Research Article
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Determination of the quality parameters of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) finger during refrigerated storage

Year 2017, Volume: 34 Issue: 4, 369 - 373, 15.12.2017


The quality parameters and shelf life of African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fingers during the
storage at +4˚C were investigated in terms of sensory, chemical
and microbiological changes. Sensory, chemical [pH, total volatile basic
nitrogen (TVB-N)] and microbiological (total aerobic mesophylic bacteria
(TAMB), total yeast and mold, coliform bacteria and salmonella) analyses were
performed during the storage. pH values decreased significantly (p
<0.05); on the other hand
TVB-N value increased statistically. These values were lower than the acceptable
limits at the end of the 21-days of storage. Sensory scores declined to lower
than acceptable limit of consumption after
day of the storage.
values were lower than maximum limits during the 12-days of storage of fish
finger. TAMB level exceeded 7 log cfu/g after 12 days. At the end of the
storage period, pH, TVB-N, TAMB, total yeast and mould were determined as 5.88,
mg N/100, 8.18 log cfu/g and 5.87 log
cfu/g, respectively. It was also concluded that African catfish is a good
source for producing fish finger and its products could be stored in a
refrigerator (at +4˚C) for at least 12 days.


  • Anonymous (2007). Fisheries Statistics. State Institute of Statistics. Ankara: Prime Ministry Republic of Turkey.
  • Baygar, T., Erkan, N., Mol, S., Ozden, O., Ucok, D. & Yildirim, Y. (2008). Determination of the shelf-life of trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) raw meat ball that packed under modified atmosphere. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 7(3):412-417. doi: 10.3923/pjn.2008.412.417
  • Berik, N., Çankırılıgil, C. & Kahraman, D. (2011). Alabalık (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Filetosundan Kroket Yapımı ve Kalite Niteliklerinin Belirlenmesi. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veterinerlik Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(5):735-740. doi: 10.9775/kvfd.2011.4313
  • Botta, J.R., Lauder, J.T. & Jewer, M.A. (1984). Effect of methodology on total volatile basic nitrogen (TVBN) determination as an index of quality of fresh Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). Journal of Food Science, 49:34-736. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2621.1984.tb13197.x
  • Cobb, B.F. & Venderzont, G. (1975). Development of a chemical test for shrimp quality. Journal of Food Science, 40:121–124. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2621.1975.tb03751.x
  • Çakli, S., Taşkaya, L., Kisla, D., Çelik, U., Ataman, C.A., Cadun, A., Kılınç, B. & Maleki, R.H. (2005). Production and quality of fish finger from different fish species. European Food Research and Technology, 220:526-530. doi: 10.1007/s00217-004-1089-9
  • Elyasi, A., Zakipour, Rahim Abadi, E., Sahari, M.A. & Zare, P. (2010). Chemical and microbial changes of fish fingers made from mince and surimi of common Carp (Cyprinus carpio L., 1758). International Food Research Journal, 17:915-920.
  • Emir Çoban, Ö. (2013). Effect of Ginger oil on the sensory and chemical changes of fish finger (Sarda sarda, Heckel 1843) during refrigerated storage. International Food Research Journal, 20(4):1575-1578.
  • Ersoy, B. (2000). Karabalık (Clarias lazera) Köftesinin Buzdolabı Koşullarındaki Raf Ömrü. Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu 22-24 Eylül 2000. Sinop, Türkiye.
  • Ersoy, B. & Yılmaz, A.B. (2003). Frozen storage of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus BURCHELL, 1822) mince balls. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 27:827–832.
  • Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization (1989). Food Standarts Codex Alimentarius. Standard for quick frozen fish sticks (fish fingers), fish portions and fish fillets-breaded or in batter. Codex Standard, 166:1-10.
  • Gökoğlu, N. & Yerlikaya, P. (2009). Bitki Özütleri İlave Edilmiş Balık Kroketin Dondurulmuş Depolama Süresince Kalite Değişimlerinin İncelenmesi. 15. Ulusal Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu 2009. Rize, Turkey.
  • Harrigan, W.F. (1998). Laboratory Methods in Food Microbiology. San Diago: Academic Press.
  • International Commission on Microbiological Specifications For Foods (1978). Microorganisms in foods (Vol 2). The International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods. Toronto: Canada.
  • İnanlı, A.G., Çoban, Ö.E., Özpolat, E. & Dartay, M. (2005). Bıyıklı balıktan yapılan kroketlerinin soğukta raf ömrünün belirlenmesi (Barbus esocinus, HECKEL, 1843). Su Ürünleri Mühendisleri Derneği Dergisi, 40-44.
  • İzci, L., Bilgin, Ş. & Günlü, A. (2011). Production of fish finger from sand smelt (Atherinaboyeri, RISSO 1810) and determination of quality changes. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(21):4464-4469. doi: 10.5897/AJB10.2093
  • Kılınç, B. (2007). Microbiological, sensory and color changes of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicholus) patties during refrigerated storage. Journal of Muscle Foods, 20:129-137. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-4573.2009.00139.x
  • Kietzmann, U., Priebe, K., Rakov, D. & Reichstein, K. (1969). Seefisch als lebensmittel. Hamburg. Berlin: Paul Parey Verlag. Kurtcan, Ü. & Gönül, M. (1987). Gıdaların Duyusal Değerlendirilmesinde Puanlama Metodu. Ege Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, Seri B, Gıda Mühendisliği, 5(1):137-146.
  • Lima Dos Santos, C., James, D. & Teutscher, F. (1981). Guidelines for chilled fish storage experiments. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper (p.210).
  • Ludorff, W., & Meyer, V. (1973). Fische und fischerzeugnisse. Hamburg. Berlin: Paul Parey Verlag.
  • Oehlenschlager, J. (1981). Variation der gehelte an fluchtigen stickstofgehaltigen basen und “TVB-N” in Retbersch. Informationen für die Fischwirtschaft, 53:33–34.
  • Oxoid, (1982). The Oxoid Manual of Culture Media. Ingredients and Other Laboratory Services. London: Oxoid Ltd.
  • Patır, B., Öksüztepe, G., Çoban, Ö.E. & Dikici, A. (2009). Dondurulmuş Karides Etinden Hazırlanan Kroketlerin Raf Ömrü. Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Veteriner Dergisi, 23(1):29-37.
  • Schormüller, J. (1968). Handbuch der lebensmittelchemie (Band III/2). Heidelberg. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
  • Sowmya Praneetha, S., Dhanapal, K., Reddy, G.V.S. & Balasubramanian, A. (2015). Development of fish finger from rohu (labeo rohita) and its quality evaluation during refrigerated storage condition. International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology, 4(6):1457-1468.
  • Taskaya, L., Cakli, S., Kisla, D. & Kılınç, B. (2003). Quality changes of fish burger from rainbow trout during refrigerated storage. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 20:147-154.
  • Varlık, C., Uğur, M., Gökoğlu, N. & Gün, H. (1993). Su ürünlerinde kalite kontrol ilke ve yöntemleri. İstanbul, Turkey: Gıda Teknolojisi Derneği.

