Determination of entering periods of European Eel (Anguilla anguilla L., 1758) elvers to some inland waters in West Mediterrenean and Aegean Coasts of Turkey.
Year 2002,
Volume: 19 Issue: 3, 329 - 335, 15.12.2002
Erdoğan Güven
Sibel Çolak
Adem Çolak
Elvers were caught in the regions of
Western Mediterrenean and Aegean in which eel fishing is carried out
extensively, such as Koycegiz-Dalyan in Fethiye, Enez-Gala Lake in Edirne, and
Serik Koprucay in Antalya during the period of 1988-1990. From Antalya
Koprucay, in the April 1989, 6 elvers and from Fethiye Karadere-Ozlen Stream in
the May 1989, 235 elvers and in the same stream in May 1990, 587 elvers were
collected; all elvers were transparent and without pigments.
Akşiray, F. (1987) Marine fishes in Turkey and marine fish identification keys. (in Turkish). University of Istanbul, No. 3490,
2nd Ed. p. 262.
Alpbaz, A., Hoşsucu, H. (1986) Culture of freshwater fishes, (in Turkish). Ege University, Faculty of Fisheries., No. 12, s.
Anonymous (1992) Japanese eel aquaculture. Yamaha Fishery Journal No. 39, 8 pp.
Anonymous (1999) Save our eels, Fish Farming International, 26, 2, 1.
Brusle, J. (1990) Eels and eel farming. Aquaculture. Vol. 2 Ed. by G. Barnabe. Ellis Horwood Ltd. 756-785.
Chai-Kuang, T. (1989) Eel culture and management. Proceedings of the People’s Republic of China Aquaculture and Feed
Workshop. September 17-30, 1989. Ed. by M. Akiyama. 92-132.
Chen, L. (1990) Eel culture. Aquaculture in Taiwan. Fishing News Books. 69-70. Çolak, A. (1978) Adaptation to food and
feeding possibilities of eel (Anguilla vulcaris) larvae, (in Turkish). Fac. Vet. Med. Univ. Fırat, Publication No. 15,
Doctorate Thesis 6, 22 s.
Deelder, C. L. (1984) Synopsis of biological data on the eel Anguilla anguilla (Linnaeus, 1758). FAO Fisheries Synopsis
No. 80, Rev. 1, 25-33.
Forrest, D. M. (1976) Eel capture, holding and marketing, p. 28-44. In Eel Capture, Culture, Processing and Marketing.
Fishing News Books Ltd. Gt. Britain
Geldiay, R., Balık, S. (1988) Turkish freshwater fishes, (in Turkish). Ege University Fac. Sci. Book Series, No.97, s.
Güven, E. (1975) Eel culture, (in Turkish). Balık ve Balıkçılık 23, 6, 13-22. Güven, E.; Çolak, S.; Çolak, A. (2001) Eel and
its culture. (in Turkish). Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Bodrum Su Ürünleri Araştırma Enstitüsü,Seri A, No. 13, ISBN:
975-407-066-0. 223 pp.
İkiz, R., Küçük, F., Gülyavuz, H., Gülle, İ. Güven ve diğ. / E.Ü. Su Ürünleri Dergisi 19(3/4): 329 – 335
(1998) The entering season of the eel elver (Anguilla anguilla L., 1758) to the Manavgat, Aksu and Alara Rivers that fall
out to Antalya Bay and catching methods, (in Turkish). TUBITAK Project No. YDABÇAG-314, 28 s.
Jellyman, D. J., Ryan, C.M. (1983) Seasonal migration of elvers (Anguilla spp.) into Lake Pounui, New Zealand, (1974-1978). New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 17, 1-15.
Lelek, A. (1987) The freshwater fishes of Europe. Ed. By European Committee for the Conservation of Nature and Natural
Resources-Council of Europe. AULAVerlag Wiesbaden. 9, 63-66.
Matsui, I. (1993) Seedfish, elvers, p. 23-42.Chapter 5 In Theory and Practice of Eel Culture. A.A. Balkemo, Rotterdam. ISBN
90 6191 036 6
Nümann, W. (1952) Eel catching, (in Turkish). Fish and Fisheries Journal. University of Istanbul Fac. Sci. Hidrobiyoloji Araştırma Enstitüsü 5, 1, 10-14.
Oray, I.K. (1987) Researches on catching of European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) in some inland waters in East Mediterranean
Region of Turkey, (in Turkish). University of Istanbul Journal of Aquatic Products 1,1, 43-69.
Pillay, T.V.R. (1990) Eels, p. 351-359. In Aquaculture Principles and Practices. Tesch, F.W. (1977) The eel. Biology and
management of anguillid eels (Translated by P.H. Greenwood). Chapman and Hall. London. 133-281.
Timur, M. (1982) Studies on the effects of different diets on the growth and histopathology of the eel (Anguilla
anguilla LINNAEUS, 1758), (in Turkish). Fac. Vet. Med. Univ. Ankara 29, 1-2, 92-110.
Tomiyama, T., Hibiya, T. (1977) Capturing glass eels, p. 22-43. In Fisheries in JapanEel. Japan Marine Photo Materials
Association. Tokyo.
Usui, A. (1974) How to catch elvers, p. 79-82. In Eel Culture. Fishing News Books. Surrey,
Weber, M. (1986) Fishing method and seasonal occurrence of glasseels (A. anguilla) in the Rio Minho, West Coast of
the Iberian Peninsula Vie Millieu, 34, 4, 243-250.
Türkiye'nin Batı Akdeniz ve Ege Kıyılarındaki Bazı İçsulara Avrupa Yılanbalığı (Anguilla anguilla L., 1758) Elverlerinin Giriş Dönemlerinin Saptanması.
