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Balıklarda melanomakrofaj merkezleri

Year 2016, Volume: 33 Issue: 1, 81 - 87, 06.04.2016


Balıklarda doğal bağışıklık sistemi; fiziksel, hücresel ve humoral faktörler ile plazma ve diğer vücut sıvılarında çözünebilen hücresel ve humoral reseptör moleküllerinden oluşmaktadır. Hücresel faktörler fagositik hücreler olan monosit/makrofajlar, nötrofil granülositler ve memelilerdeki NK (natural killer cell) hücrelerine eşdeğer görülen sitotoksik hücreleri içermektedir.  Bu hücreler arasında yer alan makrofajlar, balıklarda ve diğer omurgalılarda doğal bağışıklığın indikatör hücreleri olup fagositoz yeteneğine de sahip olduklarından, yangı sonrası onarım, doku yenilenmesi ve yaşlı hücrelerin ortadan kaldırılması gibi işlevlere sahiptirler. Melanomakrofaj merkezleri ise pigmentli olmaları nedeniyle histolojik incelemelerde makrofajlardan ayırt edilebilmekte ve aynı zamanda poikiloterm omurgalıların pek çok organında yaygın olarak gözlemlenebilmektedirler. Bu merkezler; makrofaj yığınları, makrofaj birikim odakları ve pigment nodülleri gibi isimlerle tanımlanmış olup heteroterm omurgalıların dokularındaki özgün hücreler olarak kabul edilmektedirler. Bu derlemede söz konusu yapıların balıklarda ait oldukları sistem, ilişkide oldukları hücre ve birimler ile işlevleri hakkında bilgi verilmeye çalışılmıştır.


  • Abdel Aziz, E.H., Abdu, S.B.S., Ali, T.E. & Fouad, H.F. (2010). Haemopoiesis in the head kidney of tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Teleostei: Cichlidae): a morphological (optical and ultrastructural) study. Fish Physiology and Biochemstry, 36: 323-336. doi: 10.1007/s10695-008-9297-z.
  • Agius, C. (1979). The role of melano-macrophage centres in iron storage in normal and diseased fish. Journal of Fish Diseases, 2: 337-343. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2761.1979.tb00175.x.
  • Agius, C. & Roberts, R.J. (2003). Melano-macrophage centres and their role in fish pathology. Journal of Fish Diseases, 26: 499-509. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2761.2003.00485.x.
  • Ali, A.O., Hohn, C., Allen, P.J., Ford, L., Dail, M.B., Pruett, S. & Petrie-Hanson, L. (2014). The effects of oil exposure on peripheral blood leukocytes and splenic melano-macrophage centers of Gulf of Mexico fishes. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 79: 87-93. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2013.12.036.
  • Anderson, D.P. (1990). Immunological indicators: effects of environmental stress on immune protection and disease outbreaks. American Fisheries Society Symposium Series, 8: 38-50.
  • Balamurugan, S., Deivasigamani, B., Kumaran, S., Sakthivel, M., Rajsekar, M. & Priyadharsini, P. (2012). Melanomacrophage centers aggregation in P. lineatus spleen as bio-indicator of environmental change. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease, 2(2): 635-638. doi: 10.1016/S2222-1808(12)60235-7.
  • Bayne, C.J. & Gerwick, L. (2001). The acute phase response and innate immunity of fish. Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 25(8-9): 725-743. doi:10.1016/S0145-305X(01)00033-7.
  • Bowden, T.J. (2008). Modulation of the immune system of fish by their environment. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 25: 373-383. doi:10.1016/j.fsi.2008.03.017.
  • Bozkurt, M. & Eren, Ü. (2009). Lymphoid organs of fishes (in Turkish with English abstract). Veteriner Hekimler Derneği Dergisi, 80(2): 13-18.
  • Camargo, M.M.P. & Martinez, C.B.R. (2007). Histopathology of gills, kidney and liver of a Neotropical fish caged in an urban stream. Neotropical Ichthyology, 5(3): 327-336. doi: 10.1590/S1679-62252007000300013.
  • Clemente, Z., Busato, R.H., Oliveira Ribeiro, C.A., Cestari, M.M., Ramsdorf, W.A., Magalha, V.G., Wosiack, A.C. & Silva de Assis, H.C. (2010). Analyses of paralytic shellfish toxins and biomarkers in a southern Brazilian reservoir. Toxicon, 55, 396-406. doi:10.1016/j.toxicon.2009.09.003
  • Culling, C.F.A. (1974). Handbook of Histopathological and Histochemical Techniques. Michigan: Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • Dabrowska, H., Ostaszewska, T., Kamaszewski, M., Antoniak, A., Napora-Rutkowski, L., Kopko, O., Lang, T., Fricke, N.F. & Lehtonen, K.K. (2012). Histopathological, histomorphometrical and immunohistochemical biomarkers in flounder (Platichthys flesus) from the southern Baltic Sea. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 78, 14-21. doi:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2011.10.025.
  • Dönmez, A.E. & Korkmaz, C. (2012). Liver histopathology of thinlip mullet (Liza ramada) captured from Karaduvar harbor (Mersin, TURKEY) (in Turkish with English abstract). In Y. Vardar (Ed.), 21. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi 2012 (s. 1011-1012). İzmir, Türkiye: Bildiri Kitabı.
  • Ekele, I. & Callistus, N.U. (2014). The kidney micromorphology of the farmed juvenile african catfish (Clarias gariepinus B.) from Eastern Nigeria. Global Journal of Medicine Researches and Studies, 1(4): 97-102.
  • Ellis, A.E. (1999). Immunity to bacteria in fish. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 9: 291-308. doi: 10.1006/fsim.1998.0192.
  • Ellis, A.E. (2001). Innate host defense mechanisms of fish against viruses and bacteria. Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 25(8-9): 827-39. doi: 10.1016/S0145-305X(01)00038-6.
  • Faccioli, C.K., Chedid, R.A., Bombonato, M.T.S., Vicentini, C.A. & Vicentin, I.B.F. (2014). Morphology and histochemistry of the liver of Carnivorous fish Hemisorubim platyrhynchos. International Journal of Morphology, 32(2): 715-720.
  • Facey, D.E., Blazer, V.S., Gasper, M.M. & Turcotte, C.L. (2005). Using fish biomarkers to monitor improvements in environmental quality. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, 17: 263-266. doi: 10.1577/H04-055.1.
  • Ferreira, C.M.H. (2011). Can fish liver melanomacrophages be modulated by xenoestrogenic and xenoandrogenic pollutants? Experimental studies on the influences of temperature, sex, and ethynylestradiol, using the platyfish as the model organism. Master of Science Thesis, Universidade de Porto, Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar, 53 p.
  • Forlenza, M., Fink, I.R., Raes, G. & Wiegertjes, G.F. (2011). Heterogeneity of macrophage activation in fish. Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 35: 1246-1255. doi: 10.1016/j.dci.2011.03.008.
  • Fournie, J.W., Summers, J.K., Courtney, L.A., Engle, V.D. & Blazer, V.S. (2001). Utility of splenic macrophage aggregates as an indicator of fish exposure to degraded environments. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, 13: 105-116. doi: 10.1577/1548-8667(2001)013<0105:uosmaa>;2.
  • Ghosh, R. & Homechaudhuri, S. (2012). Transmission electron microscopic study of renal haemopoietic tissues of Channa punctatus (Bloch) experimentally infected with two species of aeromonads. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 36(6): 767-774. doi:10.3906/zoo-1112-7.
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Balıklarda melanomakrofaj merkezleri

