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Effect of modified atmosphere packaging on fish and fish products.

Year 2006, Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 193 - 200, 01.03.2006



  • Boknæs, N., C. Østerberg, J. Nielsen, and P. Dalgaard. 2000. Influence of freshness and frozen storage temperature on quality of thawed cod fillets stored in modi®ed atmosphere packaging. Lebensmittel-Wissens-chaft und -Technologie, 33, 244-248.
  • Boskou, G. and J. Debevere. 1997. Reduction of trimethylamine oxide by Shewanella spp. under modified atmospheres in vitro. Food Microbiology, 14, 543-553.
  • Boskou, G. and J. Debevere. 1998. In vitro study of TMAO reduction by Shewanella putrefaciens isolated from cod fillets packed in modified atmosphere. Food Additives and Contaminants, 15, 229-236.
  • Cann, D. C., G. L. Smith, N. C. Houston 1983. Further studies on marine fish stored under modified atmosphere packaging. Torry Research Station, Aberdeen: Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food. pp. 32-42.
  • Church, N. 1994. Developments in modified atmosphere packaging and related technologies. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 5, 345- 352.
  • Coyne, F.P. 1932. The effect of carbon dioxide on bacterial growth with special reference to the preservation of fish. Part I. Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, 51, 119T-121T.
  • Coyne, F.P. 1933. The effect of carbon dioxide on bacterial growth with special reference to the preservation of fish. Part II. Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, 52, 19-24.
  • Dalgaard, P., L. Gram, and H.H. Huss. 1993. Spoilage and shelf-life of cod fillets packed in vacuum or modiffed atmospheres. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 19, 283-294.
  • Debevere, J., G. Boskou. 1996. Effect of modified atmosphere packaging on the TVB/TMA-producing microflora of cod fillets. International journal of Food Microbiology. Volume 31, Issues 1-3
  • Devlieghere , F., J. Debevere, and J. Van Impe. 1998. Effect of dissolved carbon dioxide and temperature on the growth of Lactobacillus sake in modified atmospheres. International Journal of Food Microbiology 41;231–238.
  • Devlieghere, F., J. Debevere, and J. Van Impe. 1998. Concentration of carbon dioxide in the water-phase as a parameter to model the effect of a modified atmosphere on microorganisms. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 43;105–113.
  • Dhananjaya, S., J. Stroud. 1994. Chemical and sensory changes in haddock and herring stored under modified atmosphere. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 29: 575-583.
  • Farber, J.M. 1991 Microbiological aspects of modified-atmosphere packaging technology -A review. Journal of Food Protection, 54 (1): 58-70.
  • Fey, M. S., and J. M. Regenstein. 1982. Extending shelf life ofresh wet red hake and salmon using CO2–O2 modified atmosphere and potassium sorbate ice at 1 °C. Journal of Food Science, 47, 1048–1054
  • Genigeorgis, C.A. 1985. Microbial and safety implications of the use of modified atmospheres to extend the storage life of fresh meat and fish. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 1, 237-251.
  • Kılınç, B., ve Ş. Çaklı. 2001. Paketleme Tekniklerinin Balık ve Kabuklu Su Ürünleri Mikrobiyal Florası Üzerine Etkileri. Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Dergisi, 18(1-2), 279-291
  • Killeffer, D.H. 1930. Carbon dioxide preservation of meat and fish. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 22, 140-143.
  • Knoche, W. 1980. Chemical reactions of CO2 in water. In: Biophysics and Physiology of Carbon Dioxide (edited by C. Bauer, G. Gros and H. Bartels). pp. 3-11. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
  • Özoğul, F. 2001. The effect packaging systems on quality and safety of herring. PhD dissertation.Lincoln, U.K: Univ.of Lincoln. pp.20-36.
  • Özogul, F., K.D.A. Taylor, P. Quantick, and Y. Özogul. 2001. Chemical, microbiological and sensory evaluation of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) stored in ice, modified atmosphere and vacuum pack. Food Chemistry, 71: 267–273.
  • Özogul, F., K.D.A. Taylor, P. Quantick, and Y. Özogul. 2000. A rapid HPLC determination of ATP related compounds and its application to herring stored under modified atmosphere. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 35; 549–554.
  • Özoğul Y., and F. Özogul. 2002. Degradation Products of Adenine Nucleotide in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Stored in Ice and in Modified Atmosphere Packaging. TÜBİTAK, Turk J. Zool ., 26: 127-130.
  • Özogul, F., A. Polat, and Y. Özogul. 2004. The effects of modified atmosphere packaging and vacuum packaging on chemical, sensory and microbiological changes of sardines (Sardina pilchardus). Food Chemistry. 85: 49–57
  • Parry, R.T. 1993. Introduction. In R. T. Parry (Ed.), Principles and application of modified atmosphere packaging of food (pp. 1–17). Glasgow: Blackie Academic and Professional.
  • Pastoriza, L., G. Sampedro, J.J. Herrera, and M.L. Cabo. 1996. Effect of carbon dioxide atmosphere on microbial growth and quality of salmon slices. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 72, 348-352.
  • Pastoriza, L., G. Sampedro, J.J Herrera,. and M.L. Cabo. 1998. In¯uence of sodium chloride and modified atmosphere packaging on microbiological, chemical and sensorial properties in ice storage of slices of hake (Merluccius merluccius). Food Chemistry, 61, 23-28.
  • Penney, N., R.G. Bell, and T.L. Cummings. 1994. Extension of the chilled storage life of smoked blue cod (Parapercis colias) by carbon dioxide packaging. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 29, 167-178.
  • Phillips, C.A. 1996. Review: modified atmosphere packaging and its effects on the microbiological quality and safety of produce. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 31, 463-479.
  • Reddy, N.R., D.J. Armstrong, E.J. Rhodehamel, and D.A. Kautter. 1992. Shelf-life extension and safety concerns about fresh fishery products packaged under modified atmospheres: a review. Journal of Food Safety, 12, 87-118.
  • Randell, K., R. Ahvenainen, and T. Hattula. 1995. Effect of the gas/product ratio and CO2 concentration on the shelf- life of MA packed fish. Packaging Technology and Science, 8, 205-218.
  • Randell, K., T. Hattula, E. Skyttae, M. Sivertsvik, and H. Bergslien. 1999. Quality of filleted salmon in various retail packages. Journal of Food Quality, 22, 483-497.
  • Rosnes, J.T., M. Sivertsvik, and H. Bergslien. 1997. Distribution of modified atmosphere packaged salmon (Salmo salar) products. In: Seafood from Producer to Consumer, Integrated Approach to Quality (edited by J.B. Luten, T. Bùrresen & J. OehlenschlaÈ ger). Pp. 211-220. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • Sivertsvik, M., W.K. Jeksrud, and J.T. Rosnes. 2002 A review of modified atmosphere packaging of fish and fishery products - significance of microbial growth, activities and safety. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2002, 37, 107-127.
  • Stammen, K., D. Gerdes, and F. Caporaso. 1990. Modified atmosphere packaging of seafood. Critical reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 29(5): 301-331
  • Stefansson, G., and H.L. Lauzon. 1999. Retail and bulk packaging of fish fillets in modified atmosphere. In: Conference Proceeding: 99 Innovations for Seafood Conference, 21-23 April 1999. Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia: Center for Food Technology, Brisbane.
  • Stenstrom, I.J. 1985. Microbial flora of cod fillets (Gadus morhua) stored at 2°C in different mixtures of carbon dioxide and nitrogen/oxygen. Journal of Food Protection, 48, 585-589
  • Watts, D.A., and W.D. Brown. 1982. Histamine formation in abusively stored Pacific mackerel: effect of CO2 modified atmosphere. Journal of Food Science, 47, 1386–1387.