Soğukta depolanan karabalık kroketlerinin kalite parametrelerinin tespiti

Year 2017, Volume: 34 Issue: 4, 369 - 373, 15.12.2017


+4˚C’de depolama
boyunca karabalık kroketlerinin (Clarias
) kalite parametreleri ve raf ömrü duyusal, kimyasal ve
mikrobiyolojik değişiklikler bakımından araştırılmıştır. Depolama süresince
duyusal, kimyasal [pH, toplam uçucu bazik nitrojen (TVB-N)] ve mikrobiyolojik
(toplam aerobik mezofilik bakteri,
toplam maya-küf, koliform
bakteri ve salmonella) analizleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. TVB-N değeri
istatistiki olarak önemli ölçüde (p
<0.05) artmasına rağmen, pH değeri azalmıştır. Bu
değerler 21 günün sonunda kabul edilebilir limitlerin altında kalmıştır.
Duyusal skorlar 12 gün sonra tüketilebilirlik limitinin altında tespit
edilmiştir. Mikrobiyolojik değerler 12 günlük depolama boyunca kabul edilebilir
değerlerden daha düşük bulunmuştur. TAMB seviyesi 12 günden sonra 7 log kob/g’ı
aşmıştır. Depolama periyodu boyunca pH, TVB-N, TAMB, toplam maya ve küf
değerleri sırasıyla 5.88, 31.75
mg N/100, 8.18 log kob/g ve 5.87 log kob/g olarak tespit edilmiştir.
Karabalığın balık kroket üretimi için iyi bir kaynak olduğu ve bu ürünlerin
buzdolabında en az 12 gün depolanabileceği (+4˚C) tespit edilmiştir.


