: J.E. Halvar (Ed.), Academic Press Inc., New York. pp. 153 - 218.
- Singh, B. N. 1991. Nutrition and feed development strategies for aquaculture in India. J. Inland Fish. Soc. India 23(2): 99 - 112.
- Vergara, J. M., and K. Jauncey. 1993. Studies on the use of dietary energy by gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.). In: S. J. Jaushik and P. Luquet (Eds.), Fish Nutrition in Practice. INRA, Versailles, France. pp 453 - 458.
- Vergara, J. M., H. F. Palacios, L. Robaina, K. Jauncey. M. D. L. Higuera, and M. Izquiero. 1996. The effects of varying dietary protein level on the growth, feed efficiency, protein utilization and body composition of gilthead sea bream fry. Fish. Sci. 62(4): 620 - 623.
- Watanabe, T. T. Takeuchi and C. Dgine. 1979. Studies on spraring effect of lipids on dietary protein in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri). In: Finfish Nutrition and Fish Feed Technology Vol. I. J. E. Halver and K. Tiews (Eds.), Heenemann, Berlin, Germany. pp 113 - 125 .
- Williams, C. D. and E. H. Robinson 1988. Response of red drum to various dietary levels of menbaden oil. Aquaculture 70: 107 – 120
- Zar, J. H. 1984. Biostatistical Analysis (2nd Edition) Prentice - Hall International Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
Effect of Dietary Lipid Levels on Survival and Growth of the Threatened Freshwater Catfish Mystus montanus.
Yıl 2007,
Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1, 51 - 54, 01.03.2007
A. Jesu Arockia Raj
M.a. Haniffa
S. Seetharaman
S. Appelbaum
Türü tehlike altındaki tatlı su kedibalığı Mystus montanus fingerlinglerinde besindeki lipid seviyesinin gelişim ve yaşama oranı üzerine etkisi. Mystus montanus fingerlingleri (0.93 ± 0.03 g) %6 -%14 arasında lipid içeren 6 farklı formülasyondan olusan yemler ile beslenmiştir. Balıklara her uygulama için kendi vücut ağırlıklarının %5’i kadar besin verilmiş ve bu üç kez tekrarlanmıştır. 49 günün sonunda tüm uygulamaların sonuç boyları birbirinden önemli derecede farklı bulunmuştur (p
- Akand, A. M., M. R. Hasan and M. A. B. Habib. 1991. Utilization of carbohydrate and lipid as dietary energy sources by stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch). In: Fish Nutrition Research in Asia, De Silva, S. (Ed.). Proceedings of the Fourth Asian Fish Nutrition Workshop, Asian Fisheries Society Special Publication No: 5. Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines. pp. 93 - 100.
- Boonyaratpalin, M. 1991. Nutritional studies on sea bass (Lates calcarifer) pp. 33 - 44. In: S.S. De Silva (Ed.) Fish Nutrition Research in Asia, Proceedings of the Fourth Asian Fish Nutrition Workshop, Asian Fisheries Society Special Publication No: 5. Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines pp. 5 - 205.
- Bogut, I. and A. Opacak. 1996. The needs and importance of fatty acids in the nutrition of fish. Ribarstvo 54(2): 75 - 91.
- Bragdon, T. H. 1951. Calorimetric determinations of blood lipids. J. Biochem. 190: 513.
- Carrel, N. V. R., W. Hogley and J. M. Roe. 1956. The determination of glycogen in liver muscles by the use of anthrone reagent J. Biochem. 220: 583 - 598.
- Cowey, C. B. and J. R. Sargent. 1977. Lipid nutrition in Fish. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 457(B): 269 - 273.
- Cho, C. Y. C. B. Conoy and T. Watanake. 1985. Finfish Nutrition in Asia: Methodology to Research and Development. pp. 18 - 19.
- Dass, K. M. S. N. Mohanty and S. Sankar. 1991. Optimum dietary protein to energy ratio for Labeo rohita fingerlings. In: S. S. De Silva (Ed.). Fish Nutrition Research in Asia. Proceedings of Fourth Asian Fish Nutrition Workshop. Asian Fisheries Society Special Publication No: 5. Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines pp 63 – 79.
- Daniel. 1976. The biology, fishery and potential for aquaculture of Tilapia melanotheron in a small West African lagoon. Aquaculture 7: 33 – 49.
- De Silva, S. S., R. M. Gunasekara and K. F. Shim. 1991. Interactions of varying dietary protein and lipid levels in young red tilapia: evidence of protein sparing. Aquaculture 95: 305 – 318.
