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Historical Development, Unique Characteristics and Advantages of Practice-Oriented and Clinic-Focused Social Work Doctoral Program

Year 2023, Issue: 21, 129 - 147, 03.07.2023


In the USA, there are Doctorate of Social Work (DSW) programs that emphasize the practice dimension for professionals who want to enhance their clinical knowledge and skills, without intending to pursue an academic career. These programs aim to expand the clinical knowledge and skills of social workers, encourage evidence-based practice, and therefore differ from traditional doctoral programs. The uncontrolled growth of social work departments in Turkey in recent years and the scarcity of faculty members in these departments who can teach clinical courses such as social work theories, interviewing principles and techniques have made DSW programs appealing. Additionally, the limited number of postgraduate programs where social workers can gain clinical skills makes it necessary to establish DSW programs. This study examines the historical development of DSW programs, their objectives, and the aspects where they diverge from conventional doctoral programs. Furthermore, DSW programs of five different universities in the USA were examined by analyzing their respective web pages. In this way, information about DSW programs and their requirements was provided to the national literature and thereby underscoring the need for the introduction of practical doctoral programs in Turkey.


  • Acquavita, S. P. ve Tice, C. J. (2015). Social work doctoral education in the United States: examining the past, preparing for the future. Social Work Education, 34(7), 846-860.
  • Anastas, J. (2015). Clinical social work, science, and doctoral education: Schisms or synergy? Clinical Social Work Journal, 43(3), 304-312.
  • Anastas, J. ve Videka, L. (2012). Does social work need a “practice doctorate”? Clinical Social Work Journal, 40(2), 268-276.
  • Anastas, J. W. (2012). Doctoral education in social work. New York: Oxford.
  • APA. (2001). 2001: Doctorate Employment Survey. Erişim Tarihi 29.09.2022, Erişim Adresi 2001: Doctorate Employment Survey
  • Aslan, H. K. ve Aslan, M. (2018). Orta gelir tuzağından kurtulmak için alternatif stratejiler: Türkiye Yükseköğrenim Sisteminde reform. Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi(1), 1-21.
  • ASPH. (2009). Doctor of public health (DrPH) core competency model, version 1.3. Washington: Association of Schools of Public Health Education.
  • Calhoun, J. G., McElligott, J. E., Weist, E. M. ve Raczynski, J. M. (2012). Core competencies for doctoral education in public health. American Journal of Public Health, 102(1), 22-29.
  • Cronenwett, L., Dracup, K., Grey, M., McCauley, L., Meleis, A. ve Salmon, M. (2011). The doctor of nursing practice: A national workforce perspective. Nursing Outlook, 59(1), 9-17.
  • Drisko, J., Hunnicutt, C. ve Berenson, L. (2015). A National Content Analysis of PhD Program Objectives, Structures, and Curricula: Do Programs Address the Full Range of Social Work’s Needs? Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 35(1-2), 14-28. doi: 10.1080/08841233.2014.986356
  • Edwards, R., Rittner, B. ve Holmes, J. (2011). The Doctorate in Social Work (DSW) Degree: Emergence of a New Practice Doctorate Washington: Council on Social Work Education.
  • GADE. (2022a). Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Programs. Erişim Tarihi 22.09.2022, 2022, Erişim Adresi
  • GADE. (2022b). Doctorate of Social Work (DSW) Programs. Erişim Tarihi 22.09.2022, 2022, Erişim Adresi
  • GADE. (2022c). Why a PhD in Social Work or a Doctorate of Social Work (DSW)? Erişim Tarihi 22.09.2022, 2022, Erişim Adresi
  • Giardino, E. R. ve Hickey, J. V. (2020). Doctor of nursing practice students' perceptions of professional change through the DNP program. Journal of Professional Nursing, 36(6), 595-603.
  • Goodman, H. (2015). Current issues in social work doctoral education. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 35(1-2), 29-45.
  • Hartocollis, L., Cnaan, R. A. ve Ledwith, K. (2014). The social work practice doctorate. Research on Social Work Practice, 24(5), 636-642.
  • Hartocollis, L., Solomon, P., Doyle, A. ve Ditty, M. (2015). An evaluation of the University of Pennsylvania’s practice doctorate (DSW) program. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 35(1-2), 116-130.
