This research was carried out in 2015 with the aim of
determining the algae distributed in İzmir Çamaltı saltworks ecosystem by
making seasonal and monthly sampling in 8 stations. At the end of study; in
total, 29 taxa including; 4 taxa belonging to Cyanophyceae class, 7 taxa
including to Chlorophyceae class, 11 belonging to Bacillariophyceae class, 3
belonging to Phaeophyceae class, 3 taxa including to Rhodophyceae class and 1
taxa including to Monocots classis were determined.
Anonim (2004). Su Kirliliği ve Kontrolü Yönetmeliği, 31 Aralık 2004 tarihli Resmî Gazete, No:25687. Alıntılanma adresi: (1.09.2017)
APHA (1992). Standarts Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. American Public Health Association 18 th. Edition, (Eds: Arnold E. Greenberg, Lenore S. Clesceri, Andrew D. Eaton, Marry Ann H. Franson) Washington, D.C. ISBN: 0-875553-207-1
Ak, İ. (2008). Türkiye'de Farklı Tuz Göllerinden İzole Edilen Dunaliella viridis’ de Büyüme Koşullarının ve Karotenoid Birikiminin Araştırılması, Çanakkale 18 Mart Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora tezi, Çanakkale.
Arora, M., Anıl, C.A., Leliaert, F., Delany, J. & Mesbahi, E. (2013). Tetraselmis indica (Chlorodendrophyceae, Chlorophyta), a new species isolated from salt pans in Goa, India. European Journal of Phycology, 48(1):61-78. doi: 10.1080/09670262.2013.768357
Algaebase. (2017). Listing the World’s Algae. Alıntılanma adresi: (29.05.2017)
Bourrelley, P. (1968). Les Algues d’eau douce. Initiation á la systématique.Tome 2: Les Algues jaunes et brunes. Chrysophycées, Phéophycées, Xanthophycées et Diatomées. Paris, Boubée éd., 438 p. France.
Bourrelley, P. (1970). Les Algues d’eau douce. Initiation á la systématique. Tome 3: Les Algues bleues et rouges. Les Eugléniens, Péridiniens et Cryptomonadines. Paris, Boubée éd., 512 p. France.
Bourrelly, P. & A. Couté. (1991). Desmidiées de Madagascar (Chlorophyta, Zygophyceae), Bibliotheca Phycologica, Band 86, 348 p. France.
Borowitzka M.A. (1997). Microalgae for aquaculture: opportunities and constraints. Journal of Applied Phycology. 9:393–401. doi: 10.1023/A:1007921728300
Cheng L. (1991). Proceedings of the International Symposium on Biotechnology of Salt Ponds, Tanggu, Tianjin, P.R. China, L. Cheng (ed.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Biotechnology of Salt Ponds 18–21 September 1990. (283 pp.), Salt Research Institute, Ministry of Light Industry, Tianjin, China.
Davis, J.S. & Giordano, M. (1996). Biological and physical events involved in the origin, effects, and control of organic matter in solar saltworks. International Journal of Salt Lake Research 4:335-347. doi: 10.1007/BF01999117
Du Toit, S.R. (2001). Biological management of South African solar saltworks. PhD thesis, University of Port Elizabeth, 260 pg.
Dolapsakis N., Tafas T., Abatzopoulos T., Ziller S. & Economou-Amilli A. (2005). Abundance and growth response of microalgae at Megalon Embolon solar saltworks in northern Greece: An aquaculture prospect, Journal of Applied Phycology, 17:39-49.doi: 10.1007/s10811-005-5553-0
Davis J.S. (2006). Biological and physical management information for commercial solar saltworks, In: Ecological importance of solar saltworks, Lekkas T.D. and Korovessis N.A.(eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Ecological Importance of Solar Saltworks (CEISSA 06), Santorini Island, Greece, 20-22 October 2006, GlobalNEST, Athens. doi: 10.1007/BF01999117
EN ISO 11885 (2009). TSE, Su kalitesi- Seçilmiş elementlerin tümevarımla olarak bağlanmış plazma optik emisyon spektrometresiyle (ICP-OES) tayini, EN ISO 11885:2009. Alıntılanma adresi:
Google Earth (2017). Alıntılanma adresi: (5.06.2017).
