The production of battered and breaded products from three different frozen-thawed shrimp species caught from different regions and their quality changes during frozen storage.
Year 2008,
Volume: 25 Issue: 3, 191 - 195, 01.09.2008
Aslı Cadun
Berna Kılınç
Burcu Şen
Şükran Çaklı
- Anon. 2002. Year book of fishery statistics. Rome,Italy :FAO in fish:A third collaborative study by the west European Fish Technologists’ (WEFTA). Zeitschrift fur Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und forschung 189:309-316
- AOAC. 1984 Official methods of analysis.(14th ed.).Washington, DC, USA:Associaion of Official Analytical Chemists.
- Ariyapitun, T., A. Mustapha and A.D. Clarke. 1999. Microbial shelf life determination of vacuum packaged fresh beef treated with polylactc acid, lactic acid and nisin solutions. J Food Protec. 62: 913-920
- Bligh, E.G. and W.J. Dyer. 1959. A rapid method of total lipid extraction and purification. Can J Biochem Physiol. 3: 911-917.
- Brennan, M.H.Gormley, T.R. 1999. The quality of under-utilised deep-water fish species. Teagasc Research Report No. 22 (Project Armis No. 4560).
- Caballero,M.E.L. Gonçalves, A. Nunes, M.L. 2002. Effect of CO2/O2 containing modifiedatmospheres on packed deep water pink shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris). Eur Food Res Technol. 214:192-197.
- Çaklı, Ş. 2008. Seafood processing Technology 2. Battered and Breaded Technology (in Turkish). Ege Üniversitesi Yayınları, Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Yayın No:77, Ders Kitabı Dizin No:2, 61s.
- Dalgaard, P. and L.V. Jorgensen 1999. Cooked and brines shrimps packed in a modified atmosphere have a shelf life of >7 months at 0°C , but spoiled in 4-6 days at 25°C.Int J Food Sci Tech, 35:431-442.
- FA0. 2008. Global Study of Shrimp Fisheries. Fisheries Technical Paper No: 475. ISSN 0429-9345.
- Harrigan, W.F. and M.E. MCchance. 1976. Laboratory methods in food and dairy microbiology. London:Acedemic Press Inc.
- Huidobro, A. López-Caballero, M. and Mendes, R., 2002. Onboard processing of deepwater pink shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris) with liquid ice: Effect on quality. Eur Food Res Int 214: 469–475.
- Jeyasekaran, G., P. Ganesan, R. Anandaraj, R. Jeya Shakila, and D. Sukumar, 2006. Quantitive and qualitative studies on the bacteriological quality of Indian white shrimp (Penaeus indicus) stored in dry ice. Food Micro., 23: 526–533.
- Lou, S.N.1998. Purine content in grass shrimp (Penaeus monodori) during storage as related to freshness. J Food Sci. 63:442-444
- Londahl, G.1997. Technological aspects of freezing and glazing shrimp. INFOFISH International. 3:49-56.
- Ludorff, W. and V. Meyer. 1973. Fische und Fischerzeugnisse. Hamburg- berlin: Paul Parey Verlag.
- Neuman, R., P. Molnar, S. Arnold. 1983. Sensorische- Lebensmitteluntersuchung, VEB Fachbuchverlag, Leipzig, Germany.
- Oehlenschlager, J. 1997. Volatile amines as freshness/spoilage indicators, a literature review, 571–578
- Pala, M., C. Varlık and N. Aran. 1988. Karideslerin marineye (salamuraya) işlenmesi ve renk değişiminin önlenmesi. Tubitak Marmara Bilimsel ve Araştırma Enstitüsü
- Schormüller, J. 1968. Handbuch der lebensmittekhemie (Band HI/2). Berlin: Springer
- Schormüller, J. 1969. Handbuch der lebensmittekhemie (Band IV). Berlin: Springer
- Schubring, R. 2002. Influence of freezing/thawing and frozen storage on the texture and colour of brown shrimp (Crangon crangon). Arch. Lebensmittelhyg. 53 :25-48
- Schubring, R.2002. Double freezing of cod fillets: Influence on sensory, physical and chemical attributes of battered and breaded fillet portions. Nahrung/Food, 4:227-232.
