Sapanca Gölü ve kollarındaki balık tür kompozisyonu ve mevsimsel değişimler
Year 2024,
Volume: 41 Issue: 4, 286 - 294, 11.12.2024
Ali İlhan
Gülşah Saç
Özcan Gaygusuz
Sencer Akalın
Esat Tarık Topkara
Dilek İlhan
Çiğdem Gürsoy Kaygusuz
Hasan Musa Sarı
Bu çalışmanın amacı Sapanca Gölü ve kollarındaki güncel balık faunasını ve dağılım oranlarını belirlemektir. Bu amaçla gölde standart bentik ve pelajik ağlar, akarsularda ise taşınabilir elektroşok cihazı kullanılmıştır. Yağışlı ve kurak olmak üzere iki ayrı mevsimde yapılan örneklemeler sonucunda 14 familyaya ait 26 türün varlığı belirlenmiş olup, birçok türün bolluk değerleri yağışlı mevsimde daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Tür çeşitliliği bakımından Leuciscidae familyası 9 tür ile ilk sırada yer alırken, Gobiidae familyası 4 tür, Clupeidae familyası 2 tür ve kalan 11 familya ise birer tür ile temsil edilmiştir. Birey yoğunluğu bakımından ise Rhodeus amarus hem gölde hem de akarsularda en baskın balık olmuştur (%78,1 göl; %28,3 akarsu). Gölde Blicca bjoerkna, Clupeonella cultriventris ve Atherina boyeri R. amarus'tan sonra en bol bulunan türlerdir (%7,2, %3,2 ve %3,2). Çalışmanın önemli bir bulgusu ise ticari değeri yüksek türlerden Silurus glanis, Esox lucius ve Cyprinus carpio'nun (sırasıyla 4, 8 ve 1 birey) gölde neredeyse hiç bulunmamasıdır. Ayrıca önceki çalışmalarda bildirilen istilacı türlerden Carassius gibelio'nun gölde bulunmaması göl biyoçeşitliliği açısından oldukça sevindiricidir. Ayrıca her iki mevsimde yakalanan Leucaspius delineatus türü göl havzasından ilk kez tanımlanmıştır.
Project Number
- Aydoğan, K. (2018). Investigation of genetic relationship of Clupeonella (Teleostei: Clupeidae) populations in the Marmara Region by DNA barcoding method. MSc Thesis, İstanbul University Institute of Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, Department of Biology, İstanbul, Türkiye (in Turkish).
- Ağdamar, S., Saç, G., Gaygusuz, Ö., Doğaç, E., Acar, Ü., Gürsoy Gaygusuz, Ç., & Özuluğ, M. (2021). The ichthyofaunal diversity of freshwater ecosystems in Gökçeada Island (NW Turkey) under the pressure of nonnative species. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 45, 570-578.
- Akıner, M.E., & Akıner, I. (2021). Water quality analysis of drinking water resource Lake Sapanca and suggestions for the solution of the pollution problem in the context of sustainable environment approach. Sustainability, 13(7): 3917.
- Çağlar, S. (2023, December 27). Sapanca'da Bungalov sayısı 4000. Bizim Sakarya.
- Danışman, Z. (1969). Evliya Çelebi Travelogue. 1-2-3, Zuhuri Danışman Yayınevi, İstanbul. (in Turkish).
- Danışman, Z. (1970). Evliya Çelebi Travelogue. 4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11, Zuhuri Danışman Yayınevi, İstanbul. (in Turkish).
- Danışman, Z. (1971). Evliya Çelebi Travelogue. 12-13, Zuhuri Danışman Yayınevi, Istanbul. (in Turkish).
- Deveciyan, K. (1915). Fish and Fisheries in Turkey. Aras Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 975–7265–75–6 (in Turkish).
- Elvira, B. (1987). Taxonomic revision of the genus Chondrostoma Agassiz, 1835 (Pisces, Cyprinidae). Cybium, 11, 111-140.
