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Ege Denizi İzmir İç Körfez'de (Türkiye) amatör balıkçılığın ekonomik değeri üzerine bir ön çalışma.

Year 2012, Volume: 29 Issue: 2, 55 - 62, 01.06.2012



  • Anonymous, 2008. No: 2/2 notification of regulations on marine and inland recreational fisheries in Turkey (in Turkish). Notification Number: 2008/49. Ankara, Republic of Turkey, General Directorate of Fisheries Conservation and Control, 112 p.
  • Başar, H., 2007. The Recreational Use and The Economic Value of Dilek Peninsula-Great Meander Delta National Park by Travel Cost Method (in Turkish with English abstract). Master of Science Thesis, Ege University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, 123 p.
  • Belkayalı, N., Akpınar, N., 2009. Determination of the economic value of recreational and tourism use value of the Yalova Thermal Spring via travel cost method (in Turkish with English abstract). Coğrafi Bilimler Dergisi, 7(2):177-184.
  • Bilgic, A., Florkowski, W.J., 2007. Application of a hurdle negative binomial count data model to demand for bass fishing in the southeastern United States. Journal of Environmental Management, 83(4):478-490. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2006.10.009
  • Creel, M.D., Loomis, J.B., 1990. Theoretical and empirical advantages of truncated count data estimators for analysis of deer hunting in California. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 72 p. doi:10.2307/1242345
  • Dillon, B., 2004. A bio-economic review of recreational angling for bass (Dicentrachus labrax). Report prepared for East Riding of Yorkshire Council Integrated Coastal Zone Management Group. Scarborough Centre for Coastal Studies, University of Hull, 24 p.
  • Erdoğan, N., Salalı, H.E., Atış, E., Miran, B., 2007. Economic value of Izmir Culture Park. International Conference on Environment Survival and Sustainability, Abstracts Book, February 19-24, Near East University, Lefkoşe, KKTC, 304 p.
  • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission (EIFAC), 2008. Code of Practice for Recreational Fisheries. EIFAC Occasional Paper, No. 42, Rome, FAO, 45 p.
  • Gaudin, C., De Young, C., 2007. Recreational fisheries in the Mediterranean countries: a review of existing legal frameworks. Studies and Reviews, General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean, No. 81, Rome, FAO, 85 p.
  • General Fisheries Commission for The Mediterranean (GFCM), 2010. Report of the Transversal Workshop on the Monitoring of Recreational Fisheries in The GFCM Area. Scientific Advisory Committee 13th Session. Palma de Mallorca, Spain. 30 p.
  • Gillig, D., Ozuna, Jr.T., Griffin, W.L., 2000. The value of the Gulf of Mexico recreational red snapper fishery. Marine Resource Economics, 15(2):127-139.
  • Grogger, J.T., Carson, R.T., 1991. Models for truncated counts. Journal of Applied Econometrics 6, p. 225-238. doi:10.1002/jae.3950060302
  • Hellerstein, D.M., 1991. Using count data models in travel cost analysis with aggregate data. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 73(3):860- 866. doi:10.2307/1242838
  • İzmir Metropolitan Municipality, 2011. Fish Marketplace Prices, (15.08.2012).
  • Lleonart, J., 2005. Maditerranean and Black Sea. In: Review of the State of World Fishery Resources, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, No. 457, Rome, 235 p.
  • Milon, J.W., 1988. Travel cost methods for estimating the recreational use benefits of artificial marine habitat. Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, July:87-101.
  • Miran, B., 2003. Basic Statistics (in Turkish). Ege University Press, ISBN 975- 9308800, Bornova, Izmir, 297 p.
  • Ortaçeşme, V., Özkan, B., Karagüzel, O., 2002. An estimation of the recreational use value of Kursunlu Waterfall Nature Park by the individual travel cost method. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 26:57-62.
  • Pak, M., Türker, M.F., 2006. Estimation of recreational use value of forest resources by using individual travel cost and contingent valuation (Kayabaşı Forest Recreation Site Sample). Journal of Applied Sciences, 6(1):1-5. doi:10.3923/jas.2006.1.5
  • Park, T., Bowker, J.M., Leeworthy, V.R., 2002. Valuing snorkeling visits to the Florida Keys with stated and revealed preference models. Journal of Environmental Management, 65:301-312. doi:10.1006/jema.2002.0552
  • Parkkila, K., Arlinghaus, R., Artell, J., Gentner, B., Haider, W., Aas, Ø., Barton, D., Roth, E., Sipponen, M., 2010. Methodologies for assessing socio-economic benefits of European inland recreational fisheries. FAO European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission Occasional Paper No: 46, Ankara, FAO, 112 p.
  • Pawson, M.G., Glenn, H., Padda, G., 2008. The definition of marine recreational fishing in Europe. Marine Policy, 32(3):339-350. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2007.07.001
  • SFITUM, 2004. Sport Fishing: an informative and economic alternative for tuna fishing in the Mediterranean (SFITUM). EC Project 02/C132/11/41, Final Report Volume 2, 145 p.
  • Shrestha, R.K., Seidl, A.F., Moraes, A.S., 2002. Value of recreational fishing in the Brazilian Pantanal: a travel cost analysis using count data models. Ecological Economics, 42:289-299. doi:10.1016/S0921-8009(02)00106-4
  • Southwick Associates (SA), 2008. The Economic Impacts of Marine Recreational Fishing in the North Central Coast of California and the Potential Effects of Area Closures. SA, Fish and Wildlife Economics and Statistics. Report prepared for American Sportfishing Association, 36 p.
  • Sutinen, J.G., Jhonston, R.J., 2003. Angling management organizations: integrating the recreational sector into fishery management. Marine Policy, 27:471-487. doi:10.1016/S0308-597X(03)00079-4
  • Toivonen, A.L., Roth, E., Navrud, S., Gudbergsson, G., Appelblad, H., Bengtsson, B., Tuunainen, P., 2004. The economic value of recreational fisheries in Nordic countries. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 11:1- 14. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2400.2003.00376.x
  • Turkish Statistical Institute Web Site (TSI), 2011. The Results of Address Based Population Registration System. <> (25.06.2012).
  • Ünal, V., Acarlı, D., Gordoa, A., 2010. Characteristics of marine recreational fishing in Çanakkale Strait (Turkey). Mediterranean Marine Science, 11(2):315-330.
  • Winkelmann, R., 2000. Econometric Analysis of Count Data. 5th Edition, Springer, Heidelberg, 333 p.