- Schubring, R., Meyer, C., Schlüter, C., Boguslawski, S. and Knorr, D., 2003. Impact of high pressure assisted thawing on the quality of fillets from various fish species. Innov Food Sci and Emerg Technol, 4:257-267.
- Shamsad, S.I., K.U. Nisa., M. Riaz, R. Zuberi and R.B. Quadri. 1990. Shelf life of shrimp (Penaeus merguiensis) stored at different temperatures. J Food Sci. 55:169-175.
- Tarladgis, B.G., B.M. Watts, M.S. Younathan and L. Dugan. 1960. A distillation method for the quantitative determination of malonaldeyde in rancid foods. J Amec Oil Chemists, 37: 44-48.
- Tsironi, T., E. Dermesonlouoglou, M. Giannakourou and P. Taoukis. 2009. Shelf life of modelling of frozen shrimp at variable temperature conditions. Food Sci and Tech. 42:664-671.
- Zeng, Q.Z. Thorarinsdottir, K.A and Olafsdottir, G. 2005. Quality changes of shrimp (Pandalus borealis) stored under different cooling conditions.J Food Sci. 70:459-466.
Farklı Bölgelerden Avlanan Farklı Türdeki Dondurulmuş Çözdürülmüş Karideslerden Kroket Yapımı ve Dondurarak Depolama Boyunca Kalite Değişimleri.
Year 2008,
Volume: 25 Issue: 3, 191 - 195, 01.09.2008
Aslı Cadun
Berna Kılınç
Burcu Şen
Şükran Çaklı
Bu çalışmada, dondurulmuş çözdürülmüş Ege denizindeki Türkiye sahillerinden yakalanan Panaeus semisulcatus (A) , Ege denizindeki Yunanistan sahilinden yakalanmış Parapenaeus longirostris (B) ve Marmara denizindeki Çanakkale sahilinden yakalanmış Parapenaeus longirostris (C) kroket üretiminde kullanılmıştır. Daha sonra dondurulmuş ve raf ömrü boyunca kalite tespiti yapılmıştır. Karides kroketlerde depolama boyunca değişimleri incelemek ve raf ömrünü tespit etmek amacıyla örneklerde kimyasal, enstrümantal, mikrobiyolojik ve duyusal analizler yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak ürünler 30. günde mikrobiyolojik analizler açısından limit sınır değerlerini geçmiştir. Kimyasal kalite analizlerinden TVB-N açısından Panaeus semisulcatus 30.günde tüketim sınır değerine yaklaşırken diğerleri çok iyi kalitede tespit edilmiştir
- Anon. 2002. Year book of fishery statistics. Rome,Italy :FAO in fish:A third collaborative study by the west European Fish Technologists’ (WEFTA). Zeitschrift fur Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und forschung 189:309-316
- AOAC. 1984 Official methods of analysis.(14th ed.).Washington, DC, USA:Associaion of Official Analytical Chemists.
- Ariyapitun, T., A. Mustapha and A.D. Clarke. 1999. Microbial shelf life determination of vacuum packaged fresh beef treated with polylactc acid, lactic acid and nisin solutions. J Food Protec. 62: 913-920
- Bligh, E.G. and W.J. Dyer. 1959. A rapid method of total lipid extraction and purification. Can J Biochem Physiol. 3: 911-917.
- Brennan, M.H.Gormley, T.R. 1999. The quality of under-utilised deep-water fish species. Teagasc Research Report No. 22 (Project Armis No. 4560).
- Caballero,M.E.L. Gonçalves, A. Nunes, M.L. 2002. Effect of CO2/O2 containing modifiedatmospheres on packed deep water pink shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris). Eur Food Res Technol. 214:192-197.
