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Kapalı devre sistemde tatlı su ve ‰5 tuzlulukta yetiştirilen Avrupa yayın balığının (Silurus glanis L.) büyüme performansının karşılaştırılması

Year 2019, Volume: 36 Issue: 4, 373 - 378, 15.12.2019


Avrupa yayın balığı (Silurus glanis L.) hızlı büyümesi ve etinin lezzetli olmasından dolayı ekonomik değeri yüksek olan bir balıktır. Bu çalışmada, kapalı devre sistemde, hem tatlı suda hem de ‰5 tuzluluktaki suda yayın balıklarının büyüme performansları araştırılmıştır. Çalışma, ortalama ağırlığı 507±13,02 g ve ortalama total boyu 42,85±0,45 cm olan balıklar kullanılarak, üç ay boyunca tatlı su (Y1, Y2, Y3) ve ‰5 tuzluluktaki artezyen suyunda (T1, T2, T3) olmak üzere üçer tekerrür şeklinde dizayn edilmiştir. Balıklara günde iki öğün ağırlıklarının %3’ü kadar besleme yapılmıştır. Deneme sonucunda ortalama canlı ağırlık artışı, total boy artışı, yem tüketimi miktarı ve oranı, SGR ve FCR oranları Y grubunda daha yüksek bir değer göstermiştir (P<0,05). Grupların yaşama oranları arasında herhangi bir istatistiksel fark görülmemiştir (P>0,05).

Sonuç olarak, bu türün hem tatlı su hem de ‰5 tuzluluğa sahip sularda yetiştiriciliğinin yapılabileceği kanaatine varılmıştır.


  • Adamek, Z., Hamačkova, J., Kouril, J., Vachta, R. & Stibranyiova, I. (1996). Utjecaj dodatka probıotıka ascogen u hranu za pastrve (Oncorhynchus mykiss) ı soma (Silurus glanis) u ıntenzıvnım uvjetıma uzgoja. Krmiva, 38(1), 11-20.
  • Alpbaz, A. (2005). Su Ürünleri Yetiştiriciliği. 548s. İzmir: Alp Yayınları.
  • Bekcan, S., Dogankaya, L. & Cakirogullari, G.C. (2006). Growth and body composition of European catfish (Silurus glanis L.) fed diets containing different percentages of protein. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture – Bamidgeh, 58(2), 137-142. DOI: 10524/19170
  • Britz, P. J. & Hecht, T. (1989). Effects of salinity on growth and survival of African sharptooth catfish (Clarias gariepinus) larvae. Journal of Aapplied Ichthyology, 5(4), 194-202. DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0426.1989.tb00492.x
  • Clay, D. (1977). Preliminary observations on salinity tolerance of Clarias lazera from Israel. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture – Bamidgeh, 29(3), 102-109.
  • Copp, G.H., Britton, J.R., Cucherousset, J., Garcı´a-Berthou, E., Kirk R, Peeler, E. & Stakenas, S. (2009). Voracious invader or benign feline? A review of the environmental biology of European catfish Silurus glanis in its native and introduced range. Fish and fisheries, 10(3), 252-282. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-2979.2008.00321.x
  • Çelikkale, M.S. (1994). İçsu Balıkları ve Yetiştiriciliği. KTÜ Sürmene Deniz Bilimleri Fak. Genel Yayın, (124).
  • David, J. A. (2006). Water quality and accelerated winter growth of European catfish using an enclosed recirculating system. Water Environment Journal, 20(4), 233–239. DOI: 10.1111/j.1747-6593.2006.00021.x
