The variations in microplanktonic species diversity and TRIX indexes in a sea cage fish farming locality.
Year 2005,
Volume: 22 Issue: 1, 177 - 186, 01.03.2005
Levent Yurga
Tufan Koray
Aslı Başaran-kaymakçı
Özdemir Egemen
- Acara. A. and U. Nalbantoğlu (1960), Preliminary report on the red-tide outbreak in the Gulf of Izmir. Rapp.P.-V.Reun.CIESM, 15(1960), 3:33-38
- Aminot, A., M., Chaussepied, 1983, Manuel des analyses chimiques en milieu marin. CNEXO BNDO/ Documentation, 395 p.
- Bendoricchio G., G. De Boni (2005), A water-quality model for the Lagoon of Venice, Italy, Ecological Modelling 184: 69–81.
- Büyükişik. B. and T. Koray (1984), The causes and consequences of oxygen utilization caused by extremely high biological activity in Izmir Bay. V. German-Turc Env. Eng. Sym., Izmir, 5(1984):E13-E15
- Chua, T.E. and E. Tech, 1990. Aquaculture in Asia: Quo Vadis? In Aquaculture in Asia, edited by M.M. Joseph. Mangalore, Asian Fisheries Society, Indian Branch, pp 13-30
- Chua, T. E., E. Tech, (2002), Introduction and history of cage culture. In: P. T. K. Woo, D. W. Bruno and L.H.S. Lim (eds.). Disease and disorders of finfish in cages CAB International, pp 1-39.
- FAO (1988), Report on the training workshop on the statistical treatment and interpretation of marine community data. Piran, Yugoslavia, 14-14 June 1988. FIR/MEDPOL/TW3, 160 p.
- Faust, M.A., Gulledge, R.A., (2002), Identifying Harmful Marine Dinoflagellate, Smithsonian Institution.
- Harris, G.P. (1986). Phytoplankton Ecology: structure, function and fluctuation. Chapman and Hall Ltd., USA, 384 p.
- Hallegraef, G.M., D.M. Anderson, A.D. Cembella, H.O. Enevoldsen (eds.) (1995), Manual on Harmful Marine Microalgae. IOC-Manuals and Guides 33, UNESCO, París, 551pp.
- Hasle, G. and E.E. Syversten (1990), Diatoms. Unpublished manuscript, Advanced Phytoplankton Course, UNESCO, 65 p.
- Heimdal, B.R. (1990), Coccolithophorids. Unpublished manuscript, Advanced Phytoplankton Course, UNESCO, 72 p.
- Jacques, G. and A. Sournia (1979), Les "eaux rouges" dûes au phytoplancton en Mediterranee. Vie Milieu, 29(2):175-187
- Koray, T. (1984), The occurrence of red tides and causative organisms in Izmir Bay. E.Ü.Faculty of Sci. J., B, 1(7):75-83
- Koray, T. (1987), One-celled microplankton species of Izmir Bay (Aegean Sea): A species list and a comparison with the with the records of adjacent regions, Doğa. 11 (3):130-146
- Koray, T. (1988), A Catastrophy: Red-tide (in turkish). Bilim ve Teknik, 21(253):9-14
- Koray, T. (1990), Planktonic protista associated with "color-tides" in Izmir Bay (Aegean Sea). Rapp.P.-V.Reun.CIESM, 32:1
- Koray, T. (1992a), Noxious blooms in the Bay of Izmir, Aegean Sea. UNESCO, IOC Newsletter on Toxic Algae and Algal Blooms, Suppl. to ims Newsletter, No.63. 2:1-2
- Koray. T. (1992b), The toxic red-tides events in Izmir Bay and their importance in term of the public health. (in turkish). B.Ü.Bull.Env., 3: 13- 15
- Koray, T. and B. Büyükişik (1988), Toxic dinoflagellate blooms in the harbour region of Izmir Bay (Aegean Sea). Rev.Int.Oceanogr.Med., 141:25-42
- Koray. T., B. Büyükişik, H.A. Benli and Ş. Gökpinar (1992a), Phytoplankton blooming and zooplankton swarms in eutrophied zones of Aegean Sea (Izmir Bay). Rapp.P.-V.Reun.CIESM. 33:257a
- Koray, T., B. Büyükişik, H. Parlak and Ş. Gökpinar (1992b), Unicellular organisms effecting sea water quality in the bay of Izmir: red-tides and other bloomings. (in turkish). Doğa. 16:135-157
- Nümann, W. (1955), Izmir Körfezi'nde "Balik kirilmasi" hadisesi. Hidrobiyoloii Mec., A, 3(2):90-93
- Parsons, T.R., Y.Maita, , C.M. Lalli, 1984. A. Manual of Chemical and Biological Methods for Seawater Analysis. Pergamon Press. NewYork. 173 p.
