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Effects of nitrogen sources and concentration on the growth and pigment composition of the Nannochloropsis oculata (Droop, 1955) (Eustigmatophyceae).

Year 2006, Volume: 23 Issue: 3, - 1, 01.09.2006



  • Brown, M.R., S.W. Jeffrey, C.D. Garland, (1989), Nutritional aspects of microalgae used in mariculture: a literature review. CSIRO Mar. Lab. Rep. 205, 44.
  • Fidalgo, J.P., A. Cid, J. Abalde, C. Herrero, (1995), Culture of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum with different nitrogen sources: growth, nutrient conversion and biochemical composition. Cah. Biol. Mar. 36, 165–173.
  • Gladu, P.K., G.W. Patterson, G.H. Wikfors, B.C. Smith, (1995), Sterol, fatty acid, and pigment characteristics of UTEX 2341, a marine eustigmatophyte identified previously as Chlorella minutissima (Chlorophyceae). J. Phycol. 31, 774–777.
  • Gouveia, L., E. Gomes, J. Empis, (1997), Use of Chlorella vulgaris in diets for rainbow trout to enhance pigmentation of muscle. J. Appl. Aquaculture 7: 61-70.
  • Gökpınar, Ş., (1991), Effect of change of temperature on inorganic nitrogen assimilation of five important sea flagellat in aquaculture. (Doktora Tezi). Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Deniz Bilimleri ve Teknolojisi Enstitüsü, sayfa,88 (in Turkish).
  • Grobbelaar, J.U., (2000), Physiological and technological considerations for optimising mass algal cultures. J Appl Phycol 12:201–206.
  • Guillard, R.R.L., (1975), Culture of phytoplankton for feeding marine invertebrate. In: Smith, W.L., Chanley, M.H. (Eds.), Culture of Marine Invertebrates Animals. Plenum, New York, pp. 296–360.
  • Hu, Qiang., (2004), Environmental effects on cell composition, in Handbook of microalgal culture: Biotechnology and applied phycology, Richmond, A. (Eds) Blackwell publishing company, pp. 83-93.
  • Levasseur, M., P.A. Thompson, P.J. Harrison, (1993), Physiological acclimation of marine phytoplankton to different nitrogen sources. J. Phycol. 29, 587–595.
  • Lourenco, S., E. Barbarino, J. Mancini-Filho, K. Schinke, E. Aidar, (2002), Effects of different nitrogen sources on the growth and biochemical profile of 10 marine microalgae in batch culture: An evaluation for aquaculture. Phycologia, 41: 158-168.
  • Lubián, LM, O. Montero, I. Moreno-Garrido, I.E. Huertas, C. Sobrino, M. Gonzales-del Valle, G. Pares, (2000), Nannochloropsis (Eustigmatophyceae) as source of commercially valuable pigments. J. Appl. Phycol. 12: 249–255.
  • Lubzens, E., O. Gibson, O. Zmora, A. Sukenik, (1995), Potential advantages of frozen algae (Nannochloropsis sp.) for rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis) culture. Aquaculture 133, 295–309.
  • Marín, N., F. Morales, C. Lodeiros, E. Tamigneaux, (1998), Effect of nitrate concentration on growth and pigment synthesis of Dunaliella salina cultivated under low illumination and preadapted to different salinities. J. Appl. Phycol. 10: 405–411.
  • Maruyama, I., T. Nakamura, T. Matsubayashi, Y. Ando, T. Naeda, (1986), Identification of the alga known as ‘marine chlorella’ as a member of the Eustigmatophyceae. Jap. J. Phyco. 34: 319-325.
  • Richmond, A., (2000), Microalgal biotechnology at the turn of the millennium: A personal view. J. Appl. Phycol. 12: 441–451.
  • Rodolfi, L., G.C. Zittelli, L. Barsanti, G. Rosati, M.R. Tredici, (2003), Growth medium recycling in Nannochloropsis sp. mass cultivation. Biomol. Eng. 20: 243-248.
  • Sánchez M.D., C. Mantell, M. Rodríguez, E. Martínez de la Ossa, L.M. Lubián, O. Montero, (2005), Supercritical fluid extraction of carotenoids and chlorophyll a from Nannochloropsis gaditana. J. Food Eng. 66: 245– 251.
  • Shifrin, N.S., S.W. Chisholm, (1981), Phytoplankton lipids: interspecific differences and effects of nitrate, silicate and lightdark cycles. J. Phycol. 17:372–84.
  • Sukenik, A., Y. Carmeli, T. Berner, (1989), Regulation of fatty acid composition by irradiance level in the Eustigmatophyte Nannochloropsis sp. J. Phycol. 25: 686–692.
  • Valenzuela-Espinoza, E., R. Millán-Nşñez, F. Nşñez-Cebrero, (1999), Biomass production and nutrient uptake by Isochrysis aff. galbana (Clone T-ISO) culture with a low cost alternative to the f/2 medium. Aquacult. Eng. 20, 135–147.
  • Volkman, J.K., M.R. Brown, G.A. Dunstan, S.W. Jeffrey, (1993), The biochemical composition of marine microalgae from the class Eustigmatophyceae. J. Phycol. 29: 69–78.
  • Xu, N., X. Zhang, X. Fan, L. Han, C. Zeng, (2001), Effects of nitrogen source and concentration on growth rate and fatty acid composition of Ellipsoidion sp. (Eustigmatophyta). J. Appl. Phycol. 13: 463–469.
  • Zar, J.H., (1999), Biostatistical Analysis. Upper Saddle River, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. 4th Edition. cap 12, USA. 231-272.
  • Ziegler, R.G., E.A. Colavito, P. Hartge, M.J. McAdams, J.B. Schoenberg, T.J. Mason, J.F.J. Fraumeni, (1996), Importance of a-carotene, b-carotene and other phytochemicals in the etiology of lung cancer. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 88, 612–615.
  • Zittelli G., L. Rodolfi M.R. Tredici, (2004), Industrial production of microalgal cell-mass and secondary products- species of high potential, in Handbook of microalgal culture: Biotechnology and applied phycology, Richmond, A. (Eds) Blackwell publishing company, pp. 298-303.
  • Zou, N. A. Richmond, (2000), Light-path length and population density in photoacclimation of Nannochloropsis sp. (Eustigmatophyceae). J. Appl. Phycol. 12: 349–354.