  • FAO. (2019). Food and Agriculture Organization Statistics <>, (Access Date: 29.08.2019).
  • Florczyk, K., Mazurkiewicz, J., Przybylska, K., Ulikowski, D., Szczepkowski, M., Andrzejewski, W. & Golski, J. (2014). Growth performance, feed intake and morphology of juvenile European catfish, Silurus glanis (L.) fed diets containing different protein and lipid levels. Aquaculture International, 22(1), 205-214. DOI: 10.1007/s10499-013-9667-0
  • Havasi, M., Gorzas, A., Levai, P., Merth, J. & Bercsenyi, M. (2010). Intensive rearing of wels (Silurus glanis) fed with plant protein based feed. Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & LegislationInternational Journal of the Bioflux Society, 3(5), 347-353.
  • Liao, C. & Chang, L. S. (1983). Studies on the feasibility of red tilapia culture ın saline water International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture. Nazareth Israel 8-13 May 1983 P. 524
  • Linhart, O., Stech, L., Svarc, J., Rodina, M., Audebert, J.P., Grecu, J. & Billard, R. (2002). The culture of the European catfish, Silurus glanis, in the Czech Republic and in France. Aquatic Living Resources, 15:139-144. DOI: 10.1016/S0990-7440(02)01153-1
  • Mocanu, M. T., Antache, A., Bocioc, E. & Petrea, Ş. M. (2012). The influence of stocking density on Silurus glanis (L, 1758) growth performance in a recirculating aquaculture system. Lucrări Ştiinţifice - Seria Zootehnie, 58, 306-310.
  • Placinta, S., Cristea, V., Tiberiu, C. M. & Petrea, Ş. M. (2014). Hematological profile of juvenile European catfish (Silurus glanis) reared under different stocking densities in recirculating system conditions. scientific papers: Animal Science and Biotechnologies/Lucrari Stiintifice: Zootehnie si Biotehnologii, 47(1), 239-244.
  • Talpes, M., Patriche, N., Tenciu, M. & Arsene, F. (2009). Prospects for the development of technology for intensive rearing of Silurus glanis in Romania. Lucr St Zootehnie si Biotehnologii, Timisoara 42(2), 130-135.
  • Ulikowski, D. (2003). Intensive production of European catfish (Silurus glanis L.) in water recirculating systems, Komunikaty Rybackie, 2, 10-12.
  • Watanabe, W. O., Ernst, D. H., Chasar, M. P., Wicklund, R. I. & Olla, B. L. (1993). The effects of temperature and salinity on growth and feed utilization of juvenile, sex-reversed male Florida red tilapia cultured in a recirculating system. Aquaculture, 112(4), 309-320. DOI: 10.1016/0044-8486(93)90392-C
  • Yiğit, M. & Aral, O. (1999). Gökkuşağı Alabalığının (Oncorhynchus mykiss W, 1792) tatlısu ve deniz suyundaki büyüme farklılıklarının karşılaştırılması. Turkish. Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sicences, 23, 53-59.
  • Zaikov, A., Iliev, I. & Hubenova, T. (2008). Investigation on growth rate and food conversion ratio of wels (Silurus glanis L.) in controlled conditions. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 14(2), 171-175.

