Writing Rules

1. The journal publishes original research and review articles which have not been published, are not being evaluated for publication simultaneously elsewhere and are not going to be submitted for publication elsewhere in the field of Agriculture, Forestry, Food, Environment, Landscape, Aquaculture, Biology and Biotechnology.

2. Authors should certify that neither the manuscript nor its main contents have already been published or submitted for publication in another journal. The Copyright Transfer Form must be signed by all authors and must be submitted through the online system together with the article.

3. Similarity index (iThenticate result) must not exceed 25% score. Manuscripts exceeding 25% are returned to the authors and must be resubmitted to the system within one (1) month. Articles that are not resubmitted within one month are rejected.

4. The full texts selected by the scientific committees of the papers presented at the national and international scientific congresses and symposiums are published as the SPECIAL ISSUE of the 'Çukurova Agriculture and Food Sciences Journal' with the printing costs provided by the Organizing Committee.

5. Articles can be written in Turkish or English in the journal published in the form of 2 issues in June and December per year.

6. Articles submitted to the journal are examined in terms of scientific content and form by at least two reviewers determined by the Editorial Committee. Those who have been given appropriate opinions by the reviewer shall be published in printed and electronic form.

7. The manuscripts must not exceed 16 pages.

8. In accordance with the spelling rules, articles are prepared using Microsoft Word software in Times New Roman and submitted to the journal by DergiPark online submission system. The manuscript that are not prepared for the rules of spelling shall be returned to the author(s).

9. The author(s) of the article are not paid royalties.

10. The author(s) of the manuscript published in the journal are given a total of 10 separate prints free of charge.

11. An author can submit a maximum of 2 (two) works in the same number.

12. After a manuscript has been accepted for publication the author will not be permitted to make changes i.e. adding/subtracting etc.

13. The manuscript that has been evaluated will be put in order to publish according to date of submission.

14. Each study should be in A4 size paper with MS Word 2007 (or higher) and in the following order.

15. Page Layout: Turkish Title and Abstract, English Title and Abstract should be a single column (column width 14 cm), all other sections should be 2 columns (column widths 7.5 cm and 0.5 cm space between columns). However, figures and graphs may be included as a single column, in the case that they do not exceed the page width.

16. Font Size: Abstract, Abstract and footnotes 10 pt, other texts 11 pt, line spacing single (1 spacing), unindented paragraph, paper size A4 (210x297 mm), margins; Upper-bottom: 3.5 cm, right-left 2.75 cm, and writings should be sided to right or left.

17. In terms of overall appearance, a dot should be used as a decimal separator (Example: 25.17 °C; 4.25 kg; 12.5%, etc.) in order to facilitate reading, a space (nonbroken / forced space) must be left as a thousand separator (Example: 15 000; 45 564 123; 45 123.25 etc.), numbers must be placed in the middle in tables including number, the numbers of after the decimal separators should be equal (example: 25.12; 45.36; 12.10%; 45.80% etc.), when two consecutive digits are required, a hyphen (-) must be placed between two digits (example: 14.2-17.3; 12-47% etc.).

18. Research-based article; Turkish Title, Turkish Abstract, English Title, English Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion (or Conclusions and Recommendations), and if necessary, acknowledgments should be grouped under the main caption. All references referred to in the text should be given at the end of the article under the References section. All section captions should be written as without number in lower case (initials in the capital), in bold and with relevant section font size.

19. The title of the manuscript should be clear and appropriate to the content of the work, written with 3 spaces left from the top, in the middle, in 13-point, in bold and with the lower case as the first letters in capital letters.

20. Under the title, the name(s) and surname(s) of the author(s) should be written in 12 pt as normal, the corresponding author should be marked with an asterisk, telephone, fax numbers, and e-mail address should be given at the end of the first page as a footnote. The addresses of other authors (if different) should be indicated by giving numeral at the end of the name of the author.

21. The title in the second language should be written in the middle, in 12 points, in bold and with the lower case as the first letters in capital letters.

22. If the article is written in Turkish, the Turkish title and abstract, if written in English, the English title and Abstract should be taken to start of the text. The abstract should not exceed 100 words. Keywords should be given below the Abstract and the total number should be maximum 6. Subtitles of ‘Keywords’ should be written in a left-justified manner, in bold with 10 points.

Keywords: Chickpea, fertilizing methods, yield

23. References in the work should be done according to basis 'Author and Year' as follows;
One-named references; Özbek (1982), .... Two-named references; Couch and Metz (1977), .... References with more than two names; Couch et al. (1999) ...In Turkish and foreign language authors are not specified publications and information received from the Internet; should be given in the form Anonymous (2006), ... - Anonymous (2003), ... In addition, when a subject is opened or given information in the text, the reference (s) to which the information is received should be given between the sentence or at the end of the sentence, according to the number of names in the reference (For example; Öztürk and Selli, 2013; Göncü, 2014; Çetin et al., 2015).

24. In a text, a topic in a work that has not been uncovered, the transmission from another publication can be shown as follows; ‘According to Akın et al. (1950), Taner (1945),........... as determine’ or., ‘was defined as ....... (Özkütük, 1945: from Akın et al., 1950)’. Works in the text, but unavailable and taken from another reference cited (Özkütük et al., 1950) should not be included in "References" section.

25. A reference used in the work should be listed in the order of as surname alphabetic under the title 'References'. Bottom lines should be made 1 cm inside and without tab and there should be no gap between the references. Book names and periodicals should be written in italics. The following are examples of writing about references:

Gamelin, F. X., Baquet, G., Berthoin, S., Thevenet, D., Nourry, C., Nottin, S., Bosquet, L. (2009) Effect of high-intensity intermittent training on heart rate variability in prepubescent children. Eur J Appl Physiol 105:731-738.

Marschner, H. (1995) Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants. Academic Press, London.

Chapter in book
Fıratlı, Ç. (1993) Arı yetiştirme: Hayvan Yetiştirme. M. Ertuğrul (Ed.), 239-270, Bilgi Yayınevi, Ankara.

Online Document
Cartwright, J. (2007) Big stars have weather too. IOP Publishing PhysicsWeb. http://physicsweb.org/articles/news/11/6/16/1, Accessed 26 June 2007.

Postgraduate Theses
Trent, J. W. (1975) Experimental acute renal failure. Ph.D. Thesis. (MSc Thesis), University of California.

26. Graphics, maps, photographs, pictures, etc. should be called ‘Figure x’ and figures should be black and white and clear. The numerical values should be called ‘Table x’. Figure captions must be written below the related figure, table captions above the related table in 11 pt. The first letter of the first word should be capitalized in the annotations of Figures and Tables (in the headings); no punctuation should be placed at the end of the title. Intra-table writings could be 9-11 font size. Figures and tables should be placed in the middle and should not exceed 7.5 cm in one column and 15.5 cm in double column.

27. The manuscript should be prepared according to the International Unit System (SI).

From January 1, 2016 “Çukurova University Journal of Faculty of Agriculture” continuous its publication life as “Çukurova Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences”.