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Uzaktan algılama verilerinden kentsel büyüme ve yayılma analizi, nüfus projeksiyonu: Köyceğiz örneği, Muğla-Türkiye

Year 2022, Issue: 38, 8 - 15, 31.08.2022


Hızlı ve plansız kentleşmenin oluştuğu bir kentin altyapısını çevresel açıdan uygun şekilde planlayabilmek için kentsel büyüme ve modelini incelemek zorunludur. Geçirimsiz yüzey alanı, kentleşmeyi ve kentsel çevre kalitesini etkileyen önemli bir faktördür. Geçirimsiz yüzeylerin dinamik değişimlerinin zamanında ve doğru bir şekilde analiz edilmesi kentsel imar planlaması için büyük önem taşımaktadır. Köyceğiz ilçesi, Muğla ilinin en eski yerleşimlerinden birisi olup, mevcut yapısını, tarihsel statüsünü ve kültürel dokusunu korumaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Köyceğiz ilçesinin nüfus artışı, kentleşme ve arazi kullanım değişiklikleri arasındaki ilişki, şehir görüntüsüne etkisi ve geçirimsiz yüzey alanlarındaki artış incelenmiştir. İlçenin genişleme ve arazi kullanım değişiminin farklı desenlerini belirlemek için 2004 ve 2019 yıllarına ilişkin uydu görüntüleri ve nüfus sayım verileri kullanılmıştır. Köyceğiz’deki kentsel genişleme 15 yıllık bir süreç (2004-2019) için değerlendirilmiştir. Haritalar 2004 ve 2019 yılları arasında kentsel veya gelişmiş arazi miktarının yıllık %3,25 arttığını, boş alanların %0,28, yeşil alanların %0,44 azaldığını göstermiştir. İlçe merkezi için kentsel gelişme endeksi 1,36 olarak hesaplanmıştır.