  • Horton, E. G. ve Hawkins, M. (2010). A content analysis of intervention research in social work doctoral dissertations. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 7(5), 377-386.
  • Howard, T. (2016). PhD versus DSW: A critique of trends in social work doctoral education. Journal of Social Work Education, 52(sup1), S148-S153.
  • Iverson, M., Dentato, M. P., Green, K. ve Busch, N. (2021). The Continued Need for Macro Field Internships: Support, Visibility and Quality Matter. Journal of Social Work Education, 57(3), 478-488. doi: 10.1080/10437797.2019.1671265
  • Johnson, Y. M. ve Munch, S. (2010). Faculty with practice experience: The new dinosaurs in the social work academy? Journal of Social Work Education, 46(1), 57-66.
  • Karazsia, B. T. ve Smith, L. (2016). Preparing for graduate-level training in professional psychology: Comparisons across clinical PhD, counseling PhD, and clinical PsyD programs. Teaching of Psychology, 43(4), 305-313.
  • Kılıç, B., Şahan, C. ve Bahadır, H. (2015). Türkiye’de halk sağlığı uzmanları için insangücü planlaması (2013-2023). Turkish Journal of Public Health, 13(1), 53-61.
  • Levin, A. M. (1991). Is There a Role for Clinical Doctoral Education? Yes! Journal of Social Work Education, 27(3), 235-240. doi: 10.1080/10437797.1991.10672195
  • Murray, B. (2000). The degree that almost wasn't: The PsyD comes of age. Monitor on Psychology, 31(1), 25-26.
  • Nelson Reid, P. ve Edwards, R. L. (2006). The purpose of a school of social work—An American perspective. Social Work Education, 25(5), 461-484.
  • Norcross, J. C., Kohout, J. L. ve Wicherski, M. (2005). Graduate study in psychology: 1971-2004. American Psychologist, 60(9), 959-975.
  • NYU. (2022a). Curriculum. Erişim Tarihi 28.09.2022, Erişim Adresi
  • NYU. (2022b). General Admission Requirements. Erişim Tarihi 28.09.2022, Erişim Adresi
  • O'Reilly, C. T. (1991). Heresy about the social work clinical doctorate? Clinical Social Work Journal, 19(3), 327-330.
  • Park, C., Migliaccio, G., Edberg, M., Frehywot, S. ve Johnson, G. (2021). Analysis of CEPH-accredited DrPH programs in the United States: A mixed-methods study. PLoS One, 16(2), e0245892.
  • Paulson, D. (2006). Catholic University retroactively confers PhD on MSW graduates. GWSCSW News and Views, 5.
  • Pennsylvania Üniversitesi. (2022a). Apply to the Doctorate in Clinical Social Work Program. Erişim Tarihi 30.09.2022, Erişim Adresi
  • Pennsylvania Üniversitesi. (2022b). Doctorate In Clinical Social Work. Erişim Tarihi 29.09.2022, Erişim Adresi
  • Reid, W. J. (1978). Some reflections on the practice doctorate. Social Service Review, 52(3), 449-455. Royse, D., Staton-Tindall, M., Badger, K. ve Webster, J. M. (2009). Needs Assessment. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Rubin, A. ve Babbie, E. R. (2016). Empowerment series: Research methods for social work: Cengage Learning.
  • Rutgers Üniversitesi. (2022a). About the Rutgers DSW Program. Erişim Tarihi 30.09.2022, Erişim Adresi
  • Rutgers Üniversitesi. (2022b). Calendar of Weekend Residencies. Erişim Tarihi 30.09.2022, Erişim Adresi
  • Rutgers Üniversitesi. (2022c). Doctor of Social Work (DSW) at Rutgers. Erişim Tarihi 30.09.2022, Erişim Adresi
  • Tennessee Üniversitesi. (2022a). DSW Application and Admissions Information. Erişim Tarihi 29.09.2022, Erişim Adresi
  • Tennessee Üniversitesi. (2022b). DSW Program Courses, DSW Curriculum Requirements. Erişim Tarihi 29.09.2022, Erişim Adresi
  • Thyer, B. A. (2015). The DSW: From skeptic to convert. Clinical Social Work Journal, 43(3), 313-316.
  • Tovar, E., Ossege, J., Farus-Brown, S., Zonsius, M. ve Morrow, L. (2020). DNP program faculty and graduates' knowledge and use of QI and safety processes. Nurse Educator, 45(1), 11-16.
  • Tulane Üniversitesi. (2022a). Doctor of Social Work Degree. Erişim Tarihi 30.09.2022, Erişim Adresi
  • Tulane Üniversitesi. (2022b). Doctorate of Social Work Admissions. Erişim, Erişim Adresi
  • Tulane Üniversitesi. (2022c). Social Work, DSW. Erişim Tarihi 30.09.2022, Erişim Adresi
  • Walsh, J. (2008). Generalist social work practice: Intervention methods: Cengage Learning. Whayne, T. F. (1959). The history of preventive medicine in World War II. Public Health Reports, 74(2), 170.

