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Application of double grid systems in Turkish traditional trawl fisheries.

Year 2005, Volume: 22 Issue: 1, 43 - 48, 01.03.2005



  • Alleverson, D. L., M. H. Freeberg, S. A. Murawski, and J. G. Pope. 1994. A Global Assesment of Fisheries Bycatchs and Discards, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No:339, Rome, 233p.
  • Aydın, C., Z. Tosunoğlu, and A. Tokaç. 2001. Improvement of bottom trawl nets by using grid systems (İn Turkish). E.Ü. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science. Vol. 18, Issue (1-2):91-101.
  • Aydın, C. 2004. Aplication of Sorting Grid Systems to Exclude By-catch and Discard Species in Trawl Fisheries (In Turkish).Ph.D Thesis. Instutute of Naturel and Applied Science, Bornova. İzmir. Turkey. 184p.
  • Broadhurst, M.K., 2000. Modifications to reduce bycatch in prawn trawls: A review and framework for development, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries., 10: 27-60.
  • Caudillo, J.M.G., M.A.C. Mata and A.B. Ramiroz. 2000. Performance of bycatch reduction device in the shrimp fishery of the Gulf of California, Mexico, Biological Conservation, 92:199-205.
  • Cook, R. 2001. The Magnitude and İmpact of Bycatch Mortality by Fishing Gear, Reykjavik Conference on Responsible Fisheries in the Marine Ecosystem, Reykjavik, Iceland, 18p.
  • Coutinholl, R. and G.V.S. Quteria. 1999, The Problem of discard in fisheries, Final Report, No. EP/IV/B/STOA/98/170/ Portugal, 78p.
  • Isaksen, B., J.W. Valdemarsen, R.B. Larsen, and L. Karlsen, 1992, Reduction of fish by catch in shrimp trawl using a rigid separator grid in the aft belly, Fisheries Research, 13:335-352.
  • Kendall, D. 1990. Shrimp retention characteristics of the Morrison Soft Ted: a selective webbing exclusion panel inserted in a shrimp trawl net, Fisheries Research, 9:13-21.
  • Larsen, R.B., and B. Isaksen. 1993. Size selectivity of sorting grids in bottom trawls Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrommus aeglefinus) ICES Mar. Sci., Symp., 196:178-182.
  • Larsen, R.B. 1996. Experiments with a new, large type of fish/shimp separator grid and comparasions with the standard Nordmore grid. ICES FTFB W.G. Meeting, Woods Hole, USA, 61p.
  • Lossius, L.L. 1997. Size Selection of Northern Shrimp (Pandalis borealis) by Metal Sorting Grids in the Shimp Trawls. Cand. Scient. Thesis in the Fisheries Biology. Departman of Fisheries and Marine Biology Universirty of Bergen, 112p.
  • Madsen , N. and K. E. Hansen. 2001. Danish experiments with a grid system tested in the North Sea Shrimp Fishery, Fisheries Research, 52:203-216.
  • Main, J. and G.I. Sangster. 1985. Trawling experiments with a two level net to minimize the undersized gadoid by-catch in a nephrops fishery, Fisheries Research, 3: 131-145
  • Main, J. and G.I. Sangster. 1990. An Assessment Of The Scale Damage To And Survival Rates Of Young Gadoid Fish Escaping From The Cod-End Of A Demersal Trawl, Scot., Fish., Research., Report No: 46, 28p.
  • Metin, C., Z. Tosunoğlu, A. Tokaç, A.. Lök, C. Aydın, and H. Kaykaç. 2000. Seasonal variations of demersal fish composition in Gülbahçe Bay (İzmir Bay), Turk J. Zool., 24:437-446.
  • Petovello, A.D. 1999. By-catch in the Patagonian red shrimp (Pleoticus muelleri) fishery, Mar. Freshwater Res., 50:123-127.
  • Riedel, R., and J. DeAlteris. 1995. Factors affecting hydrodynamic performance of the Nordmore grate system: a by-catch reduction device used in the Gulf of Maine shrimp fishery, Fisheries Research 24:181- 198.
  • Suuronen, P., E. Lehtonen, V. Tschernij, and A.. Orrensalo. 1993. Survival of baltic herring (Clupea harengus L.) escaping from a trawl codend and through a rigid sorting grid. ICES Stotutory Meeting C.M. 1993/B:1.
  • Thomsen, B. 1993. Selective flatfish trawling, ICES Mar., Sci., Symp., 196:161-164.
  • Tokaç, A., H. Özbilgin, and T. Tosunoğlu. 2004. Effect of PA and PE material on codend selectivity in Turkish bottom trawl, Fisheries Research, 67;317-327.
  • Tokai, T., S. Omoto, R. Sato, and K. Matuda. 1995. A methods of determining selectivity curve of separator grid. Fisheries Research 27:51-60.
  • Tosunoğlu, Z. 1998. Structural Modification to Improve Cod-End Selectivitiy at The Bottom Trawl Nets Used in Turkish Seas (In Turkish).Ph.D. Thesis. Instutute of Naturel and Applied Science, Bornova, Izmir. Turkey. 121p.
  • Valdemarsen, J.W. 1996. A Review Of Norvegian Research With Grid Sorting Devices İn Towed Fishing Gears ICES Study Group On Grid (Grate) Sorting Systems İn Trawls, Beam Trawl and Seine Nets. Woods Hole, Massachussets, USA, 61p.
  • Watson, J.W., I.K. Workman, D. Foster, C. Taylor, A. Shah, J. Barbour, and D. Hataway. 1993. Status Report On The Development Of Gear Modifications To Reduce Finfish By-Catch in Shrimp Trawls in The Southestern United States, 1990-1992, NMFS, Pascagula, MS, 130p.
  • Wileman, D.A., R.S.T. Ferro, R. Fonteyne, and R.B. Millar (eds.). 1996. Manual of Methods of Measuring the Selectivity of Towed Fishing Gears. ICES Cooperative Research Report, No. 215, Copenhagen.

