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An evaluation on the fish diversity of Gökova Bay (Aegean Sea).

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 31 Sayı: 3, 161 - 166, 01.09.2014



  • Akyol, O., Ünal, V., Ceyhan, T., Bilecenoğlu, M., 2005. First confirmed record of Lagocephalus sceleratus (Gmelin,1789) in the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Fish Biology, 66:1183-1186. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8649.2005.00667.x
  • Akyol, O., Ünal, V., Ceyhan, T., 2006. Occurrence of two Lessepsian migrant fish, Oxyurichthys petersi (Gobiidae) and Upeneus pori (Mullidae), from the Aegean Sea. Cybium, 30 (4):389-390.
  • Akyol, O., Ceyhan, T., İlkyaz, A., Erdem, M, 2007a. Investigations on the set net fishery in Gökova Bay (Aegean Sea) (in Turkish with English abstract). Anadolu Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 8 (1): 139-144.
  • Akyol, O., Kınacıgil, H.T., Şevik, R. 2007b. Longline fishery and length-weight relationships for selected fish species in Gökova Bay (Aegean Sea, Turkey). International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences, 1 (1):1-4.
  • Akyol, O., Ünal, V., 2015. Additional record of the Lessepsian Apogon queketti Gilchrist, 1903 (Osteichthyes: Apogonidae) from the Aegean Sea (Gökova Bay, Turkey). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 31(3):536- 537.
  • Anonim, 2006. Determination of bio-diversity of Gökova Marine Protected Area (in Turkish). T.C Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı Özel Çevre Koruma Başkanlığı. Final Raporu. 238 s.
  • Bilecenoğlu, M., Kaya, M., Irmak, E., 2001. A new mesopelagic fish for Turkish seas, Lophotus lacepede Giorna, 1809 ( Pisces: Lophotidae). Ege J Fish Aqua Sci, 18 (3-4): 537-539.
  • Bilecenoğlu, M., Taşkavak, E., Mater, S., Kaya, M., 2002. Checklist of the Marine Fishes of Turkey. Zootaxa, Magnolia Press 113:1–194.
  • Bilecenoğlu, M., Kaya, M., 2006. A new alien fish in the Mediterranean Sea- Platax teira (Forsskål, 1775) (Osteichthyes: Ephippidae). Aquatic Invasions, 1 (2): 80-83.
  • Bilecenoğlu, M., Kaya, M., Cihangir, B., Çiçek, E., 2014. An updated checklist of the marine fishes of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 38: 901-929. doi: 10.3906/zoo-1405-60
  • Buhan, E., Yılmaz, H., Morkan, Y., Büke, E., Yüksek, A., 1997. A new catch potential for Güllük Bay and Gökova Bay: Scomberomorus commerson (Lacepéde, 1800) (Pisces: Teleostei) (in Turkish with English abstract). In: Akdeniz Balıkçılık Kongresi, 9-11 Nisan, İzmir, pp. 937-944.
  • Ceyhan, T., Akyol, O., Erdem, M., 2009a. Length-weight relationships of fishes from Gökova Bay, Turkey (Aegean Sea). Turkish Journal of Zoology, 33: 69-72. doi: 10.3906/zoo-0802-9
  • Ceyhan, T., Akyol, O., Erdem, M., 2009b. Prawn fishery in Gökova Bay (Aegean Sea) (in Turkish with English abstract). Ege J Fish Aqua Sci, 26 (3): 219-224.
  • Cihangir, B., Benli, H.A., Cirik, Ş., Ünlüoğlu, A., Sayın, E., 1998. Bio- ecological properties of Gökova Bay (in Turkish with English abstract). Bodrum Yarımadası Çevre Sorunları Sempozyumu.15-19 Şubat, Bodrum.
  • Filiz, H., Irmak, E., Mater, S., 2005. Occurrence of Squatina aculeata Cuvier, 1829 (Elasmobranchii, Squatinidae) from the Aegean Sea, Turkey. Ege J Fish Aqua Sci, 22 (3-4): 451-452.
  • Francour, P., Bilecenoğlu, M., Kaya, M., 2007. In situ observations on new and rare gobies from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Médit., 38:478.
  • Froese, R., Pauly, D., 2014. FishBase. Worl Wide Web electronic publication., version (04/2014).
  • Golani D., Öztürk B., Başusta N., 2006. Fishes of the eastern Mediterranean. Turkish Marine Research Foundation (Publication No. 24), Istanbul, Turkey. Pp. 1-259.
  • Gülşahin, A., Kara, A., 2013. Record of Nemipterus randalli Russell, 1986 from the Southern Aegean Sea (Gökova Bay, Turkey). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 29: 933-934. doi: 10.1111/jai.12187
  • Kaya, M., Benli, H.A., Mater, S., 1990. Note preliminaire sur la presence d'un gobie (Gobius vittatus Vin.,1893) dans les eaux Turques (in French). Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit. 32 (1): 249.
  • Kıraç, C.O., Orkun, C., Toprak, A., Veryeri, N.O., Galli-Orsi, U., Ünal, V., Erdem, M., Çalca, A., Ergün, G., Suseven, B., Yalçıner, A.C. Manap, E., Kızılkaya, Z., Battal, M.K., Savaş, Y., Dessane, D., Yıldırım, Z.D., Veryeri, N.G., Kaboğlu, G., Çağlayan, S., Özden, E., Güçlüsoy, H., 2010. Management planning of coastal and marine area of Gökova Marine Protected Area (in Turkish). In: VIII. Türkiye Kıyıları Ulusal Konferansı, 27 Nisan-1 Mayıs, Trabzon, pp.1-10.
  • Mater, S., Kaya, M., Benli, H.A., 1988. An Investigation on the deep sea (Bathyal) fishes of Gökova Bay, Aegean Sea. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Médit., 31 (2): 276.
  • Meriç, N. 1994. Rare fishes in Turkish seas (in Turkish). XII. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, 6-8 Temmuz, Trakya Üniversitesi, Edirne, Bildiri Kitabı, pp. 295-299.
  • Öğretmen, F., Yılmaz F., Torcu Koç, H., 2005. An investigation on fishes of Gökova Bay (Southern Aegean Sea). BAÜ Fen Bil. Enst. Dergisi, 7 (2): 19-36.
  • Öz, M.I., Okuş, E., Yüksek, A., 2007. Notes on the Erythrean alien fishes of Datça-Bozburun Peninsula– a specially protected area in the south eastern Aegean Sea (Turkey). Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer. Medit. 38: 563.
  • Öziç, F., Yılmaz, F., 2006. An Investigation of Demersal Fishes of Gökova Bay in Aegean Sea (in Turkish with English abstract). Ekoloji, 15, 58: 16- 20.
  • Torcu, H., Mater, S., 2000. Lessepsian fishes spreading along the coasts of the Mediterranean and the Southern Aegean Sea of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 24: 139-148.
  • Ünal, V., Erdem, M., Göncüoğlu, H., Güçlüsoy, H., Tosunoğlu, Z., 2009. Management paradox of groupers (Epinephelinae) fishing in the Gökova Bay (Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey). Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, 7 (3-4): 914-917.

