Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 197 - 209, 24.12.2023


Çocuklarda yaşam kalitesinin değerlendirilmesi, çocuğun iyi olma halinin ve yaşam doyumunun belirlenmesinde önemlidir. Bu çalışmada çocukların yaşam kalitesi konulu lisansüstü tezlerin bibliyometrik analiz yöntemi ile incelenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bibliyometrik analiz gerçekleştirilen araştırmada yıl sınırlaması olmaksızın Ulusal Tez Merkezi’nde “yaşam kalitesi” anahtar kelimesi ile çocuklarda yürütülen 280 lisansüstü teze ulaşılmış olup dahil edilme kriterlerine uygun 197 lisansüstü tez incelenmiştir. Verilerin analizinde SPSS paket programı kullanılmıştır. Tezlerin %45,7’sininyükseklisanstezi olarak üretildiği ve en fazla tezin 2019 (n=54) yılında üretildiği, %41,6’sının danışmanının profesör doktor unvanına sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Tezlerin çoğunlukla tanımlayıcı araştırma tasarımına sahip olduğu (%72,6) ve hasta profilinde olan çocuk örnekleminde gerçekleştirildiği saptanmıştır. Yıllar içerisinde yaşam kalitesi konulu lisansüstü tezlerinin sayısında önemli bir artış olmuştur. Tanımlayıcı tasarıma sahip tezlerin sayısının fazla olması ve konu olarak benzer alanlarda yoğunluğunun olması farklı alanlarda daha fazla araştırmaya ihtiyaç olduğunu göstermektedir.

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Project Number





  • 1. Ravens-Sieberer U, Karow A, Barthel D, Klasen F. How to assess quality of life in child and adolescent psychiatry. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience. 2022;16(2):147-158
  • 2. Lemmon ME, Huffstetler HE, Reeve BB. Measuring health-related quality of life in pediatric neurology. Journal of Child Neurology .2020;35(10): 681-689.
  • 3. Germain N, Aballéa S, Toumi M. Measuring health-related quality of life in young children: how far have we come?. Journal of Market Access & Health Policy .2019;7(1):1618661.
  • 4. De Souza MC, Harrison M, Marshman Z. Oral health‐related quality of life following dental treatment under general anaesthesia for early childhood caries–a UK‐based study. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. 2017;27(1):30-36.
  • 5. Maylani RT, Akrom A, Hidayati T, Wahyuni YS, Muhlis M. The body mass ındex, blood glucose level and the quality of life of diabetes mellitus type 2 patients in primary health care: cross-sectional study. In 4th International Conference on Sustainable Innovation 2020–Health Science and Nursing (ICoSIHSN 2020) (pp. 21-26). Atlantis Press, 2021.
  • 6. Tjaden LA, Grootenhuis MA, Noordzij M, Groothoff JW. Health-related quality of life in patients with pediatric onset of end-stage renal disease: state of the art and recommendations for clinical practice. Pediatric Nephrology. 2016; 31:1579-1591.
  • 7. Handler SS, Hallis BJ, Tillman KA, Krolikowski M, Kuhn EM, Kirkpatrick EC, Brosig CL. Assessment of quality of life in pediatric patients with pulmonary hypertension. Pulmonary Circulation .2019;9(3):2045894018822985.
