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Akut bakır konsantrasyonlarına maruz bırakılmış pangasus balıklarında (Pangasius hypophthalmus) saptanan hematolojik ve histolojik değişimler

Year 2019, Volume: 36 Issue: 4, 387 - 396, 15.12.2019


Bu çalışmada, hematolojik ve histolojik değişiklikleri incelemek için pangasus balıkları (Pangasius hypophthalmus) 0.0, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0 mg L-1 bakır sülfat konsantrasyonlarına 48 saat süreyle maruz bırakılmıştır. Ardından her akvaryumdan dörder balık seçilmiştir. İlk 24 saatte ve ikinci 24 saatte kan örnekleri alınmıştır. Sonrasında histolojik analiz için böbrek, karaciğer, dalak ve solungaç doku örnekleri toplanmıştır. Hematokrit, hemoglobin, eritrosit sayısı, MCHC, MCH ve MCV değerleri için kan örnekleri analiz edilmiştir. Histolojik değerlendirme içinde doku örnekleri hematoksilen ve eozin boyama yöntemi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Bakır konsantrasyon artışlarına bağlı olarak pangasus balıklarında hematolojik ve histolojik bazı önemli değişiklikler saptanmıştır. ≥ 2.5 mg L-1 Cu konsantrasyonlarına maruz bırakılmış pangasusların hematokrit oranında, hemoglobin miktarlarında ve eritrosit sayısında 48 saat içinde önemli artışlar olmuştur. Fakat MCHC, MCH ve MCV değerlerinde istatiksel bir farklılık gözlenmemiştir. İlk 24 saatlik süreçte ≥ 2.5 mg L-1 Cu konsantrasyonları pangasuslarının solungaçlarında ödeme, hiperplaziye, ve füzyona yol açmıştır. 48 saat sonunda ≥ 2.5 mg L-1 konsantrasyonlar solungaçlarda yoğun hiperplaziye ve kıkırdak ve epitel dokuda dejenerasyonlara neden olmuştur. Karaciğer hücrelerinde piknotik nükleus ve dejenerasyonlar, dalakta nekroz ve hemosterin kümecikleri artışı, böbrek tübüllerinde dejenerasyon ve siyah lekeler görülmüştür. Sonuç olarak ≥ 2.5 mg L-1 akut bakır konsantrasyonları pangasus balıklarında 48 saat süre içinde yüksek mortaliteye ve histolojik bozukluklara neden olmuştur.