Azot Kaynakları ve Konsantrasyonlarının Nannochloropsis oculata (Droop, 1955) (Eustigmatophyceae)'nın Büyüme ve Pigment Komposizyonuna Etkisi.

Year 2006, Volume: 23 Issue: 3, - 1, 01.09.2006


Azot kaynakları ve konsantrasyonlarının Nannochloropsis oculata türünün karotenoidler ve klorofil a üretimi üzerine etkileri incelendi. N. oculata, laboratuvarda 2 L’lik erlenlerde, F/2 besin ortamı ile zenginleştirilmiş steril deniz suyunda yığın kültürleri yapıldı (Tuzluluk % 2.5). Kültürler 18±1ºC sabit sıcaklıkta tutuldu. Azot kaynakları olarak sodyum nitrat, amonyum klorür ve üre olarak kullanıldı. Azot kaynakları besin ortamlarına 882 ve 441 µmol L-1 konsantrasyonlar kullanıldı. Denemeler sonunda β-Karoten, klorofil-a, klorofil-b, violaksantin, kantaksantin, astaksantin, vokeriyaksantin ve zeaksantin N.oculata’da ana pigmentler olarak TLC yöntemi ile saptandı. Toplam karotenoidler ve klorofil a düzeyleri bakımından en yüksek değerler 882 µmol L-1 NO3- -N ile hazırlanan besin ortamında ilk alınan örneklerde elde edildi (değerler sırasıyla, 4.17±0.37 mg g-1 dw ve 12.42±1.08 mg gdw ). N. oculata türü için inorganik azot kaynaklarından NO-N ve NH4+-N ile büyüme ve biyokimyasal yapısı açısından benzer sonuçlar elde edildi. Fakat üre-N’nun bu tür için uygun kaynak olmadığı tespit edildi