- Elvira, B. (1997). Taxonomy of the genus Chondrostoma (Osteichthyes, Cyprinidae): An updated review. Folia Zoologica, 46, 1-14.
- Ergüven, H. (1989). An Investigation on the determination of the parasitic form of Petromyzonidae living in the streams running to Sapanca Lake. Istanbul University Journal of Aquatic Products, 3(1-2), 29-36 (in Turkish).
- Ferreira, V., Bini, L.M., González Sagrario, M.d., Kovalenko, K.T., Naselli-Flores, L., Padial, A.A., & Padisák, J. (2023). Aquatic ecosystem services: An overview of the special issue. Hydrobiologia, 850, 2473–2483.
- Freyhof, J., Bayçelebi, E., & Geiger, M. (2018). Review of the genus Cobitis in the Middle East, with the description of eight new species (Teleostei: Cobitidae). Zootaxa, 4535(1), 1 75.
- Geiger, M.F., Herder, F., Monaghan, M.T., Almada, V., Barbieri, R., Bariche, M., Berrebi, P., Bohlen, J., Casal-Lopez, M., Delmastro, G.B., Denys, G.P., Dettai, A., Doadrio, I., Kalogianni, E., Kärst, H., Kottelat, M., Kovačić, M., Laporte, M., Lorenzoni, M., Marčić, Z., Özuluğ, M., Perdices, A., Perea, S., Persat, H., Porcelotti, S., Puzzi, C., Robalo, J., Sanda, R., Schneides, M., Slechtova, V., Stoumboudi, M., Walter, S., & Freyhof, J. (2014). Spatial heterogeneity in the Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot affects barcoding accuracy of its freshwater fishes. Molecular Ecology Resources, 14, 1210–1221.
- Geldiay, R., & Balık, S. (2007). Freshwater Fishes of Turkey. Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Yayınları. No 46, İzmir, 532 pp (in Turkish)
- Hamed, I. (2016). The evolution and versatility of microalgal biotechnology: A review. Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 15(6), 1104-1123.
- Jordan, G.R., & Willis, D.W. (2001). Seasonal variation in sampling indices for Shovelnose Sturgeon, River Carpsucker, and shorthead redhorse collected from the Missouri River below Fort Randall Dam, South Dakota. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 16(3), 331 340.
- Karabatak, M., & Okgerman, H. (2002). A preliminary study on the composition, population abundance and length distribution of economic fish species in Sapanca Lake. Istanbul University Journal of Fisheries, 13, 81-98 (in Turkish).
- Kosswig, C., & Battalgil, F. (1943). The importance of freshwater fishes of Turkey. Turkish Society of Physical and Natural Sciences Annual Proceedings Archives II, 8, 18-31 (in Turkish).
- Kottelat, M., & Freyhof, J. (2007). Handbook of European freshwater fishes. Berlin: Publications Kottelat, Cornol and Freyhof.
- Kuru, M. (1980). Key to Inland Water Fishes of Turkey, Hacettepe Bulletin of Natural Sciences and Engineering, 9, 103-133.
- Ladiges, W. (1960). Süsswasserfische der Türkei, 1. Teil: Cyprinidae Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut, 58, 105-150.
- Ladiges, W. (1966). Süsswasserfische der Türkei, 4.Teil: Die Gattung Chondrostoma (Cyprinidae) in der Türkei. Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut, 63, 101-109.
- Mehner, T., Diekmann, M., Brämick, U., & Lemcke, R. (2005). Composition of fish communities in German lakes as related to lake morphology, trophic state, shore structure and human-use intensity. Freshwater Biology, 50, 70-85.
- Messyasz, B., Michalak I, Łęska B, Schroeder G, Górka B, Korzeniowska K, Lipok J, Wieczorek P, Rój E, Wilk R, Dobrzyńska-Inger A, Górecki H, & Chojnacka K. (2018). Valuable natural products from marine and freshwater macroalgae obtained from supercritical fluid extracts. Journal of Applied Phycology, 30(1), 591-603. https://10.1007/s10811-017-1257-5
- Mielcarek, K., & Socha, K. 2022. Freshwater Fish Consumption in the Prevention of Diseases. Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica, 79(3), 325-331.