  • Anonymous (2007). Fisheries Statistics. State Institute of Statistics. Ankara: Prime Ministry Republic of Turkey.
  • Baygar, T., Erkan, N., Mol, S., Ozden, O., Ucok, D. & Yildirim, Y. (2008). Determination of the shelf-life of trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) raw meat ball that packed under modified atmosphere. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 7(3):412-417. doi: 10.3923/pjn.2008.412.417
  • Berik, N., Çankırılıgil, C. & Kahraman, D. (2011). Alabalık (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Filetosundan Kroket Yapımı ve Kalite Niteliklerinin Belirlenmesi. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veterinerlik Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(5):735-740. doi: 10.9775/kvfd.2011.4313
  • Botta, J.R., Lauder, J.T. & Jewer, M.A. (1984). Effect of methodology on total volatile basic nitrogen (TVBN) determination as an index of quality of fresh Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). Journal of Food Science, 49:34-736. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2621.1984.tb13197.x
  • Cobb, B.F. & Venderzont, G. (1975). Development of a chemical test for shrimp quality. Journal of Food Science, 40:121–124. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2621.1975.tb03751.x
  • Çakli, S., Taşkaya, L., Kisla, D., Çelik, U., Ataman, C.A., Cadun, A., Kılınç, B. & Maleki, R.H. (2005). Production and quality of fish finger from different fish species. European Food Research and Technology, 220:526-530. doi: 10.1007/s00217-004-1089-9
  • Elyasi, A., Zakipour, Rahim Abadi, E., Sahari, M.A. & Zare, P. (2010). Chemical and microbial changes of fish fingers made from mince and surimi of common Carp (Cyprinus carpio L., 1758). International Food Research Journal, 17:915-920.
  • Emir Çoban, Ö. (2013). Effect of Ginger oil on the sensory and chemical changes of fish finger (Sarda sarda, Heckel 1843) during refrigerated storage. International Food Research Journal, 20(4):1575-1578.
  • Ersoy, B. (2000). Karabalık (Clarias lazera) Köftesinin Buzdolabı Koşullarındaki Raf Ömrü. Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu 22-24 Eylül 2000. Sinop, Türkiye.
  • Ersoy, B. & Yılmaz, A.B. (2003). Frozen storage of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus BURCHELL, 1822) mince balls. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 27:827–832.
  • Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization (1989). Food Standarts Codex Alimentarius. Standard for quick frozen fish sticks (fish fingers), fish portions and fish fillets-breaded or in batter. Codex Standard, 166:1-10.
  • Gökoğlu, N. & Yerlikaya, P. (2009). Bitki Özütleri İlave Edilmiş Balık Kroketin Dondurulmuş Depolama Süresince Kalite Değişimlerinin İncelenmesi. 15. Ulusal Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu 2009. Rize, Turkey.
  • Harrigan, W.F. (1998). Laboratory Methods in Food Microbiology. San Diago: Academic Press.
  • International Commission on Microbiological Specifications For Foods (1978). Microorganisms in foods (Vol 2). The International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods. Toronto: Canada.
  • İnanlı, A.G., Çoban, Ö.E., Özpolat, E. & Dartay, M. (2005). Bıyıklı balıktan yapılan kroketlerinin soğukta raf ömrünün belirlenmesi (Barbus esocinus, HECKEL, 1843). Su Ürünleri Mühendisleri Derneği Dergisi, 40-44.
  • İzci, L., Bilgin, Ş. & Günlü, A. (2011). Production of fish finger from sand smelt (Atherinaboyeri, RISSO 1810) and determination of quality changes. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(21):4464-4469. doi: 10.5897/AJB10.2093
  • Kılınç, B. (2007). Microbiological, sensory and color changes of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicholus) patties during refrigerated storage. Journal of Muscle Foods, 20:129-137. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-4573.2009.00139.x
  • Kietzmann, U., Priebe, K., Rakov, D. & Reichstein, K. (1969). Seefisch als lebensmittel. Hamburg. Berlin: Paul Parey Verlag. Kurtcan, Ü. & Gönül, M. (1987). Gıdaların Duyusal Değerlendirilmesinde Puanlama Metodu. Ege Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, Seri B, Gıda Mühendisliği, 5(1):137-146.
  • Lima Dos Santos, C., James, D. & Teutscher, F. (1981). Guidelines for chilled fish storage experiments. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper (p.210).
  • Ludorff, W., & Meyer, V. (1973). Fische und fischerzeugnisse. Hamburg. Berlin: Paul Parey Verlag.
  • Oehlenschlager, J. (1981). Variation der gehelte an fluchtigen stickstofgehaltigen basen und “TVB-N” in Retbersch. Informationen für die Fischwirtschaft, 53:33–34.
  • Oxoid, (1982). The Oxoid Manual of Culture Media. Ingredients and Other Laboratory Services. London: Oxoid Ltd.
  • Patır, B., Öksüztepe, G., Çoban, Ö.E. & Dikici, A. (2009). Dondurulmuş Karides Etinden Hazırlanan Kroketlerin Raf Ömrü. Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Veteriner Dergisi, 23(1):29-37.
  • Schormüller, J. (1968). Handbuch der lebensmittelchemie (Band III/2). Heidelberg. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
  • Sowmya Praneetha, S., Dhanapal, K., Reddy, G.V.S. & Balasubramanian, A. (2015). Development of fish finger from rohu (labeo rohita) and its quality evaluation during refrigerated storage condition. International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology, 4(6):1457-1468.
  • Taskaya, L., Cakli, S., Kisla, D. & Kılınç, B. (2003). Quality changes of fish burger from rainbow trout during refrigerated storage. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 20:147-154.
  • Varlık, C., Uğur, M., Gökoğlu, N. & Gün, H. (1993). Su ürünlerinde kalite kontrol ilke ve yöntemleri. İstanbul, Turkey: Gıda Teknolojisi Derneği.
There are 27 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Beyza Ersoy Altun

Figen Kaba Güngör

Publication Date December 15, 2017
Submission Date May 24, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017Volume: 34 Issue: 4


APA Ersoy Altun, B., & Kaba Güngör, F. (2017). Determination of the quality parameters of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) finger during refrigerated storage. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 34(4), 369-373.