Gökova Körfezi (Ege Denizi) balık tür çeşitliliği üzerine bir değerlendirme.

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 31 Sayı: 3, 161 - 166, 01.09.2014


Bu derlemede, Gökova Körfezi’nde (Güneydoğu Ege Denizi) deniz balıklarının güncellenmiş tür çeşitliliği sunulmuştur. Gökova Körfezi’nde kıyı balıkçılığı temelli çalışmalardan toplanan sonuçlardan 95 familyaya ait 205 balık türü tespit edilmiştir. Gökova Körfezi’nde balıkçılık uzatma ağları, paraketa ve olta gibi küçük ölçekli balıkçılıktan oluşmaktadır


  • Akyol, O., Ünal, V., Ceyhan, T., Bilecenoğlu, M., 2005. First confirmed record of Lagocephalus sceleratus (Gmelin,1789) in the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Fish Biology, 66:1183-1186. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8649.2005.00667.x
  • Akyol, O., Ünal, V., Ceyhan, T., 2006. Occurrence of two Lessepsian migrant fish, Oxyurichthys petersi (Gobiidae) and Upeneus pori (Mullidae), from the Aegean Sea. Cybium, 30 (4):389-390.
  • Akyol, O., Ceyhan, T., İlkyaz, A., Erdem, M, 2007a. Investigations on the set net fishery in Gökova Bay (Aegean Sea) (in Turkish with English abstract). Anadolu Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 8 (1): 139-144.
  • Akyol, O., Kınacıgil, H.T., Şevik, R. 2007b. Longline fishery and length-weight relationships for selected fish species in Gökova Bay (Aegean Sea, Turkey). International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences, 1 (1):1-4.
  • Akyol, O., Ünal, V., 2015. Additional record of the Lessepsian Apogon queketti Gilchrist, 1903 (Osteichthyes: Apogonidae) from the Aegean Sea (Gökova Bay, Turkey). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 31(3):536- 537.
  • Anonim, 2006. Determination of bio-diversity of Gökova Marine Protected Area (in Turkish). T.C Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı Özel Çevre Koruma Başkanlığı. Final Raporu. 238 s.
  • Bilecenoğlu, M., Kaya, M., Irmak, E., 2001. A new mesopelagic fish for Turkish seas, Lophotus lacepede Giorna, 1809 ( Pisces: Lophotidae). Ege J Fish Aqua Sci, 18 (3-4): 537-539.
  • Bilecenoğlu, M., Taşkavak, E., Mater, S., Kaya, M., 2002. Checklist of the Marine Fishes of Turkey. Zootaxa, Magnolia Press 113:1–194.
  • Bilecenoğlu, M., Kaya, M., 2006. A new alien fish in the Mediterranean Sea- Platax teira (Forsskål, 1775) (Osteichthyes: Ephippidae). Aquatic Invasions, 1 (2): 80-83.
  • Bilecenoğlu, M., Kaya, M., Cihangir, B., Çiçek, E., 2014. An updated checklist of the marine fishes of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 38: 901-929. doi: 10.3906/zoo-1405-60
  • Buhan, E., Yılmaz, H., Morkan, Y., Büke, E., Yüksek, A., 1997. A new catch potential for Güllük Bay and Gökova Bay: Scomberomorus commerson (Lacepéde, 1800) (Pisces: Teleostei) (in Turkish with English abstract). In: Akdeniz Balıkçılık Kongresi, 9-11 Nisan, İzmir, pp. 937-944.
  • Ceyhan, T., Akyol, O., Erdem, M., 2009a. Length-weight relationships of fishes from Gökova Bay, Turkey (Aegean Sea). Turkish Journal of Zoology, 33: 69-72. doi: 10.3906/zoo-0802-9
  • Ceyhan, T., Akyol, O., Erdem, M., 2009b. Prawn fishery in Gökova Bay (Aegean Sea) (in Turkish with English abstract). Ege J Fish Aqua Sci, 26 (3): 219-224.
  • Cihangir, B., Benli, H.A., Cirik, Ş., Ünlüoğlu, A., Sayın, E., 1998. Bio- ecological properties of Gökova Bay (in Turkish with English abstract). Bodrum Yarımadası Çevre Sorunları Sempozyumu.15-19 Şubat, Bodrum.