- Staniford, D. (2002), Sea cage fish farming: an evaluation of environmental and public health aspects (the five fundamental flaws of sea cage fish farming), Paper presented by Don Staniford at the European Parliament’s Committee on Fisheries public hearing on ‘Aquaculture in the European Union: Present Situation and Future Prospects’, 1st October 2002:
- Steidinger, K.A. and K. Tangen (1990), Dinoflagellates. Unpublished Manuscript, Advanced Phytoplankton Course, UNESCO, 69 p.
- Strickland, J.D.H., T.R Parsons, 1972, A practical hand book of Seawater Analysis. Fisheries Research Board of Canada. Bull. 167. Ottawa, 310 p.
- Vollenweider, R. A., F. Giovanardi, G. Montanari and A. Rinaldi (1998), Characterization of the trophic conditions of marine coastal waters with special reference to the NW Adriatic Sea: Proposal for a trophic scale, turbidity and generalized water quality index. Environmetrics, 9, 329-357.
- Throndsen. J. (1990), Flagellates. Unpublished manuscript, Advanced Phytoplankton Course, UNESCO, 69 p.
- Wood, R.,R.,1975, Hydrobotanical Methods. Univ. Park Press.Baltimore,173 p.
Deniz Yetiştiriciliği Yapılan Bir Bölgede Mikroplankton Tür Çeşitliliği ve TRIX İndekslerinde Oluşan Değişimler.
Year 2005,
Volume: 22 Issue: 1, 177 - 186, 01.03.2005
Levent Yurga
Tufan Koray
Aslı Başaran-kaymakçı
Özdemir Egemen
Akuakültür ve özellikle kafes balıkçılığı Türkiye’de hızla gelişen bir sektördür.. Ancak, balık çiftliklerinin neden olabilecekleri ortamsal hasar ve ekolojik tahrip tam olarak bilinmemekte ve standardize yöntemlerle izlenmemektedir. Yoğun akuakültürel aktiviteler kıyısal bazı körfezlerde kirlenme ile çok belirgin bir paralellik sergilemekte ve turizmi olumsuz yönde etkilemektedirler. Bu çalışmada, denizdeki besin zincirinin ilk kademesi, mikroplanktonik tür çeşitliliği ve fiziko-kimyasal trofik indeks TRIX bir kafes balıkçılığı bölgesinde ortamsal hasarı tanımlamak için karşılaştırıldı. TRIX indeksinin kafesler çevresindeki ototrofik aktivitelerin değerlendirilmesi için çok verimli bir indeks olduğu ancak heterotrofi ve miksotrofi için duyarlı olmadığı ve PRIMER programındaki iyi bilinen biotik ve ekolojik indekslerce desteklenmesi gerektiği saptandı
- Acara. A. and U. Nalbantoğlu (1960), Preliminary report on the red-tide outbreak in the Gulf of Izmir. Rapp.P.-V.Reun.CIESM, 15(1960), 3:33-38
- Aminot, A., M., Chaussepied, 1983, Manuel des analyses chimiques en milieu marin. CNEXO BNDO/ Documentation, 395 p.
- Bendoricchio G., G. De Boni (2005), A water-quality model for the Lagoon of Venice, Italy, Ecological Modelling 184: 69–81.
- Büyükişik. B. and T. Koray (1984), The causes and consequences of oxygen utilization caused by extremely high biological activity in Izmir Bay. V. German-Turc Env. Eng. Sym., Izmir, 5(1984):E13-E15
- Chua, T.E. and E. Tech, 1990. Aquaculture in Asia: Quo Vadis? In Aquaculture in Asia, edited by M.M. Joseph. Mangalore, Asian Fisheries Society, Indian Branch, pp 13-30
- Chua, T. E., E. Tech, (2002), Introduction and history of cage culture. In: P. T. K. Woo, D. W. Bruno and L.H.S. Lim (eds.). Disease and disorders of finfish in cages CAB International, pp 1-39.
- FAO (1988), Report on the training workshop on the statistical treatment and interpretation of marine community data. Piran, Yugoslavia, 14-14 June 1988. FIR/MEDPOL/TW3, 160 p.
