Amaç ve Kapsam

Hagia Sophia Journal of Geometry (HSJG) is established to ensure the advancement of mathematics. Editors and referees examine the submitted papers on the basis of scientific merit regardless of authors' nationality and gender, country of residence, institutional affiliation and political views. 

Hagia Sophia Journal of Geometry (HSJG) accepts original research papers in all areas of Geometry. HSJG covers the following main areas:

Differential geometry, 


Lie groups, 

Geometric algebra,

Finite geometries,

Combinatorial geometry,

Kinematic geometry,

Euclidean geometry, 

Non-Euclidean geometries,

Matrix theory,

Quantum groups,

Hopf algebra, 

Clifford algebra.

Research in these subjects has been very lively recently, and the interplay between individual areas has enriched them all. The journal seeks high-quality original papers of both research and expository nature.

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