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Bakır'ın farklı yoğunluklarının Tetraselmis chuii'ye toksik etkisi ve birikimi.

Yıl 2005, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 3, 297 - 301, 01.09.2005



  • Becker, E. W., 1994. Biotechnology and Microalgae. Cambridge University Press.
  • Borowitzka, M. A and L. J. Borowitzka, 1988. Microalgal Biotechnology. Section II. Products and uses of Microalgae. Cambridge Univ. Press.
  • Chen B., Q. Huang, X. Lin, Q. Shi, S. Wu,1998. Accumulation of Ag, Cd, Co, Cu, Hg, Ni and Pb in Pavlova viridis Tseng (Haptophyceae). J. Applied Phycology. 10: 371-376.
  • Costa A.C.A. and F.P. Franca, 1998. The behaviour of the microalgae Tetraselmis chuii in cadmium-contaminated solutions. Aquaculture International. 6(1): 57-66.
  • Eisler R.1981. Trace metal concentrations in marine organisms. Pergamon press, New York.
  • Fabregas J., C. Herrero 1986. Marine microalgae as potential source of minerals in fish diets. Aquaculture. 51: 237-243.
  • Freedman B.1989. The impacts of pollution and other stresses on ecosystem structure and function. Environmental Ecology. Academic press, London.
  • Guillard R.R.L.,1975. Culture Methods and Growth Measurements, Handbook of Phcological Methods, (Ed. J. R. Stein), 289-311. Cambridge Univ. Press.
  • Gumgum B., E. Unlu, Z. Tez and Z. Gulsun,1994. Heavy metal pollution in water, sediment and fish from the Tiger River in Turkey. Chemosphere 29 (1): 111-116.
  • Guven K., C. Ozbay, E. Unlu and A. Satar,1999. Acute lethal toxicity and accumulation of copper in Gammarus pulex (L.) (Amphipoda) Tr. J. Biol. 23: 51-521.
  • Inthorn D.,2001. Removal of heavy metal by using microalgae. Edited by Hiroyuki Kojima and Yuan Kun Lee, Photosynthetic Microorganisms in Environmental Biotechnology. Springer- Verlag Hong Kong Ltd 2001. 310: 111-169.
  • Jones J.B. and V.W. Case,1990. Sampling, handling and analysing plant tissue samples. In: Westerman, R.L. (Ed.), Soil Testing and Plant Analysis, 3rd Edition (SSSA Book Series 3). SSSA, Madison, WI, pp. 389-427.
  • Kasai F. and S. Hatakeyama,1993. Herbicide susceptibility in two green algae, Chlorella vulgaris and Selenastrum capricornutum. Chemosphere, 27(5): 899-904.
  • Lanno, R. P., S. J. Slinger, and J. W. Hilton, , 1985. Maximum tolerable and toxicity levels of dietary copper in rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri Richardson. Aquaculture, 49: 257-268.
  • Liao, C., Su, H-M., Lin, J-H. Crustacean Aquaculture. CRC Press, Inc. (Ed. McVey, J.) Boca Raton, Florida. 43-65, 1983.
  • Lopez-Suarez C.E., J.M. Castro-Romero, M.V. Gonzales-Rodriguez, E. Gonzales-Soto, J. Perez-Iglesias, H.M. Seco-Lago and J.M. Fernandez- Solis,2000. Study of the parameters affecting the binding of metals in solution by Chlorella vulgaris. Talanta 50:1313-1318.
  • Megharaj M., H.W. Pearson and K. Venkateswarlu,1991. Toxicity of p- Aminophenol and p- Nitrophenol to Chlorella vulgaris and two species of Nostoc isolated from soil. Pesticide biochemistry and Physiology, 40: 266-273.
  • Munoz M.J., C. Ramos and J.V. Tarazona,1996. Bioaccumulation and toxicity of hexachlorobenzene in Chlorella vulgaris and Daphnia magna. Aquatic Toxicology. 35: 211- 220
  • Nriagu J.O., 1979. Copper in the environment, Parts I and 2. Wiley Interscience, Chichester.
  • Pistocchi R., A.M. Mormile, F. Guerrini, G. Isani and L. Boni, 2000. Increasing production of extra- and intracelluar metal ligands in phytoplankton exposed to copper and cadmium. J. of Applied Phycology. 12: 469- 477.
  • Rachlin J.W., A. Grosso,1991.The effect of pH on the grow of Chlorella vulgaris and its interactions with cadmium toxicity. Arch. Envr. Contam. Toxicol.20:505-508.
  • Rai P.K., N. Mallick and L.C. Rai,1993. Physiological and biochemical studies on an acid-tolerant Chlorella vulgaris under copper stress. J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol. 39: 529-540.
  • Richmond, A. E., 1986. Handbook of Microalgal Mass Culture. CRC Press, Inc. Boca Raton, Florida.
  • Sadiq M., 1992. Toxic metal chemistry in marine environments. Marcel Dekker, New
  • Sandau E., P. Sandau, O. Pulz and M. Zimmermann,1996. Heavy metal sorption by marine algae and algal by-products. Acta Biotechnol. 16: 103-119.
  • Stokes P.M. and T.C. Hutchinson, 1976. Copper toxicity to phytoplankton as affected by organic ligands, other cations and inherent tolerance of algae to copper. In RW Andrews, PV Hodson, and DE Konasewich, Eds. Toxicity to biota of metal forms in naturel water. Proceedings of a workshop in Duluth, Minn., Oct, 7-8, pp. 159-185.
  • Talling J.F. and D. Driver,1974. Some problems in the estimation of chlorophyll-a in phytoplankton. In: Vollenveider, A. R. (Ed.), A manuel of Methods for Measuring Primary Production in Aquatic Environments, Burges and Son, Oxford, p. 72.
  • Trollope D.R. and B. Evans, 1976. Concentrations of copper, iron, lead, nickel and Zinc in freshwater algal blooms. Environ. Pollut. 11: 109-116.
  • Vonshak, A., 1990. Recent Advances in Microalgal Biotechnology. Biotech. Adv. Vol. 8, pp. 709-727.

