Year 2006,
Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 235 - 238, 01.03.2006
Celalettin Aydın
Zafer Tosunoğlu
- Anonymous, 1997. Fishing News International. Gear Talk with Tom Wray, Vol. 36, No. 3, 22 p.
- Aydin, C., 2004. Aplication of grid systems to exclude bycatch and discard species in trawl fisheries (in Turkish). PhD Thesis. Ege University Institute of Natural and Applied Science, Bornova-İzmir, 181 s.
- Beltestad, A.K., O.A. Misund, 1995. Size selection in purse seines. In: Solving Bycatch: Considerations for Today and Tomorrow.Alaska Sea Grant College Program Report No. 96-03, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AL, USA 1-3 pp.
- Broadhurst, M.K., 2000. Modifications to reduce bycatch in prawn trawls: A reiview and framework for development, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 10: 27-60.
- Brewer, D., N. Rawlinson, S. Eayrs, C. Burridge, 1998. An assesment of bycatch reduction devices in a tropical Australian prawn trawl fishery. Fish. Res., 36: 195-215.
- Caudillo, J.M.G., M.A.C. Mata, A.B. Ramiroz, 2000. Performance of bycatch reduction device in the shrimp fishery of the Gulf of California, Mexico. Biol. Cons., 92: 199-205.
- Christian, P.A., D.L. Harrinnton, D.R. Amos, R.G. Overman, L.G. Parker, J.B. Rivers, 1993. Final Report on The Reduction on Finfish Capture in South Atlantic Shrimp Trawl. Project NA 27 FD 0070-01, The University of Georgia, 27 p.
- Colby, D., L.G. Pouport, I. de Blois, G. Mellono, 1994. Review of Fishing Gear and Harvesting Technology in Atlantic Canada. Conservation Hervesting Technologies. Technical Workhsop Report, Canada 32 p.
- Cook, R., 2001, The Magnitude and İmpact of Bycatch Mortality by Fishing Gear, Reykjavik Conference on Responsible Fisheries in the Marine Ecosystem, Reykjavik, Iceland, 18p.
- Ercoli, R., J. Garcia, A. Aubone, R. Bertelo, 1998. Selectivity experiences on hake (Merluccius hubbsi) with different inter rod distance in a single-grid sorting device (DEJUPA) and the use of a special grid retention codend design. ICES CM 1998/OPEN: 9 8 pp.
- Fonseca, P., A. Compos, R.B. Larsen, C.T. Borges, K. Erzini, 2005. Using a modified Nordmİre grid for by-catch reduction in the Portuguese crustacean-trawl fishery. Fish. Res., 71: 223-239.
- Graham, N., 1997. Reduction of Bycatch in the Brown Shrimp, Crangon Crangon Fisheries of the Wash and Humber Estuary. The University Of Hummerside School Of Applied Science And Technology. Final Report, 123 p.
- Graham, N., 2003. By-catch reduction in brown shrimp, Crongon crangon, fisheries using a grid separation Nordmore grid (grate). Fish. Res., 59: 393-407.
- Grimaldo, E., R.B. Larsen, 2005. The cosmos grid: A new design for reducing by-catch in the Nordic shrimp fishery. Fish. Res., 76: 187–197.
- Isaksen, B., J.W. Valdemarsen, R.B. Larsen, L. Karlsen, 1992. Reduction of fish by- catch in shrimp trawls using a solid separator grid in the aft belly. Fish. Res., 13: 335-352.
- Kvalsvik, K., O.A. Misund, A. Engas, K. Gamst, R. Holst, D. Galbraith, H. Vederhus, 2002. Size selection of large cathes: using sorting grid in Pelagic mackerel trawl. Fish. Res., 59: 129-148.
- Larsen, R.B., 1996a. Size selectivity on bottom fish species with Sort-X sorting grids. ICES W.G. Meeting, Woods Hole, USA, 61 p.
- Larsen, R.B., 1996b. Experiments with a new, large type of fish/shimp separator grid and comparisons with the standard Nordmore grid. ICES FTFB W.G. Meeting, Woods Hole, USA, 61 p.
