Research Article
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Vurgulu elektrik alanın sardalya (Sardina pilchardus Walbaum, 1792) balıklarında tuz transferi üzerine etkisi

Year 2023, Volume: 40 Issue: 2, 145 - 151, 15.06.2023


Besleyici değeri ve lezzetiyle tüketiciler tarafından yoğunlukla talep edilen Sardalya (Sardina pilchardus) balığının daha uzun raf ömrü ile pazarlanma seçeneklerinden biri salamuraya işlenmesidir. Salamura prosesinde tuz difüzyon hızının düşük olması balıkların depolama kalitesini etkileyen önemli bir faktördür. Son yıllarda vurgulu elektrik alan yöntemi (PEF) kütle transferini hızlandıran yenilikçi bir yöntem olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, sardalyaların salamura işlemi öncesi ve salamura işlemi süresince PEF (6,36 kV/cm) uygulanmış ve son üründeki tuz konsantrasyonu incelenmiştir. PEF uygulanmış örneklere göre, kontrol grubunun sahip olduğu tuz konsantrasyonunun (%16,32) daha düşük olduğu bulunmuştur (p<0,05). Ancak PEF uygulanmış örnekler arasında tuz konsantrasyonu (%18,17 ve %18,22) açısından önemli bir fark tespit edilmemiştir. Tüm örneklerde tuz absorbsiyonuna bağlı olarak kül oranı artmış ve su aktivitesi değeri azalmıştır. pH değerleri kıyaslandığında, örnekler ve depolama zamanları arasında istatistiksel olarak önemli bir fark gözlenmemiştir. Taramalı elektron mikroskobu (SEM) görüntüleri incelendiğinde ise PEF uygulama süresi arttıkça gözeneklerin sayısının ve çapının arttığı belirlenmiştir. Bu nedenle, PEF uygulamasının sardalya balıklarında tuz difüzyonunu artırmak için bir ön işlem olarak değerlendirilebileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Anggo, A. D., & Suharto, S. (2020). The effect of high voltage electric shock on the quality attribute of carp fish (Cyprinus carpio) meat. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 530 012019 (pp. 1-10). Semarang, Indonesia: IOP Publishing.
  • Anonim. (1990). Official methods of analysis of AOAC International. Virginia, AOAC International.
  • Anonim (2020). Ordu commodity exchange seafoods and fisheries report (in Turkish). Ordu Ticaret Borsası, Eylül, 1-54.
  • Astráin-Redín, L., Raso, J., Cebrián, G., & Álvarez, I. (2019). Potential of pulsed electric fields for the preparation of Spanish dry-cured sausages. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 1-11.
  • Aşık Canbaz, E., Çömlekçi, S., & Seydim, A.C. (2020). Application of pulsed electric field in meat technology. Gıda, 45(3), 485-495. (in Turkish with English abstract).
  • Bekhit, A.E.A., Ven, R., Suwandy, V., Fahri, F., & Hopkins, D.L. (2014). Effect of pulsed electric field treatment on cold-boned muscles of different potential tenderness. Food Bioprocess Technology, 7, 3136–3146.
  • Castejón, O.J. (2012). Correlative microscopy of cerebellar capillaries. Journal of Advanced Microscopy Research, 7(2), 69-83.
  • Cropotova, J., Tappi, S., Genovese, J., Rocculi, P., Laghi, L., Dalla Rosa, M., & Rustad, T. (2021). Study of the influence of pulsed electric field pre-treatment on quality parameters of sea bass during brine salting. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 70, 102706.
  • Çöteli F.G. (2021). Product Report: Seafood. Ankara, Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı Yayınları. (in Turkish).
  • Dericioğlu, B.N., Alak, G., & Atamanalp, M. (2019). Determining protein denaturation of sardine (Sardina pilchardus) marinates before and after the maturation. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 43(9), e14059.
  • Dunn, J. (2001). Pulsed electric field processing: An overview. In Barbosa-Canovas, G.V., Zhang, Q.H. (Ed.), Pulsed Electric Field In Food Processing Fundamental Aspects and Applications (pp 1-29), U.S.A.: Technomic Publishing.