  • 8. Vella SA, Cliff DP, Magee CA, Okely AD. Sports participation and parent-reported health-related quality of life in children: longitudinal associations. The Journal of Pediatrics. 2014;164(6):1469-1474.
  • 9. Wallander JL, Koot HM. Quality of life in children: A critical examination of concepts, approaches, issues, and future directions. Clinical Psychology Review. 2016;45: 131-143.
  • 10. Cantrell MA, Conte TM, Hudson MM, Ruble K, Herth K, Shad A, Canino A. Developing the evidence base in pediatric oncology nursing practice for promoting health-related quality of life in pediatric oncology patients. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing. 2017;34(2):90-97.
  • 11. Kocaaslan EN, Akgün Kostak M. Effect of disease management education on the quality of life and self‐efficacy levels of children with asthma. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing. 2019;24(2):e12241.
  • 12. Gürhopur FDT, Dalgiç AI. The effect of a modular education program for children with epilepsy and their parents on disease management. Epilepsy & Behavior 2018; 78:210-218.
  • 13. Zengin B, Atasoy B. Turizm rehberliği alanındaki lisansüstü tezlerin bibliyometrik çerçevesi. Alanya Akademik Bakış. 2020;4(3):975-992.
  • 14. Umut AL, Coştur R. Türk psikoloji dergisi’nin bibliyometrik profili. Türk Kütüphaneciliği. 2007;21(2):142–63.
  • 15. Akyol AD. Yaşam kalitesi ve yaklaşımları. Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi. 1993;9(2):75-80.
  • 16. O’Boyle C. Quality of life assessment: an important indicator of health gain. In: Leahy, A., Wiley, M (Eds). The Irish Health System in the 21st century. (pp. 133-155). Dublin: Oak Tree, 1998.
  • 17. Gökmen ÖF, Uysal M, Yaşar H, Kırksekiz A, Güvendi GM, Horzum MB. Türkiye’de 2005-2014 yılları arasında yayınlanan uzaktan eğitim tezlerindeki yöntemsel eğilimler: Bir içerik analizi. Eğitim ve Bilim. 2017;42(189):1-25.
  • 18. Özmen E, Kan AÜ. Türkiye’de 2015-2020 yılları arasında uzaktan eğitim ile ilgili hazırlanan tezlerin bibliyometrik analizi. Turkish Studies. 2021;16:4.
  • 19. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti İçişleri Bakanlığı, Türkiye'nin Nüfus Haritası, 2021. [Erişim Tarihi: 07 Şubat 2021]. Erişim adresi:
  • 20. Yükseköğretim Kurumu, Yükseköğretim Bilgi Yönetim Sistemi, 2021 [Erişim Tarihi: 07 Şubat 2021]. Erişim adresi:
  • 21. Creswell JW. Araştırma Deseni, (Demir BŞ, Çev). Ankara: Girişim matbaacılık, 2017.
  • 22. Erefe İ. (Ed.). Hemşirelikte araştırma ilke süreç ve yöntemleri. İstanbul: Odak Ofset, 2002.
  • 23. Bart R, Ishak WW, Ganjian S, Jaffer KY, Abdelmesseh M, Hanna S, et al. The assessment and measurement of wellness in the clinical medical setting: A systematic review. Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience. 2018;15(09-10): 14.