Comparison of growth performance of European catfish (Silurus glanis L) rearing in freshwater and 5 ‰ salinity in recirculating system

Year 2019, Volume: 36 Issue: 4, 373 - 378, 15.12.2019


European catfish (Silurus glanis L.) is a fish that has a high economic value due to its rapid growth and delicious flesh. In this study, the growth performance of European catfish was investigated in freshwater and 5‰ salinity in recirculating system. The study was carried out using fish with an average weight of 507±13.02 g and an average total length of 42.85±0.45 cm in freshwater (Y1, Y2, Y3) and 5‰ salinity of ground water (T1, T2, T3)  designed as three replications for three months. Fish were fed with 3% of the total weight two meals a day. The mean body weight gain, total lenght increase, amount and percentage of feed consumption, specific growth rate (SGR) and feed conversion rate (FCR)  were higher in group Y (P<0.05). No statistical difference was observed between the survival rates of the groups (P>0.05). As a result, it is concluded that this species can be reared in both fresh water and 5‰ saline water.


  • Adamek, Z., Hamačkova, J., Kouril, J., Vachta, R. & Stibranyiova, I. (1996). Utjecaj dodatka probıotıka ascogen u hranu za pastrve (Oncorhynchus mykiss) ı soma (Silurus glanis) u ıntenzıvnım uvjetıma uzgoja. Krmiva, 38(1), 11-20.
  • Alpbaz, A. (2005). Su Ürünleri Yetiştiriciliği. 548s. İzmir: Alp Yayınları.
  • Bekcan, S., Dogankaya, L. & Cakirogullari, G.C. (2006). Growth and body composition of European catfish (Silurus glanis L.) fed diets containing different percentages of protein. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture – Bamidgeh, 58(2), 137-142. DOI: 10524/19170
  • Britz, P. J. & Hecht, T. (1989). Effects of salinity on growth and survival of African sharptooth catfish (Clarias gariepinus) larvae. Journal of Aapplied Ichthyology, 5(4), 194-202. DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0426.1989.tb00492.x
  • Clay, D. (1977). Preliminary observations on salinity tolerance of Clarias lazera from Israel. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture – Bamidgeh, 29(3), 102-109.
  • Copp, G.H., Britton, J.R., Cucherousset, J., Garcı´a-Berthou, E., Kirk R, Peeler, E. & Stakenas, S. (2009). Voracious invader or benign feline? A review of the environmental biology of European catfish Silurus glanis in its native and introduced range. Fish and fisheries, 10(3), 252-282. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-2979.2008.00321.x
  • Çelikkale, M.S. (1994). İçsu Balıkları ve Yetiştiriciliği. KTÜ Sürmene Deniz Bilimleri Fak. Genel Yayın, (124).
  • David, J. A. (2006). Water quality and accelerated winter growth of European catfish using an enclosed recirculating system. Water Environment Journal, 20(4), 233–239. DOI: 10.1111/j.1747-6593.2006.00021.x
  • FAO. (2019). Food and Agriculture Organization Statistics <>, (Access Date: 29.08.2019).
  • Florczyk, K., Mazurkiewicz, J., Przybylska, K., Ulikowski, D., Szczepkowski, M., Andrzejewski, W. & Golski, J. (2014). Growth performance, feed intake and morphology of juvenile European catfish, Silurus glanis (L.) fed diets containing different protein and lipid levels. Aquaculture International, 22(1), 205-214. DOI: 10.1007/s10499-013-9667-0
  • Havasi, M., Gorzas, A., Levai, P., Merth, J. & Bercsenyi, M. (2010). Intensive rearing of wels (Silurus glanis) fed with plant protein based feed. Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & LegislationInternational Journal of the Bioflux Society, 3(5), 347-353.
  • Liao, C. & Chang, L. S. (1983). Studies on the feasibility of red tilapia culture ın saline water International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture. Nazareth Israel 8-13 May 1983 P. 524
  • Linhart, O., Stech, L., Svarc, J., Rodina, M., Audebert, J.P., Grecu, J. & Billard, R. (2002). The culture of the European catfish, Silurus glanis, in the Czech Republic and in France. Aquatic Living Resources, 15:139-144. DOI: 10.1016/S0990-7440(02)01153-1
  • Mocanu, M. T., Antache, A., Bocioc, E. & Petrea, Ş. M. (2012). The influence of stocking density on Silurus glanis (L, 1758) growth performance in a recirculating aquaculture system. Lucrări Ştiinţifice - Seria Zootehnie, 58, 306-310.
  • Placinta, S., Cristea, V., Tiberiu, C. M. & Petrea, Ş. M. (2014). Hematological profile of juvenile European catfish (Silurus glanis) reared under different stocking densities in recirculating system conditions. scientific papers: Animal Science and Biotechnologies/Lucrari Stiintifice: Zootehnie si Biotehnologii, 47(1), 239-244.
  • Talpes, M., Patriche, N., Tenciu, M. & Arsene, F. (2009). Prospects for the development of technology for intensive rearing of Silurus glanis in Romania. Lucr St Zootehnie si Biotehnologii, Timisoara 42(2), 130-135.
  • Ulikowski, D. (2003). Intensive production of European catfish (Silurus glanis L.) in water recirculating systems, Komunikaty Rybackie, 2, 10-12.
  • Watanabe, W. O., Ernst, D. H., Chasar, M. P., Wicklund, R. I. & Olla, B. L. (1993). The effects of temperature and salinity on growth and feed utilization of juvenile, sex-reversed male Florida red tilapia cultured in a recirculating system. Aquaculture, 112(4), 309-320. DOI: 10.1016/0044-8486(93)90392-C
  • Yiğit, M. & Aral, O. (1999). Gökkuşağı Alabalığının (Oncorhynchus mykiss W, 1792) tatlısu ve deniz suyundaki büyüme farklılıklarının karşılaştırılması. Turkish. Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sicences, 23, 53-59.
  • Zaikov, A., Iliev, I. & Hubenova, T. (2008). Investigation on growth rate and food conversion ratio of wels (Silurus glanis L.) in controlled conditions. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 14(2), 171-175.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Fisheries Management
Journal Section Articles

Sevim Hamzaçebi 0000-0002-2179-1900

Ramazan Serezli 0000-0003-4819-6607

Publication Date December 15, 2019
Submission Date July 24, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019Volume: 36 Issue: 4


APA Hamzaçebi, S., & Serezli, R. (2019). Kapalı devre sistemde tatlı su ve ‰5 tuzlulukta yetiştirilen Avrupa yayın balığının (Silurus glanis L.) büyüme performansının karşılaştırılması. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 36(4), 373-378.