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Seasonal variations in phytoplankton community and some physico-chemical features of Lake Karamuk (Afyonkarahisar-Turkey).

Year 2011, Volume: 28 Issue: 1, 9 - 20, 01.03.2011



  • Akbay, N., N. Anul, S. Yerli, S. Soyupak, C. Yurteri. 1999. Seasonal distribution large phytoplankton in the Keban Dam Reservoir. Journal of Plankton Research 4: 771-787.
  • APHA, 1995. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. 19th Ed., AWWA, WPCF, Washington.
  • Beak Consultant Lmd. 1977. Karamık ve Hoyran göllerinin biyolojik ve kimyasal yönlerden incelenmesi, işletmeöncesi çevre etüdü. Vancouver, B.C., Kanada.
  • Brettum, P., T. Andersen. 2005. The use of phytoplankton as indicators of water quality. NIVA-report SNO: 4818-2004.
  • Çelik, K., T. Ongun. 2006. Seasonal Dynamics of Phytoplankton Assemblages across Nutrient Gradients in the Shallow Hypertrophic Lake Manyas, Turkey. Lake and Reservoir Management, 22(3): 250- 260.
  • Çelik, K., T. Ongun. 2007. The relationships between certain physical and chemical variables and the seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton assemblages of two inlets of a shallow hypertrophic lake with different nutrient inputs. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 124 (1-3): 321-330.
  • Çelik, K., Ongun, T. 2008. Spatial and temporal dynamics of the steady-state phytoplankton assemblages in a temperate shallow hypertrophic lake (Lake Manyas,Turkey). Limnology 9(2): 115-123.
  • Emir, N. 1994. Ecological examination and fauna of Rotifera taxonomical in Çavuşçu, Akşehir, Eber ve Karamuk lakes in Middle Anotolia, Doktora Tezi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Ersanlı, E., A. Gönülol. 2006. A study on the phytoplankton of Lake Simenit, Turkey. Cryptogamie Algologie 27(3): 289-305.
  • Findlay, D.L., H.J. Kling. 1979. A species list and dictorial reference to the phytoplankton of central and Nortlern Canada, part I., II. Fisheries and Marine Service Manuscrips Report No: 1503, Canada.
  • García-Ferrer, I., A. Camacho, X. Armengol, M.R. Miracle, E. Vicentle. 2003. Seasonal and spatial heterogeneity in the water chemistry of two sewage-affected saline shallow lakes from central Spain. Hydrobiologia 506–509: 101–110.
  • Guiry, M.D., G.M. Guiry. 2011. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; erişim: 12 Aralık 2011.
  • Gönülol, A., O. Obalı. 1986. Phytoplankton of Karamık lake (Afyon) Türkiye, Communications, Faculty of Science, University of Ankara, 4 (C): 105- 128.
  • Gönülol, A, O. Obalı. 1998. A study on the phytoplankton of Hasan Uğurlu Dam Lake (Samsun-Turkey). Turkish Journal of Biology 22: 447–461.
  • Gündüz, E., 1981. Karamık gölünün fiziko - kimyasal durumu ve planktonları. Hacettepe Üni. Zooloji Bilim Dalı Bilim Uzmanlığı Tezi. Ankara.
  • Gündüz, E. 1984. Karamık ve Hoyran göllerinde zooplankton türlerinin tespiti ve kirlenmenin zooplankton üzerine etkisi. Doktora Tezi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Habib, O.A., R. Tippert, K.J. Murphy. 1997. Seasonal changes in phytoplankton community structure in relation to physico-chemical factors in Koch Lomond, Scotland. Hydrobiologia 350: 63-79.
  • Huber-Pestalozzi, G. 1961. Das Phytoplankton des Susswassers Systematik und Biologie, Teil 5, Thienemann, A., Chlorophyceae (Grunalgen), ordnung volvocales. E. Schweizerbarth’sche Verlagsbuch handlung (Nagele u. Ober-miller), Stuttgart.
  • Hutchinson, G.E. 1967. A treatise on Limnology, II. Introduction to lake biology and the limnoplankton. Wiley Intersci. Pub., New York.
  • Ilmavirta, V. 1982. Dynamics of phytoplankton in finish lakes. Hydrobiologia 86: 11-22.
  • John, D.M., B.A. Whitton, A.J. Brook. 2003. The Freshwater Algal Flora of the British Isles, An Identification Gıide to Freshwater and Terrestial Algae. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
  • Kagalou, I., E. Papastergiadou, G. Tsimarakis, D. Petridis. 2003. Evalution of trophic state of Lake Pamvotis Greece, a shallow urban Lake. Hydrobiologia 506-509: 745-752.