Year 2023, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 197 - 209, 24.12.2023


Evaluation of the quality of life in children is important in determining the well-being and life-satisfaction of the child. It is aimed to examine the postgraduate theses on the quality of life of children by bibliometric analysis method. In the study, in which bibliometric analysis was carried out, 280 postgraduate theses conducted on children with the keyword "quality of life" were reached in the National Thesis Center without any year limitation, and 197 postgraduate theses in accordance with the inclusion criteria were examined. SPSS package program was used in the analysis of the data. It was determined that 45.7% of the theses were produced as master's thesis, and the highest number of theses were produced in 2019 (n=54), and the advisor of 41.6% of them had the title of professor doctor. It was determined that the theses mostly had a descriptive research design (72.6%) and were carried out in a sample of children with a patient profile. There has been a significant increase in the number of postgraduate theses on quality of life over the years. The high number of theses with a descriptive design and their density in similar areas show that more research is needed in different areas.

Project Number



  • 1. Ravens-Sieberer U, Karow A, Barthel D, Klasen F. How to assess quality of life in child and adolescent psychiatry. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience. 2022;16(2):147-158
  • 2. Lemmon ME, Huffstetler HE, Reeve BB. Measuring health-related quality of life in pediatric neurology. Journal of Child Neurology .2020;35(10): 681-689.
  • 3. Germain N, Aballéa S, Toumi M. Measuring health-related quality of life in young children: how far have we come?. Journal of Market Access & Health Policy .2019;7(1):1618661.
  • 4. De Souza MC, Harrison M, Marshman Z. Oral health‐related quality of life following dental treatment under general anaesthesia for early childhood caries–a UK‐based study. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. 2017;27(1):30-36.
  • 5. Maylani RT, Akrom A, Hidayati T, Wahyuni YS, Muhlis M. The body mass ındex, blood glucose level and the quality of life of diabetes mellitus type 2 patients in primary health care: cross-sectional study. In 4th International Conference on Sustainable Innovation 2020–Health Science and Nursing (ICoSIHSN 2020) (pp. 21-26). Atlantis Press, 2021.
  • 6. Tjaden LA, Grootenhuis MA, Noordzij M, Groothoff JW. Health-related quality of life in patients with pediatric onset of end-stage renal disease: state of the art and recommendations for clinical practice. Pediatric Nephrology. 2016; 31:1579-1591.
  • 7. Handler SS, Hallis BJ, Tillman KA, Krolikowski M, Kuhn EM, Kirkpatrick EC, Brosig CL. Assessment of quality of life in pediatric patients with pulmonary hypertension. Pulmonary Circulation .2019;9(3):2045894018822985.
  • 8. Vella SA, Cliff DP, Magee CA, Okely AD. Sports participation and parent-reported health-related quality of life in children: longitudinal associations. The Journal of Pediatrics. 2014;164(6):1469-1474.
  • 9. Wallander JL, Koot HM. Quality of life in children: A critical examination of concepts, approaches, issues, and future directions. Clinical Psychology Review. 2016;45: 131-143.
  • 10. Cantrell MA, Conte TM, Hudson MM, Ruble K, Herth K, Shad A, Canino A. Developing the evidence base in pediatric oncology nursing practice for promoting health-related quality of life in pediatric oncology patients. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing. 2017;34(2):90-97.
  • 11. Kocaaslan EN, Akgün Kostak M. Effect of disease management education on the quality of life and self‐efficacy levels of children with asthma. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing. 2019;24(2):e12241.
  • 12. Gürhopur FDT, Dalgiç AI. The effect of a modular education program for children with epilepsy and their parents on disease management. Epilepsy & Behavior 2018; 78:210-218.
  • 13. Zengin B, Atasoy B. Turizm rehberliği alanındaki lisansüstü tezlerin bibliyometrik çerçevesi. Alanya Akademik Bakış. 2020;4(3):975-992.
  • 14. Umut AL, Coştur R. Türk psikoloji dergisi’nin bibliyometrik profili. Türk Kütüphaneciliği. 2007;21(2):142–63.
  • 15. Akyol AD. Yaşam kalitesi ve yaklaşımları. Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi. 1993;9(2):75-80.
  • 16. O’Boyle C. Quality of life assessment: an important indicator of health gain. In: Leahy, A., Wiley, M (Eds). The Irish Health System in the 21st century. (pp. 133-155). Dublin: Oak Tree, 1998.
  • 17. Gökmen ÖF, Uysal M, Yaşar H, Kırksekiz A, Güvendi GM, Horzum MB. Türkiye’de 2005-2014 yılları arasında yayınlanan uzaktan eğitim tezlerindeki yöntemsel eğilimler: Bir içerik analizi. Eğitim ve Bilim. 2017;42(189):1-25.
  • 18. Özmen E, Kan AÜ. Türkiye’de 2015-2020 yılları arasında uzaktan eğitim ile ilgili hazırlanan tezlerin bibliyometrik analizi. Turkish Studies. 2021;16:4.
  • 19. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti İçişleri Bakanlığı, Türkiye'nin Nüfus Haritası, 2021. [Erişim Tarihi: 07 Şubat 2021]. Erişim adresi:
  • 20. Yükseköğretim Kurumu, Yükseköğretim Bilgi Yönetim Sistemi, 2021 [Erişim Tarihi: 07 Şubat 2021]. Erişim adresi:
  • 21. Creswell JW. Araştırma Deseni, (Demir BŞ, Çev). Ankara: Girişim matbaacılık, 2017.
  • 22. Erefe İ. (Ed.). Hemşirelikte araştırma ilke süreç ve yöntemleri. İstanbul: Odak Ofset, 2002.
  • 23. Bart R, Ishak WW, Ganjian S, Jaffer KY, Abdelmesseh M, Hanna S, et al. The assessment and measurement of wellness in the clinical medical setting: A systematic review. Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience. 2018;15(09-10): 14.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research Article

Selin Demirbağ 0000-0002-4606-5171

Project Number -
Early Pub Date December 12, 2023
Publication Date December 24, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 9 Issue: 3


APA Demirbağ, S. (2023). ÇOCUK YAŞAM KALITESİ KONULU LISANSÜSTÜ TEZLERE YÖNELİK BIİBLİYOMETRİK BIR İNCELEME. International Anatolia Academic Online Journal Health Sciences, 9(3), 197-209.

International Anatolia Academic Online Journal Health Sciences