Uygulamaya Dönük ve Klinik Odaklı Sosyal Hizmet Doktora Programının Tarihsel Gelişimi, Özgün Yönleri ve Avantajları

Year 2023, Issue: 21, 129 - 147, 03.07.2023


ABD’de profesyonel meslek elemanı olarak çalışan, klinik bilgi ve becerilerini arttırmak isteyen ve akademiye yönelme hedefi olmayanlar için uygulama boyutuna ağırlık veren Uygulamaya Dönük Doktora Programları (Doctorate of Social Work [DSW]) bulunmaktadır. Bu programlar sosyal hizmet uzmanlarının klinik bilgi ve becerilerini arttırmayı hedeflemekte, kanıta dayalı uygulama yapmalarını teşvik etmekte ve bundan ötürü geleneksel doktora programından farklılaşmaktadırlar. Türkiye’de son yıllarda sosyal hizmet bölüm sayısında meydana gelen kontrolsüz artış ve bu bölümlerde görev yaparak sosyal hizmet kuramları, görüşme ilke ve teknikleri gibi klinik dersleri verebilecek öğretim elemanı azlığı DSW programlarını cazip kılmıştır. Ayrıca sosyal hizmet uzmanlarının klinik beceri kazanacakları lisansüstü programların oldukça sınırlı sayıda olması da DSW programlarının açılmasını gerekli kılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada da DSW programlarının tarihsel gelişimleri, amaçları ve geleneksel doktora programlarından ayrıştıkları noktalara yer verilmiştir. Ayrıca ABD’de yer alan beş farklı üniversitenin DSW programları web sayfaları aracılığıyla incelenmiştir. Böylece DSW programları ve gereklilikleri hakkında ulusal alanyazına bilgi kazandırılmış ve Türkiye’de de uygulamaya dönük doktora programlarının açılması gerekliliğini ortaya konulmuştur.