  • Kangro, K., R. Laugaste, P. Nõges, I. Ott. 2005. Long-term changes and seasonal development of phytoplankton in a strongly stratified, hypertrophic lake. Hydrobiologia 547: 91-103.
  • Kavurt, C. 1993. Investigation of eutrification and trophic level in Lake Eber and Karamık. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
  • Kazancı N, S. Girgin, M. Dügel, B. Mutlu, Ş. Dere, M. Barlas, M. Özçelik. 2000. (ed. N. Kazancı): LAKES OF TURKEY: Limnology, Environmental quality and biodiversity of Köyceğiz, Beyşehir, Eğirdir, Akşehir, Eber, Çorak, Kovada, Yarışlı, Bafa, Salda, Karataş, Çavuşçu Lakes, Küçük and Büyük Menderes Deltas, Güllük, Karamuk Marshes, (Electronic Publication, CD-ROM), Ankara.
  • Kıvrak, E., H. Gürbüz. 2005. Seasonal variations in phytoplankton composition and physical-chemical features of Demirdöven Dam Reservoir, Erzurum, Turkey. Biologia, 60(1): 1-9.
  • Kıvrak, E. 2006. Seasonal and long term changes of the phytoplankton in the Lake Tortum in relation to environmental factors, Erzurum, Turkey. Biologia 61(4): 399-345.
  • Komárek, J, B. Fott. 1983. Das Phytoplankton des Süßwassers, Systematik und Biologie, Teil 7. In: Huber-Pestalozzi, G. (ed.), Chlorophyceae (Grünalgen), Ordnung Chlorococcales. E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Nägele u. Obermiller), Stuttgart.
  • Krammer, K., H. Lange-Bertalot. 1986. Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa. Bacillariophyceae, Band 2/1, 1. Teil: Naviculaceae. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Berlin.
  • Krammer, K., H. Lange-Bertalot. 1991a. Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa. Bacillariophyceae, Band 2/3, 3. Teil: Centrales,Fragillariaceae, Eunoticeae. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Berlin.
  • Krammer, K., H. Lange-Bertalot. 1991b. Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa. Bacillariophyceae, Band 2/4, 4. Teil: Achnanthaceae, Navicula (Lineolatae) und Gomphonema. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart.
  • Krammer, K., H. Lange-Bertalot. 1999. Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa. Bacillariophyceae, Band 2/2, 2. Teil: Bacillariaceae, Epithemiaceae, Surirellaceae. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Berlin.
  • Lund, J.W.G., C. Kipling, D.E. Gren. 1958. The inverted microscope method of estimation algal numbers and the statistical basis of estimation by counting. Hydrobiologia 11: 143-170.
  • Marieanne, C.I. 1982. The phytoplankton species composition and the seasonal periodicity in Lake Vechten from 1956 to 1979. Hidrobiologia 95: 25-39.
  • OECD, 1982. Eutrophication of waters. Monitoring, assessment and control. Final report. OECD, Paris.
  • Nogueira, M.G. 2000. Phytoplankton composition, dominance and abundance as indicators of environmental compartmentalization in Jurumirim Reservoir (Paranapanema River), São Paulo, Brazil. Hydrobiologia 431: 115–128.
  • Rawson, D.S. 1956. Algal indicators of trophic lake types. Limnology and Oceanography 1: 18-25.
  • Reynolds, C.S. 1984. The ecology of freshwater phytoplankton. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Reynolds, C.S., V. Huszar, C. Kruk, L. Naselli-Flores, S. Melo. 2002. Review towards a functional classification of the freshwater phytoplankton. Journal of Plankton Research 24: 417-428.
  • Romo, S., M.R. Miracle. 1994. Population dynamics and ecology of subdominant phytoplankton species in a shallow hypertrophic lake (Albufera of Valencia, Spain) Hydrobiologia 273(1): 37-56.
  • Round, F.E., Crawford, R.M., D.G. Mann, 1990. The Diatoms, Biology&Morphology of The Genera, Cambridge University, Cambridge
  • Soyupak, S., A.F. Çilesiz, N. Yücel, T. Torunoğlu, E. Şentürk, J. Kaya. 1993. Keban Baraj Gölünde (Palu-Elazığ Arası) su kirlenmesi problemi. Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences 17: 301- 304.
  • Şen, B., Yıldız, K., Akbulut, A., Atıcı, T. 1994. Karamuk Gölü Planktonundaki Ochrophyta Üyeleri ve Su Kalitesinin Değerlendirilmesi, XII. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, 166-172, Edirne.
