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Isolation and molecular identification of extreme halophilic archaea from Çamaltı Saltern.

Year 2008, Volume: 25 Issue: 2, 117 - 121, 01.06.2008



  • Asha K. R. T., D. A. J Vinitha., S.G. Kiran, W.A. Manjusha, N. Sukumaran, J. Selvin. 2005. Isolation and Cultivation of Halophilic Archaea from Solar Salterns Located in Peninsular Coast of India. The Internet Journal of Microbiology.. Volume 1 Number 2.
  • Asker, D., Y Ohta. 2002. Haloferax alexandrinus sp. nov., an extremelyhalophilic canthaxanthin-producing archaeon from a solar saltern in Alexandria (Egypt) International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52: 729:738
  • Bhatnagar T., S. Boutaiba, H. Hacene, J.-L Cayol., M.-L. Fardeau, B. Ollivier, J. C. Baratti. 2005. Lipolytic activity from Halobacteria: Screening and hydrolase production. FEMS Microbiology Letters 248: 133-140
  • Birbir, M., C. Sesal. 2003. Extremely Halophilic Bacterial Communities in Şereflikoçhisar Salt Lake in Turkey Turk J Biol 27: 7-22
  • Birbir M., A. Ogan, B. Çallı, B. Mertoğlu. 2004. Enzyme characteristics of extremely halophilic archaeal community in Tuzkoy Salt Mine, Turkey. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology 20: 613–621
  • Birbir M., B. Çallı, B. Mertoğlu, R. Bardavid, A. Oren, M. Öğmen, A. Ogan. 2007. Extremely Halophilic Archaea From Tuz Lake, Turkey, and the Adjacent Kaldırım and Kayacık Salterns. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 23: 309-316
  • Cuadros-Orellana S., M. Pohlschröder, L.R. Durrant. 2006. Isolation and characterization of halophilic archaea able to grow in aromatic compounds. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 57:151–154
  • Dyall-Smith M. 2006. The Halohandbook- Protocols for Haloarchaeal Genetics, Version 6.01.
  • Dyall-Smith M. 2008. The Halohandbook- Protocols for Haloarchaeal Genetics, Version 7.0.
  • Dussault H.P. 1955. An improved technique for stainin red halophilic bacteria. J. Bacteriol. 70: 484-485
  • Elder B. L., I. Trujillo, D. J. Blazevic. 1977. Rapid Deoxyribonuclease Test with Methyl Green. Journal Of Clinical Microbiology, 6:312-313
  • Elshahed M. S., F. Z. Najar, A. R. Bruce, A. Oren, A. D. Thomas, R. L. Krumholz. 2004. Survey of Archaeal Diversity Reveals an Abundance of Halophilic Archaea in a Low-Salt, Sulfide- and Sulfur-Rich Spring, Applied And Environmental Microbiology, Apr. 70: 2230–2239
  • Gerhardt P., R.G.E Murray, W.A. Wood, N.R Krieg. 1994. Methods for General and Molecular Bacteriology., American Society For Mcrobiology. P. 159-169
  • Gruber C., A. Legat, M. Pfaffenhuemer, C. Radax, G. Weidler, H.-J. Busse, H. Stan-Lotter. 2004. Halobacterium noricense sp. nov., an archaeal isolate from a bore core of an alpine Permian salt deposit, classification of Halobacterium sp. NRC-1 as a strain of H. salinarum and emended description of H. Salinarum Extremophiles 8:431–439
  • Hezayen F. F., B. J. Tindall, A. Steinbüchel, B. H. A. Rehm. 2002. Characterization of a novel halophilic archaeon, Halobiforma haloterrestris gen. nov., sp. nov., and transfer of Natronobacterium nitratireducens to Halobiforma nitratireducens comb. nov. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52, 2271–2280
  • Holmes, M. L., and M. L. Dyall-Smith. 1991. Mutations in DNA gyrase results in novobiocin resistance in halophilic archaebacteria. J. Bacteriol. 173:642–648.