Modifiye Edilmiş Atmosfer Paketlemenin Balık ve Balık Ürünlerine Etkisi.

Year 2006, Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 193 - 200, 01.03.2006


Modifiye edilmiş atmosfer paketleme (MAP), balık ve balık ürünlerinin raf ömrünü uzatmak için kullanılan bir koruma tekniğidir. Bu teknikte balık ürünleri, başta CO2 olmak üzere O2 ve N2 gibi çeşitli gazları içeren bir atmosferde paketlenmektedir. MAP, depolanan balıktaki bakteriyel gelişimi ve bazı koşullarda oksidatif reaksiyonu engelleyerek balığın daha uzun süre taze kalmasını sağlamaktadır. MAP balık ürünlerinin raf ömrü, türlere, balığın yağ içeriğine, balığın başlangıçtaki mikrobiyal florasına, paket içerindeki gaz karışımına, gaz/ürün oranına ve en önemlisi depolama sıcaklığına bağlıdır. Modifiye atmosfer paketlemede yüksek karbondioksit seviyesinin kullanımı balık ürünlerinin normal bozucu florasını engellemektedir. Fakat, anaerobik ortamda ve soğuk derecelerde depolanan MAP balık ürünlerinde Clostridium botulinum gibi patojenler gelişmektedir. Bu patojenler, insanlarda botulizm zehirlenmesine neden olmasından dolayı MAP ürünleri için büyük bir problem oluşturmaktadır. MAP ürünlerinde ayrıca renk değişimi, yapı değişimi ve su kaybı gibi problemlerde ortaya çıkabilmektedir