  • Adersson E. (2006). Urban landscape and sustainable cities. Ecology and Society. 11:34.
  • Anonymous (2002). Planning analysis: calculating growth rates. Available at: a.htm (accessed 10 August 2020).
  • Arvind C., & Pandy, Nathawat, M.S. (2006). Land Use Land Cover Mapping Through Digital Image Processing of Satellite Data – A case study from Panchkula, Ambala and Yamunanagar Districts, Haryana State, India.
  • Bartlett, A. A. (1993). The arithmetic of growth: methods of calculation. Population and Environment, 14(4), 359–387.
  • Batisani N., & Yarnal, B. (2009). Urban expansion in Centre County, Pennsylvania: Spatial dynamics and landscape transformations. Appl Geogr. 29:235–49.
  • Bhatta B. (2009). Analysis of urban growth pattern using remote sensing and GIS: A case study of Kolkata, India. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 30:4733–46.
  • Bhatta, B., Saraswati, S., & Bandyopadhyay, D. (2010). Urban sprawl measurement from remote sensing data. Appl. Geogr. 30, 731–740.
  • Carrion-Flores, C., & Irwin, E.G. (2004). Determinants of residential land-use conversion and sprawl at the rural-urban fringe. Am. J. Agric. Econ. 86, 889–904
  • Dewan, AM, Kabir, MH., Nahar, K., & Rahman, MZ. (2012). Urbanization and environmental degradation in Dhaka metropolitan area of Bangladesh. Int J Environ Sust Dev. 11:118-47.
  • Google Earth, (2022). Satellite image landsat. Available from: https://www. [Accessed 16 Mar 2020].
  • Huttner S, Bruse M., & Dostal, P. (2008). Using ENVImet to simulate the impact of global warming on the microclimate in central European cities. In Berichte des Meteorologischen Instituts der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Nr. 18, Proceeding of the 5th Japanese-GermanMeeting on Urban Climatology, 307–12.
  • Karanam, HK., & Neela, VB. (2017). Study of normalized difference built-up (NDBI) index in automaticallymapping urban areas fromLandsat TN imagery. Int J Eng Sci Math. 8:239 48.
  • Katyambo, MM., & Ngigi MM. (2017). Spatial monitoring of urban growth using GIS and remote sensing: a case study of Nairobi metropolitan area, Kenya. Am J Geogr Inf Syst. 6:64-82.
  • Kazancı, N., İzbırak, A., Çağlar, S. S., & Gökçe, D. (1992). Köyceğiz-Dalyan Özel Çevre Koruma Bölgesi Sucul Ekosisteminin Hidro Biyolojik Yönden İncelenmesi. Ankara : Özyurt Matbaası.
  • Keskin, ÜB., & Bozyer, AÜ. (2021). Köyceğiz’de Yavaş Değişmenin Sosyolojik Analizi, Iğdır Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 28; 176-201
  • Koç, C. (2008). The Influence of Drainage Projects on Environmental and Wetland Ecology”, An Official Publication of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Environmental Progress, ISSN 0278-4491, Volume 27, No. 3, 353- 364
  • Köyceğiz Belediyesi Cittaslow Raporu (2017). Erişim Tarihi: 10.11.2019.
  • Lambin, EF, Turner, BL, & Geist HJ et al. (2001). The cause of land cover change moving beyond the myths. Glob Environ Change. 11:261–9.
  • Li, X., & Yeh, AGO. (2004). Analyzing spatial restructuring of land use patterns in a fast growing region using remote sensing and GIS. Landscape Urban Plan. 69:335–54.
  • Liu, H., & Weng, Q. (2009). Scaling-up effect on the relationship between landscape pattern and land surface temperature: a case study of Indianapolis, United States. Photogramm. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. 75:291–304.
  • Myronidis, D., Stathis, D., & Sapountzis, M. (2016). Post-Evaluation of flood hazards induced by former artificial interventions along a coastal mediterranean settlement. J. Hydrol. Eng. 21, 05016022
  • OECD (2013). Urbanisation and urban forms, in OECD regions at a Glance 2013. OECD Publishing, Paris, glance-2013-7-en
  • Öğüt, AA. (2011). Mevsimsel Nüfus Farklılıklarının Gözlendigi Turizm Alanlarında Sürdürülebilir Su ve Atıksu Yönetimi: Bodrum Yarımadası Örneği, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Çevre Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, 289s.
  • Padmanaban, R., & Thomas, V. (2013). Inventory of liquefaction area and risk assessment region using remote sensing. Int J Adv Remote Sens GIS. 2:198.
  • Pirnazar, M., Ali-Askari, K., & Eslamian, S et al.(2018). Change detection of urban land use and urban expansion using GIS and RS, case study: Zanjan Province, Iran. Int J Con Res Civ Eng. 4:23–38.
  • Seto, KC., Fragkias, M., Güneralp, B., & Reilly, M.K. (2011). A meta-analysis of global urban land expansion. PLoS ONE, 6, e23777
  • Soffianian., A., Ahmadi, M., Yaghmael, L., & Falahatkar, S. (2010). Mapping and analyzing urban expansion using remotely sensed imagery in Isfahan, Iran. World Appl Sci J. 9:1370–8.
  • T.C. Çevre Ve Orman Bakanlığı Özel Çevre Koruma Kurumu Başkanlığı. (2007). Köyceğiz-Dalyan Özel Çevre Koruma Bölgesi Biyolojik Zenginliğinin Tespiti ve Yönetim Planının Hazırlanması.
  • TÜİK. (2020). Address based population registration system results. Available online: do?alt_id=1059 (Accessed on 5 May 2020).
  • Wu, Y., Li, S., & Yu, S. (2016). Monitoring urban expansion and its effects on land use and land cover changes in Guangzhou city, China. Environ Monitor Assess.188:54.
  • Xiao, JY., Shen, YJ., & Ge, JF et al.(2006). Evaluating urban expansion and land use change in Shijiazhuang, China, by using GIS and remote sensing. Landscape Urban Plan. 75:69–80.
  • Yuan, F., Sawaya, K.E., Loeffelholz, B.C., & Bauer, M.E. (2005). Land cover classification and change analysis of the twin cities (minnesota) metropolitan area by multitemporal landsat remote sensing. Remote Sens. Environ. 98, 317–328.
  • Zhou, D., Shi, P., & Wu, X et al. (2014). Effects of urbanization expansion on landscape pattern and region ecological risk in Chinese coastal city: a case study of Yantai city. Sci World J. 821781: 1–9
  • Zhou, N., & Zhao, S. (2013). Urbanization process and induced environmental geological hazards in China. Natural Hazards. 67:797–810.
  • Zubair, A.O. (2006). Change Detection In Land Use And Land Cover Using Remote Sensing Data And Gis: A Case Study Of Ilorin And Its Environs in Kwara State. <>.