  • Filiz, H., Irmak, E., Mater, S., 2005. Occurrence of Squatina aculeata Cuvier, 1829 (Elasmobranchii, Squatinidae) from the Aegean Sea, Turkey. Ege J Fish Aqua Sci, 22 (3-4): 451-452.
  • Francour, P., Bilecenoğlu, M., Kaya, M., 2007. In situ observations on new and rare gobies from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Médit., 38:478.
  • Froese, R., Pauly, D., 2014. FishBase. Worl Wide Web electronic publication., version (04/2014).
  • Golani D., Öztürk B., Başusta N., 2006. Fishes of the eastern Mediterranean. Turkish Marine Research Foundation (Publication No. 24), Istanbul, Turkey. Pp. 1-259.
  • Gülşahin, A., Kara, A., 2013. Record of Nemipterus randalli Russell, 1986 from the Southern Aegean Sea (Gökova Bay, Turkey). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 29: 933-934. doi: 10.1111/jai.12187
  • Kaya, M., Benli, H.A., Mater, S., 1990. Note preliminaire sur la presence d'un gobie (Gobius vittatus Vin.,1893) dans les eaux Turques (in French). Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit. 32 (1): 249.
  • Kıraç, C.O., Orkun, C., Toprak, A., Veryeri, N.O., Galli-Orsi, U., Ünal, V., Erdem, M., Çalca, A., Ergün, G., Suseven, B., Yalçıner, A.C. Manap, E., Kızılkaya, Z., Battal, M.K., Savaş, Y., Dessane, D., Yıldırım, Z.D., Veryeri, N.G., Kaboğlu, G., Çağlayan, S., Özden, E., Güçlüsoy, H., 2010. Management planning of coastal and marine area of Gökova Marine Protected Area (in Turkish). In: VIII. Türkiye Kıyıları Ulusal Konferansı, 27 Nisan-1 Mayıs, Trabzon, pp.1-10.
  • Mater, S., Kaya, M., Benli, H.A., 1988. An Investigation on the deep sea (Bathyal) fishes of Gökova Bay, Aegean Sea. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Médit., 31 (2): 276.
  • Meriç, N. 1994. Rare fishes in Turkish seas (in Turkish). XII. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, 6-8 Temmuz, Trakya Üniversitesi, Edirne, Bildiri Kitabı, pp. 295-299.
  • Öğretmen, F., Yılmaz F., Torcu Koç, H., 2005. An investigation on fishes of Gökova Bay (Southern Aegean Sea). BAÜ Fen Bil. Enst. Dergisi, 7 (2): 19-36.
  • Öz, M.I., Okuş, E., Yüksek, A., 2007. Notes on the Erythrean alien fishes of Datça-Bozburun Peninsula– a specially protected area in the south eastern Aegean Sea (Turkey). Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer. Medit. 38: 563.
  • Öziç, F., Yılmaz, F., 2006. An Investigation of Demersal Fishes of Gökova Bay in Aegean Sea (in Turkish with English abstract). Ekoloji, 15, 58: 16- 20.
  • Torcu, H., Mater, S., 2000. Lessepsian fishes spreading along the coasts of the Mediterranean and the Southern Aegean Sea of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 24: 139-148.
  • Ünal, V., Erdem, M., Göncüoğlu, H., Güçlüsoy, H., Tosunoğlu, Z., 2009. Management paradox of groupers (Epinephelinae) fishing in the Gökova Bay (Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey). Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, 7 (3-4): 914-917.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Derleme

Tülin Çoker

Okan Akyol

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2014
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Aralık 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014Cilt: 31 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Çoker, T. ., & Akyol, O. . (2014). Gökova Körfezi (Ege Denizi) balık tür çeşitliliği üzerine bir değerlendirme. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 31(3), 161-166.