- Faust, M.A., Gulledge, R.A., (2002), Identifying Harmful Marine Dinoflagellate, Smithsonian Institution.
- Harris, G.P. (1986). Phytoplankton Ecology: structure, function and fluctuation. Chapman and Hall Ltd., USA, 384 p.
- Hallegraef, G.M., D.M. Anderson, A.D. Cembella, H.O. Enevoldsen (eds.) (1995), Manual on Harmful Marine Microalgae. IOC-Manuals and Guides 33, UNESCO, París, 551pp.
- Hasle, G. and E.E. Syversten (1990), Diatoms. Unpublished manuscript, Advanced Phytoplankton Course, UNESCO, 65 p.
- Heimdal, B.R. (1990), Coccolithophorids. Unpublished manuscript, Advanced Phytoplankton Course, UNESCO, 72 p.
- Jacques, G. and A. Sournia (1979), Les "eaux rouges" dûes au phytoplancton en Mediterranee. Vie Milieu, 29(2):175-187
- Koray, T. (1984), The occurrence of red tides and causative organisms in Izmir Bay. E.Ü.Faculty of Sci. J., B, 1(7):75-83
- Koray, T. (1987), One-celled microplankton species of Izmir Bay (Aegean Sea): A species list and a comparison with the with the records of adjacent regions, Doğa. 11 (3):130-146
- Koray, T. (1988), A Catastrophy: Red-tide (in turkish). Bilim ve Teknik, 21(253):9-14
- Koray, T. (1990), Planktonic protista associated with "color-tides" in Izmir Bay (Aegean Sea). Rapp.P.-V.Reun.CIESM, 32:1
- Koray, T. (1992a), Noxious blooms in the Bay of Izmir, Aegean Sea. UNESCO, IOC Newsletter on Toxic Algae and Algal Blooms, Suppl. to ims Newsletter, No.63. 2:1-2
- Koray. T. (1992b), The toxic red-tides events in Izmir Bay and their importance in term of the public health. (in turkish). B.Ü.Bull.Env., 3: 13- 15
- Koray, T. and B. Büyükişik (1988), Toxic dinoflagellate blooms in the harbour region of Izmir Bay (Aegean Sea). Rev.Int.Oceanogr.Med., 141:25-42
- Koray. T., B. Büyükişik, H.A. Benli and Ş. Gökpinar (1992a), Phytoplankton blooming and zooplankton swarms in eutrophied zones of Aegean Sea (Izmir Bay). Rapp.P.-V.Reun.CIESM. 33:257a
- Koray, T., B. Büyükişik, H. Parlak and Ş. Gökpinar (1992b), Unicellular organisms effecting sea water quality in the bay of Izmir: red-tides and other bloomings. (in turkish). Doğa. 16:135-157
- Nümann, W. (1955), Izmir Körfezi'nde "Balik kirilmasi" hadisesi. Hidrobiyoloii Mec., A, 3(2):90-93
- Parsons, T.R., Y.Maita, , C.M. Lalli, 1984. A. Manual of Chemical and Biological Methods for Seawater Analysis. Pergamon Press. NewYork. 173 p.
- Staniford, D. (2002), Sea cage fish farming: an evaluation of environmental and public health aspects (the five fundamental flaws of sea cage fish farming), Paper presented by Don Staniford at the European Parliament’s Committee on Fisheries public hearing on ‘Aquaculture in the European Union: Present Situation and Future Prospects’, 1st October 2002:
- Steidinger, K.A. and K. Tangen (1990), Dinoflagellates. Unpublished Manuscript, Advanced Phytoplankton Course, UNESCO, 69 p.
- Strickland, J.D.H., T.R Parsons, 1972, A practical hand book of Seawater Analysis. Fisheries Research Board of Canada. Bull. 167. Ottawa, 310 p.
- Vollenweider, R. A., F. Giovanardi, G. Montanari and A. Rinaldi (1998), Characterization of the trophic conditions of marine coastal waters with special reference to the NW Adriatic Sea: Proposal for a trophic scale, turbidity and generalized water quality index. Environmetrics, 9, 329-357.
- Throndsen. J. (1990), Flagellates. Unpublished manuscript, Advanced Phytoplankton Course, UNESCO, 69 p.
- Wood, R.,R.,1975, Hydrobotanical Methods. Univ. Park Press.Baltimore,173 p.