- Miller, P.J. (1986). Gobiidae. In: Whitehead PJP, Bauchot ML, Hureau JC, Nielsen J, Tortonese E, editors. Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. UNESCO, Vol. III. Paris, 1019-1085 pp.
- Numann, W. (1958). Limnological and fisheries researches in various lakes of Anatolia and a special study on the carp living in these lakes. Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Hydrobiology Research Institute Publications, Monograph. 7, 114 pp (in Turkish).
- Okgerman, H. (2006). Fishes of Sapanca Lake. In: Okgerman, H., Altuğ, G. 2008. A Scientific Perspective on Sapanca Lake. TÜDAV Publications, No: 29, ISBN: 978-975-8825-20-2-20, 172 p. (in Turkish).
- Okgerman, H., Elp, M., Dorak, Z., Yardımcı, C.H., Yılmaz, N., & Yiğit, S. (2006). Changes in the fish fauna of Sapanca Lake. II. National Limnology Workshop, OMU Sinop Fisheries Faculty, Sinop, 6-8 September 2006.
- Ongan, T. (1982). South Marmara Region inland water products development and water resources inventory project. Sapanca (in Turkish).
- Özbayram, E.G., Çamur, D., Köker, L., Oğuz Çam, A., Akçaalan, R., & Albay, M. (2022). The effects of climate change on aquatic ecosystems in relation to human health. Aquatic Sciences and Engineering, 37(3), 123-128.
- Özuluğ, M., & Freyhof, J. (2011). Revision of the genus Squalius in Western and Central Anatolia, with description of four new species (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 22(2), 107-148.
- Özuluğ, M. Tarkan, A.S., Gaygusuz, Ö., & Gürsoy, Ç. (2007). Two new records for the fish fauna of the Lake Sapanca Basin. Journal of, 1, 152-159.
- Rahe, R., & Worthmann, H. (1986). Marmara region inland fisheries development project. Final Report. PN 78.2032.7. Eschborn. 146 pp (in Turkish).
- Saç, G., Gaygusuz, Ö., Gürsoy Gaygusuz, Ç., & Özuluğ, M. (2019). A new locality for the endemic Gobio sakaryaensis Turan, Ekmekçi, Luskova & Mendel, 2012 in the Marmara region (Turkey) and the length-weight relationship of the species. Aquatic Research, 2(1), 36-40.
- Saç, G., & Özuluğ, M. (2015). New data on the distribution and conservation status of Phoxinus strandjae (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 25, 381-383.
- Tarkan, A.S. (2007). Determination of the fish fauna of the streams flowing into Lake Sapanca. Istanbul University Research Projects Executive Secretariat. Project No: BYPF-6-6/160606 (in Turkish).
- Tarkan, A.S., Gaygusuz, Ö., Özuluğ, M., & Gürsoy Gaygusuz, Ö. (2008). Reoccurrence of Salmo trutta macrostigma (Duméril, 1858) in Lake Sapanca Basin (Sakarya, Turkey): implications for conservation. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 3, 87-91.
- Tarkan, A.S., Özuluğ, M., Gaygusuz, Ö., & Gürsoy Gaygusuz, Ö. (2007). A new locality for the freshwater fish Chondrostoma angorense Elvira, 1987 (Osteichtyes: Cyprinidae) in the Marmara region (Turkey). Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 24, 165-166.
- TUIK (2024). Turkish Statistical Institute.
- Van der Laan, R., Fricke, R., Eschmeyer, W.N. (eds) (2023). Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes: Classification. ( Electronic version accessed 14.03.2024.
- Yılmazer, B. 2022. Carrying Capacity in Sapanca Destination: A Research on Tourist Satisfaction and The Perception of Local Community. T.C. Sakarya Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Msc Thesis, 120 p.