  • Gómez, B., Munekata, P.E., Gavahian, M., Barba, F.J., Martí-Quijal, F.J., Bolumar, T., Campagnol, P.C.B., Tomasevic, I., & Lorenzo, J.M. (2019). Application of pulsed electric fields in meat and fish processing industries: An overview. Food Research International, 123, 95-105.
  • Gudmundsson, M., & Hafsteinsson, H. (2001). Effect of electric field pulses on microstructure of muscle foods and roes. Trends In Food Science & Technology, 12, 122–128.
  • He, G., Yin, Y., Yan, X. & Yu, Q. (2014). Optimisation extraction of chondroitin sulfate from fish bone by high İntensity pulsed electric fields. Food Chemistry, 164, 205–210.
  • Inguglia, E. S., Oliveira, M., Burgess, C. M., Kerry, J. P., & Tiwari, B. K. (2020). Plasma-activated water as an alternative nitrite source for the curing of beef jerky: Influence on quality and inactivation of Listeria innocua. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 59, 102276.
  • Klonowski, I., Heinz, V., Toepfl, S., Gunnarsson, G., & Þorkelsson, G. (2006). Applications of pulsed electric field technology for the food industry. Icelandic Fisheries Laboratories Report Summary, 1-10.
  • McDonnell, C.K., Allen, P., Chardonnereau, F.S., Arimi, J.M. & Lyng, J.G. (2014). The use of pulsed electric fields for accelerating the salting of pork. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 59, 1054-1060.
  • Núñez, H., Cavada, G., Ramírez, C., Moreno, J., Cornejo, G., Jaques, A., Pinto M., Vega, O., & Simpson, R. (2020). Effect of a moderate electric field on the salting of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar): An experimental study and phenomenological understanding. Food Research International, 137, 109475.
  • Ormancı, H.B., Künili, İ. E., Çolakoğlu, S., & Çolakoğlu, F.A. (2018). Determination of shelf life Gelibolu salted sardine at 4C. ÇOMÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 6, 187-196. (in Turkish with English abstract).
  • Rahman, S. (1995). Food Properties Handbook, 1-65. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  • Semenoglou, I., Dimopoulos, G., Tsironi, T., & Taoukis, P. (2020). Mathematical modelling of the effect of solution concentration and the combined application of pulsed electric fields on mass transfer during osmotic dehydration of sea bass fillets. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 121, 186-192.
  • Simpson, R., Nunez, H., Jaques, A., Ramirez, C., Quiroz, N., Moreno, J., & Sastry, S. (2018). Application of a moderate electric field for the potential acceleration of the salting process Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Journal of Food Process Engineering, 41(6).
  • Toepfl, S., Heinz, V., & Knorr, D. (2006). Pulsed electric fields (PEF) processing of meat. In 13th World Congress of Food Science & Technology (pp. 591-591). Nantes, France.
  • Toepfl, S. & Heinz, V. (2007). Application of pulsed electric fields to improve mass transfer in dry cured meat products. Fleischwirtschaft International, 22, 62-64.
  • Wawire, M., Tsighe, N., Mahmud, A., Abraha, B., Wainaina, I., Karimi, S., & Abdulkerim, Z. (2019). Effect of salting and pressing on quality characteristics of spotted sardine (Amblygaster sirm) during different storage conditions. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 79, 47-54.
  • Zhou, Y., Sui, S., Huang, H., He, G., Wang, S., Yin, Y., & Ma, Z. (2012). Process optimization for extraction of fishbone calcium assisted by high intensity pulsed electric fields. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 28(23), 265-270. (in Chinese with English abstract).