- Larsen, R.B., B. Isaksen, 1993. Size selectivity of rigid sorting grid in bottom trawls for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammusaeglefinus). ICES Mar. Sci. Symp., 196: 178-182.
- Lök, A., A. Tokaç, Z. Tosunoğlu, C. Metin, R.S.T. Ferro, 1997. The effects of different cod-end design on bottom trawl selectivity in Turkish fisheries of the Aegean Sea. Fish. Res., 32: 149-156.
- Lowry, N., G.I. Sangster, 1996. Survival of gadoid fish escaping from the cod- ends of trawls. ICES FTFB W.G. Meeting, Woods Hole, USA, 61 p.
- Misund, O.A., A.K. Beltestad, 2000. Survival of mackerel and saithe that escape through sorting grids in purse seines. Fish. Res., 48: 31-41.
- Misund, O.L., R. Skeide, 1992. Grid-Sorting of penned saithe. ICES Fish Capture Committe C.M. 1992/B:11.
- Petovello, A.D., 1999. By-catch in the Patagonian red shrimp (Pleoticus muelleri) fishery. Mar. Freshwater Res., 50: 123-127.
- Polet, H., 2002. Selectivity experiments with sorting grids in the North Sea brown shrimp (Crangon crangon) fishery. Fish. Res., 54: 217 - 233.
- Pope, J.A., A.R. Margetts, J.M. Hamley, E.F. Akyüz, 1975. Manual of Methods for Fish Stock Assessment. Part III. Selectivity of Fishing Gear. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 41, Revision 1, 65 p.
- Riedel, R., J. De Alteris, 1995. Factors affecting hydrodynamic performance of the Nordmore grate system: a bycatch reduction device used in the Gulf of Maine shrimp fishery. Fish. Res., 24: 181-198.
- Salini, J., D. Brewer, M. Farmer, N. Rawlinson, 2000. Assessment and benefits of damage reduction in prawns due to use of different bycatch reduction devices in the Gulf of Carpentaria. Australia. Fish. Res., 4-5: 1- 8.
- Sarda, F., B. Moli, Palomera, 2004. Preservation of hake (Merluccius merluccius, L.) in western Mediterranean demersal trawl fishery by using sorting grids. Sci. Mar., 68: 435-444.
- Soldal, A.V., B. Isaksen, 1993. Survival of cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) escaping from a Danish seine at the sea surface. ICES FTFB W.G. Meeting, Gothenburg, 8 p.
- Soldal, A.V., A. Engås, 1997. Survival of young gadoids excluded from a shrimp trawl by a rigid separator grid. ICES J. Mar. Sci., 54: 117-124.
- Suuronen, P., E. Lehtonen, V. Tschernij, A. Orrensalo, 1993. Survival of Baltic herring (Clupea harengus) escaping from a trawl codend and through a rigid sorting grid. ICES C.M. 1993/B:14, 17 p.
- Tosunoğlu, Z., Y. Doğanyılmaz, H. Özbilgin, 2003. Determination of the appropriate hanging ratios to ease the escape of juvenile red mullet (Mullus barbatus L., 1758) and annular sea bream (Diplodus annularis L., 1758) from trawl codend. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 27: 1193-1199.
- Valdemarsen, J.W., 1996. A Review Of Norvegian Research With Grid Sorting Devices in Towed Fishing Gears. ICES Study Group On Grid (Grate) Sorting Systems in Trawls, Beam Trawl and Seine Nets. Woods Hole, Massachussets, USA, 61 p.
- Van Marlen, B., K. Lange, C.S. Wardle, C.W. Glass, B. Ashcroft, 1994. Intermediate Results İn EC-Project TE-3-613. “Improved Species And Size Selectivity Of Midwater Trawls (SELMITRA)”. ICES C.M. 1994/B:13.
- Wileman, D.A., R.S.T. Ferro, R. Fonteyne, Millar (eds.), 1996. Manual of methods of measuring the selectivity of towed fishing gears. ICES Cooperative Research Report No. 215, 126 p.
Trollerde Seçicilik Izgaraları.