  • Horikoshi K., W.D. Grant(ed). 1998. Ekstremophiles, Chapter 4 Halophiles( W.D. Grant, R. T. Gemmel, T. J. Mcgennity), Wiley-Sons Inc.New York, 93-133
  • Kanlayakrit W., P. Bovornreungroj, T. Oka and M. Goto. 2004. Production and Characterization of protease from an Extremely Halophilic Halobacterium sp. PB407 Natural sciences 38: 15-20
  • Koru, E. 2004. Artemia and it’s importance in Çamaltı Saltworks (Izmir, Turkey) ecosystem (in Turkish). E.Ü. Su Ürünleri Dergisi 21: 187-189
  • Kushner D.J. 1978. Life in High salt and solute concentrations:halophilic bacteria. İn
  • Kushner D.J. (ed) Microbial Life İn Extreme Environments. London:Academic Pres, 317-368
  • Kushner D.J. 1993. Growth and nutrition of halophilic bacteria in Vreeland RH Hochstein L (eds): The Biology of Halophilic Bacteria .Boca Raton:FL CRC Press , pp 87-103
  • Le Borgne S., D. Paniagua, R. Vazquez-Duhalt. 2008. Biodegradation of Organic Pollutants by Halophilic Bacteria and Archaea J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol 15:74–92
  • Wistreich, G.A. ve Lechtman, M.D. 1980. Laboratory Exercieses in Microbiology 4 th edition , USA
  • Martin, S., M. C. Marquez, C. Sanchez-Porro, E. Mellado, D. R. Arahal, A. Ventosa. 2003. Marinobacter lipolyticus sp. nov., a novel moderate halophile with lipolytic activity International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 53: 1383-1387
  • Montalvo-Rodriguez R., A. Ruiz-Acevedo, J. Lopez-Garriga. 1997. New Isolates of Extremely Halophilic Archaebacteria (Halobacteria) from Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. Caribbean Journal of Science, 33:98– 104
  • Montalvo-Rodriguez, R., R. H. Vreeland, A. Oren, M. Kessel, C. Betancourt, J. Lopez-Gariga. 1998. Halogeometricum borinquense gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel halophilic archaeon from Puerto Rico. İnt. J. of Syst. Bacteriol., 48; 1305- 1312
  • Nieto J. J., R. Fernandez-Castillo, M. C. Marquez. A. Ventosa, E. Quesada, F. Ruiz-Berraquero. 1989. Survey of Metal Tolerance in Moderately Halophilic Eubacteria. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 55: 2385- 2390
  • Obayashi, A., N. Hiraoka, K. Kita, H. Nakajima and T. Shuzo. 1988. US Patent 4: 724, 209, US Cl. 435/199.
  • Oren A., A. Ventosa, W. D. Grant. 1997. Proposed Minimal Standards for Description of New Taxa in the Order Halobacteriales İnternetional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 47: 233-238
  • Oren A. 2006. The Order Halobacteriales. Dworkin, M. (ed.). The Prokaryotes: Chapter 8, 3: 113-164
  • Sanchez-Porro C., S. Martin, E. Mellado, A. Ventosa. 2003. Diversity of moderately halophilic bacteria producing extracellular hydrolytic enzymes. J Appl Microbiol, 94:295-300
  • Stan-Lotter H., M. Pfaffenhuemer, A. Legat, H.-J. Buse, C. Radax, C. Gruber. 2002. Halococcus dombrowskii sp. nov., an archaeal isolate from a Permian alpine salt deposit International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52:1807–1814
  • Yaşa İ., A. Kılınç. 2002. Pamuk Liflerinden İzole Edilen Selülaz Üreticisi Fungusların Selülaz Aktivitelerinin Belirlenmesi, Ç.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 17 (3), 57-62
  • Wieland, F., W. Dompert, G. Bernhardt, and M. Sumper. 1980. Halobacterial glycoprotein saccharides contain covalently linked sulphate. FEBS Lett. 120:110–114
  • Van den Burg B. 2003. Extremophiles as a source for novel enzymes. Current Opinion in Microbiology. 6:213–218.