Year 2016, Volume: 33 Issue: 1, 81 - 87, 06.04.2016


Balıklarda doğal bağışıklık sistemi; fiziksel, hücresel ve humoral faktörler ile plazma ve diğer vücut sıvılarında çözünebilen hücresel ve humoral reseptör moleküllerinden oluşmaktadır. Hücresel faktörler fagositik hücreler olan monosit/makrofajlar, nötrofil granülositler ve memelilerdeki NK (natural killer cell) hücrelerine eşdeğer görülen sitotoksik hücreleri içermektedir. Bu hücreler arasında yer alan makrofajlar, balıklarda ve diğer omurgalılarda doğal bağışıklığın indikatör hücreleri olup fagositoz yeteneğine de sahip olduklarından, yangı sonrası onarım, doku yenilenmesi ve yaşlı hücrelerin ortadan kaldırılması gibi işlevlere sahiptirler. Melanomakrofaj merkezleri ise pigmentli olmaları nedeniyle histolojik incelemelerde makrofajlardan ayırt edilebilmekte ve aynı zamanda poikiloterm omurgalıların pek çok organında yaygın olarak gözlemlenebilmektedirler. Bu merkezler; makrofaj yığınları, makrofaj birikim odakları ve pigment nodülleri gibi isimlerle tanımlanmış olup heteroterm omurgalıların dokularındaki özgün hücreler olarak kabul edilmektedirler. Bu derlemede söz konusu yapıların balıklarda ait oldukları sistem, ilişkide oldukları hücre ve birimler ile işlevleri hakkında bilgi verilmeye çalışılmıştır