A preliminary study on economic value of recreational fishing in Izmir Inner Bay, Aegean Sea (Turkey).

Year 2012, Volume: 29 Issue: 2, 55 - 62, 01.06.2012


İzmir İç Körfez’deki rekreasyonel balıkçılığın özelliklerini ve ekonomik değerlemesini ele alan bu çalışma, karar vericilere balıkçılık yönetimi konusunda bilgi sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır. 2011 Ocak-Haziran döneminde kıyıdan avlanan 50 rekreasyonel balıkçı ile yapılan yüz yüze görüşmeler sonucu, rekreasyonel balıkçıların demografisi, balıkçılıkla ilgili harcamaları (balıkçılık ekipmanı, ulaşım, yem ve yiyecek ve içecek gibi özel masraflar), bu aktiviteden elde ettikleri pazar ve pazar dışı ekonomik değerleri ele alınmıştır. Ardından kim, ne zaman, nerede katılıyor ve ne kadar zaman harcıyor gibi sorularla balıkçılık aktivitesine katılım ile ilgili özelliklerinin irdelenmesi planlanmıştır. Pazar dışı faydaları hesaplamak için Negatif Binomial Regresyon Model’den yararlanılırken, seyahat maliyeti yöntemiyle de rekreasyonel balıkçılıktan kaynaklanan pazar dışı faydaların sunulması hedeflenmiştir. Her birey için hesaplanan 25 liralık tüketici rantı ve resmi verilere göre İzmir İli’nde 7.669 lisanslı rekreasyonel balıkçı varlığı, İzmir İç Körfez’deki rekreasyonel balıkçlığın büyük ekonomik değerini ortaya koymaktadır