Fish species composition and seasonal variations in Lake Sapanca and its tributaries
Year 2024,
Volume: 41 Issue: 4, 286 - 294, 11.12.2024
Ali İlhan
Gülşah Saç
Özcan Gaygusuz
Sencer Akalın
Esat Tarık Topkara
Dilek İlhan
Çiğdem Gürsoy Kaygusuz
Hasan Musa Sarı
The aim of this study was to determine the current fish fauna and their distribution rates in Lake Sapanca and its tributaries. For this purpose, standard benthic and pelagic nets were used in the lake and a portable electroshock device was used in the streams. As a result of the sampling carried out in two different seasons, wet and dry periods, the presence of 26 species from 14 families was determined and the abundance values for many species were higher in the wet season. In terms of species diversity, the Leuciscidae family ranked first with 9 species, while the Gobiidae family was represented by 4 species, the Clupeidae family by 2 species and the remaining 11 families were represented by one species each. In terms of individual density, Rhodeus amarus was the most dominant fish in both lake and streams (78.1% lake; 28.3% stream). In the lake, Blicca bjoerkna, Clupeonella cultriventris, and Atherina boyeri were the most abundant species after R. amarus (7.2%, 3.2% and 3.2%, respectively). An important finding of the study was that there were almost no individuals of Silurus glanis, Esox lucius, and Cyprinus carpio (4, 8 and 1 individuals, respectively), which are species of high commercial value in the lake. In addition, the fact that Carassius gibelio, one of the invasive species reported in previous studies, was not found in the lake is very pleasing in terms of lake biodiversity. In addition, Leucaspius delineatus, caught in both seasons, was identified from the lake basin for the first time.
Ethical Statement
The care and use of experimental animals, sampling and analysis techniques used in this work are approved by “Ege University Animal Experiments Ethics Committee” with decree no “2021/078”.
Supporting Institution
This research was financially supported by the Ege University Scientific Research Projects Coordinations Unit, Turkey (FGA-2021-23151)
Project Number
- Aydoğan, K. (2018). Investigation of genetic relationship of Clupeonella (Teleostei: Clupeidae) populations in the Marmara Region by DNA barcoding method. MSc Thesis, İstanbul University Institute of Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, Department of Biology, İstanbul, Türkiye (in Turkish).
- Ağdamar, S., Saç, G., Gaygusuz, Ö., Doğaç, E., Acar, Ü., Gürsoy Gaygusuz, Ç., & Özuluğ, M. (2021). The ichthyofaunal diversity of freshwater ecosystems in Gökçeada Island (NW Turkey) under the pressure of nonnative species. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 45, 570-578.
- Akıner, M.E., & Akıner, I. (2021). Water quality analysis of drinking water resource Lake Sapanca and suggestions for the solution of the pollution problem in the context of sustainable environment approach. Sustainability, 13(7): 3917.
- Çağlar, S. (2023, December 27). Sapanca'da Bungalov sayısı 4000. Bizim Sakarya.
- Danışman, Z. (1969). Evliya Çelebi Travelogue. 1-2-3, Zuhuri Danışman Yayınevi, İstanbul. (in Turkish).
- Danışman, Z. (1970). Evliya Çelebi Travelogue. 4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11, Zuhuri Danışman Yayınevi, İstanbul. (in Turkish).
- Danışman, Z. (1971). Evliya Çelebi Travelogue. 12-13, Zuhuri Danışman Yayınevi, Istanbul. (in Turkish).
- Deveciyan, K. (1915). Fish and Fisheries in Turkey. Aras Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 975–7265–75–6 (in Turkish).
- Elvira, B. (1987). Taxonomic revision of the genus Chondrostoma Agassiz, 1835 (Pisces, Cyprinidae). Cybium, 11, 111-140.