Çamaltı Tuzlasından Ekstrem Halofilik Archaea İzolasyonu ve Moleküler Karakterizasyonu.

Year 2008, Volume: 25 Issue: 2, 117 - 121, 01.06.2008


Ekstrem halofilik mikroorganizmalar yüksek tuz koşullarında yaşamaya adapte olmuş bu nedenle biyoteknoloji alanında ilgi gören canlılardır. Bu araştırmada İzmir Çamaltı Tuzlası’ndan alınan örneklerden ekstrem halofilik archaea izolasyonu gerçekleştirilerek bu mikroorganizmaların biyokimyasal testlerinin yanı sıra moleküler karakterizasyonları yapılmıştır. 16S rDNA analizleri sonucu 1, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13 nolu izolatlar %99 oranında Haloferax alexandrinus, 5 nolu izolat %98 oranında Haloferax alexandrinus, 12 nolu izolat %96 benzerlik oranıyla Haloferax alexandrinus, 3 nolu izolat %99 Haloferax sp. HSC4, 8 nolu izolat %97 Haloferax YT 228, 2 nolu izolat %99 Halobacterium salinarum R1 strain, 9 nolu izolat %97 Halobacterium salinarum olarak tanılanmıştır


  • Asha K. R. T., D. A. J Vinitha., S.G. Kiran, W.A. Manjusha, N. Sukumaran, J. Selvin. 2005. Isolation and Cultivation of Halophilic Archaea from Solar Salterns Located in Peninsular Coast of India. The Internet Journal of Microbiology.. Volume 1 Number 2.
  • Asker, D., Y Ohta. 2002. Haloferax alexandrinus sp. nov., an extremelyhalophilic canthaxanthin-producing archaeon from a solar saltern in Alexandria (Egypt) International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52: 729:738
  • Bhatnagar T., S. Boutaiba, H. Hacene, J.-L Cayol., M.-L. Fardeau, B. Ollivier, J. C. Baratti. 2005. Lipolytic activity from Halobacteria: Screening and hydrolase production. FEMS Microbiology Letters 248: 133-140
  • Birbir, M., C. Sesal. 2003. Extremely Halophilic Bacterial Communities in Şereflikoçhisar Salt Lake in Turkey Turk J Biol 27: 7-22
  • Birbir M., A. Ogan, B. Çallı, B. Mertoğlu. 2004. Enzyme characteristics of extremely halophilic archaeal community in Tuzkoy Salt Mine, Turkey. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology 20: 613–621
  • Birbir M., B. Çallı, B. Mertoğlu, R. Bardavid, A. Oren, M. Öğmen, A. Ogan. 2007. Extremely Halophilic Archaea From Tuz Lake, Turkey, and the Adjacent Kaldırım and Kayacık Salterns. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 23: 309-316
  • Cuadros-Orellana S., M. Pohlschröder, L.R. Durrant. 2006. Isolation and characterization of halophilic archaea able to grow in aromatic compounds. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 57:151–154
  • Dyall-Smith M. 2006. The Halohandbook- Protocols for Haloarchaeal Genetics, Version 6.01.
  • Dyall-Smith M. 2008. The Halohandbook- Protocols for Haloarchaeal Genetics, Version 7.0.
  • Dussault H.P. 1955. An improved technique for stainin red halophilic bacteria. J. Bacteriol. 70: 484-485
  • Elder B. L., I. Trujillo, D. J. Blazevic. 1977. Rapid Deoxyribonuclease Test with Methyl Green. Journal Of Clinical Microbiology, 6:312-313
  • Elshahed M. S., F. Z. Najar, A. R. Bruce, A. Oren, A. D. Thomas, R. L. Krumholz. 2004. Survey of Archaeal Diversity Reveals an Abundance of Halophilic Archaea in a Low-Salt, Sulfide- and Sulfur-Rich Spring, Applied And Environmental Microbiology, Apr. 70: 2230–2239
  • Gerhardt P., R.G.E Murray, W.A. Wood, N.R Krieg. 1994. Methods for General and Molecular Bacteriology., American Society For Mcrobiology. P. 159-169
  • Gruber C., A. Legat, M. Pfaffenhuemer, C. Radax, G. Weidler, H.-J. Busse, H. Stan-Lotter. 2004. Halobacterium noricense sp. nov., an archaeal isolate from a bore core of an alpine Permian salt deposit, classification of Halobacterium sp. NRC-1 as a strain of H. salinarum and emended description of H. Salinarum Extremophiles 8:431–439
  • Hezayen F. F., B. J. Tindall, A. Steinbüchel, B. H. A. Rehm. 2002. Characterization of a novel halophilic archaeon, Halobiforma haloterrestris gen. nov., sp. nov., and transfer of Natronobacterium nitratireducens to Halobiforma nitratireducens comb. nov. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52, 2271–2280