  • Boknæs, N., C. Østerberg, J. Nielsen, and P. Dalgaard. 2000. Influence of freshness and frozen storage temperature on quality of thawed cod fillets stored in modi®ed atmosphere packaging. Lebensmittel-Wissens-chaft und -Technologie, 33, 244-248.
  • Boskou, G. and J. Debevere. 1997. Reduction of trimethylamine oxide by Shewanella spp. under modified atmospheres in vitro. Food Microbiology, 14, 543-553.
  • Boskou, G. and J. Debevere. 1998. In vitro study of TMAO reduction by Shewanella putrefaciens isolated from cod fillets packed in modified atmosphere. Food Additives and Contaminants, 15, 229-236.
  • Cann, D. C., G. L. Smith, N. C. Houston 1983. Further studies on marine fish stored under modified atmosphere packaging. Torry Research Station, Aberdeen: Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food. pp. 32-42.
  • Church, N. 1994. Developments in modified atmosphere packaging and related technologies. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 5, 345- 352.
  • Coyne, F.P. 1932. The effect of carbon dioxide on bacterial growth with special reference to the preservation of fish. Part I. Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, 51, 119T-121T.
  • Coyne, F.P. 1933. The effect of carbon dioxide on bacterial growth with special reference to the preservation of fish. Part II. Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, 52, 19-24.
  • Dalgaard, P., L. Gram, and H.H. Huss. 1993. Spoilage and shelf-life of cod fillets packed in vacuum or modiffed atmospheres. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 19, 283-294.
  • Debevere, J., G. Boskou. 1996. Effect of modified atmosphere packaging on the TVB/TMA-producing microflora of cod fillets. International journal of Food Microbiology. Volume 31, Issues 1-3
  • Devlieghere , F., J. Debevere, and J. Van Impe. 1998. Effect of dissolved carbon dioxide and temperature on the growth of Lactobacillus sake in modified atmospheres. International Journal of Food Microbiology 41;231–238.
  • Devlieghere, F., J. Debevere, and J. Van Impe. 1998. Concentration of carbon dioxide in the water-phase as a parameter to model the effect of a modified atmosphere on microorganisms. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 43;105–113.
  • Dhananjaya, S., J. Stroud. 1994. Chemical and sensory changes in haddock and herring stored under modified atmosphere. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 29: 575-583.
  • Farber, J.M. 1991 Microbiological aspects of modified-atmosphere packaging technology -A review. Journal of Food Protection, 54 (1): 58-70.
  • Fey, M. S., and J. M. Regenstein. 1982. Extending shelf life ofresh wet red hake and salmon using CO2–O2 modified atmosphere and potassium sorbate ice at 1 °C. Journal of Food Science, 47, 1048–1054
  • Genigeorgis, C.A. 1985. Microbial and safety implications of the use of modified atmospheres to extend the storage life of fresh meat and fish. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 1, 237-251.
  • Kılınç, B., ve Ş. Çaklı. 2001. Paketleme Tekniklerinin Balık ve Kabuklu Su Ürünleri Mikrobiyal Florası Üzerine Etkileri. Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Dergisi, 18(1-2), 279-291
  • Killeffer, D.H. 1930. Carbon dioxide preservation of meat and fish. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 22, 140-143.
  • Knoche, W. 1980. Chemical reactions of CO2 in water. In: Biophysics and Physiology of Carbon Dioxide (edited by C. Bauer, G. Gros and H. Bartels). pp. 3-11. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
  • Özoğul, F. 2001. The effect packaging systems on quality and safety of herring. PhD dissertation.Lincoln, U.K: Univ.of Lincoln. pp.20-36.
  • Özogul, F., K.D.A. Taylor, P. Quantick, and Y. Özogul. 2001. Chemical, microbiological and sensory evaluation of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) stored in ice, modified atmosphere and vacuum pack. Food Chemistry, 71: 267–273.