  • Taş, B., A. Gönülol. 2007. An ecologic and taxonomic study on Phytoplankton of a shallow lake, Turkey, Journal of Environmental Biology 28(2): 439 – 445.
  • Taşdemir, A., R. Ustaoğlu. 2005. Göller Bölgesi İç sularının Chironomidae ve Chaoboridae (Diptera) Faunasının Taksonomik Yönden İncelenmesi , E.Ü. Su Ürünleri Dergisi 22 (3-4): 377–384.
  • Temponeras, M., J. Kristiansen, M. Moustaka-Guani 2000. Seasonal variation in phytoplankton composition and physical-chemical features of the shallow Lake Doïrani, Macedonia, Greece. Hydrobiologia 424: 109- 122.
  • Trifonova, I.S. 1998. Phytoplankton composition and biomass structure in relation to trophic gradient in some temperate and subarctic lakes of north-western Russia and the Prebaltic. Hydrobiologia 369-370: 99- 108.
  • Wetzel, R.G. 1983. Limnology, Saunders College Publishing, Philadelphia.
  • Willén, E. 1992. Planktonic green algae in an acidification gradient of nutrient- poor lakes. Archiv Protistenkd 141: 47-64.

Karamuk Gölü (Afyonkarahisar) fitoplankton kommunitesinin mevsimsel değişimi ve bazı fiziko-kimyasal özellikleri.

Year 2011, Volume: 28 Issue: 1, 9 - 20, 01.03.2011


Karamuk Gölü fitoplankton komunitesi ve fitoplankton kompozisyonunun mevsimsel değişimini etkileyen çevresel faktörleri Mart 2009-Şubat 2010 tarihleri arasında üç istasyondan alınan örneklerde incelenmiştir. Karamuk Gölü fitoplanktonunda Cyanobacteria, Myzozoa, Ochrophyta, Euglenozoa, Chlorophyta ve Charophyta’ya ait toplam 89 takson tespit edilmiştir. Ochrophyta kış, ilkbahar başlangıcında ve sonbahar sonunda, Chlorophyta ilkbahar, yaz ve sonbaharda ve Cyanobacteria ilkbahar sonunda ve yazın organizma yoğunluğu bakımından dominant olmuştur. Karamuk Gölü’nde ötrofik ve hipertrofik göllerde yaygın olarak bulunan türler dominant olmuştur. Ötrofik ve hipertrofik göllerin karakteristik özelliği olan Cyanobacteria’nın aşırı çoğalması Mayıs ayında gözlenmiştir. Gölde düşük seki derinliği, çözünmüş oksijen konsantrasyonu, alkali pH, yüksek elektriksel iletkenlik ve besin tuzları konsantrasyonu kaydedilmiştir. Fiziksel ve kimyasal analiz sonuçları gölün trofik durumunun hipertrofik seviyede olduğunu işaret etmiştir. 1979–2004 yılları arasında faaliyet göstermiş olan “Çay SEKA Selüloz Fabrikası” nın organik atıklarının Karamuk Gölü’ne boşaltılmasının, gölün fitoplanktonun komunite yapısı ve trofik seviyesi üzerinde hala etkili olduğu gözlenmiştir


  • Akbay, N., N. Anul, S. Yerli, S. Soyupak, C. Yurteri. 1999. Seasonal distribution large phytoplankton in the Keban Dam Reservoir. Journal of Plankton Research 4: 771-787.
  • APHA, 1995. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. 19th Ed., AWWA, WPCF, Washington.
  • Beak Consultant Lmd. 1977. Karamık ve Hoyran göllerinin biyolojik ve kimyasal yönlerden incelenmesi, işletmeöncesi çevre etüdü. Vancouver, B.C., Kanada.
  • Brettum, P., T. Andersen. 2005. The use of phytoplankton as indicators of water quality. NIVA-report SNO: 4818-2004.
  • Çelik, K., T. Ongun. 2006. Seasonal Dynamics of Phytoplankton Assemblages across Nutrient Gradients in the Shallow Hypertrophic Lake Manyas, Turkey. Lake and Reservoir Management, 22(3): 250- 260.
  • Çelik, K., T. Ongun. 2007. The relationships between certain physical and chemical variables and the seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton assemblages of two inlets of a shallow hypertrophic lake with different nutrient inputs. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 124 (1-3): 321-330.
  • Çelik, K., Ongun, T. 2008. Spatial and temporal dynamics of the steady-state phytoplankton assemblages in a temperate shallow hypertrophic lake (Lake Manyas,Turkey). Limnology 9(2): 115-123.