Türkiye Geleneksel Trol Balıkçılığına İkili Izgara Sistemlerinin Uygulanması.

Year 2005, Volume: 22 Issue: 1, 43 - 48, 01.03.2005


Bu çalışmada, trol ağlarında ikili ızgara sistemleri kullanarak ticari olmayan tür oranının azaltılması amaçlanmıştır. Denemeler geleneksel yapıdaki dip trolü le Ocak-Mart 2003 tarihleri arasında İzmir Körfezinde yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada, iki ızgaralı iki farklı sistem kullanılmıştır. İlk sistemde, 150 ve 17 mm çubuk aralığına sahip her iki ızgara çekim yönünde 45° ile donatılmıştır. İkinci sistemde, 150 ve 15 mm çubuk aralığına sahip ızgaralar çekim yönünde sırasıyla 135° ve 45° ile donatılmıştır. Krom nikel malzemeden yapılan ızgaralar 5 m uzunluğundaki uzatma parçasına donatılmıştır. Uzatma parçasında ilk ızgaranın donatıldığı bölgede büyük boyuttaki ticari olmayan türlerin ve istenmeyen cisimlerin serbest bırakılması için açıklık vardır (birinci sistemde üst, ikinci sistemde alt panelde). Izgaradan kaçan balıkların yakalanması için poliamid 17 mm tam göz boyundaki torbalar kullanılmıştır. Farklı torbalarda yakalanan balıklar ticari ve ticari olmayan olarak ayrılmış ve toplam sayı ve ağırlıkları alınmıştır. Barbunya birinci ve ikinci sistemde sırasıyla yüzde 50.1 ve 43.14 ile en çok yakalanan tür olmuştur. Bu tür çalışmalarda, sualtı kameraları ve ızgara sensörlerinin kullanımı ızgara seçiciliğinin geliştirilmesi için yararlı olacağı oldukça açıktır