Effect of the pulsed electric field method on salt transfer in European sardine (Sardina pilchardus Walbaum, 1792)

Year 2023, Volume: 40 Issue: 2, 145 - 151, 15.06.2023


One of the marketing options for European sardine (Sardina pilchardus), which consumers demand nutritional value and taste, is processing in brine that provides a longer shelf life. However, the slow rate of salt diffusion is the biggest obstacle to be overcome. In this context, the pulsed electric field method (PEF) is considered an innovative method that accelerates mass transfer. This study applied PEF to sardine before and while they were kept in brine. The salt concentration of the final product was found to be higher than the control group, which was not applied PEF (p<0.05). However, the difference between the PEF applied samples was insignificant while ash content increased, and water activity value decreased in all samples due to salt absorption. When pH values were compared, no significant difference was observed between samples and storage periods. According to the scanning electron microscope (SEM) images, the number and diameter of the pores increased due to the rise in application time. Therefore, it was concluded that PEF application could be considered a pretreatment to increase salt diffusion in European sardine.


  • Anggo, A. D., & Suharto, S. (2020). The effect of high voltage electric shock on the quality attribute of carp fish (Cyprinus carpio) meat. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 530 012019 (pp. 1-10). Semarang, Indonesia: IOP Publishing.
  • Anonim. (1990). Official methods of analysis of AOAC International. Virginia, AOAC International.
  • Anonim (2020). Ordu commodity exchange seafoods and fisheries report (in Turkish). Ordu Ticaret Borsası, Eylül, 1-54.
  • Astráin-Redín, L., Raso, J., Cebrián, G., & Álvarez, I. (2019). Potential of pulsed electric fields for the preparation of Spanish dry-cured sausages. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 1-11.
  • Aşık Canbaz, E., Çömlekçi, S., & Seydim, A.C. (2020). Application of pulsed electric field in meat technology. Gıda, 45(3), 485-495. (in Turkish with English abstract).
  • Bekhit, A.E.A., Ven, R., Suwandy, V., Fahri, F., & Hopkins, D.L. (2014). Effect of pulsed electric field treatment on cold-boned muscles of different potential tenderness. Food Bioprocess Technology, 7, 3136–3146.
  • Castejón, O.J. (2012). Correlative microscopy of cerebellar capillaries. Journal of Advanced Microscopy Research, 7(2), 69-83.
  • Cropotova, J., Tappi, S., Genovese, J., Rocculi, P., Laghi, L., Dalla Rosa, M., & Rustad, T. (2021). Study of the influence of pulsed electric field pre-treatment on quality parameters of sea bass during brine salting. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 70, 102706.
  • Çöteli F.G. (2021). Product Report: Seafood. Ankara, Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı Yayınları. (in Turkish).
  • Dericioğlu, B.N., Alak, G., & Atamanalp, M. (2019). Determining protein denaturation of sardine (Sardina pilchardus) marinates before and after the maturation. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 43(9), e14059.
  • Dunn, J. (2001). Pulsed electric field processing: An overview. In Barbosa-Canovas, G.V., Zhang, Q.H. (Ed.), Pulsed Electric Field In Food Processing Fundamental Aspects and Applications (pp 1-29), U.S.A.: Technomic Publishing.
  • Gómez, B., Munekata, P.E., Gavahian, M., Barba, F.J., Martí-Quijal, F.J., Bolumar, T., Campagnol, P.C.B., Tomasevic, I., & Lorenzo, J.M. (2019). Application of pulsed electric fields in meat and fish processing industries: An overview. Food Research International, 123, 95-105.
  • Gudmundsson, M., & Hafsteinsson, H. (2001). Effect of electric field pulses on microstructure of muscle foods and roes. Trends In Food Science & Technology, 12, 122–128.
  • He, G., Yin, Y., Yan, X. & Yu, Q. (2014). Optimisation extraction of chondroitin sulfate from fish bone by high İntensity pulsed electric fields. Food Chemistry, 164, 205–210.
  • Inguglia, E. S., Oliveira, M., Burgess, C. M., Kerry, J. P., & Tiwari, B. K. (2020). Plasma-activated water as an alternative nitrite source for the curing of beef jerky: Influence on quality and inactivation of Listeria innocua. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 59, 102276.
  • Klonowski, I., Heinz, V., Toepfl, S., Gunnarsson, G., & Þorkelsson, G. (2006). Applications of pulsed electric field technology for the food industry. Icelandic Fisheries Laboratories Report Summary, 1-10.
  • McDonnell, C.K., Allen, P., Chardonnereau, F.S., Arimi, J.M. & Lyng, J.G. (2014). The use of pulsed electric fields for accelerating the salting of pork. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 59, 1054-1060.
  • Núñez, H., Cavada, G., Ramírez, C., Moreno, J., Cornejo, G., Jaques, A., Pinto M., Vega, O., & Simpson, R. (2020). Effect of a moderate electric field on the salting of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar): An experimental study and phenomenological understanding. Food Research International, 137, 109475.
  • Ormancı, H.B., Künili, İ. E., Çolakoğlu, S., & Çolakoğlu, F.A. (2018). Determination of shelf life Gelibolu salted sardine at 4C. ÇOMÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 6, 187-196. (in Turkish with English abstract).
  • Rahman, S. (1995). Food Properties Handbook, 1-65. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  • Semenoglou, I., Dimopoulos, G., Tsironi, T., & Taoukis, P. (2020). Mathematical modelling of the effect of solution concentration and the combined application of pulsed electric fields on mass transfer during osmotic dehydration of sea bass fillets. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 121, 186-192.
  • Simpson, R., Nunez, H., Jaques, A., Ramirez, C., Quiroz, N., Moreno, J., & Sastry, S. (2018). Application of a moderate electric field for the potential acceleration of the salting process Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Journal of Food Process Engineering, 41(6).
  • Toepfl, S., Heinz, V., & Knorr, D. (2006). Pulsed electric fields (PEF) processing of meat. In 13th World Congress of Food Science & Technology (pp. 591-591). Nantes, France.
  • Toepfl, S. & Heinz, V. (2007). Application of pulsed electric fields to improve mass transfer in dry cured meat products. Fleischwirtschaft International, 22, 62-64.
  • Wawire, M., Tsighe, N., Mahmud, A., Abraha, B., Wainaina, I., Karimi, S., & Abdulkerim, Z. (2019). Effect of salting and pressing on quality characteristics of spotted sardine (Amblygaster sirm) during different storage conditions. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 79, 47-54.
  • Zhou, Y., Sui, S., Huang, H., He, G., Wang, S., Yin, Y., & Ma, Z. (2012). Process optimization for extraction of fishbone calcium assisted by high intensity pulsed electric fields. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 28(23), 265-270. (in Chinese with English abstract).
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Food Engineering, Fisheries Technologies
Journal Section Articles

Emine Aşık Canbaz 0000-0003-1326-9159

Bilgenur Üçgül 0000-0002-6834-5086

Atıf Can Seydim 0000-0003-3808-509X

Early Pub Date June 10, 2023
Publication Date June 15, 2023
Submission Date April 27, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023Volume: 40 Issue: 2


APA Aşık Canbaz, E., Üçgül, B., & Seydim, A. C. (2023). Vurgulu elektrik alanın sardalya (Sardina pilchardus Walbaum, 1792) balıklarında tuz transferi üzerine etkisi. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 40(2), 145-151.