Population projection, urban growth and spread analysis from remote sensing data: The case of Köyceğiz, Muğla-Turkey

Year 2022, Issue: 38, 8 - 15, 31.08.2022


In order to be able to plan the infrastructure of a city where rapid and unplanned urbanization occurs, it is necessary to examine the urban growth and its model. Impermeable surface area is an important factor affecting urbanization and urban environmental quality. Timely and accurate analysis of the dynamic changes of impermeable surfaces is of great importance for urban zoning planning. Köyceğiz district is one of the oldest settlements of Muğla province and preserves its current structure, historical status and cultural texture. In this study, the relationship between population growth, urbanization and land use changes, the effect on the city image and the increase in impermeable surface areas of Köyceğiz district were examined. Satellite images and census data for the years 2004 and 2019 were used to identify different patterns of expansion and land use change in the district. Urban expansion in Köyceğiz was evaluated for a period of 15 years (2004-2019). Maps show that between 2004 and 2019, the amount of urban or developed land increased by 3,25% annually, while non-plant areas decreased by 0,28% and green areas by 0,44%. The urban growth index for Köyceğiz was calculated 1,36.


  • Adersson E. (2006). Urban landscape and sustainable cities. Ecology and Society. 11:34.
  • Anonymous (2002). Planning analysis: calculating growth rates. Available at: a.htm (accessed 10 August 2020).
  • Arvind C., & Pandy, Nathawat, M.S. (2006). Land Use Land Cover Mapping Through Digital Image Processing of Satellite Data – A case study from Panchkula, Ambala and Yamunanagar Districts, Haryana State, India.
  • Bartlett, A. A. (1993). The arithmetic of growth: methods of calculation. Population and Environment, 14(4), 359–387.
  • Batisani N., & Yarnal, B. (2009). Urban expansion in Centre County, Pennsylvania: Spatial dynamics and landscape transformations. Appl Geogr. 29:235–49.
  • Bhatta B. (2009). Analysis of urban growth pattern using remote sensing and GIS: A case study of Kolkata, India. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 30:4733–46.
  • Bhatta, B., Saraswati, S., & Bandyopadhyay, D. (2010). Urban sprawl measurement from remote sensing data. Appl. Geogr. 30, 731–740.
  • Carrion-Flores, C., & Irwin, E.G. (2004). Determinants of residential land-use conversion and sprawl at the rural-urban fringe. Am. J. Agric. Econ. 86, 889–904
  • Dewan, AM, Kabir, MH., Nahar, K., & Rahman, MZ. (2012). Urbanization and environmental degradation in Dhaka metropolitan area of Bangladesh. Int J Environ Sust Dev. 11:118-47.
  • Google Earth, (2022). Satellite image landsat. Available from: https://www. [Accessed 16 Mar 2020].
  • Huttner S, Bruse M., & Dostal, P. (2008). Using ENVImet to simulate the impact of global warming on the microclimate in central European cities. In Berichte des Meteorologischen Instituts der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Nr. 18, Proceeding of the 5th Japanese-GermanMeeting on Urban Climatology, 307–12.
  • Karanam, HK., & Neela, VB. (2017). Study of normalized difference built-up (NDBI) index in automaticallymapping urban areas fromLandsat TN imagery. Int J Eng Sci Math. 8:239 48.
  • Katyambo, MM., & Ngigi MM. (2017). Spatial monitoring of urban growth using GIS and remote sensing: a case study of Nairobi metropolitan area, Kenya. Am J Geogr Inf Syst. 6:64-82.
  • Kazancı, N., İzbırak, A., Çağlar, S. S., & Gökçe, D. (1992). Köyceğiz-Dalyan Özel Çevre Koruma Bölgesi Sucul Ekosisteminin Hidro Biyolojik Yönden İncelenmesi. Ankara : Özyurt Matbaası.
  • Keskin, ÜB., & Bozyer, AÜ. (2021). Köyceğiz’de Yavaş Değişmenin Sosyolojik Analizi, Iğdır Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 28; 176-201