Year 2006,
Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 235 - 238, 01.03.2006
Celalettin Aydın
Zafer Tosunoğlu
Seçicilik ızgaraları, başta troller olmak üzere bir çok av aracında tür ve boy seçiciliğini geliştirmek için kullanılan özel seçici cihazlara denir. Bu çalışmada, son yıllarda kullanım alanı giderek artan ve bazı ülkelerde yasalarla zorunlu hale getirilen ızgaralarının yapısal özellikleri, boyutlandırılması ve donatımı üzerinde durulmuştur
- Anonymous, 1997. Fishing News International. Gear Talk with Tom Wray, Vol. 36, No. 3, 22 p.
- Aydin, C., 2004. Aplication of grid systems to exclude bycatch and discard species in trawl fisheries (in Turkish). PhD Thesis. Ege University Institute of Natural and Applied Science, Bornova-İzmir, 181 s.
- Beltestad, A.K., O.A. Misund, 1995. Size selection in purse seines. In: Solving Bycatch: Considerations for Today and Tomorrow.Alaska Sea Grant College Program Report No. 96-03, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AL, USA 1-3 pp.
- Broadhurst, M.K., 2000. Modifications to reduce bycatch in prawn trawls: A reiview and framework for development, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 10: 27-60.
- Brewer, D., N. Rawlinson, S. Eayrs, C. Burridge, 1998. An assesment of bycatch reduction devices in a tropical Australian prawn trawl fishery. Fish. Res., 36: 195-215.
- Caudillo, J.M.G., M.A.C. Mata, A.B. Ramiroz, 2000. Performance of bycatch reduction device in the shrimp fishery of the Gulf of California, Mexico. Biol. Cons., 92: 199-205.
- Christian, P.A., D.L. Harrinnton, D.R. Amos, R.G. Overman, L.G. Parker, J.B. Rivers, 1993. Final Report on The Reduction on Finfish Capture in South Atlantic Shrimp Trawl. Project NA 27 FD 0070-01, The University of Georgia, 27 p.
- Colby, D., L.G. Pouport, I. de Blois, G. Mellono, 1994. Review of Fishing Gear and Harvesting Technology in Atlantic Canada. Conservation Hervesting Technologies. Technical Workhsop Report, Canada 32 p.
- Cook, R., 2001, The Magnitude and İmpact of Bycatch Mortality by Fishing Gear, Reykjavik Conference on Responsible Fisheries in the Marine Ecosystem, Reykjavik, Iceland, 18p.
- Ercoli, R., J. Garcia, A. Aubone, R. Bertelo, 1998. Selectivity experiences on hake (Merluccius hubbsi) with different inter rod distance in a single-grid sorting device (DEJUPA) and the use of a special grid retention codend design. ICES CM 1998/OPEN: 9 8 pp.
- Fonseca, P., A. Compos, R.B. Larsen, C.T. Borges, K. Erzini, 2005. Using a modified Nordmİre grid for by-catch reduction in the Portuguese crustacean-trawl fishery. Fish. Res., 71: 223-239.
- Graham, N., 1997. Reduction of Bycatch in the Brown Shrimp, Crangon Crangon Fisheries of the Wash and Humber Estuary. The University Of Hummerside School Of Applied Science And Technology. Final Report, 123 p.
- Graham, N., 2003. By-catch reduction in brown shrimp, Crongon crangon, fisheries using a grid separation Nordmore grid (grate). Fish. Res., 59: 393-407.
- Grimaldo, E., R.B. Larsen, 2005. The cosmos grid: A new design for reducing by-catch in the Nordic shrimp fishery. Fish. Res., 76: 187–197.
- Isaksen, B., J.W. Valdemarsen, R.B. Larsen, L. Karlsen, 1992. Reduction of fish by- catch in shrimp trawls using a solid separator grid in the aft belly. Fish. Res., 13: 335-352.
- Kvalsvik, K., O.A. Misund, A. Engas, K. Gamst, R. Holst, D. Galbraith, H. Vederhus, 2002. Size selection of large cathes: using sorting grid in Pelagic mackerel trawl. Fish. Res., 59: 129-148.
- Larsen, R.B., 1996a. Size selectivity on bottom fish species with Sort-X sorting grids. ICES W.G. Meeting, Woods Hole, USA, 61 p.
