Gediz Nehri sedimentlerinde Salmonella mutajenite testi.
Yıl 2008,
Cilt: 25 Sayı: 1, 13 - 17, 01.03.2008
Meltem Boyacıoğlu
Hatice Parlak
Özlem Çakal Arslan
- Cerna, M., A. Pastorkovea, J. Smid, L. Dobias, P. Rössner. 1998. The use of YG bacterial strains for the monitoring of drinking water mutagenicity. Toxicol. Lett. 96, 335-339.
- Delibacak, S., Ö.L. Elmaci, M. Seçer and A. Bodur. 2002. Review of spital variations in water quality in the Gediz River. Int.J. Water, Vol.2, Nos.2/3, 173-183.
- Elmaci, O.L., S. Delibacak, M. Secer, A. Bodur. 2002. Fertility status, trace elements and heavy metal pollution of agricultural land irrigated from the Gediz River. Int.J.Wat. 2,2/3:184-194.
- Ermert, A. 2003. Turkey goes to court to protect Gediz Delta. uNewsID=5322 9.Jan.2003.
- Filipic, M., M.J.,Toman. 1996. Ecotoxicological studies using modified Ames bioassay. Water Sci.Technol. 34,1-7.
- Hollert, H., M. Dürr, L. Erdinger, T.Braunbeck. 1999. Cytotoxicity of settling particulate matter and sediments of the Necked River (Germany) during winter flood. Environ. Chem. 19, 528-534.
- Kataoka, H., T. Hayatsu, G. Hietsch, H. Steinkellner, S. Nishioka, S. Narimatsu, S., Knasmüller, H. Hayatsu. 2000. Identification of mutagenic heterocyclic amines(IQ.Trp-P-1 and Aα C) in the water of the Danube River. Mutat. Res. 466, 27-35.
- Kotelevtsev, S. V, L. Stepanova. 1995. Biochemical and Genotoxicological Monitoring of Ecosystems with Special Reference to Lake Baikal and Northern Black Sea. Nato Advanced Study Institute on Moleculer Aspects of Oxidative Drug Metabolizing Enzymes: Their Significance in Environmental Toxicology, Chemical Carcinogenesis and Health. 99-102.
- Kucuksezgin, F.,A. Kontas, O.Altay, E. Uluturhan and E. Darılmaz . 2006. Assessment of marine pollution in Izmir Bay: Nutrient, heavy metal and total hydrocarbon concentrations . Environment International. Volume 32 (1), 41- 51.
- Kutlu, M., G. Aydoğan, F. Susuz, A. Özata . 2004. The Salmonella mutagenicity of water and sediments from the Porsuk River in Turkey. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology.17,111-116.
- Mamber, S.W., B. Kolek, K.W. Brookshire, D.P.Bonner, J. Fung-Tomc. 1993. Activity of quinolones in the Ames Salmonella Ta102 mutagenicity test and other bacterial genotoxicity assays. Antimicrob. Age. Chem. 37, 213-217.
- Maron, M., B. Ames. 1983. Revised Methods for the Salmonella/Mutagenicity Test. Mut. Res.113,173-215.
- Parlak, H., A. Cakir, M. Boyacioglu, C.O. Arslan. 2006. Heavy Metal Deposition in Sediments from the Delta of The Gediz River (Western Turkey): A Preliminary Study. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science.Vol.23, No:3-4 pp:445-448.
- Schuetzle, D., J. Lewtas. 1986. Bioassay Directed Chemical Analysis in Environmental Research. Anal. Chem.58:1060A-1075A.
- Vargas, V.M.F., S.B. Migliavacca, A.C. Melo, R.C. Horn, R.H. Guidobono,, I.J.F. Sá Fereira, M.H.D. Pestana. 2001. Genotoxicity assessment in aquatic environments under the influence of heavy metals and organic contaminants. Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 490 (2), 141-158.
- Zeytinoglu, H., E. Ergene, B.Tüylü. 2000. Mutagenicity assay in Salmonella for thirteen 2-substitued-1-H-phenanthro imidazoles. Drug Chem. Toxicol. 26, 245-257.
The Salmonella Mutagenicity of Sediments from Gediz River (Western Turkey).