  • Anonymous, 2008. No: 2/2 notification of regulations on marine and inland recreational fisheries in Turkey (in Turkish). Notification Number: 2008/49. Ankara, Republic of Turkey, General Directorate of Fisheries Conservation and Control, 112 p.
  • Başar, H., 2007. The Recreational Use and The Economic Value of Dilek Peninsula-Great Meander Delta National Park by Travel Cost Method (in Turkish with English abstract). Master of Science Thesis, Ege University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, 123 p.
  • Belkayalı, N., Akpınar, N., 2009. Determination of the economic value of recreational and tourism use value of the Yalova Thermal Spring via travel cost method (in Turkish with English abstract). Coğrafi Bilimler Dergisi, 7(2):177-184.
  • Bilgic, A., Florkowski, W.J., 2007. Application of a hurdle negative binomial count data model to demand for bass fishing in the southeastern United States. Journal of Environmental Management, 83(4):478-490. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2006.10.009
  • Creel, M.D., Loomis, J.B., 1990. Theoretical and empirical advantages of truncated count data estimators for analysis of deer hunting in California. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 72 p. doi:10.2307/1242345
  • Dillon, B., 2004. A bio-economic review of recreational angling for bass (Dicentrachus labrax). Report prepared for East Riding of Yorkshire Council Integrated Coastal Zone Management Group. Scarborough Centre for Coastal Studies, University of Hull, 24 p.
  • Erdoğan, N., Salalı, H.E., Atış, E., Miran, B., 2007. Economic value of Izmir Culture Park. International Conference on Environment Survival and Sustainability, Abstracts Book, February 19-24, Near East University, Lefkoşe, KKTC, 304 p.
  • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission (EIFAC), 2008. Code of Practice for Recreational Fisheries. EIFAC Occasional Paper, No. 42, Rome, FAO, 45 p.
  • Gaudin, C., De Young, C., 2007. Recreational fisheries in the Mediterranean countries: a review of existing legal frameworks. Studies and Reviews, General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean, No. 81, Rome, FAO, 85 p.
  • General Fisheries Commission for The Mediterranean (GFCM), 2010. Report of the Transversal Workshop on the Monitoring of Recreational Fisheries in The GFCM Area. Scientific Advisory Committee 13th Session. Palma de Mallorca, Spain. 30 p.
  • Gillig, D., Ozuna, Jr.T., Griffin, W.L., 2000. The value of the Gulf of Mexico recreational red snapper fishery. Marine Resource Economics, 15(2):127-139.
  • Grogger, J.T., Carson, R.T., 1991. Models for truncated counts. Journal of Applied Econometrics 6, p. 225-238. doi:10.1002/jae.3950060302
  • Hellerstein, D.M., 1991. Using count data models in travel cost analysis with aggregate data. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 73(3):860- 866. doi:10.2307/1242838
  • İzmir Metropolitan Municipality, 2011. Fish Marketplace Prices, (15.08.2012).
  • Lleonart, J., 2005. Maditerranean and Black Sea. In: Review of the State of World Fishery Resources, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, No. 457, Rome, 235 p.
  • Milon, J.W., 1988. Travel cost methods for estimating the recreational use benefits of artificial marine habitat. Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, July:87-101.
  • Miran, B., 2003. Basic Statistics (in Turkish). Ege University Press, ISBN 975- 9308800, Bornova, Izmir, 297 p.
  • Ortaçeşme, V., Özkan, B., Karagüzel, O., 2002. An estimation of the recreational use value of Kursunlu Waterfall Nature Park by the individual travel cost method. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 26:57-62.
  • Pak, M., Türker, M.F., 2006. Estimation of recreational use value of forest resources by using individual travel cost and contingent valuation (Kayabaşı Forest Recreation Site Sample). Journal of Applied Sciences, 6(1):1-5. doi:10.3923/jas.2006.1.5
  • Park, T., Bowker, J.M., Leeworthy, V.R., 2002. Valuing snorkeling visits to the Florida Keys with stated and revealed preference models. Journal of Environmental Management, 65:301-312. doi:10.1006/jema.2002.0552
  • Parkkila, K., Arlinghaus, R., Artell, J., Gentner, B., Haider, W., Aas, Ø., Barton, D., Roth, E., Sipponen, M., 2010. Methodologies for assessing socio-economic benefits of European inland recreational fisheries. FAO European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission Occasional Paper No: 46, Ankara, FAO, 112 p.
  • Pawson, M.G., Glenn, H., Padda, G., 2008. The definition of marine recreational fishing in Europe. Marine Policy, 32(3):339-350. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2007.07.001
  • SFITUM, 2004. Sport Fishing: an informative and economic alternative for tuna fishing in the Mediterranean (SFITUM). EC Project 02/C132/11/41, Final Report Volume 2, 145 p.
  • Shrestha, R.K., Seidl, A.F., Moraes, A.S., 2002. Value of recreational fishing in the Brazilian Pantanal: a travel cost analysis using count data models. Ecological Economics, 42:289-299. doi:10.1016/S0921-8009(02)00106-4
  • Southwick Associates (SA), 2008. The Economic Impacts of Marine Recreational Fishing in the North Central Coast of California and the Potential Effects of Area Closures. SA, Fish and Wildlife Economics and Statistics. Report prepared for American Sportfishing Association, 36 p.
  • Sutinen, J.G., Jhonston, R.J., 2003. Angling management organizations: integrating the recreational sector into fishery management. Marine Policy, 27:471-487. doi:10.1016/S0308-597X(03)00079-4
  • Toivonen, A.L., Roth, E., Navrud, S., Gudbergsson, G., Appelblad, H., Bengtsson, B., Tuunainen, P., 2004. The economic value of recreational fisheries in Nordic countries. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 11:1- 14. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2400.2003.00376.x
  • Turkish Statistical Institute Web Site (TSI), 2011. The Results of Address Based Population Registration System. <> (25.06.2012).
  • Ünal, V., Acarlı, D., Gordoa, A., 2010. Characteristics of marine recreational fishing in Çanakkale Strait (Turkey). Mediterranean Marine Science, 11(2):315-330.
  • Winkelmann, R., 2000. Econometric Analysis of Count Data. 5th Edition, Springer, Heidelberg, 333 p.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Sezgin Tunca

Vahdet Ünal

Bülent Miran

Publication Date June 1, 2012
Submission Date December 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2012Volume: 29 Issue: 2


APA Tunca, S. ., Ünal, V. ., & Miran, B. . (2012). A preliminary study on economic value of recreational fishing in Izmir Inner Bay, Aegean Sea (Turkey). Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 29(2), 55-62.