  • Alleverson, D. L., M. H. Freeberg, S. A. Murawski, and J. G. Pope. 1994. A Global Assesment of Fisheries Bycatchs and Discards, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No:339, Rome, 233p.
  • Aydın, C., Z. Tosunoğlu, and A. Tokaç. 2001. Improvement of bottom trawl nets by using grid systems (İn Turkish). E.Ü. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science. Vol. 18, Issue (1-2):91-101.
  • Aydın, C. 2004. Aplication of Sorting Grid Systems to Exclude By-catch and Discard Species in Trawl Fisheries (In Turkish).Ph.D Thesis. Instutute of Naturel and Applied Science, Bornova. İzmir. Turkey. 184p.
  • Broadhurst, M.K., 2000. Modifications to reduce bycatch in prawn trawls: A review and framework for development, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries., 10: 27-60.
  • Caudillo, J.M.G., M.A.C. Mata and A.B. Ramiroz. 2000. Performance of bycatch reduction device in the shrimp fishery of the Gulf of California, Mexico, Biological Conservation, 92:199-205.
  • Cook, R. 2001. The Magnitude and İmpact of Bycatch Mortality by Fishing Gear, Reykjavik Conference on Responsible Fisheries in the Marine Ecosystem, Reykjavik, Iceland, 18p.
  • Coutinholl, R. and G.V.S. Quteria. 1999, The Problem of discard in fisheries, Final Report, No. EP/IV/B/STOA/98/170/ Portugal, 78p.
  • Isaksen, B., J.W. Valdemarsen, R.B. Larsen, and L. Karlsen, 1992, Reduction of fish by catch in shrimp trawl using a rigid separator grid in the aft belly, Fisheries Research, 13:335-352.
  • Kendall, D. 1990. Shrimp retention characteristics of the Morrison Soft Ted: a selective webbing exclusion panel inserted in a shrimp trawl net, Fisheries Research, 9:13-21.
  • Larsen, R.B., and B. Isaksen. 1993. Size selectivity of sorting grids in bottom trawls Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrommus aeglefinus) ICES Mar. Sci., Symp., 196:178-182.
  • Larsen, R.B. 1996. Experiments with a new, large type of fish/shimp separator grid and comparasions with the standard Nordmore grid. ICES FTFB W.G. Meeting, Woods Hole, USA, 61p.
  • Lossius, L.L. 1997. Size Selection of Northern Shrimp (Pandalis borealis) by Metal Sorting Grids in the Shimp Trawls. Cand. Scient. Thesis in the Fisheries Biology. Departman of Fisheries and Marine Biology Universirty of Bergen, 112p.
  • Madsen , N. and K. E. Hansen. 2001. Danish experiments with a grid system tested in the North Sea Shrimp Fishery, Fisheries Research, 52:203-216.
  • Main, J. and G.I. Sangster. 1985. Trawling experiments with a two level net to minimize the undersized gadoid by-catch in a nephrops fishery, Fisheries Research, 3: 131-145
  • Main, J. and G.I. Sangster. 1990. An Assessment Of The Scale Damage To And Survival Rates Of Young Gadoid Fish Escaping From The Cod-End Of A Demersal Trawl, Scot., Fish., Research., Report No: 46, 28p.
  • Metin, C., Z. Tosunoğlu, A. Tokaç, A.. Lök, C. Aydın, and H. Kaykaç. 2000. Seasonal variations of demersal fish composition in Gülbahçe Bay (İzmir Bay), Turk J. Zool., 24:437-446.
  • Petovello, A.D. 1999. By-catch in the Patagonian red shrimp (Pleoticus muelleri) fishery, Mar. Freshwater Res., 50:123-127.
  • Riedel, R., and J. DeAlteris. 1995. Factors affecting hydrodynamic performance of the Nordmore grate system: a by-catch reduction device used in the Gulf of Maine shrimp fishery, Fisheries Research 24:181- 198.
  • Suuronen, P., E. Lehtonen, V. Tschernij, and A.. Orrensalo. 1993. Survival of baltic herring (Clupea harengus L.) escaping from a trawl codend and through a rigid sorting grid. ICES Stotutory Meeting C.M. 1993/B:1.
  • Thomsen, B. 1993. Selective flatfish trawling, ICES Mar., Sci., Symp., 196:161-164.
  • Tokaç, A., H. Özbilgin, and T. Tosunoğlu. 2004. Effect of PA and PE material on codend selectivity in Turkish bottom trawl, Fisheries Research, 67;317-327.
  • Tokai, T., S. Omoto, R. Sato, and K. Matuda. 1995. A methods of determining selectivity curve of separator grid. Fisheries Research 27:51-60.
  • Tosunoğlu, Z. 1998. Structural Modification to Improve Cod-End Selectivitiy at The Bottom Trawl Nets Used in Turkish Seas (In Turkish).Ph.D. Thesis. Instutute of Naturel and Applied Science, Bornova, Izmir. Turkey. 121p.
  • Valdemarsen, J.W. 1996. A Review Of Norvegian Research With Grid Sorting Devices İn Towed Fishing Gears ICES Study Group On Grid (Grate) Sorting Systems İn Trawls, Beam Trawl and Seine Nets. Woods Hole, Massachussets, USA, 61p.
  • Watson, J.W., I.K. Workman, D. Foster, C. Taylor, A. Shah, J. Barbour, and D. Hataway. 1993. Status Report On The Development Of Gear Modifications To Reduce Finfish By-Catch in Shrimp Trawls in The Southestern United States, 1990-1992, NMFS, Pascagula, MS, 130p.
  • Wileman, D.A., R.S.T. Ferro, R. Fonteyne, and R.B. Millar (eds.). 1996. Manual of Methods of Measuring the Selectivity of Towed Fishing Gears. ICES Cooperative Research Report, No. 215, Copenhagen.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Celalettin Aydın

M. Hakan Kaykaç

Adnan Tokaç

Publication Date March 1, 2005
Submission Date December 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2005Volume: 22 Issue: 1


APA Aydın, C. ., Kaykaç, M. H. ., & Tokaç, A. . (2005). Türkiye Geleneksel Trol Balıkçılığına İkili Izgara Sistemlerinin Uygulanması. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 22(1), 43-48.