Year 2002,
Volume: 19 Issue: 3, 329 - 335, 15.12.2002
Erdoğan Güven
Sibel Çolak
Adem Çolak
Akdeniz ve Ege bölgesinde Fethiye başta olmak üzere yılanbalığı avcılığının
yoğun olarak yapıldığı Köyceğiz-Dalyan, Edirne Enez-Gala Gölü ve Antalya-Serik Köprüçay’da
1988-1990 yılları arasında elver yakalama çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Yapılan
çalışmalar sırasında, 1989 yılı nisan ayı başında Antalya Köprüçay’dan 6 adet,
daha yoğun olarak Fethiye Karadere-Özlen Çayı’ndan 1989 mayıs ayı başında 235
ve yine aynı yerden 1990 mayıs başında da 587 adet şeffaf pigmentsiz evrede
elver yakalanmıştır.
Akşiray, F. (1987) Marine fishes in Turkey and marine fish identification keys. (in Turkish). University of Istanbul, No. 3490,
2nd Ed. p. 262.
Alpbaz, A., Hoşsucu, H. (1986) Culture of freshwater fishes, (in Turkish). Ege University, Faculty of Fisheries., No. 12, s.
Anonymous (1992) Japanese eel aquaculture. Yamaha Fishery Journal No. 39, 8 pp.
Anonymous (1999) Save our eels, Fish Farming International, 26, 2, 1.
Brusle, J. (1990) Eels and eel farming. Aquaculture. Vol. 2 Ed. by G. Barnabe. Ellis Horwood Ltd. 756-785.
Chai-Kuang, T. (1989) Eel culture and management. Proceedings of the People’s Republic of China Aquaculture and Feed
Workshop. September 17-30, 1989. Ed. by M. Akiyama. 92-132.
Chen, L. (1990) Eel culture. Aquaculture in Taiwan. Fishing News Books. 69-70. Çolak, A. (1978) Adaptation to food and
feeding possibilities of eel (Anguilla vulcaris) larvae, (in Turkish). Fac. Vet. Med. Univ. Fırat, Publication No. 15,
Doctorate Thesis 6, 22 s.
Deelder, C. L. (1984) Synopsis of biological data on the eel Anguilla anguilla (Linnaeus, 1758). FAO Fisheries Synopsis
No. 80, Rev. 1, 25-33.
Forrest, D. M. (1976) Eel capture, holding and marketing, p. 28-44. In Eel Capture, Culture, Processing and Marketing.
Fishing News Books Ltd. Gt. Britain
Geldiay, R., Balık, S. (1988) Turkish freshwater fishes, (in Turkish). Ege University Fac. Sci. Book Series, No.97, s.
Güven, E. (1975) Eel culture, (in Turkish). Balık ve Balıkçılık 23, 6, 13-22. Güven, E.; Çolak, S.; Çolak, A. (2001) Eel and
its culture. (in Turkish). Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Bodrum Su Ürünleri Araştırma Enstitüsü,Seri A, No. 13, ISBN:
975-407-066-0. 223 pp.
İkiz, R., Küçük, F., Gülyavuz, H., Gülle, İ. Güven ve diğ. / E.Ü. Su Ürünleri Dergisi 19(3/4): 329 – 335
(1998) The entering season of the eel elver (Anguilla anguilla L., 1758) to the Manavgat, Aksu and Alara Rivers that fall
out to Antalya Bay and catching methods, (in Turkish). TUBITAK Project No. YDABÇAG-314, 28 s.
Jellyman, D. J., Ryan, C.M. (1983) Seasonal migration of elvers (Anguilla spp.) into Lake Pounui, New Zealand, (1974-1978). New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 17, 1-15.
Lelek, A. (1987) The freshwater fishes of Europe. Ed. By European Committee for the Conservation of Nature and Natural
Resources-Council of Europe. AULAVerlag Wiesbaden. 9, 63-66.
Matsui, I. (1993) Seedfish, elvers, p. 23-42.Chapter 5 In Theory and Practice of Eel Culture. A.A. Balkemo, Rotterdam. ISBN
90 6191 036 6
Nümann, W. (1952) Eel catching, (in Turkish). Fish and Fisheries Journal. University of Istanbul Fac. Sci. Hidrobiyoloji Araştırma Enstitüsü 5, 1, 10-14.
Oray, I.K. (1987) Researches on catching of European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) in some inland waters in East Mediterranean
Region of Turkey, (in Turkish). University of Istanbul Journal of Aquatic Products 1,1, 43-69.
Pillay, T.V.R. (1990) Eels, p. 351-359. In Aquaculture Principles and Practices. Tesch, F.W. (1977) The eel. Biology and
management of anguillid eels (Translated by P.H. Greenwood). Chapman and Hall. London. 133-281.
Timur, M. (1982) Studies on the effects of different diets on the growth and histopathology of the eel (Anguilla
anguilla LINNAEUS, 1758), (in Turkish). Fac. Vet. Med. Univ. Ankara 29, 1-2, 92-110.
Tomiyama, T., Hibiya, T. (1977) Capturing glass eels, p. 22-43. In Fisheries in JapanEel. Japan Marine Photo Materials
Association. Tokyo.
Usui, A. (1974) How to catch elvers, p. 79-82. In Eel Culture. Fishing News Books. Surrey,
Weber, M. (1986) Fishing method and seasonal occurrence of glasseels (A. anguilla) in the Rio Minho, West Coast of
the Iberian Peninsula Vie Millieu, 34, 4, 243-250.
Güven, E. ., Çolak, S. ., & Çolak, A. . (2002). Türkiye’nin Batı Akdeniz ve Ege Kıyılarındaki Bazı İçsulara Avrupa Yılanbalığı (Anguilla anguilla L., 1758) Elverlerinin Giriş Dönemlerinin Saptanması. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 19(3), 329-335.