- De Silva, S. S., R. M. Gunesakara and D. Atapattu. 1989. Dietary protein requirement of young tilapia and evaluation of least cost dietary protein level. Aquaculture 80: 271 - 284.
- Dupree. H. K. 1969. Influence of corn oil and beef tallow on growth of channel catfish. Bull. Sport Fish Wild Tech. pp 13 - 27.
- Ellis, S. C. and R. C. Reigh. 1991. Effect of dietary lipid and carbohydrate levels on growth and body composition of juveniles red drum, Sciacnopes ocellatus. Aquaculture 97: 383 – 394.
- Fagerlund, U. H. M., D. A. Higgs, J. R. Mcbride, M. D. Plotnikoff. B. S. Dosanjh and J. R. Markert. 1983. Implications of varying dietary protein, lipid and 17α methyltestosterone content on growth and utilization of protein and energy in juvenile salmon (oncorhynchus kisutch). Aquaculture 30: 109 - 124.
- Garling, Jr., D. L., and R. P. Wilson. 1976. Effects of dietary carbohydrate-to- lipid ratios on growth and body composition of fingerling channel catfish Prog. Fish. Cult. 39: 43 - 47.
- Haniffa, M. A., A. Jesu 1999b. Utilization of dietary lipid requirement in the stripped murrel Channa striatus (Bloch). In: National Symposium on Sustainable Development of Fisheries Towards 2020 AD. Opertunities and Challenges. Abst. No. 29.
- Jafri, A. K., M. F. Anwar, N. Usmani, R. Sameed and A. S. Albi. 1995. J. Aqua. Trop. 10: 151.
- Khan, M. A. and A. K. Jafri. 1991. Dietary protein requirement of two size classes of the Indian major carp, Catla catla (Hamilton). J. Aqua. Trop. 6: 79 - 88.
- Lee, D. J. and G. B. Putnam. 1973. The response of rainbow trout to varying protein/energy ratios in a test diet. J. Nutr. 103: 916 - 922.
- Love, R. M. 1980. The chemical biology of fishes. Vol. II. Academic press, New York.
- Lowery, O. H., N. H. Rosenberg, A. Farr and K. S. L. Randell. 1951. Protein measurement with folin-phenol reagent. J. Biochem. 193: 263 - 275.
- Lee, D. J. and R. O. Sinnhuber 1972. Lipid requirements pp. 145 - 180. In: J. E. Halver (Ed.). Fish Nutrition, Academic Press Inc., New York.
- Mollah, M. F. A., and M. S. Alan. 1990. Effects of different levels of dietary carbohydrate on growth and feed utilization of catfish Clarias batrachus. Indian J. Fish. 37(3): 243 - 249.
- Page, J. W. and J. W. Andrews. 1973. Interactions of dietary levels of protein and energy on channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). J. Nutr. 103: 139 - 149.
- Petrusewicz, K and A. Macfadayen. 1970. Productivity of terrestrial animal, IBH Hand Book No: 13 Black Well Scientific Publications, Oxford.
- Sargent, J. R., T. Henderson and D. R. Techer. 1989. The lipids in Fish Nutrition. In: J.E. Halvar (Ed.), Academic Press Inc., New York. pp. 153 - 218.
- Singh, B. N. 1991. Nutrition and feed development strategies for aquaculture in India. J. Inland Fish. Soc. India 23(2): 99 - 112.
- Vergara, J. M., and K. Jauncey. 1993. Studies on the use of dietary energy by gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.). In: S. J. Jaushik and P. Luquet (Eds.), Fish Nutrition in Practice. INRA, Versailles, France. pp 453 - 458.
- Vergara, J. M., H. F. Palacios, L. Robaina, K. Jauncey. M. D. L. Higuera, and M. Izquiero. 1996. The effects of varying dietary protein level on the growth, feed efficiency, protein utilization and body composition of gilthead sea bream fry. Fish. Sci. 62(4): 620 - 623.
- Watanabe, T. T. Takeuchi and C. Dgine. 1979. Studies on spraring effect of lipids on dietary protein in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri). In: Finfish Nutrition and Fish Feed Technology Vol. I. J. E. Halver and K. Tiews (Eds.), Heenemann, Berlin, Germany. pp 113 - 125 .
- Williams, C. D. and E. H. Robinson 1988. Response of red drum to various dietary levels of menbaden oil. Aquaculture 70: 107 – 120
- Zar, J. H. 1984. Biostatistical Analysis (2nd Edition) Prentice - Hall International Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.