Bioaccumulation and Toxicity of Different Copper Concentrations in Tetraselmis chuii.

Yıl 2005, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 3, 297 - 301, 01.09.2005


Bakır’ın farklı yoğunluklarının Tetraselmis chuii’ye toksik etkisi ve birikimi. Çevre kirliliğinden korunmak amacıyla son yıllarda ağır metallerin biyolojik yöntemle ortamdan alınması konusu giderek önem kazanmaktadır. Algal biyomas, endüstriyel atık sular veya diğer kaynaklardan ağır metallerin uzaklaştırılması için ekonomik olarak kullanılabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada bir ağır metal olan bakırın alg büyümesi üzerine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Tetraselmis chuii’nin, farklı yoğunluklarını içeren ortamlarda bakır biriktirme düzeyleri belirlenmiştir. Kültürler, I, II, III, IV ve V olmak üzere gruplandırılmış ve Cu++ yoğunlukları sırasıyla 3.59.10-9 (kontrol), 5.109, 10.10-9, 15.10-9 ve 20.10-9 nM olarak oluşturulmuştur. T. chuii kültürlerinde büyüme ve denemenin 3, 5 ve 7. günlerinde bakır bağlama düzeyleri belirlenmiştir. Denemenin sonunda kültür ortamlarına eklenen Cu++ sebebiyle alg büyümesinde bir gerileme gözlenmemiştir. Ortalama spesifik büyüme oranları (μ), beş grup için sırasıyla 0.53, 0.53, 0.31, 0.56 ve 0.61 olarak hesaplanmış ve benzer bulunmuştur (p>0.05). Gruplar için belirlenen bakır miktarları sırasıyla 52.93, 384.99, 552.62, 1611.08 ve 1673.96 μg metal g-1/kuru ağ. olarak hesaplanmış, IV. ve V. gruplarda belirtilen bakır miktarları diğer gruplara göre yüksek olmuştur. Bakır birikimi ve biyokonsantrasyon faktörleri gruplar arasında farklı bulunmuştur (p