  • Abdel-Warith, A.A., Younis, E.M., Al-Asgah, N.A. & Wahbi, O.M. (2011). Effect of zinc toxicity on liver histology of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Scientific Research and Essays, 6(17), 3760-3769. DOI: 10.5897/SRE11.883
  • Acker, L.A., Mcmahan, J.R. & Gawel, J.E. (2005). The effect of heavy metal pollution in aquatic environmentals on metallothionein production in Mytillus sp. Proceedings of the 2005 Puget Sound Georgia Basin Research.
  • Alkobaby, A., & Abd El-Wahed, R.K. (2017). The acute toxicity of copper to Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings and its effects on gill and liver histology. Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development, 8(1), 1-6. DOI: 10.4172/2155-9546.1000465
  • Al-Tamimi, A.H., Al-Azzawi, A.J. & Al-A'dhmi M. A. (2015). Chronic toxicity assessment of histological changes and micronuclei in fish Cyprinus carpio L. After exposed to copper. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering Technology and Sciences, 13(1), 194-210.
  • Alwan, S. F., Hadi, A.A. & Shokr, A. E. (2009). Alterations in Hematological Parameters of Fresh Water Fish, Tilapia zillii , Exposed to Aluminum. Journal of Science and Its Applications, 3(1), 12-19.
  • Atabati, A., Keykhosravi, A., Askari-Hesni, M., Vatandost, J. & Motamedi, M. (2015). Effects of copper sulfate on gill histopathology of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Iranian Journal of Ichthyology, 2(1), 35-42.
  • Bayhan, T. & Ünübol Aypak, S. (2016). Büyük Menderes Deltasından avlanan kefal ve levreklerde Cu, Zn ve Cd düzeylerinin belirlenmesi ve metalotiyonin ile ilişkisinin araştırılması. Gıda, 41(5), 359-365. DOI: 10.15237/gida.GD16034
  • Begum, A., Mustafa, A.I., Amin, M.N., Chowdhury, T.R., Quraihi, S.B. & Banu N. (2013). Levels of heavy metals in tissues of shingi fish (Heteropneustes fossilis) from Buriganga River, Bangladesh. Environmental Monitoring Assessment, 185, 5461-5469. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-012-2959-4
  • Çağdaş, B., Kocagöz, R., Onat, İ., Perçin, F., Özaydin, O. & Orhan, H. (2017). Periodic monitoring of persistent organic pollutants and molecular damage in Cyprinus carpio from Büyük Menderes River. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24, 4241-4251. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-015-4848-1
  • Culling, A.F., Allison, T.R. & Barr, T.W. (1985). Cellulary Patholog Technique. Fourth Edition, London, UK. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-407-72903-2.50031-9
  • Cyriac, P.J., Antony, A. & Nambisan, P.N.K. (1989). Hemoglobin and haematocrit values in the fish, Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters) after short term exposure to copper and mercury. Bulletin of Environmantal Contamination and Toxicology, 43, 315-320. DOI: 10.1007/BF01701764
  • Çalta, M., Canpolat, Ö. & Nacar, A. (2000). Elazığ Keban Baraj Göl'nde yakalanan Capoeta trutta (HECKEL, 1843)'da bazı ağır metal düzeylerinin belirlenmesi, Doğu Anandolu Bölgesi IV. Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu, 28-30 Haziran 2000, Erzurum.
  • Çiftçi, N., Karayakar, F., Ay, Ö., Cicik, B. & Erdem, C. (2015). Effects of copper and lead on some hematological parameters of Oreochromis niloticus. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 24(9), 2771-2775.
  • Duman, S. & Şahan, A. (2014). Kangal (Sivas) balıklı Çermik Termal Kaplıcası ile Topardıç Deresi'nde (Sivas) yaşayan benekli sazan Cyprinion macrostomus (Heckel, 1843) da bazı hematolojik parametreler ve non-spesifik immün yanıtın belirlenmesi. Yunus Araştırma Bülteni, 4, 21-28. DOI: 10.17693/yunusae.v2014i21954.235727
  • Ebrahimpour, M., Alipour, H. & Rakhshah, S. (2010). Influence of water hardness on acute toxicity of copper and zinc on fish. Toxicology and Industrial Health, 26(6), 361-365. DOI: 10.1177/0748233710369123
  • Figueiredo-Fernandes, A., Ferreira-Cardoso, J., Garcia-Santos, S., Monteiro, S. M., Carrola, J., Matos, P. & Fontainhas-Fernandes, A. (2007). Histopathological changes in liver and gill epithelium of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, exposed to waterborne copper. Pesquisa Vetterinaria Brasileira, 27(3), 103-109. DOI: 10.1590/S0100-736X2007000300004
  • Gündoğdu, A. (2008). Acute toxicity of zinc and copper for rainbow trout (Onchorhyncus mykiss). Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 2, 711-721. DOI: 10.3153/jfscom.2008039
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Hematological and histological alterations detected in striped catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) exposed to acute copper concentrations

Year 2019, Volume: 36 Issue: 4, 387 - 396, 15.12.2019


In this study, to examine hematological and histological alterations, striped catfish exposed to 0.0, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0 mg L-1 copper concentrations for 48 hours. After that, four fish were selected per aquarium. First 24 and second 24 h, blood samples were taken. And then, their gills, liver, kidney, and spleen samples were collected. The blood samples were analyzed for hematocrit, hemoglobin, number of erythrocytes, MCHC, MCH and MCV. The tissue samples stained with standart tecnique of haematoxylin and eosin for histological assessment. Copper depending on concentrations increase caused some important hematological and histological alterations on striped catfish. Number of erythroryte, hematocrit and hemoglobin of striped catfish exposed to ≥ 2.5 mg L-1 of Cu concentrations increased in 48 h. Within first 24 h ≥ 2.5 mg L-1 of Cu caused edema, hyperplasia and fusion in gills. After 48 h, ≥ 2.5 mg L-1 of Cu formed very intense hyperplasia and degeneration of cartilage and epithelium tissue in the gills. Pyknotic nuclei and degenation in liver; necrosis and increase number of hemosterin clustering in spleen; degeneration of renal tubules and black spots in kidney were seen. As a result of that, ≥ 2.5 mg L-1 of Cu caused high mortality and histological disorders within 48 h.