- Elvira, B. (1997). Taxonomy of the genus Chondrostoma (Osteichthyes, Cyprinidae): An updated review. Folia Zoologica, 46, 1-14.
- Ergüven, H. (1989). An Investigation on the determination of the parasitic form of Petromyzonidae living in the streams running to Sapanca Lake. Istanbul University Journal of Aquatic Products, 3(1-2), 29-36 (in Turkish).
- Ferreira, V., Bini, L.M., González Sagrario, M.d., Kovalenko, K.T., Naselli-Flores, L., Padial, A.A., & Padisák, J. (2023). Aquatic ecosystem services: An overview of the special issue. Hydrobiologia, 850, 2473–2483.
- Freyhof, J., Bayçelebi, E., & Geiger, M. (2018). Review of the genus Cobitis in the Middle East, with the description of eight new species (Teleostei: Cobitidae). Zootaxa, 4535(1), 1 75.
- Geiger, M.F., Herder, F., Monaghan, M.T., Almada, V., Barbieri, R., Bariche, M., Berrebi, P., Bohlen, J., Casal-Lopez, M., Delmastro, G.B., Denys, G.P., Dettai, A., Doadrio, I., Kalogianni, E., Kärst, H., Kottelat, M., Kovačić, M., Laporte, M., Lorenzoni, M., Marčić, Z., Özuluğ, M., Perdices, A., Perea, S., Persat, H., Porcelotti, S., Puzzi, C., Robalo, J., Sanda, R., Schneides, M., Slechtova, V., Stoumboudi, M., Walter, S., & Freyhof, J. (2014). Spatial heterogeneity in the Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot affects barcoding accuracy of its freshwater fishes. Molecular Ecology Resources, 14, 1210–1221.
- Geldiay, R., & Balık, S. (2007). Freshwater Fishes of Turkey. Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Yayınları. No 46, İzmir, 532 pp (in Turkish)
- Hamed, I. (2016). The evolution and versatility of microalgal biotechnology: A review. Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 15(6), 1104-1123.
- Jordan, G.R., & Willis, D.W. (2001). Seasonal variation in sampling indices for Shovelnose Sturgeon, River Carpsucker, and shorthead redhorse collected from the Missouri River below Fort Randall Dam, South Dakota. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 16(3), 331 340.
- Karabatak, M., & Okgerman, H. (2002). A preliminary study on the composition, population abundance and length distribution of economic fish species in Sapanca Lake. Istanbul University Journal of Fisheries, 13, 81-98 (in Turkish).
- Kosswig, C., & Battalgil, F. (1943). The importance of freshwater fishes of Turkey. Turkish Society of Physical and Natural Sciences Annual Proceedings Archives II, 8, 18-31 (in Turkish).
- Kottelat, M., & Freyhof, J. (2007). Handbook of European freshwater fishes. Berlin: Publications Kottelat, Cornol and Freyhof.
- Kuru, M. (1980). Key to Inland Water Fishes of Turkey, Hacettepe Bulletin of Natural Sciences and Engineering, 9, 103-133.
- Ladiges, W. (1960). Süsswasserfische der Türkei, 1. Teil: Cyprinidae Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut, 58, 105-150.
- Ladiges, W. (1966). Süsswasserfische der Türkei, 4.Teil: Die Gattung Chondrostoma (Cyprinidae) in der Türkei. Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut, 63, 101-109.
- Mehner, T., Diekmann, M., Brämick, U., & Lemcke, R. (2005). Composition of fish communities in German lakes as related to lake morphology, trophic state, shore structure and human-use intensity. Freshwater Biology, 50, 70-85.
- Messyasz, B., Michalak I, Łęska B, Schroeder G, Górka B, Korzeniowska K, Lipok J, Wieczorek P, Rój E, Wilk R, Dobrzyńska-Inger A, Górecki H, & Chojnacka K. (2018). Valuable natural products from marine and freshwater macroalgae obtained from supercritical fluid extracts. Journal of Applied Phycology, 30(1), 591-603. https://10.1007/s10811-017-1257-5
- Mielcarek, K., & Socha, K. 2022. Freshwater Fish Consumption in the Prevention of Diseases. Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica, 79(3), 325-331.