  • Abdel Aziz, E.H., Abdu, S.B.S., Ali, T.E. & Fouad, H.F. (2010). Haemopoiesis in the head kidney of tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Teleostei: Cichlidae): a morphological (optical and ultrastructural) study. Fish Physiology and Biochemstry, 36: 323-336. doi: 10.1007/s10695-008-9297-z.
  • Agius, C. (1979). The role of melano-macrophage centres in iron storage in normal and diseased fish. Journal of Fish Diseases, 2: 337-343. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2761.1979.tb00175.x.
  • Agius, C. & Roberts, R.J. (2003). Melano-macrophage centres and their role in fish pathology. Journal of Fish Diseases, 26: 499-509. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2761.2003.00485.x.
  • Ali, A.O., Hohn, C., Allen, P.J., Ford, L., Dail, M.B., Pruett, S. & Petrie-Hanson, L. (2014). The effects of oil exposure on peripheral blood leukocytes and splenic melano-macrophage centers of Gulf of Mexico fishes. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 79: 87-93. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2013.12.036.
  • Anderson, D.P. (1990). Immunological indicators: effects of environmental stress on immune protection and disease outbreaks. American Fisheries Society Symposium Series, 8: 38-50.
  • Balamurugan, S., Deivasigamani, B., Kumaran, S., Sakthivel, M., Rajsekar, M. & Priyadharsini, P. (2012). Melanomacrophage centers aggregation in P. lineatus spleen as bio-indicator of environmental change. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease, 2(2): 635-638. doi: 10.1016/S2222-1808(12)60235-7.
  • Bayne, C.J. & Gerwick, L. (2001). The acute phase response and innate immunity of fish. Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 25(8-9): 725-743. doi:10.1016/S0145-305X(01)00033-7.
  • Bowden, T.J. (2008). Modulation of the immune system of fish by their environment. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 25: 373-383. doi:10.1016/j.fsi.2008.03.017.
  • Bozkurt, M. & Eren, Ü. (2009). Lymphoid organs of fishes (in Turkish with English abstract). Veteriner Hekimler Derneği Dergisi, 80(2): 13-18.
  • Camargo, M.M.P. & Martinez, C.B.R. (2007). Histopathology of gills, kidney and liver of a Neotropical fish caged in an urban stream. Neotropical Ichthyology, 5(3): 327-336. doi: 10.1590/S1679-62252007000300013.
  • Clemente, Z., Busato, R.H., Oliveira Ribeiro, C.A., Cestari, M.M., Ramsdorf, W.A., Magalha, V.G., Wosiack, A.C. & Silva de Assis, H.C. (2010). Analyses of paralytic shellfish toxins and biomarkers in a southern Brazilian reservoir. Toxicon, 55, 396-406. doi:10.1016/j.toxicon.2009.09.003
  • Culling, C.F.A. (1974). Handbook of Histopathological and Histochemical Techniques. Michigan: Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • Dabrowska, H., Ostaszewska, T., Kamaszewski, M., Antoniak, A., Napora-Rutkowski, L., Kopko, O., Lang, T., Fricke, N.F. & Lehtonen, K.K. (2012). Histopathological, histomorphometrical and immunohistochemical biomarkers in flounder (Platichthys flesus) from the southern Baltic Sea. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 78, 14-21. doi:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2011.10.025.
  • Dönmez, A.E. & Korkmaz, C. (2012). Liver histopathology of thinlip mullet (Liza ramada) captured from Karaduvar harbor (Mersin, TURKEY) (in Turkish with English abstract). In Y. Vardar (Ed.), 21. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi 2012 (s. 1011-1012). İzmir, Türkiye: Bildiri Kitabı.
  • Ekele, I. & Callistus, N.U. (2014). The kidney micromorphology of the farmed juvenile african catfish (Clarias gariepinus B.) from Eastern Nigeria. Global Journal of Medicine Researches and Studies, 1(4): 97-102.
  • Ellis, A.E. (1999). Immunity to bacteria in fish. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 9: 291-308. doi: 10.1006/fsim.1998.0192.
  • Ellis, A.E. (2001). Innate host defense mechanisms of fish against viruses and bacteria. Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 25(8-9): 827-39. doi: 10.1016/S0145-305X(01)00038-6.
  • Faccioli, C.K., Chedid, R.A., Bombonato, M.T.S., Vicentini, C.A. & Vicentin, I.B.F. (2014). Morphology and histochemistry of the liver of Carnivorous fish Hemisorubim platyrhynchos. International Journal of Morphology, 32(2): 715-720.
  • Facey, D.E., Blazer, V.S., Gasper, M.M. & Turcotte, C.L. (2005). Using fish biomarkers to monitor improvements in environmental quality. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, 17: 263-266. doi: 10.1577/H04-055.1.
  • Ferreira, C.M.H. (2011). Can fish liver melanomacrophages be modulated by xenoestrogenic and xenoandrogenic pollutants? Experimental studies on the influences of temperature, sex, and ethynylestradiol, using the platyfish as the model organism. Master of Science Thesis, Universidade de Porto, Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar, 53 p.
  • Forlenza, M., Fink, I.R., Raes, G. & Wiegertjes, G.F. (2011). Heterogeneity of macrophage activation in fish. Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 35: 1246-1255. doi: 10.1016/j.dci.2011.03.008.
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There are 71 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Review

A. Erdem Dönmez

Publication Date April 6, 2016
Submission Date April 6, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016Volume: 33 Issue: 1


APA Dönmez, A. E. (2016). Balıklarda melanomakrofaj merkezleri. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 33(1), 81-87.