  • Abdel-Warith, A.A., Younis, E.M., Al-Asgah, N.A. & Wahbi, O.M. (2011). Effect of zinc toxicity on liver histology of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Scientific Research and Essays, 6(17), 3760-3769. DOI: 10.5897/SRE11.883
  • Acker, L.A., Mcmahan, J.R. & Gawel, J.E. (2005). The effect of heavy metal pollution in aquatic environmentals on metallothionein production in Mytillus sp. Proceedings of the 2005 Puget Sound Georgia Basin Research.
  • Alkobaby, A., & Abd El-Wahed, R.K. (2017). The acute toxicity of copper to Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings and its effects on gill and liver histology. Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development, 8(1), 1-6. DOI: 10.4172/2155-9546.1000465
  • Al-Tamimi, A.H., Al-Azzawi, A.J. & Al-A'dhmi M. A. (2015). Chronic toxicity assessment of histological changes and micronuclei in fish Cyprinus carpio L. After exposed to copper. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering Technology and Sciences, 13(1), 194-210.
  • Alwan, S. F., Hadi, A.A. & Shokr, A. E. (2009). Alterations in Hematological Parameters of Fresh Water Fish, Tilapia zillii , Exposed to Aluminum. Journal of Science and Its Applications, 3(1), 12-19.
  • Atabati, A., Keykhosravi, A., Askari-Hesni, M., Vatandost, J. & Motamedi, M. (2015). Effects of copper sulfate on gill histopathology of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Iranian Journal of Ichthyology, 2(1), 35-42.
  • Bayhan, T. & Ünübol Aypak, S. (2016). Büyük Menderes Deltasından avlanan kefal ve levreklerde Cu, Zn ve Cd düzeylerinin belirlenmesi ve metalotiyonin ile ilişkisinin araştırılması. Gıda, 41(5), 359-365. DOI: 10.15237/gida.GD16034
  • Begum, A., Mustafa, A.I., Amin, M.N., Chowdhury, T.R., Quraihi, S.B. & Banu N. (2013). Levels of heavy metals in tissues of shingi fish (Heteropneustes fossilis) from Buriganga River, Bangladesh. Environmental Monitoring Assessment, 185, 5461-5469. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-012-2959-4
  • Çağdaş, B., Kocagöz, R., Onat, İ., Perçin, F., Özaydin, O. & Orhan, H. (2017). Periodic monitoring of persistent organic pollutants and molecular damage in Cyprinus carpio from Büyük Menderes River. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24, 4241-4251. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-015-4848-1
  • Culling, A.F., Allison, T.R. & Barr, T.W. (1985). Cellulary Patholog Technique. Fourth Edition, London, UK. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-407-72903-2.50031-9
  • Cyriac, P.J., Antony, A. & Nambisan, P.N.K. (1989). Hemoglobin and haematocrit values in the fish, Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters) after short term exposure to copper and mercury. Bulletin of Environmantal Contamination and Toxicology, 43, 315-320. DOI: 10.1007/BF01701764
  • Çalta, M., Canpolat, Ö. & Nacar, A. (2000). Elazığ Keban Baraj Göl'nde yakalanan Capoeta trutta (HECKEL, 1843)'da bazı ağır metal düzeylerinin belirlenmesi, Doğu Anandolu Bölgesi IV. Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu, 28-30 Haziran 2000, Erzurum.
  • Çiftçi, N., Karayakar, F., Ay, Ö., Cicik, B. & Erdem, C. (2015). Effects of copper and lead on some hematological parameters of Oreochromis niloticus. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 24(9), 2771-2775.
  • Duman, S. & Şahan, A. (2014). Kangal (Sivas) balıklı Çermik Termal Kaplıcası ile Topardıç Deresi'nde (Sivas) yaşayan benekli sazan Cyprinion macrostomus (Heckel, 1843) da bazı hematolojik parametreler ve non-spesifik immün yanıtın belirlenmesi. Yunus Araştırma Bülteni, 4, 21-28. DOI: 10.17693/yunusae.v2014i21954.235727
  • Ebrahimpour, M., Alipour, H. & Rakhshah, S. (2010). Influence of water hardness on acute toxicity of copper and zinc on fish. Toxicology and Industrial Health, 26(6), 361-365. DOI: 10.1177/0748233710369123