  • Emir, N. 1994. Ecological examination and fauna of Rotifera taxonomical in Çavuşçu, Akşehir, Eber ve Karamuk lakes in Middle Anotolia, Doktora Tezi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Ersanlı, E., A. Gönülol. 2006. A study on the phytoplankton of Lake Simenit, Turkey. Cryptogamie Algologie 27(3): 289-305.
  • Findlay, D.L., H.J. Kling. 1979. A species list and dictorial reference to the phytoplankton of central and Nortlern Canada, part I., II. Fisheries and Marine Service Manuscrips Report No: 1503, Canada.
  • García-Ferrer, I., A. Camacho, X. Armengol, M.R. Miracle, E. Vicentle. 2003. Seasonal and spatial heterogeneity in the water chemistry of two sewage-affected saline shallow lakes from central Spain. Hydrobiologia 506–509: 101–110.
  • Guiry, M.D., G.M. Guiry. 2011. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; erişim: 12 Aralık 2011.
  • Gönülol, A., O. Obalı. 1986. Phytoplankton of Karamık lake (Afyon) Türkiye, Communications, Faculty of Science, University of Ankara, 4 (C): 105- 128.
  • Gönülol, A, O. Obalı. 1998. A study on the phytoplankton of Hasan Uğurlu Dam Lake (Samsun-Turkey). Turkish Journal of Biology 22: 447–461.
  • Gündüz, E., 1981. Karamık gölünün fiziko - kimyasal durumu ve planktonları. Hacettepe Üni. Zooloji Bilim Dalı Bilim Uzmanlığı Tezi. Ankara.
  • Gündüz, E. 1984. Karamık ve Hoyran göllerinde zooplankton türlerinin tespiti ve kirlenmenin zooplankton üzerine etkisi. Doktora Tezi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Habib, O.A., R. Tippert, K.J. Murphy. 1997. Seasonal changes in phytoplankton community structure in relation to physico-chemical factors in Koch Lomond, Scotland. Hydrobiologia 350: 63-79.
  • Huber-Pestalozzi, G. 1961. Das Phytoplankton des Susswassers Systematik und Biologie, Teil 5, Thienemann, A., Chlorophyceae (Grunalgen), ordnung volvocales. E. Schweizerbarth’sche Verlagsbuch handlung (Nagele u. Ober-miller), Stuttgart.
  • Hutchinson, G.E. 1967. A treatise on Limnology, II. Introduction to lake biology and the limnoplankton. Wiley Intersci. Pub., New York.
  • Ilmavirta, V. 1982. Dynamics of phytoplankton in finish lakes. Hydrobiologia 86: 11-22.
  • John, D.M., B.A. Whitton, A.J. Brook. 2003. The Freshwater Algal Flora of the British Isles, An Identification Gıide to Freshwater and Terrestial Algae. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
  • Kagalou, I., E. Papastergiadou, G. Tsimarakis, D. Petridis. 2003. Evalution of trophic state of Lake Pamvotis Greece, a shallow urban Lake. Hydrobiologia 506-509: 745-752.
  • Kangro, K., R. Laugaste, P. Nõges, I. Ott. 2005. Long-term changes and seasonal development of phytoplankton in a strongly stratified, hypertrophic lake. Hydrobiologia 547: 91-103.
  • Kavurt, C. 1993. Investigation of eutrification and trophic level in Lake Eber and Karamık. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
  • Kazancı N, S. Girgin, M. Dügel, B. Mutlu, Ş. Dere, M. Barlas, M. Özçelik. 2000. (ed. N. Kazancı): LAKES OF TURKEY: Limnology, Environmental quality and biodiversity of Köyceğiz, Beyşehir, Eğirdir, Akşehir, Eber, Çorak, Kovada, Yarışlı, Bafa, Salda, Karataş, Çavuşçu Lakes, Küçük and Büyük Menderes Deltas, Güllük, Karamuk Marshes, (Electronic Publication, CD-ROM), Ankara.
  • Kıvrak, E., H. Gürbüz. 2005. Seasonal variations in phytoplankton composition and physical-chemical features of Demirdöven Dam Reservoir, Erzurum, Turkey. Biologia, 60(1): 1-9.
  • Kıvrak, E. 2006. Seasonal and long term changes of the phytoplankton in the Lake Tortum in relation to environmental factors, Erzurum, Turkey. Biologia 61(4): 399-345.
  • Komárek, J, B. Fott. 1983. Das Phytoplankton des Süßwassers, Systematik und Biologie, Teil 7. In: Huber-Pestalozzi, G. (ed.), Chlorophyceae (Grünalgen), Ordnung Chlorococcales. E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Nägele u. Obermiller), Stuttgart.