Yıl 2008,
Cilt: 25 Sayı: 1, 13 - 17, 01.03.2008
Meltem Boyacıoğlu
Hatice Parlak
Özlem Çakal Arslan
Gediz Nehri sedimentlerinde Salmonella mutajenite testi. Bu çalışmada, Ramsar sitesi olarak koruma altında olan, büyük öneme sahip kuş cennetinin bulunduğu Gediz Nehri deltası sedimentinin, Salmonella typhimurium TA98 ve TA100 suşları kullanılarak yapılan Ames testi ile mutajenik potansiyeli araştırılmıştır. Her iki suşla yapılan mutajenisite testleri sonucunda sediment örneklerinin hiçbirinde mutajenik madde içermediği buna rağmen gözlenen bakteri büyümesinde ki azalmaya bağlı olarak tüm örneklerin toksik olduğu belirlenmiştir
- Cerna, M., A. Pastorkovea, J. Smid, L. Dobias, P. Rössner. 1998. The use of YG bacterial strains for the monitoring of drinking water mutagenicity. Toxicol. Lett. 96, 335-339.
- Delibacak, S., Ö.L. Elmaci, M. Seçer and A. Bodur. 2002. Review of spital variations in water quality in the Gediz River. Int.J. Water, Vol.2, Nos.2/3, 173-183.
- Elmaci, O.L., S. Delibacak, M. Secer, A. Bodur. 2002. Fertility status, trace elements and heavy metal pollution of agricultural land irrigated from the Gediz River. Int.J.Wat. 2,2/3:184-194.
- Ermert, A. 2003. Turkey goes to court to protect Gediz Delta. uNewsID=5322 9.Jan.2003.
- Filipic, M., M.J.,Toman. 1996. Ecotoxicological studies using modified Ames bioassay. Water Sci.Technol. 34,1-7.
- Hollert, H., M. Dürr, L. Erdinger, T.Braunbeck. 1999. Cytotoxicity of settling particulate matter and sediments of the Necked River (Germany) during winter flood. Environ. Chem. 19, 528-534.
- Kataoka, H., T. Hayatsu, G. Hietsch, H. Steinkellner, S. Nishioka, S. Narimatsu, S., Knasmüller, H. Hayatsu. 2000. Identification of mutagenic heterocyclic amines(IQ.Trp-P-1 and Aα C) in the water of the Danube River. Mutat. Res. 466, 27-35.
- Kotelevtsev, S. V, L. Stepanova. 1995. Biochemical and Genotoxicological Monitoring of Ecosystems with Special Reference to Lake Baikal and Northern Black Sea. Nato Advanced Study Institute on Moleculer Aspects of Oxidative Drug Metabolizing Enzymes: Their Significance in Environmental Toxicology, Chemical Carcinogenesis and Health. 99-102.
- Kucuksezgin, F.,A. Kontas, O.Altay, E. Uluturhan and E. Darılmaz . 2006. Assessment of marine pollution in Izmir Bay: Nutrient, heavy metal and total hydrocarbon concentrations . Environment International. Volume 32 (1), 41- 51.
- Kutlu, M., G. Aydoğan, F. Susuz, A. Özata . 2004. The Salmonella mutagenicity of water and sediments from the Porsuk River in Turkey. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology.17,111-116.
- Mamber, S.W., B. Kolek, K.W. Brookshire, D.P.Bonner, J. Fung-Tomc. 1993. Activity of quinolones in the Ames Salmonella Ta102 mutagenicity test and other bacterial genotoxicity assays. Antimicrob. Age. Chem. 37, 213-217.
- Maron, M., B. Ames. 1983. Revised Methods for the Salmonella/Mutagenicity Test. Mut. Res.113,173-215.
- Parlak, H., A. Cakir, M. Boyacioglu, C.O. Arslan. 2006. Heavy Metal Deposition in Sediments from the Delta of The Gediz River (Western Turkey): A Preliminary Study. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science.Vol.23, No:3-4 pp:445-448.
- Schuetzle, D., J. Lewtas. 1986. Bioassay Directed Chemical Analysis in Environmental Research. Anal. Chem.58:1060A-1075A.
- Vargas, V.M.F., S.B. Migliavacca, A.C. Melo, R.C. Horn, R.H. Guidobono,, I.J.F. Sá Fereira, M.H.D. Pestana. 2001. Genotoxicity assessment in aquatic environments under the influence of heavy metals and organic contaminants. Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 490 (2), 141-158.
- Zeytinoglu, H., E. Ergene, B.Tüylü. 2000. Mutagenicity assay in Salmonella for thirteen 2-substitued-1-H-phenanthro imidazoles. Drug Chem. Toxicol. 26, 245-257.