  • Brown, M.R., S.W. Jeffrey, C.D. Garland, (1989), Nutritional aspects of microalgae used in mariculture: a literature review. CSIRO Mar. Lab. Rep. 205, 44.
  • Fidalgo, J.P., A. Cid, J. Abalde, C. Herrero, (1995), Culture of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum with different nitrogen sources: growth, nutrient conversion and biochemical composition. Cah. Biol. Mar. 36, 165–173.
  • Gladu, P.K., G.W. Patterson, G.H. Wikfors, B.C. Smith, (1995), Sterol, fatty acid, and pigment characteristics of UTEX 2341, a marine eustigmatophyte identified previously as Chlorella minutissima (Chlorophyceae). J. Phycol. 31, 774–777.
  • Gouveia, L., E. Gomes, J. Empis, (1997), Use of Chlorella vulgaris in diets for rainbow trout to enhance pigmentation of muscle. J. Appl. Aquaculture 7: 61-70.
  • Gökpınar, Ş., (1991), Effect of change of temperature on inorganic nitrogen assimilation of five important sea flagellat in aquaculture. (Doktora Tezi). Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Deniz Bilimleri ve Teknolojisi Enstitüsü, sayfa,88 (in Turkish).
  • Grobbelaar, J.U., (2000), Physiological and technological considerations for optimising mass algal cultures. J Appl Phycol 12:201–206.
  • Guillard, R.R.L., (1975), Culture of phytoplankton for feeding marine invertebrate. In: Smith, W.L., Chanley, M.H. (Eds.), Culture of Marine Invertebrates Animals. Plenum, New York, pp. 296–360.
  • Hu, Qiang., (2004), Environmental effects on cell composition, in Handbook of microalgal culture: Biotechnology and applied phycology, Richmond, A. (Eds) Blackwell publishing company, pp. 83-93.
  • Levasseur, M., P.A. Thompson, P.J. Harrison, (1993), Physiological acclimation of marine phytoplankton to different nitrogen sources. J. Phycol. 29, 587–595.
  • Lourenco, S., E. Barbarino, J. Mancini-Filho, K. Schinke, E. Aidar, (2002), Effects of different nitrogen sources on the growth and biochemical profile of 10 marine microalgae in batch culture: An evaluation for aquaculture. Phycologia, 41: 158-168.
  • Lubián, LM, O. Montero, I. Moreno-Garrido, I.E. Huertas, C. Sobrino, M. Gonzales-del Valle, G. Pares, (2000), Nannochloropsis (Eustigmatophyceae) as source of commercially valuable pigments. J. Appl. Phycol. 12: 249–255.
  • Lubzens, E., O. Gibson, O. Zmora, A. Sukenik, (1995), Potential advantages of frozen algae (Nannochloropsis sp.) for rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis) culture. Aquaculture 133, 295–309.
  • Marín, N., F. Morales, C. Lodeiros, E. Tamigneaux, (1998), Effect of nitrate concentration on growth and pigment synthesis of Dunaliella salina cultivated under low illumination and preadapted to different salinities. J. Appl. Phycol. 10: 405–411.
  • Maruyama, I., T. Nakamura, T. Matsubayashi, Y. Ando, T. Naeda, (1986), Identification of the alga known as ‘marine chlorella’ as a member of the Eustigmatophyceae. Jap. J. Phyco. 34: 319-325.
  • Richmond, A., (2000), Microalgal biotechnology at the turn of the millennium: A personal view. J. Appl. Phycol. 12: 441–451.
  • Rodolfi, L., G.C. Zittelli, L. Barsanti, G. Rosati, M.R. Tredici, (2003), Growth medium recycling in Nannochloropsis sp. mass cultivation. Biomol. Eng. 20: 243-248.
  • Sánchez M.D., C. Mantell, M. Rodríguez, E. Martínez de la Ossa, L.M. Lubián, O. Montero, (2005), Supercritical fluid extraction of carotenoids and chlorophyll a from Nannochloropsis gaditana. J. Food Eng. 66: 245– 251.
  • Shifrin, N.S., S.W. Chisholm, (1981), Phytoplankton lipids: interspecific differences and effects of nitrate, silicate and lightdark cycles. J. Phycol. 17:372–84.
  • Sukenik, A., Y. Carmeli, T. Berner, (1989), Regulation of fatty acid composition by irradiance level in the Eustigmatophyte Nannochloropsis sp. J. Phycol. 25: 686–692.
  • Valenzuela-Espinoza, E., R. Millán-Nşñez, F. Nşñez-Cebrero, (1999), Biomass production and nutrient uptake by Isochrysis aff. galbana (Clone T-ISO) culture with a low cost alternative to the f/2 medium. Aquacult. Eng. 20, 135–147.
  • Volkman, J.K., M.R. Brown, G.A. Dunstan, S.W. Jeffrey, (1993), The biochemical composition of marine microalgae from the class Eustigmatophyceae. J. Phycol. 29: 69–78.
  • Xu, N., X. Zhang, X. Fan, L. Han, C. Zeng, (2001), Effects of nitrogen source and concentration on growth rate and fatty acid composition of Ellipsoidion sp. (Eustigmatophyta). J. Appl. Phycol. 13: 463–469.
  • Zar, J.H., (1999), Biostatistical Analysis. Upper Saddle River, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. 4th Edition. cap 12, USA. 231-272.
  • Ziegler, R.G., E.A. Colavito, P. Hartge, M.J. McAdams, J.B. Schoenberg, T.J. Mason, J.F.J. Fraumeni, (1996), Importance of a-carotene, b-carotene and other phytochemicals in the etiology of lung cancer. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 88, 612–615.
  • Zittelli G., L. Rodolfi M.R. Tredici, (2004), Industrial production of microalgal cell-mass and secondary products- species of high potential, in Handbook of microalgal culture: Biotechnology and applied phycology, Richmond, A. (Eds) Blackwell publishing company, pp. 298-303.
  • Zou, N. A. Richmond, (2000), Light-path length and population density in photoacclimation of Nannochloropsis sp. (Eustigmatophyceae). J. Appl. Phycol. 12: 349–354.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Yaşar Durmaz

Publication Date September 1, 2006
Submission Date December 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2006Volume: 23 Issue: 3


APA Durmaz, Y. . (2006). Azot Kaynakları ve Konsantrasyonlarının Nannochloropsis oculata (Droop, 1955) (Eustigmatophyceae)’nın Büyüme ve Pigment Komposizyonuna Etkisi. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 23(3), 1.