  • Krammer, K., H. Lange-Bertalot. 1986. Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa. Bacillariophyceae, Band 2/1, 1. Teil: Naviculaceae. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Berlin.
  • Krammer, K., H. Lange-Bertalot. 1991a. Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa. Bacillariophyceae, Band 2/3, 3. Teil: Centrales,Fragillariaceae, Eunoticeae. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Berlin.
  • Krammer, K., H. Lange-Bertalot. 1991b. Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa. Bacillariophyceae, Band 2/4, 4. Teil: Achnanthaceae, Navicula (Lineolatae) und Gomphonema. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart.
  • Krammer, K., H. Lange-Bertalot. 1999. Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa. Bacillariophyceae, Band 2/2, 2. Teil: Bacillariaceae, Epithemiaceae, Surirellaceae. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Berlin.
  • Lund, J.W.G., C. Kipling, D.E. Gren. 1958. The inverted microscope method of estimation algal numbers and the statistical basis of estimation by counting. Hydrobiologia 11: 143-170.
  • Marieanne, C.I. 1982. The phytoplankton species composition and the seasonal periodicity in Lake Vechten from 1956 to 1979. Hidrobiologia 95: 25-39.
  • OECD, 1982. Eutrophication of waters. Monitoring, assessment and control. Final report. OECD, Paris.
  • Nogueira, M.G. 2000. Phytoplankton composition, dominance and abundance as indicators of environmental compartmentalization in Jurumirim Reservoir (Paranapanema River), São Paulo, Brazil. Hydrobiologia 431: 115–128.
  • Rawson, D.S. 1956. Algal indicators of trophic lake types. Limnology and Oceanography 1: 18-25.
  • Reynolds, C.S. 1984. The ecology of freshwater phytoplankton. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Reynolds, C.S., V. Huszar, C. Kruk, L. Naselli-Flores, S. Melo. 2002. Review towards a functional classification of the freshwater phytoplankton. Journal of Plankton Research 24: 417-428.
  • Romo, S., M.R. Miracle. 1994. Population dynamics and ecology of subdominant phytoplankton species in a shallow hypertrophic lake (Albufera of Valencia, Spain) Hydrobiologia 273(1): 37-56.
  • Round, F.E., Crawford, R.M., D.G. Mann, 1990. The Diatoms, Biology&Morphology of The Genera, Cambridge University, Cambridge
  • Soyupak, S., A.F. Çilesiz, N. Yücel, T. Torunoğlu, E. Şentürk, J. Kaya. 1993. Keban Baraj Gölünde (Palu-Elazığ Arası) su kirlenmesi problemi. Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences 17: 301- 304.
  • Şen, B., Yıldız, K., Akbulut, A., Atıcı, T. 1994. Karamuk Gölü Planktonundaki Ochrophyta Üyeleri ve Su Kalitesinin Değerlendirilmesi, XII. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, 166-172, Edirne.
  • Taş, B., A. Gönülol. 2007. An ecologic and taxonomic study on Phytoplankton of a shallow lake, Turkey, Journal of Environmental Biology 28(2): 439 – 445.
  • Taşdemir, A., R. Ustaoğlu. 2005. Göller Bölgesi İç sularının Chironomidae ve Chaoboridae (Diptera) Faunasının Taksonomik Yönden İncelenmesi , E.Ü. Su Ürünleri Dergisi 22 (3-4): 377–384.
  • Temponeras, M., J. Kristiansen, M. Moustaka-Guani 2000. Seasonal variation in phytoplankton composition and physical-chemical features of the shallow Lake Doïrani, Macedonia, Greece. Hydrobiologia 424: 109- 122.
  • Trifonova, I.S. 1998. Phytoplankton composition and biomass structure in relation to trophic gradient in some temperate and subarctic lakes of north-western Russia and the Prebaltic. Hydrobiologia 369-370: 99- 108.
  • Wetzel, R.G. 1983. Limnology, Saunders College Publishing, Philadelphia.
  • Willén, E. 1992. Planktonic green algae in an acidification gradient of nutrient- poor lakes. Archiv Protistenkd 141: 47-64.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ersin Kıvrak

Publication Date March 1, 2011
Submission Date December 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2011Volume: 28 Issue: 1


APA Kıvrak, E. . (2011). Karamuk Gölü (Afyonkarahisar) fitoplankton kommunitesinin mevsimsel değişimi ve bazı fiziko-kimyasal özellikleri. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 28(1), 9-20.