  • Becker, E. W., 1994. Biotechnology and Microalgae. Cambridge University Press.
  • Borowitzka, M. A and L. J. Borowitzka, 1988. Microalgal Biotechnology. Section II. Products and uses of Microalgae. Cambridge Univ. Press.
  • Chen B., Q. Huang, X. Lin, Q. Shi, S. Wu,1998. Accumulation of Ag, Cd, Co, Cu, Hg, Ni and Pb in Pavlova viridis Tseng (Haptophyceae). J. Applied Phycology. 10: 371-376.
  • Costa A.C.A. and F.P. Franca, 1998. The behaviour of the microalgae Tetraselmis chuii in cadmium-contaminated solutions. Aquaculture International. 6(1): 57-66.
  • Eisler R.1981. Trace metal concentrations in marine organisms. Pergamon press, New York.
  • Fabregas J., C. Herrero 1986. Marine microalgae as potential source of minerals in fish diets. Aquaculture. 51: 237-243.
  • Freedman B.1989. The impacts of pollution and other stresses on ecosystem structure and function. Environmental Ecology. Academic press, London.
  • Guillard R.R.L.,1975. Culture Methods and Growth Measurements, Handbook of Phcological Methods, (Ed. J. R. Stein), 289-311. Cambridge Univ. Press.
  • Gumgum B., E. Unlu, Z. Tez and Z. Gulsun,1994. Heavy metal pollution in water, sediment and fish from the Tiger River in Turkey. Chemosphere 29 (1): 111-116.
  • Guven K., C. Ozbay, E. Unlu and A. Satar,1999. Acute lethal toxicity and accumulation of copper in Gammarus pulex (L.) (Amphipoda) Tr. J. Biol. 23: 51-521.
  • Inthorn D.,2001. Removal of heavy metal by using microalgae. Edited by Hiroyuki Kojima and Yuan Kun Lee, Photosynthetic Microorganisms in Environmental Biotechnology. Springer- Verlag Hong Kong Ltd 2001. 310: 111-169.
  • Jones J.B. and V.W. Case,1990. Sampling, handling and analysing plant tissue samples. In: Westerman, R.L. (Ed.), Soil Testing and Plant Analysis, 3rd Edition (SSSA Book Series 3). SSSA, Madison, WI, pp. 389-427.
  • Kasai F. and S. Hatakeyama,1993. Herbicide susceptibility in two green algae, Chlorella vulgaris and Selenastrum capricornutum. Chemosphere, 27(5): 899-904.
  • Lanno, R. P., S. J. Slinger, and J. W. Hilton, , 1985. Maximum tolerable and toxicity levels of dietary copper in rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri Richardson. Aquaculture, 49: 257-268.
  • Liao, C., Su, H-M., Lin, J-H. Crustacean Aquaculture. CRC Press, Inc. (Ed. McVey, J.) Boca Raton, Florida. 43-65, 1983.
  • Lopez-Suarez C.E., J.M. Castro-Romero, M.V. Gonzales-Rodriguez, E. Gonzales-Soto, J. Perez-Iglesias, H.M. Seco-Lago and J.M. Fernandez- Solis,2000. Study of the parameters affecting the binding of metals in solution by Chlorella vulgaris. Talanta 50:1313-1318.
  • Megharaj M., H.W. Pearson and K. Venkateswarlu,1991. Toxicity of p- Aminophenol and p- Nitrophenol to Chlorella vulgaris and two species of Nostoc isolated from soil. Pesticide biochemistry and Physiology, 40: 266-273.
  • Munoz M.J., C. Ramos and J.V. Tarazona,1996. Bioaccumulation and toxicity of hexachlorobenzene in Chlorella vulgaris and Daphnia magna. Aquatic Toxicology. 35: 211- 220
  • Nriagu J.O., 1979. Copper in the environment, Parts I and 2. Wiley Interscience, Chichester.
  • Pistocchi R., A.M. Mormile, F. Guerrini, G. Isani and L. Boni, 2000. Increasing production of extra- and intracelluar metal ligands in phytoplankton exposed to copper and cadmium. J. of Applied Phycology. 12: 469- 477.
  • Rachlin J.W., A. Grosso,1991.The effect of pH on the grow of Chlorella vulgaris and its interactions with cadmium toxicity. Arch. Envr. Contam. Toxicol.20:505-508.
  • Rai P.K., N. Mallick and L.C. Rai,1993. Physiological and biochemical studies on an acid-tolerant Chlorella vulgaris under copper stress. J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol. 39: 529-540.
  • Richmond, A. E., 1986. Handbook of Microalgal Mass Culture. CRC Press, Inc. Boca Raton, Florida.
  • Sadiq M., 1992. Toxic metal chemistry in marine environments. Marcel Dekker, New
  • Sandau E., P. Sandau, O. Pulz and M. Zimmermann,1996. Heavy metal sorption by marine algae and algal by-products. Acta Biotechnol. 16: 103-119.
  • Stokes P.M. and T.C. Hutchinson, 1976. Copper toxicity to phytoplankton as affected by organic ligands, other cations and inherent tolerance of algae to copper. In RW Andrews, PV Hodson, and DE Konasewich, Eds. Toxicity to biota of metal forms in naturel water. Proceedings of a workshop in Duluth, Minn., Oct, 7-8, pp. 159-185.
  • Talling J.F. and D. Driver,1974. Some problems in the estimation of chlorophyll-a in phytoplankton. In: Vollenveider, A. R. (Ed.), A manuel of Methods for Measuring Primary Production in Aquatic Environments, Burges and Son, Oxford, p. 72.
  • Trollope D.R. and B. Evans, 1976. Concentrations of copper, iron, lead, nickel and Zinc in freshwater algal blooms. Environ. Pollut. 11: 109-116.
  • Vonshak, A., 1990. Recent Advances in Microalgal Biotechnology. Biotech. Adv. Vol. 8, pp. 709-727.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Ayşe Bahar Yılmaz

Oya Işık

Selin Sayın

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2005
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Aralık 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2005Cilt: 22 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Yılmaz, A. B. ., Işık, O. ., & Sayın, S. . (2005). Bioaccumulation and Toxicity of Different Copper Concentrations in Tetraselmis chuii. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 22(3), 297-301.