  • Figueiredo-Fernandes, A., Ferreira-Cardoso, J., Garcia-Santos, S., Monteiro, S. M., Carrola, J., Matos, P. & Fontainhas-Fernandes, A. (2007). Histopathological changes in liver and gill epithelium of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, exposed to waterborne copper. Pesquisa Vetterinaria Brasileira, 27(3), 103-109. DOI: 10.1590/S0100-736X2007000300004
  • Gündoğdu, A. (2008). Acute toxicity of zinc and copper for rainbow trout (Onchorhyncus mykiss). Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 2, 711-721. DOI: 10.3153/jfscom.2008039
  • Hamer, D.H. (1986). Metallotionein. Annual Review Biochemistry, 55, 913-951. DOI: 10.1146/
  • Hassan, W., Abdullah, S., Afzal, M. & Hussain, M. (2018) . Assessment of acute metals toxicity in Catla catla through hematological and biochemical blood markers. Pakistan Journal Agricultural Sciences, 55(2), 449-454. DOI: 10.21162/PAKJAS/18.6002
  • Karan, V., Vitorovic, S., Tutundzic, V. & Poleksic, V. (1998). Functional enzymes activity and gill histology of carp after copper exposure and recovery. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 40, 49-55. DOI: 10.1006/eesa.1998.1641
  • Kalay, M. & Canlı, M. (2000). Elimination of essential (Cu, Zn) and non-essential (Cd, Pb) metals from tissues of a freshwater fish Tilapia zilli. Turkish Journal of Zoology. 24, 429-436.
  • Kousar, S. & Javed, M. (2012). Evaluation of acute toxicity of copper to four fresh water fish species. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 14(5), 801-804.
  • Kovarova, J., Kizek, R., Adam, V., Harustiakova, D., Celechovska, O. & Svobodova, Z. (2009). Effect of cadmium chloride on metallothionein levels in carp. Sensors, 9, 4789-4803. DOI: 10.3390/s90604789
  • Li, Y., Yang, H., Liu, N., Luo, J., Wang, Q. & Wang, L. (2015). Cadmium accumulation and metallothionein biosynthesis in cadmium-treated freshwater mussel Anodonta woodiana. Plos One, 10(2), 1-15. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0117037
  • Linde, A.R., Sanchez-Galan, S., Valles-Mota, P. & GarciaVazquez, E. (2001). Metallothionein as bioindicator of freshwater of metal pollution: European eel and brown trout. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 49, 60- 63. DOI: 10.1006/eesa.2001.2042
  • Liu, J.-Y., Lu, T. & Zhao, N.-M. (2000). Classification and nomenclature of plant metallothionein-like proteins based on their cysteine arrangement patterns. Acta Botanica Sinica 42, 649-652.
  • Ma, W., Wang, L., He, Y. & Yan, Y. (2008). Tissue-specific cadmium and metallothionein levels in freshwater crab Sinopotamon henanense during acute exposure to waterborne cadmium. Environmental Toxicology, 23(3), 393-400. DOI: 10.1002/tox.20339
  • Maharajan, A., Rufus Kitto, M., Paruruckumani, P. S. & Ganapiriya, V. ( 2016). Histopathology biomarker responses in Asian sea bass, Lates calcarifer (Bloch) exposed to copper. The Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology, 77, 21-30. DOI: 10.1016/j.jobaz.2016.02.001
  • Marcussen, H., Holm, P. E., Ha, L. T. & Dalsgaard, A. (2007). Food safety aspects of toxic element accumulation in fish from wastewater-fed ponds in Hanoi, Vietnam. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 12, 34-39. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3156.2007.01939.x
  • Margoshes M. & Vallee B. L. (1957). A cadmium protein from equine kidney cortex. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 79, 4813-4814. DOI: 10.1021/ja01574a064
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There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Hydrobiology
Journal Section Articles

Semra Küçük 0000-0002-9299-5986

Publication Date December 15, 2019
Submission Date May 9, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019Volume: 36 Issue: 4


APA Küçük, S. (2019). Akut bakır konsantrasyonlarına maruz bırakılmış pangasus balıklarında (Pangasius hypophthalmus) saptanan hematolojik ve histolojik değişimler. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 36(4), 387-396.