Comparison of the growth characteristics in two different Spirulina platensis strains.
Year 2006,
Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 189 - 192, 01.03.2006
Cenker Kılıç
Tolga Göksan
İlknur Ak
Şevket Gökpınar
- Belay, A., T. Kato, and Y. Ota, 1996. Spirulina (Arthrospira): potential application as an animal feed supplement. J.Appl.Phycol. 8: 303-311.
- Belay, A., 1997. Mass culture of Spirulina outdoors-the Earthrise Farms Experience. In: Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira): Physiology, Cell biology and Biotechnology, Vonshak, A. (Ed.), Taylor and Franchis, London, pp. 43-65.
- Bennet, A. and L. Bogorad, 1973. Complementary chromatic adaptation in a filamentous blue-green alga. Journal of Cell Biology 58: 419-435.
- Chen, F., Y. Zhang and S. Guo, 1996. Growth and phycocyanin formation of Spirulina platensis in photoheterotrophic culture. Biotechnol. Lett., 18: 603-608.
- Ciferri, O., 1983. Spirulina, the edible microorganism. Microbiol. Rev. 47: 551- 578.
- Cirik, S., 1989. Spirulina, a rich vegetable food (in Turkish). TÜBİTAK The Science and Technique 22 (257): 19-20.
- Dalay, M.C., S. Cirik and E. Koru, 2001. Determining the most available Spirulina platensis (Stiz.) Geitl, strain for outdoor cultures in the climatic conditions of the Aegean Region of Turkey (in Turkish). E.U. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 18 (3-4): 523-528.
- Duerr, E.O., M.R. Edralin and N.M. Price, 1996. Facilities requirements and procedures for the laboratory and outdoor raceway culture of Spirulina spp. J.Mar.Biotechnol. 5: 1-11.
- Glazer, A., 1999. Phycobiliproteins. In: Chemicals from Microalgae, Z. Cohen (Ed.), Taylor and Franchis Ltd., Philadelphia, PA, pp. 261-276.
- Gudin, C. and C. Therpenier, 1986. Bioconversion of solar energy into organic chemicals by microalgae. Adv.Botechnol.Proc. 6: 73-110.
- Torzillo, G., P. Carlozzi, B. Pushparaj, E. Montaini and R. Materassi, 1993. A two-plane photobioreactor for outdoor culture of Spirulina. Biotechnol.Bioeng. 42: 891-898.
- Vonshak, A., 1997. Spirulina: growth, physiology and biochemistry, in: Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira): Physiology, Cell biology and Biotechnology, Vonshak, A. (Ed.), Taylor and Franchis, London, pp. 43- 65.
- Vonshak, A., 1997. Outdoor mass production of Spirulina: the basic concept, in: Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira): Physiology, Cell biology and Biotechnology, Vonshak, A. (Ed.), Taylor and Franchis, London, pp. 79- 99.
- Wikdors, G.H. and M. Ohno, 2001. Impact of algal research in aquaculture. J.Phycol. 37: 968-974.
- Zarrouk, C., 1966. Contribution á l’étude d’une cyanophycée. Influence de divers facteurs physiques et chimiques sur la croissance et la photosynthése de Spirulina maxima (Setch. et gardner) Geitler. Ph. D. Thesis, University of Paris, France.
İki Farklı Spirulina platensis Suşunun Büyüme Özelliklerinin Karşılaştırılması
Year 2006,
Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 189 - 192, 01.03.2006
Cenker Kılıç
Tolga Göksan
İlknur Ak
Şevket Gökpınar
Mikroalgal biyoteknoloji kapsamında sıklıkla kullanılan türlerden Spirulina platensis’in üretimi son yıllarda ülkemizde de başarıyla gerçekleştirilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, düz ve spiral formda olan iki farklı Spirulina suşunun büyüme karakteristikleri incelendi. Ayrıca, klorofil ve kuru ağırlık ölçümlerinde pratiklik sağlayacak spektrofotometrik ölçümler çalışıldı. Deneme süresince, hücre sayıları haricinde tüm parametrelerin birbirine benzerlik gösterdiği saptandı. Denemenin başında spiral/düz form oranı 2.43 iken bu oran deneme sonunda 5.53’e yükseldi. Spektrofotometrik ölçümler, kültürlerde büyümenin izlenmesinde pratiklik sağlaması bakımından önemlidir. Bu kapsamda, 680 nm’de ölçülen absorbans değeri ile kuru ağırlık ve klorofil a miktarları arasında önemli bir ilişki olduğu saptandı (p
- Belay, A., T. Kato, and Y. Ota, 1996. Spirulina (Arthrospira): potential application as an animal feed supplement. J.Appl.Phycol. 8: 303-311.
- Belay, A., 1997. Mass culture of Spirulina outdoors-the Earthrise Farms Experience. In: Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira): Physiology, Cell biology and Biotechnology, Vonshak, A. (Ed.), Taylor and Franchis, London, pp. 43-65.
- Bennet, A. and L. Bogorad, 1973. Complementary chromatic adaptation in a filamentous blue-green alga. Journal of Cell Biology 58: 419-435.
- Chen, F., Y. Zhang and S. Guo, 1996. Growth and phycocyanin formation of Spirulina platensis in photoheterotrophic culture. Biotechnol. Lett., 18: 603-608.
- Ciferri, O., 1983. Spirulina, the edible microorganism. Microbiol. Rev. 47: 551- 578.
- Cirik, S., 1989. Spirulina, a rich vegetable food (in Turkish). TÜBİTAK The Science and Technique 22 (257): 19-20.
- Dalay, M.C., S. Cirik and E. Koru, 2001. Determining the most available Spirulina platensis (Stiz.) Geitl, strain for outdoor cultures in the climatic conditions of the Aegean Region of Turkey (in Turkish). E.U. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 18 (3-4): 523-528.
- Duerr, E.O., M.R. Edralin and N.M. Price, 1996. Facilities requirements and procedures for the laboratory and outdoor raceway culture of Spirulina spp. J.Mar.Biotechnol. 5: 1-11.
- Glazer, A., 1999. Phycobiliproteins. In: Chemicals from Microalgae, Z. Cohen (Ed.), Taylor and Franchis Ltd., Philadelphia, PA, pp. 261-276.
- Gudin, C. and C. Therpenier, 1986. Bioconversion of solar energy into organic chemicals by microalgae. Adv.Botechnol.Proc. 6: 73-110.
- Torzillo, G., P. Carlozzi, B. Pushparaj, E. Montaini and R. Materassi, 1993. A two-plane photobioreactor for outdoor culture of Spirulina. Biotechnol.Bioeng. 42: 891-898.
- Vonshak, A., 1997. Spirulina: growth, physiology and biochemistry, in: Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira): Physiology, Cell biology and Biotechnology, Vonshak, A. (Ed.), Taylor and Franchis, London, pp. 43- 65.
- Vonshak, A., 1997. Outdoor mass production of Spirulina: the basic concept, in: Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira): Physiology, Cell biology and Biotechnology, Vonshak, A. (Ed.), Taylor and Franchis, London, pp. 79- 99.
- Wikdors, G.H. and M. Ohno, 2001. Impact of algal research in aquaculture. J.Phycol. 37: 968-974.
- Zarrouk, C., 1966. Contribution á l’étude d’une cyanophycée. Influence de divers facteurs physiques et chimiques sur la croissance et la photosynthése de Spirulina maxima (Setch. et gardner) Geitler. Ph. D. Thesis, University of Paris, France.