- Larsen, R.B., 1996b. Experiments with a new, large type of fish/shimp separator grid and comparisons with the standard Nordmore grid. ICES FTFB W.G. Meeting, Woods Hole, USA, 61 p.
- Larsen, R.B., B. Isaksen, 1993. Size selectivity of rigid sorting grid in bottom trawls for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammusaeglefinus). ICES Mar. Sci. Symp., 196: 178-182.
- Lök, A., A. Tokaç, Z. Tosunoğlu, C. Metin, R.S.T. Ferro, 1997. The effects of different cod-end design on bottom trawl selectivity in Turkish fisheries of the Aegean Sea. Fish. Res., 32: 149-156.
- Lowry, N., G.I. Sangster, 1996. Survival of gadoid fish escaping from the cod- ends of trawls. ICES FTFB W.G. Meeting, Woods Hole, USA, 61 p.
- Misund, O.A., A.K. Beltestad, 2000. Survival of mackerel and saithe that escape through sorting grids in purse seines. Fish. Res., 48: 31-41.
- Misund, O.L., R. Skeide, 1992. Grid-Sorting of penned saithe. ICES Fish Capture Committe C.M. 1992/B:11.
- Petovello, A.D., 1999. By-catch in the Patagonian red shrimp (Pleoticus muelleri) fishery. Mar. Freshwater Res., 50: 123-127.
- Polet, H., 2002. Selectivity experiments with sorting grids in the North Sea brown shrimp (Crangon crangon) fishery. Fish. Res., 54: 217 - 233.
- Pope, J.A., A.R. Margetts, J.M. Hamley, E.F. Akyüz, 1975. Manual of Methods for Fish Stock Assessment. Part III. Selectivity of Fishing Gear. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 41, Revision 1, 65 p.
- Riedel, R., J. De Alteris, 1995. Factors affecting hydrodynamic performance of the Nordmore grate system: a bycatch reduction device used in the Gulf of Maine shrimp fishery. Fish. Res., 24: 181-198.
- Salini, J., D. Brewer, M. Farmer, N. Rawlinson, 2000. Assessment and benefits of damage reduction in prawns due to use of different bycatch reduction devices in the Gulf of Carpentaria. Australia. Fish. Res., 4-5: 1- 8.
- Sarda, F., B. Moli, Palomera, 2004. Preservation of hake (Merluccius merluccius, L.) in western Mediterranean demersal trawl fishery by using sorting grids. Sci. Mar., 68: 435-444.
- Soldal, A.V., B. Isaksen, 1993. Survival of cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) escaping from a Danish seine at the sea surface. ICES FTFB W.G. Meeting, Gothenburg, 8 p.
- Soldal, A.V., A. Engås, 1997. Survival of young gadoids excluded from a shrimp trawl by a rigid separator grid. ICES J. Mar. Sci., 54: 117-124.
- Suuronen, P., E. Lehtonen, V. Tschernij, A. Orrensalo, 1993. Survival of Baltic herring (Clupea harengus) escaping from a trawl codend and through a rigid sorting grid. ICES C.M. 1993/B:14, 17 p.
- Tosunoğlu, Z., Y. Doğanyılmaz, H. Özbilgin, 2003. Determination of the appropriate hanging ratios to ease the escape of juvenile red mullet (Mullus barbatus L., 1758) and annular sea bream (Diplodus annularis L., 1758) from trawl codend. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 27: 1193-1199.
- Valdemarsen, J.W., 1996. A Review Of Norvegian Research With Grid Sorting Devices in Towed Fishing Gears. ICES Study Group On Grid (Grate) Sorting Systems in Trawls, Beam Trawl and Seine Nets. Woods Hole, Massachussets, USA, 61 p.
- Van Marlen, B., K. Lange, C.S. Wardle, C.W. Glass, B. Ashcroft, 1994. Intermediate Results İn EC-Project TE-3-613. “Improved Species And Size Selectivity Of Midwater Trawls (SELMITRA)”. ICES C.M. 1994/B:13.
- Wileman, D.A., R.S.T. Ferro, R. Fonteyne, Millar (eds.), 1996. Manual of methods of measuring the selectivity of towed fishing gears. ICES Cooperative Research Report No. 215, 126 p.