  • Koç, C. (2008). The Influence of Drainage Projects on Environmental and Wetland Ecology”, An Official Publication of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Environmental Progress, ISSN 0278-4491, Volume 27, No. 3, 353- 364
  • Köyceğiz Belediyesi Cittaslow Raporu (2017). Erişim Tarihi: 10.11.2019.
  • Lambin, EF, Turner, BL, & Geist HJ et al. (2001). The cause of land cover change moving beyond the myths. Glob Environ Change. 11:261–9.
  • Li, X., & Yeh, AGO. (2004). Analyzing spatial restructuring of land use patterns in a fast growing region using remote sensing and GIS. Landscape Urban Plan. 69:335–54.
  • Liu, H., & Weng, Q. (2009). Scaling-up effect on the relationship between landscape pattern and land surface temperature: a case study of Indianapolis, United States. Photogramm. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. 75:291–304.
  • Myronidis, D., Stathis, D., & Sapountzis, M. (2016). Post-Evaluation of flood hazards induced by former artificial interventions along a coastal mediterranean settlement. J. Hydrol. Eng. 21, 05016022
  • OECD (2013). Urbanisation and urban forms, in OECD regions at a Glance 2013. OECD Publishing, Paris, glance-2013-7-en
  • Öğüt, AA. (2011). Mevsimsel Nüfus Farklılıklarının Gözlendigi Turizm Alanlarında Sürdürülebilir Su ve Atıksu Yönetimi: Bodrum Yarımadası Örneği, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Çevre Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, 289s.
  • Padmanaban, R., & Thomas, V. (2013). Inventory of liquefaction area and risk assessment region using remote sensing. Int J Adv Remote Sens GIS. 2:198.
  • Pirnazar, M., Ali-Askari, K., & Eslamian, S et al.(2018). Change detection of urban land use and urban expansion using GIS and RS, case study: Zanjan Province, Iran. Int J Con Res Civ Eng. 4:23–38.
  • Seto, KC., Fragkias, M., Güneralp, B., & Reilly, M.K. (2011). A meta-analysis of global urban land expansion. PLoS ONE, 6, e23777
  • Soffianian., A., Ahmadi, M., Yaghmael, L., & Falahatkar, S. (2010). Mapping and analyzing urban expansion using remotely sensed imagery in Isfahan, Iran. World Appl Sci J. 9:1370–8.
  • T.C. Çevre Ve Orman Bakanlığı Özel Çevre Koruma Kurumu Başkanlığı. (2007). Köyceğiz-Dalyan Özel Çevre Koruma Bölgesi Biyolojik Zenginliğinin Tespiti ve Yönetim Planının Hazırlanması.
  • TÜİK. (2020). Address based population registration system results. Available online: do?alt_id=1059 (Accessed on 5 May 2020).
  • Wu, Y., Li, S., & Yu, S. (2016). Monitoring urban expansion and its effects on land use and land cover changes in Guangzhou city, China. Environ Monitor Assess.188:54.
  • Xiao, JY., Shen, YJ., & Ge, JF et al.(2006). Evaluating urban expansion and land use change in Shijiazhuang, China, by using GIS and remote sensing. Landscape Urban Plan. 75:69–80.
  • Yuan, F., Sawaya, K.E., Loeffelholz, B.C., & Bauer, M.E. (2005). Land cover classification and change analysis of the twin cities (minnesota) metropolitan area by multitemporal landsat remote sensing. Remote Sens. Environ. 98, 317–328.
  • Zhou, D., Shi, P., & Wu, X et al. (2014). Effects of urbanization expansion on landscape pattern and region ecological risk in Chinese coastal city: a case study of Yantai city. Sci World J. 821781: 1–9
  • Zhou, N., & Zhao, S. (2013). Urbanization process and induced environmental geological hazards in China. Natural Hazards. 67:797–810.
  • Zubair, A.O. (2006). Change Detection In Land Use And Land Cover Using Remote Sensing Data And Gis: A Case Study Of Ilorin And Its Environs in Kwara State. <>.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Cengiz Koç 0000-0001-7310-073X

Yıldırım Bayazıt 0000-0002-8699-4741

Early Pub Date July 26, 2022
Publication Date August 31, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Issue: 38


APA Koç, C., & Bayazıt, Y. (2022). Uzaktan algılama verilerinden kentsel büyüme ve yayılma analizi, nüfus projeksiyonu: Köyceğiz örneği, Muğla-Türkiye. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(38), 8-15.