  • Acquavita, S. P. ve Tice, C. J. (2015). Social work doctoral education in the United States: examining the past, preparing for the future. Social Work Education, 34(7), 846-860.
  • Anastas, J. (2015). Clinical social work, science, and doctoral education: Schisms or synergy? Clinical Social Work Journal, 43(3), 304-312.
  • Anastas, J. ve Videka, L. (2012). Does social work need a “practice doctorate”? Clinical Social Work Journal, 40(2), 268-276.
  • Anastas, J. W. (2012). Doctoral education in social work. New York: Oxford.
  • APA. (2001). 2001: Doctorate Employment Survey. Erişim Tarihi 29.09.2022, Erişim Adresi 2001: Doctorate Employment Survey
  • Aslan, H. K. ve Aslan, M. (2018). Orta gelir tuzağından kurtulmak için alternatif stratejiler: Türkiye Yükseköğrenim Sisteminde reform. Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi(1), 1-21.
  • ASPH. (2009). Doctor of public health (DrPH) core competency model, version 1.3. Washington: Association of Schools of Public Health Education.
  • Calhoun, J. G., McElligott, J. E., Weist, E. M. ve Raczynski, J. M. (2012). Core competencies for doctoral education in public health. American Journal of Public Health, 102(1), 22-29.
  • Cronenwett, L., Dracup, K., Grey, M., McCauley, L., Meleis, A. ve Salmon, M. (2011). The doctor of nursing practice: A national workforce perspective. Nursing Outlook, 59(1), 9-17.
  • Drisko, J., Hunnicutt, C. ve Berenson, L. (2015). A National Content Analysis of PhD Program Objectives, Structures, and Curricula: Do Programs Address the Full Range of Social Work’s Needs? Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 35(1-2), 14-28. doi: 10.1080/08841233.2014.986356
  • Edwards, R., Rittner, B. ve Holmes, J. (2011). The Doctorate in Social Work (DSW) Degree: Emergence of a New Practice Doctorate Washington: Council on Social Work Education.
  • GADE. (2022a). Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Programs. Erişim Tarihi 22.09.2022, 2022, Erişim Adresi
  • GADE. (2022b). Doctorate of Social Work (DSW) Programs. Erişim Tarihi 22.09.2022, 2022, Erişim Adresi
  • GADE. (2022c). Why a PhD in Social Work or a Doctorate of Social Work (DSW)? Erişim Tarihi 22.09.2022, 2022, Erişim Adresi
  • Giardino, E. R. ve Hickey, J. V. (2020). Doctor of nursing practice students' perceptions of professional change through the DNP program. Journal of Professional Nursing, 36(6), 595-603.
  • Goodman, H. (2015). Current issues in social work doctoral education. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 35(1-2), 29-45.
  • Hartocollis, L., Cnaan, R. A. ve Ledwith, K. (2014). The social work practice doctorate. Research on Social Work Practice, 24(5), 636-642.
  • Hartocollis, L., Solomon, P., Doyle, A. ve Ditty, M. (2015). An evaluation of the University of Pennsylvania’s practice doctorate (DSW) program. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 35(1-2), 116-130.
  • Horton, E. G. ve Hawkins, M. (2010). A content analysis of intervention research in social work doctoral dissertations. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 7(5), 377-386.
  • Howard, T. (2016). PhD versus DSW: A critique of trends in social work doctoral education. Journal of Social Work Education, 52(sup1), S148-S153.
  • Iverson, M., Dentato, M. P., Green, K. ve Busch, N. (2021). The Continued Need for Macro Field Internships: Support, Visibility and Quality Matter. Journal of Social Work Education, 57(3), 478-488. doi: 10.1080/10437797.2019.1671265
  • Johnson, Y. M. ve Munch, S. (2010). Faculty with practice experience: The new dinosaurs in the social work academy? Journal of Social Work Education, 46(1), 57-66.
  • Karazsia, B. T. ve Smith, L. (2016). Preparing for graduate-level training in professional psychology: Comparisons across clinical PhD, counseling PhD, and clinical PsyD programs. Teaching of Psychology, 43(4), 305-313.