  • Özogul, F., K.D.A. Taylor, P. Quantick, and Y. Özogul. 2000. A rapid HPLC determination of ATP related compounds and its application to herring stored under modified atmosphere. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 35; 549–554.
  • Özoğul Y., and F. Özogul. 2002. Degradation Products of Adenine Nucleotide in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Stored in Ice and in Modified Atmosphere Packaging. TÜBİTAK, Turk J. Zool ., 26: 127-130.
  • Özogul, F., A. Polat, and Y. Özogul. 2004. The effects of modified atmosphere packaging and vacuum packaging on chemical, sensory and microbiological changes of sardines (Sardina pilchardus). Food Chemistry. 85: 49–57
  • Parry, R.T. 1993. Introduction. In R. T. Parry (Ed.), Principles and application of modified atmosphere packaging of food (pp. 1–17). Glasgow: Blackie Academic and Professional.
  • Pastoriza, L., G. Sampedro, J.J. Herrera, and M.L. Cabo. 1996. Effect of carbon dioxide atmosphere on microbial growth and quality of salmon slices. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 72, 348-352.
  • Pastoriza, L., G. Sampedro, J.J Herrera,. and M.L. Cabo. 1998. In¯uence of sodium chloride and modified atmosphere packaging on microbiological, chemical and sensorial properties in ice storage of slices of hake (Merluccius merluccius). Food Chemistry, 61, 23-28.
  • Penney, N., R.G. Bell, and T.L. Cummings. 1994. Extension of the chilled storage life of smoked blue cod (Parapercis colias) by carbon dioxide packaging. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 29, 167-178.
  • Phillips, C.A. 1996. Review: modified atmosphere packaging and its effects on the microbiological quality and safety of produce. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 31, 463-479.
  • Reddy, N.R., D.J. Armstrong, E.J. Rhodehamel, and D.A. Kautter. 1992. Shelf-life extension and safety concerns about fresh fishery products packaged under modified atmospheres: a review. Journal of Food Safety, 12, 87-118.
  • Randell, K., R. Ahvenainen, and T. Hattula. 1995. Effect of the gas/product ratio and CO2 concentration on the shelf- life of MA packed fish. Packaging Technology and Science, 8, 205-218.
  • Randell, K., T. Hattula, E. Skyttae, M. Sivertsvik, and H. Bergslien. 1999. Quality of filleted salmon in various retail packages. Journal of Food Quality, 22, 483-497.
  • Rosnes, J.T., M. Sivertsvik, and H. Bergslien. 1997. Distribution of modified atmosphere packaged salmon (Salmo salar) products. In: Seafood from Producer to Consumer, Integrated Approach to Quality (edited by J.B. Luten, T. Bùrresen & J. OehlenschlaÈ ger). Pp. 211-220. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • Sivertsvik, M., W.K. Jeksrud, and J.T. Rosnes. 2002 A review of modified atmosphere packaging of fish and fishery products - significance of microbial growth, activities and safety. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2002, 37, 107-127.
  • Stammen, K., D. Gerdes, and F. Caporaso. 1990. Modified atmosphere packaging of seafood. Critical reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 29(5): 301-331
  • Stefansson, G., and H.L. Lauzon. 1999. Retail and bulk packaging of fish fillets in modified atmosphere. In: Conference Proceeding: 99 Innovations for Seafood Conference, 21-23 April 1999. Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia: Center for Food Technology, Brisbane.
  • Stenstrom, I.J. 1985. Microbial flora of cod fillets (Gadus morhua) stored at 2°C in different mixtures of carbon dioxide and nitrogen/oxygen. Journal of Food Protection, 48, 585-589
  • Watts, D.A., and W.D. Brown. 1982. Histamine formation in abusively stored Pacific mackerel: effect of CO2 modified atmosphere. Journal of Food Science, 47, 1386–1387.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Yeşim Özoğul

Fatih Özoğul

Esmeray Küley

Publication Date March 1, 2006
Submission Date December 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2006Volume: 23 Issue: 1


APA Özoğul, Y. ., Özoğul, F. ., & Küley, E. . (2006). Modifiye Edilmiş Atmosfer Paketlemenin Balık ve Balık Ürünlerine Etkisi. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 23(1), 193-200.