Hof, T. & Frémy, P. (1933). On Myxophyceae living in Strong brines. Recueil Travaux Botaniques Netherlands 30:140-162.
Hecky; E.R. & Kilham, P. (1973). Diatoms in Alkaline, Saline Lakes: Ecology and Geochemical Implications, Limnology and Oceanography, January 1973, 18(1). doi: 10.4319/lo.1973.18.1.0053
IOC-UNESCO. (2017). Taxonomic Reference List of Harmful Micro Algae, Alıntılanma adresi: (01.06.2017).
Koray, T., Yurga, L. & Çolak-Sabancı. (2007). Türkiye Denizleri Mikroplankton (=Protista) Türlerinin Kontrol Listesi ve Tür Tayin Atlası. Proje No: TBAG- 2239 (102T174). 154 pp.
Korovessis N.A. & Lekkas T.D. (2000). Saltworks: Preserving Saline Coastal Ecosystems. Post Conference Symposium Proceedings. 6th Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Pythagorian, Samos, 1 September 1999, 95 pp. Global Nest, Athens.
LPSN. (2017). List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature, Alıntılanma adresi: also see (23.05.2017).
MGM. (2015). Devlet Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü. Alıntılanma adresi: (23.05.2016)
Nübel, U., Garcia-Pichel, F. & Muyzer., G. (2000). The halotolerance and phylogeny of cyanobacteria with tightly coiled trichomes (Spirulina Turpin) and the description of Halospirulina tapeticola gen. nov., sp. nov. International Journal of Systematic Evolutionary Microbiology 50:1265-1277. doi:10.1099/ijsem.0.002357
Nagasathya, A. & Thajuddin, N. (2008). Cyanobacterial Diversity in the Hypersaline Environment of the Saltpans of Southeastren Coast of India, Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 7(5): 473-478, ISSN: 1682-3974. doi:10.3923/ajps.2008.473.478
Oren, A. (2005). A hundred years of Dunaliella research: 1905–2005, Salina Systems, 1,2, doi:10.1186/1746-1448-1-2
Pritchard, D. (2010). Managing wetlands: Frameworks for Managing Wetlands of International Importance and other wetland sites. Ramsar Handbooks for the Wise use of Wetlands, 4th Edition, Vol. 18. Ramsar Convention Secretariat, Gland, Switzerland. Alıntılanma adresi: (20.06. 2017).
Plankweb. (2017). Check-list of Turkish Seas Microplankton Alıntılanma adresi: http://plankweb. Check-list of Turkish Seas Microplankton (15.06.2017).
Simboura, N., Panayotidis, P. & Papathanassiou, E. (2005). A synthesis of the biological quality elements for the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive in the Mediterranean ecoregion: The case of saronikos Gulf. Ecological Indicators 5:253–266. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2005.03.006
UNEP. (2013). The Spanish saltworks areas, “Las Salinas”, on the islands of Ibiza and Formentera at UNEP’s World Conservation Monitoring Centre. Alıntılanma adresi: http://www.unepwcmc (10.06.2017)
Yang, X., Wu, X., Hao, H. & He, Z. (2008). Mechanisms and assessment of water eutrophication, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B, 9(3):197-209, ISSN 1862-1783.
Yurga, L. (2015). Distribution of phytoplankton species in İzmir Bay for 15 years and its comparative statistical analysis. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 32(1):25-30. doi: 10.12714/egejfas.2015.32.1.04
WoRMS. (2016). World Register Marine Species, Alıntılanma adresi: (29.05.2017).