  • Kılıç, B., Şahan, C. ve Bahadır, H. (2015). Türkiye’de halk sağlığı uzmanları için insangücü planlaması (2013-2023). Turkish Journal of Public Health, 13(1), 53-61.
  • Levin, A. M. (1991). Is There a Role for Clinical Doctoral Education? Yes! Journal of Social Work Education, 27(3), 235-240. doi: 10.1080/10437797.1991.10672195
  • Murray, B. (2000). The degree that almost wasn't: The PsyD comes of age. Monitor on Psychology, 31(1), 25-26.
  • Nelson Reid, P. ve Edwards, R. L. (2006). The purpose of a school of social work—An American perspective. Social Work Education, 25(5), 461-484.
  • Norcross, J. C., Kohout, J. L. ve Wicherski, M. (2005). Graduate study in psychology: 1971-2004. American Psychologist, 60(9), 959-975.
  • NYU. (2022a). Curriculum. Erişim Tarihi 28.09.2022, Erişim Adresi
  • NYU. (2022b). General Admission Requirements. Erişim Tarihi 28.09.2022, Erişim Adresi
  • O'Reilly, C. T. (1991). Heresy about the social work clinical doctorate? Clinical Social Work Journal, 19(3), 327-330.
  • Park, C., Migliaccio, G., Edberg, M., Frehywot, S. ve Johnson, G. (2021). Analysis of CEPH-accredited DrPH programs in the United States: A mixed-methods study. PLoS One, 16(2), e0245892.
  • Paulson, D. (2006). Catholic University retroactively confers PhD on MSW graduates. GWSCSW News and Views, 5.
  • Pennsylvania Üniversitesi. (2022a). Apply to the Doctorate in Clinical Social Work Program. Erişim Tarihi 30.09.2022, Erişim Adresi
  • Pennsylvania Üniversitesi. (2022b). Doctorate In Clinical Social Work. Erişim Tarihi 29.09.2022, Erişim Adresi
  • Reid, W. J. (1978). Some reflections on the practice doctorate. Social Service Review, 52(3), 449-455. Royse, D., Staton-Tindall, M., Badger, K. ve Webster, J. M. (2009). Needs Assessment. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Rubin, A. ve Babbie, E. R. (2016). Empowerment series: Research methods for social work: Cengage Learning.
  • Rutgers Üniversitesi. (2022a). About the Rutgers DSW Program. Erişim Tarihi 30.09.2022, Erişim Adresi
  • Rutgers Üniversitesi. (2022b). Calendar of Weekend Residencies. Erişim Tarihi 30.09.2022, Erişim Adresi
  • Rutgers Üniversitesi. (2022c). Doctor of Social Work (DSW) at Rutgers. Erişim Tarihi 30.09.2022, Erişim Adresi
  • Tennessee Üniversitesi. (2022a). DSW Application and Admissions Information. Erişim Tarihi 29.09.2022, Erişim Adresi
  • Tennessee Üniversitesi. (2022b). DSW Program Courses, DSW Curriculum Requirements. Erişim Tarihi 29.09.2022, Erişim Adresi
  • Thyer, B. A. (2015). The DSW: From skeptic to convert. Clinical Social Work Journal, 43(3), 313-316.
  • Tovar, E., Ossege, J., Farus-Brown, S., Zonsius, M. ve Morrow, L. (2020). DNP program faculty and graduates' knowledge and use of QI and safety processes. Nurse Educator, 45(1), 11-16.
  • Tulane Üniversitesi. (2022a). Doctor of Social Work Degree. Erişim Tarihi 30.09.2022, Erişim Adresi
  • Tulane Üniversitesi. (2022b). Doctorate of Social Work Admissions. Erişim, Erişim Adresi
  • Tulane Üniversitesi. (2022c). Social Work, DSW. Erişim Tarihi 30.09.2022, Erişim Adresi
  • Walsh, J. (2008). Generalist social work practice: Intervention methods: Cengage Learning. Whayne, T. F. (1959). The history of preventive medicine in World War II. Public Health Reports, 74(2), 170.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Social Work (Other), Sociology (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Edip Aygüler 0000-0002-8638-9752

Ayşe Kızıltaş 0000-0002-3430-4833

Early Pub Date July 10, 2023
Publication Date July 3, 2023
Submission Date October 20, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: 21


APA Aygüler, E., & Kızıltaş, A. (2023). Uygulamaya Dönük ve Klinik Odaklı Sosyal Hizmet Doktora Programının Tarihsel Gelişimi, Özgün Yönleri ve Avantajları. Tıbbi Sosyal Hizmet Dergisi(21), 129-147.