- Çaklı, Ş. 2008. Seafood processing Technology 2. Battered and Breaded Technology (in Turkish). Ege Üniversitesi Yayınları, Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Yayın No:77, Ders Kitabı Dizin No:2, 61s.
- Dalgaard, P. and L.V. Jorgensen 1999. Cooked and brines shrimps packed in a modified atmosphere have a shelf life of >7 months at 0°C , but spoiled in 4-6 days at 25°C.Int J Food Sci Tech, 35:431-442.
- FA0. 2008. Global Study of Shrimp Fisheries. Fisheries Technical Paper No: 475. ISSN 0429-9345.
- Harrigan, W.F. and M.E. MCchance. 1976. Laboratory methods in food and dairy microbiology. London:Acedemic Press Inc.
- Huidobro, A. López-Caballero, M. and Mendes, R., 2002. Onboard processing of deepwater pink shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris) with liquid ice: Effect on quality. Eur Food Res Int 214: 469–475.
- Jeyasekaran, G., P. Ganesan, R. Anandaraj, R. Jeya Shakila, and D. Sukumar, 2006. Quantitive and qualitative studies on the bacteriological quality of Indian white shrimp (Penaeus indicus) stored in dry ice. Food Micro., 23: 526–533.
- Lou, S.N.1998. Purine content in grass shrimp (Penaeus monodori) during storage as related to freshness. J Food Sci. 63:442-444
- Londahl, G.1997. Technological aspects of freezing and glazing shrimp. INFOFISH International. 3:49-56.
- Ludorff, W. and V. Meyer. 1973. Fische und Fischerzeugnisse. Hamburg- berlin: Paul Parey Verlag.
- Neuman, R., P. Molnar, S. Arnold. 1983. Sensorische- Lebensmitteluntersuchung, VEB Fachbuchverlag, Leipzig, Germany.
- Oehlenschlager, J. 1997. Volatile amines as freshness/spoilage indicators, a literature review, 571–578
- Pala, M., C. Varlık and N. Aran. 1988. Karideslerin marineye (salamuraya) işlenmesi ve renk değişiminin önlenmesi. Tubitak Marmara Bilimsel ve Araştırma Enstitüsü
- Schormüller, J. 1968. Handbuch der lebensmittekhemie (Band HI/2). Berlin: Springer
- Schormüller, J. 1969. Handbuch der lebensmittekhemie (Band IV). Berlin: Springer
- Schubring, R. 2002. Influence of freezing/thawing and frozen storage on the texture and colour of brown shrimp (Crangon crangon). Arch. Lebensmittelhyg. 53 :25-48
- Schubring, R.2002. Double freezing of cod fillets: Influence on sensory, physical and chemical attributes of battered and breaded fillet portions. Nahrung/Food, 4:227-232.
- Schubring, R., Meyer, C., Schlüter, C., Boguslawski, S. and Knorr, D., 2003. Impact of high pressure assisted thawing on the quality of fillets from various fish species. Innov Food Sci and Emerg Technol, 4:257-267.
- Shamsad, S.I., K.U. Nisa., M. Riaz, R. Zuberi and R.B. Quadri. 1990. Shelf life of shrimp (Penaeus merguiensis) stored at different temperatures. J Food Sci. 55:169-175.
- Tarladgis, B.G., B.M. Watts, M.S. Younathan and L. Dugan. 1960. A distillation method for the quantitative determination of malonaldeyde in rancid foods. J Amec Oil Chemists, 37: 44-48.
- Tsironi, T., E. Dermesonlouoglou, M. Giannakourou and P. Taoukis. 2009. Shelf life of modelling of frozen shrimp at variable temperature conditions. Food Sci and Tech. 42:664-671.
- Zeng, Q.Z. Thorarinsdottir, K.A and Olafsdottir, G. 2005. Quality changes of shrimp (Pandalus borealis) stored under different cooling conditions.J Food Sci. 70:459-466.