Çamaltı Tuzlasının (Sasalı/İzmir) Alg Florası ve Mevsimsel Değişimleri
Bu araştırma İzmir Çamaltı tuzlası
ekosisteminde dağılım gösteren alglerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla 2015 yılında, 8
istasyonda mevsimsel ve aylık örneklemeler yapılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Çalışma sonunda; Çamaltı tuzlası deniz alglerinden Cyanophyceae sınıfına ait 4,
Chlorophyceae sınıfına ait 7, Bacillariophyceae 11 takson, Phaeophyceae sınıfına
ait 3 takson, Rhodophyceae sınıfına ait 3 takson ve Monocots sınıfına ait 1
takson olmak üzere toplam 29 takson belirlenmiştir.
Anonim (2004). Su Kirliliği ve Kontrolü Yönetmeliği, 31 Aralık 2004 tarihli Resmî Gazete, No:25687. Alıntılanma adresi: (1.09.2017)
APHA (1992). Standarts Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. American Public Health Association 18 th. Edition, (Eds: Arnold E. Greenberg, Lenore S. Clesceri, Andrew D. Eaton, Marry Ann H. Franson) Washington, D.C. ISBN: 0-875553-207-1
Ak, İ. (2008). Türkiye'de Farklı Tuz Göllerinden İzole Edilen Dunaliella viridis’ de Büyüme Koşullarının ve Karotenoid Birikiminin Araştırılması, Çanakkale 18 Mart Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora tezi, Çanakkale.
Arora, M., Anıl, C.A., Leliaert, F., Delany, J. & Mesbahi, E. (2013). Tetraselmis indica (Chlorodendrophyceae, Chlorophyta), a new species isolated from salt pans in Goa, India. European Journal of Phycology, 48(1):61-78. doi: 10.1080/09670262.2013.768357
Algaebase. (2017). Listing the World’s Algae. Alıntılanma adresi: (29.05.2017)
Bourrelley, P. (1968). Les Algues d’eau douce. Initiation á la systématique.Tome 2: Les Algues jaunes et brunes. Chrysophycées, Phéophycées, Xanthophycées et Diatomées. Paris, Boubée éd., 438 p. France.
Bourrelley, P. (1970). Les Algues d’eau douce. Initiation á la systématique. Tome 3: Les Algues bleues et rouges. Les Eugléniens, Péridiniens et Cryptomonadines. Paris, Boubée éd., 512 p. France.
Bourrelly, P. & A. Couté. (1991). Desmidiées de Madagascar (Chlorophyta, Zygophyceae), Bibliotheca Phycologica, Band 86, 348 p. France.
Borowitzka M.A. (1997). Microalgae for aquaculture: opportunities and constraints. Journal of Applied Phycology. 9:393–401. doi: 10.1023/A:1007921728300
Cheng L. (1991). Proceedings of the International Symposium on Biotechnology of Salt Ponds, Tanggu, Tianjin, P.R. China, L. Cheng (ed.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Biotechnology of Salt Ponds 18–21 September 1990. (283 pp.), Salt Research Institute, Ministry of Light Industry, Tianjin, China.
Davis, J.S. & Giordano, M. (1996). Biological and physical events involved in the origin, effects, and control of organic matter in solar saltworks. International Journal of Salt Lake Research 4:335-347. doi: 10.1007/BF01999117
Du Toit, S.R. (2001). Biological management of South African solar saltworks. PhD thesis, University of Port Elizabeth, 260 pg.
Dolapsakis N., Tafas T., Abatzopoulos T., Ziller S. & Economou-Amilli A. (2005). Abundance and growth response of microalgae at Megalon Embolon solar saltworks in northern Greece: An aquaculture prospect, Journal of Applied Phycology, 17:39-49.doi: 10.1007/s10811-005-5553-0
Davis J.S. (2006). Biological and physical management information for commercial solar saltworks, In: Ecological importance of solar saltworks, Lekkas T.D. and Korovessis N.A.(eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Ecological Importance of Solar Saltworks (CEISSA 06), Santorini Island, Greece, 20-22 October 2006, GlobalNEST, Athens. doi: 10.1007/BF01999117
EN ISO 11885 (2009). TSE, Su kalitesi- Seçilmiş elementlerin tümevarımla olarak bağlanmış plazma optik emisyon spektrometresiyle (ICP-OES) tayini, EN ISO 11885:2009. Alıntılanma adresi:
Google Earth (2017). Alıntılanma adresi: (5.06.2017).