- Miller, P.J. (1986). Gobiidae. In: Whitehead PJP, Bauchot ML, Hureau JC, Nielsen J, Tortonese E, editors. Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. UNESCO, Vol. III. Paris, 1019-1085 pp.
- Numann, W. (1958). Limnological and fisheries researches in various lakes of Anatolia and a special study on the carp living in these lakes. Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Hydrobiology Research Institute Publications, Monograph. 7, 114 pp (in Turkish).
- Okgerman, H. (2006). Fishes of Sapanca Lake. In: Okgerman, H., Altuğ, G. 2008. A Scientific Perspective on Sapanca Lake. TÜDAV Publications, No: 29, ISBN: 978-975-8825-20-2-20, 172 p. (in Turkish).
- Okgerman, H., Elp, M., Dorak, Z., Yardımcı, C.H., Yılmaz, N., & Yiğit, S. (2006). Changes in the fish fauna of Sapanca Lake. II. National Limnology Workshop, OMU Sinop Fisheries Faculty, Sinop, 6-8 September 2006.
- Ongan, T. (1982). South Marmara Region inland water products development and water resources inventory project. Sapanca (in Turkish).
- Özbayram, E.G., Çamur, D., Köker, L., Oğuz Çam, A., Akçaalan, R., & Albay, M. (2022). The effects of climate change on aquatic ecosystems in relation to human health. Aquatic Sciences and Engineering, 37(3), 123-128.
- Özuluğ, M., & Freyhof, J. (2011). Revision of the genus Squalius in Western and Central Anatolia, with description of four new species (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 22(2), 107-148.
- Özuluğ, M. Tarkan, A.S., Gaygusuz, Ö., & Gürsoy, Ç. (2007). Two new records for the fish fauna of the Lake Sapanca Basin. Journal of, 1, 152-159.
- Rahe, R., & Worthmann, H. (1986). Marmara region inland fisheries development project. Final Report. PN 78.2032.7. Eschborn. 146 pp (in Turkish).
- Saç, G., Gaygusuz, Ö., Gürsoy Gaygusuz, Ç., & Özuluğ, M. (2019). A new locality for the endemic Gobio sakaryaensis Turan, Ekmekçi, Luskova & Mendel, 2012 in the Marmara region (Turkey) and the length-weight relationship of the species. Aquatic Research, 2(1), 36-40.
- Saç, G., & Özuluğ, M. (2015). New data on the distribution and conservation status of Phoxinus strandjae (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 25, 381-383.
- Tarkan, A.S. (2007). Determination of the fish fauna of the streams flowing into Lake Sapanca. Istanbul University Research Projects Executive Secretariat. Project No: BYPF-6-6/160606 (in Turkish).
- Tarkan, A.S., Gaygusuz, Ö., Özuluğ, M., & Gürsoy Gaygusuz, Ö. (2008). Reoccurrence of Salmo trutta macrostigma (Duméril, 1858) in Lake Sapanca Basin (Sakarya, Turkey): implications for conservation. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 3, 87-91.
- Tarkan, A.S., Özuluğ, M., Gaygusuz, Ö., & Gürsoy Gaygusuz, Ö. (2007). A new locality for the freshwater fish Chondrostoma angorense Elvira, 1987 (Osteichtyes: Cyprinidae) in the Marmara region (Turkey). Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 24, 165-166.
- TUIK (2024). Turkish Statistical Institute.
- Van der Laan, R., Fricke, R., Eschmeyer, W.N. (eds) (2023). Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes: Classification. ( Electronic version accessed 14.03.2024.
- Yılmazer, B. 2022. Carrying Capacity in Sapanca Destination: A Research on Tourist Satisfaction and The Perception of Local Community. T.C. Sakarya Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Msc Thesis, 120 p.