  • Holmes, M. L., and M. L. Dyall-Smith. 1991. Mutations in DNA gyrase results in novobiocin resistance in halophilic archaebacteria. J. Bacteriol. 173:642–648.
  • Horikoshi K., W.D. Grant(ed). 1998. Ekstremophiles, Chapter 4 Halophiles( W.D. Grant, R. T. Gemmel, T. J. Mcgennity), Wiley-Sons Inc.New York, 93-133
  • Kanlayakrit W., P. Bovornreungroj, T. Oka and M. Goto. 2004. Production and Characterization of protease from an Extremely Halophilic Halobacterium sp. PB407 Natural sciences 38: 15-20
  • Koru, E. 2004. Artemia and it’s importance in Çamaltı Saltworks (Izmir, Turkey) ecosystem (in Turkish). E.Ü. Su Ürünleri Dergisi 21: 187-189
  • Kushner D.J. 1978. Life in High salt and solute concentrations:halophilic bacteria. İn
  • Kushner D.J. (ed) Microbial Life İn Extreme Environments. London:Academic Pres, 317-368
  • Kushner D.J. 1993. Growth and nutrition of halophilic bacteria in Vreeland RH Hochstein L (eds): The Biology of Halophilic Bacteria .Boca Raton:FL CRC Press , pp 87-103
  • Le Borgne S., D. Paniagua, R. Vazquez-Duhalt. 2008. Biodegradation of Organic Pollutants by Halophilic Bacteria and Archaea J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol 15:74–92
  • Wistreich, G.A. ve Lechtman, M.D. 1980. Laboratory Exercieses in Microbiology 4 th edition , USA
  • Martin, S., M. C. Marquez, C. Sanchez-Porro, E. Mellado, D. R. Arahal, A. Ventosa. 2003. Marinobacter lipolyticus sp. nov., a novel moderate halophile with lipolytic activity International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 53: 1383-1387
  • Montalvo-Rodriguez R., A. Ruiz-Acevedo, J. Lopez-Garriga. 1997. New Isolates of Extremely Halophilic Archaebacteria (Halobacteria) from Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. Caribbean Journal of Science, 33:98– 104
  • Montalvo-Rodriguez, R., R. H. Vreeland, A. Oren, M. Kessel, C. Betancourt, J. Lopez-Gariga. 1998. Halogeometricum borinquense gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel halophilic archaeon from Puerto Rico. İnt. J. of Syst. Bacteriol., 48; 1305- 1312
  • Nieto J. J., R. Fernandez-Castillo, M. C. Marquez. A. Ventosa, E. Quesada, F. Ruiz-Berraquero. 1989. Survey of Metal Tolerance in Moderately Halophilic Eubacteria. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 55: 2385- 2390
  • Obayashi, A., N. Hiraoka, K. Kita, H. Nakajima and T. Shuzo. 1988. US Patent 4: 724, 209, US Cl. 435/199.
  • Oren A., A. Ventosa, W. D. Grant. 1997. Proposed Minimal Standards for Description of New Taxa in the Order Halobacteriales İnternetional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 47: 233-238
  • Oren A. 2006. The Order Halobacteriales. Dworkin, M. (ed.). The Prokaryotes: Chapter 8, 3: 113-164
  • Sanchez-Porro C., S. Martin, E. Mellado, A. Ventosa. 2003. Diversity of moderately halophilic bacteria producing extracellular hydrolytic enzymes. J Appl Microbiol, 94:295-300
  • Stan-Lotter H., M. Pfaffenhuemer, A. Legat, H.-J. Buse, C. Radax, C. Gruber. 2002. Halococcus dombrowskii sp. nov., an archaeal isolate from a Permian alpine salt deposit International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52:1807–1814
  • Yaşa İ., A. Kılınç. 2002. Pamuk Liflerinden İzole Edilen Selülaz Üreticisi Fungusların Selülaz Aktivitelerinin Belirlenmesi, Ç.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 17 (3), 57-62
  • Wieland, F., W. Dompert, G. Bernhardt, and M. Sumper. 1980. Halobacterial glycoprotein saccharides contain covalently linked sulphate. FEBS Lett. 120:110–114
  • Van den Burg B. 2003. Extremophiles as a source for novel enzymes. Current Opinion in Microbiology. 6:213–218.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

İhsan Yaşa

Özge Kahraman

Ebru Tekin

Ali Koçyiğit

Publication Date June 1, 2008
Submission Date December 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2008Volume: 25 Issue: 2


APA Yaşa, İ. ., Kahraman, Ö. ., Tekin, E. ., Koçyiğit, A. . (2008). Çamaltı Tuzlasından Ekstrem Halofilik Archaea İzolasyonu ve Moleküler Karakterizasyonu. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 25(2), 117-121.