Hof, T. & Frémy, P. (1933). On Myxophyceae living in Strong brines. Recueil Travaux Botaniques Netherlands 30:140-162.
Hecky; E.R. & Kilham, P. (1973). Diatoms in Alkaline, Saline Lakes: Ecology and Geochemical Implications, Limnology and Oceanography, January 1973, 18(1). doi: 10.4319/lo.1973.18.1.0053
IOC-UNESCO. (2017). Taxonomic Reference List of Harmful Micro Algae, Alıntılanma adresi: (01.06.2017).
Koray, T., Yurga, L. & Çolak-Sabancı. (2007). Türkiye Denizleri Mikroplankton (=Protista) Türlerinin Kontrol Listesi ve Tür Tayin Atlası. Proje No: TBAG- 2239 (102T174). 154 pp.
Korovessis N.A. & Lekkas T.D. (2000). Saltworks: Preserving Saline Coastal Ecosystems. Post Conference Symposium Proceedings. 6th Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Pythagorian, Samos, 1 September 1999, 95 pp. Global Nest, Athens.
LPSN. (2017). List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature, Alıntılanma adresi: also see (23.05.2017).
MGM. (2015). Devlet Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü. Alıntılanma adresi: (23.05.2016)
Nübel, U., Garcia-Pichel, F. & Muyzer., G. (2000). The halotolerance and phylogeny of cyanobacteria with tightly coiled trichomes (Spirulina Turpin) and the description of Halospirulina tapeticola gen. nov., sp. nov. International Journal of Systematic Evolutionary Microbiology 50:1265-1277. doi:10.1099/ijsem.0.002357
Nagasathya, A. & Thajuddin, N. (2008). Cyanobacterial Diversity in the Hypersaline Environment of the Saltpans of Southeastren Coast of India, Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 7(5): 473-478, ISSN: 1682-3974. doi:10.3923/ajps.2008.473.478
Oren, A. (2005). A hundred years of Dunaliella research: 1905–2005, Salina Systems, 1,2, doi:10.1186/1746-1448-1-2
Pritchard, D. (2010). Managing wetlands: Frameworks for Managing Wetlands of International Importance and other wetland sites. Ramsar Handbooks for the Wise use of Wetlands, 4th Edition, Vol. 18. Ramsar Convention Secretariat, Gland, Switzerland. Alıntılanma adresi: (20.06. 2017).
Plankweb. (2017). Check-list of Turkish Seas Microplankton Alıntılanma adresi: http://plankweb. Check-list of Turkish Seas Microplankton (15.06.2017).
Simboura, N., Panayotidis, P. & Papathanassiou, E. (2005). A synthesis of the biological quality elements for the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive in the Mediterranean ecoregion: The case of saronikos Gulf. Ecological Indicators 5:253–266. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2005.03.006
UNEP. (2013). The Spanish saltworks areas, “Las Salinas”, on the islands of Ibiza and Formentera at UNEP’s World Conservation Monitoring Centre. Alıntılanma adresi: http://www.unepwcmc (10.06.2017)
Yang, X., Wu, X., Hao, H. & He, Z. (2008). Mechanisms and assessment of water eutrophication, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B, 9(3):197-209, ISSN 1862-1783.
Yurga, L. (2015). Distribution of phytoplankton species in İzmir Bay for 15 years and its comparative statistical analysis. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 32(1):25-30. doi: 10.12714/egejfas.2015.32.1.04
WoRMS. (2016). World Register Marine Species, Alıntılanma adresi: (29.05.2017).
Koru, E., & Deniz, M. (2017). The Seasonal Changes and Algal Flora of Çamaltı Saltworks (Sasalı / İzmir). Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 34(4), 431-442.